My Master Is a God

Chapter 1613 Waiting for the opportunity to take action

After Chunky Tie had finished venting to himself, he waved his hand and swept up the ten big monsters, wrapped them in true energy, grabbed them and walked away.

After a few minutes, we entered a cave hall.

Yang Yiyun looked around secretly, but found that the stone pillars around him were all covered with big demons. They were all tied to the stone pillars in small groups by some kind of rattan plant.

In the Nuoda cave, he could see all the big demons under his command. They were tied to stone pillars in groups, and they all seemed to be in a coma.

Yang Yiyun glanced around but saw no trace of the little Phoenix.

At this time, Yang Yiyun's body was shaken, but he was thrown to the ground by the fat and short Ren Yingjun, and then the rattan vegetation leaped over, and he and the ten big demons were tied together.

Chubby Tie Ren Yingjun cursed and walked away, Yang Yiyun secretly muttered in his heart: "Damn Tie, just wait, I will definitely make you look good..."

Still unsure of the situation here, Yang Yiyun could only endure it.

At this moment, waves of numbness came from the rattan, but air flow penetrated into the body. Only then did he realize that this rattan was not an ordinary rattan, it was poisonous.

No wonder the big demon in the hall didn't move at all. It was just adding poison to the poison. Moreover, Yang Yiyun also found that the entire hall was filled with all kinds of strange plants. If you feel it for a while, you will know that they are all poison.

You really have entered a drug den. Under such circumstances, it is strange to wake up.

But he, Yang Yiyun, was an exception. These poisons could not poison him, which was considered unlucky for Master and Disciple of the Ten Thousand Poison King.

In terms of cultivation, Ren Yingjun's Mahayana cultivation is nothing. Only the King of Ten Thousand Poisons is the master of the Dzogchen Ascension Realm. But for the current Yang Yiyun, it doesn't matter. He has even killed people at the Holy Lord level. What's more, the Poison King is not the Holy Lord, even if he is, he is not afraid.

Of course, Yang Yiyun also knew that the most powerful thing about poison cultivators was not their cultivation, but their poison attack. This was the fatal method, and poisoning was impossible to prevent.

He didn't even know how powerful the poison was, so Yang Yiyun didn't dare to act rashly. At this time, he pretended to be stunned by the poison and was taken into the lair of the Ten Thousand Poison King, waiting for the master and apprentice of the Ten Thousand Poison King to rebel. select.

After Dupty Pang was completely gone, Yang Yiyun quietly released a little bit of his consciousness to check...

Now it was obvious that the big demons were all tied up in this huge hall, but only the little phoenix was missing.

There is no doubt that the little phoenix, a magical bird, was locked up alone.

Yang Yiyun thought that he would have to find the little phoenix first to feel at ease. After listening to the conversation between Wan Du King's master and apprentice, Wan Du King had refined the Nine Heavens Poison God Pill and wanted to use the little phoenix to practice the Wan Du magic skill.

So Yang Yiyun was very anxious.

When he carefully released his spiritual consciousness, he found that the thirty great demons and thousands of Mahayana-level demon soldiers and generals following Little Phoenix were also present. They were all tied to the stone pillars in the hall. Not a few, but no one. The casualties were all fainted by the poison.

This made Yang Yiyun breathe a sigh of relief.

Only Xiaofeng was not found, but he discovered the existence of the stone door on the side of the hall.

Afraid of being discovered by the Ten Thousand Poison King, Yang Yiyun decided to take back his consciousness and prepare his soul to leave his body to have a look.

Only when the soul passes through the master's gate will it not cause much fluctuation.

Although it is very risky, Yang Yiyun can't care so much. Nothing can happen to little Phoenix!

The next moment Yang Yiyun realized the sea of ​​consciousness.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Yang Yiyun's Yuan Shen sat cross-legged on the black lotus, opened his eyes, and decided to discuss with Hei Lian to see if he could provide some protection for his Yuan Shen. After all, the Yuan Shen was the foundation, and this place belonged to the King of Poisons. The lair is full of poisons. If it is not protected, any poisons can harm the soul.

"Black Lotus..."

Yang Yiyun called.

The next moment he sat down, Black Lotus flashed with black light, and turned into a black-robed woman and appeared: "What's the matter?"

Yang Yiyun said directly: "This is the lair of an old poisoner. I am planning to leave my body to explore the way. Is there any way to protect my soul from being poisoned?"

The woman transformed from the black lotus was silent for a moment and seemed a little embarrassed, but in the end she nodded and said: "Okay."

His words were brief, and he still spoke with the same emotionless expression as before.

When she finished speaking, she danced with her hands and fired dozens of spells, and then a black rune appeared, and it swished into the center of Yang Yiyun Yuan Shen's eyebrows.

"This is my original energy. It can protect your soul once, just once." The Black Lotus woman said.

Yang Yiyun was overjoyed. He knew that since Black Lotus said this, he could definitely protect his soul. How could the original power of the incarnation of the First Lotus be ordinary?

Once again was enough, and he was doing it just in case, so he might not encounter anything when his soul left the body.

After thanking Yang Yiyun Yuanshen came out of the raw meat and floated directly towards the stone gate.

When he arrived at the stone gate, Yang Yiyun slowly approached, and the next moment he passed through the stone gate and appeared in a passage.

The passage was a little dim, but for Yang Yiyun, the soul, it didn't affect anything and he walked directly towards the end of the passage.

A few minutes later, there was a light red light in front of the deep passage, and waves of heat were felt.

After Yang Yi Yun Shen floated over, he discovered that it was a place of magma in the center of the earth. No wonder there was a heat wave.

This is a secret room of fifty or sixty square meters.

As soon as he entered, Yang Yiyun saw the King of Poisons and Chunky Zuo, Ren Yingjun's master and apprentice.

I saw a magma pool about thirty meters in diameter in the center of the secret room, and in the center of the magma pool was a stone platform with a diameter of nine meters. On the stone platform was a pill furnace, and the King of Poisons was sitting in front of the pill furnace.

Apparently making alchemy.

As the Ten Thousand Poison King struck out the elixir with one hand, the flames of the entire magma pool rose into the sky and entered the elixir furnace far away...

Yang Yiyun knew that the Ten Thousand Poison King must be refining the Nine Heavens Poison Pill!

As for the short and fat Ren Yingjun, he was standing outside the magma pool at the moment, looking at him respectfully, looking like a loyal and good disciple, which was completely different from the way he cursed the Ten Thousand Poison King before.

It turns out that the master and the apprentice really have their own agendas.

In addition, when Yang Yiyun glanced at the corner of the wall, he was suddenly shocked. He saw where the little Phoenix was trapped, and he seemed to be in a coma.

At present, it seems that little Phoenix is ​​still fine. It is very likely that a lot of blood essence was taken and used to make elixirs.

In the other corner, Yang Yiyun was finally overjoyed to see his old friend Zhan Qingren. However, compared to Little Phoenix, this old friend Zhan Qingren was now much miserable. He was not tied up, but his whole body was covered with scars. He had obviously been beaten. Passed, and the breath seemed to be far away.

According to Hu Xianer, the people from Zhanqing went after the short, fat and fat Ren Yingjun...

At this moment, it seemed that he should have been severely beaten by Chubby Ren Yingjun, but he was thrown into this magma chamber for some unknown reason.

Yang Yiyun wanted to rush over and save Zhan Qing and Xiao Fenghuang, but Yang Yiyun also knew that he couldn't be anxious at this time. He needed to wait for time, waiting for a time to be able to become an oriole.

Otherwise, once he has a head-on confrontation with the Ten Thousand Poison King, he will not be afraid in terms of strength, but he will not be sure of the Ten Thousand Poison King's use of poison.

You can gain a lot of your own knowledge even before you meet him. If you really meet him head-on, who knows what the Poison King can do?

One wait!

Wait for the opportunity to come.

Chubby Tsai had said before that the night of the overcast moon would be the time for him to fight back in seven days. At that time, he would have to decide whether he would be an oriole or confront him head-on.

He can wait up to seven days.

Because there is one more day, the little Phoenix and the people from Zhanqing will be in more danger.

Yang Yiyun's soul was hidden next to Zhan Qingren and he checked Zhanqingren's injuries. He breathed a sigh of relief. Although Zhanqingren's injuries were serious, Yang Yiyun could treat them. The main problem was the poisoning in his body. It seemed that It invades the heart veins and can last for about ten days at most.

Although he was anxious, he did not dare to act rashly.

At present, we can only observe quietly and secretly.

For three days in a row, the Ten Thousand Poison King was refining the elixir, mainly controlling the flames without moving at all.

However, Chubby Tie stayed in the secret room and did not move. Looking at Yang Yiyun like this, maybe it would still be like this for the next four days.

He was relieved, and Yuan Shen quietly withdrew from the secret and returned the same way. He was going to rescue all the big monsters in the hall outside and remove their poison, and then wait for Chubby Tie and the Ten Thousand Poison King to fall out with each other four days later. Regardless of whether it was successful or not, Yang Yiyun was ready to attack.

These two poisonous people, one old and one young, are not good things.

Just cut it off.

After leaving, Yang Yiyun Yuanshen returned to his position, circulated his true energy and cut off the vines on his body, and began to make the big demons jealous one by one.

First, he brought himself ten heavenly demons and thirty demons who followed Little Phoenix to detoxify. It took no more than four days. At this time, there were still thousands of Mahayana demon soldiers and generals. Yang Yiyun directly tightened the space of the Qiankun Pot. .

After telling the forty demons to wait outside the stone door, he left his body and entered the secret room again to check whether the short, fat Ren Yingjun had fallen out with the King of Poisons...?

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