My Master Is a God

Chapter 1620 What method can be used to detoxify the poison?

When Yang Yiyun woke up again, he had returned to Yunmen, ten days later.

As soon as Yang Yiyun opened his eyes, he saw a group of women...

Everyone was extremely happy to see him wake up.

"Wake up, wake up..."

They were all his women, and Xuanyuan Lingxi was also there.

"I'm all right……"

Yang Yiyun felt warm in his heart when facing the concern from each woman. In fact, he knew how it could be okay. At this moment, the poison in his body just felt suppressed and did not hurt his heart.

It seems that it should be the credit of Xuanyuan Lingxi and Lu Yanzhi.

One is a medical cultivator, and the other is a poison cultivator. If the two work together, they can't detoxify themselves, so suppressing them is no problem.

"elder brother……"

Yang Yiyun and several women were talking, and the voice of his sister Yang Shanshan sounded outside the door.

Hearing the strong energy in her voice, Yang Yiyun knew that her Dantian had recovered, and couldn't help but look at Xuanyuan Lingxi and said, "Thank you."

"It's nothing. There is a hundred thousand years of stalactite. I just adjusted it for Shanshan. Now her Dantian has completely returned to normal." Xuanyuan Lingxi said.

" are you?"

Yang Shanshan rushed to the bedside as she spoke, her eyes also had red hair. She knew that Yang Yiyun was injured this time because he went out to find the elixir for him.

"It's okay. Your brother and I have great magical powers. What can happen to you? How is your recovery in your Dantian?" Yang Yiyun smiled, still doting on this sister.

"Thanks to Sister Xuanyuan, with her help, my Dantian has completely recovered..."

Next, Liu Xiqi, Li Dayi, and Yang Yiyun's three apprentices all came. When they heard that Yang Yiyun had regained consciousness, they all came one after another...

Hu Xianer and Yuan Xiaolei also came immediately. When they saw Hu Xianer, Yang Yiyun remembered that Zhan Qing and Xiao Fenghuang were still in the Qiankun Pot space.

When he came to his senses, he saw that the little phoenix was a mythical beast after all and had woken up. Only the Zhanqing people were still unconscious and still poisoned, and there were thousands of demon soldiers and generals. After they were all poisoned, he didn't have time to detoxify them. At this time They are all in the Qiankun Pot space.

Yang Yiyun walked out of the palace and released all the demon cultivators and arranged for people to detoxify them. However, Lu Yanzhi was present and directly absorbed all the poison from all the demon cultivators with a wave of his hand. Thousands of demon soldiers and generals suddenly woke up.

Only the Zhanqing people were relieved of their poison, but they were severely injured and were still in a coma. However, the doctor Xuanyuan Lingxi was present and said it was okay and they would wake up after a few days of rest.

Yang Yiyun asked Hu Xianer to take care of the Zhanqing people and rest before returning to the main hall...

Yang Yiyun not only did not feel bored with the people coming one after another, but also enjoyed the feeling of family affection. As his cultivation level improved, he could actually feel that some old people in Yunmen were no longer as close to him as they were before. The feeling between old friends was filled with awe.

In other words, Li Dayi and Liu Xiqi, the first old Yunmen team members, didn't care about the gap in cultivation and were already chatting and laughing with him as before.

Half a day passed in the blink of an eye, and only Lu Yanzhi and Xuanyuan Lingxi knew about Yang Yiyun's situation. In fact, the poison was only suppressed and had not been truly resolved.

Lu Yanzhi was already Yang Yiyun's woman, so she naturally knew that she should talk to Zhao Nan, the empress of the palace, at this time. She quietly called Zhao Nan aside and told Yang Yiyun's situation...

"Okay, let's all leave now. Yunzi has just woken up. He needs to rest. Let's go outside to talk..." As soon as Zhao Nan opened his mouth, some old people from Yunmen were too embarrassed to say anything and left one by one.

After everyone left, Yang Yiyun asked Xuanyuan Lingxi and Lu Yanzhi to stay to find out the toxins in his body.

"Miss Xuanyuan, tell me, can the poison in my body be cured?" Yang Yiyun got straight to the point.

Only he himself knows what kind of poison is left in his body. It can be said that he had a narrow escape to kill the King of Ten Thousand Poisons. Although the poison in his body now, although his cultivation level has improved, the sequelae of taking the Jiuxiao Poison God Pill still remain. .

This didn't surprise him.

"No, the poison in your body can be said to be a powerful force or a kind of poison. It has integrated into every inch of your body and into your Dantian. If you want to detoxify, you will have to drain your power. In this case, you will be useless..." Xuanyuan Lingxi said.

Yang Yiyun frowned. Indeed, the current situation in his body was just as Xuanyuan Lingxi said.

"Brother Yun, I actually have a way, but it just takes some time to figure out the properties of the poison remaining in your body..." Lu Yanzhi said at this time, but his face turned red.

"any solution?"

Yang Yiyun and Xuanyuan Lingxi spoke almost at the same time, and Lu Yanzhi's face turned even redder.

But in the end, he put his mouth close to Yang's ear and whispered: "With the method of cultivation between you and me, I can absorb and refine the toxins in your body, but I don't know the properties of the toxins, so I don't dare to act rashly."


Yang laughed loudly after hearing this.

At this moment, Xuanyuan Lingxi, as a medical practitioner, was very curious about what method could detoxify Yang Yiyun's body, and still couldn't help but ask: "What method can detoxify him?"


Yang also blushed, while Lu Yanzhi blushed and lowered his head.

"Don't talk about pulling him down." Xuanyuan Lingxi didn't deliberately listen to what Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi said. Naturally, she didn't know what Lu Yanzhi said to Yang Yiyun, but as a medical practitioner, she just wanted to know.

"Really want to know?" Yang looked a little unhappy at Xuanyuan Lingxi and smiled.

"Are you going to tell me?" Xuanyuan Lingxi glared.

"Xuanyuan... Miss, you... Hello, don't ask..." Lu Yanzhi tried to dissuade her with a red face.

"I want to know. I'm still thinking of ways to detoxify him. Yanzhi, I treat you as a friend, but you didn't tell me. I've been teaching you my medical skills without reservation all day long. You You're too stingy, you didn't tell me any antidote, hum!" Xuanyuan Lingxi said angrily.

"No, no, no... Miss Xuanyuan, you have misunderstood... Hey, what should I tell you? The way I detoxify Brother Yun is related to my innate poisonous body. I can absorb and refine the poison in his body..."

Lu Yanzhi explained anxiously.

But at this time, Yang looked at Xuanyuan Lingxi and smiled evilly, and interrupted Lu Yanzhi to explain to Xuanyuan Lingxi. He said, "Okay, let me tell is the method of dual cultivation, hehe !”

"Double cultivation?"

Xuanyuan Lingxi blurted out subconsciously, and then she realized what was happening. Her face suddenly turned red. She recalled ancient books with embarrassing scenes in them.

"Rogue... Bah~"

Stomping her foot at Yang Yiyun, Xuanyuan Lingxi flew out of the hall the next moment. She now understood why Lu Yanzhi didn't tell her in front of her face and went to question him...

It's so embarrassing...

"Ha ha……"

Yang laughed loudly in the hall, and looked at Xuanyuan Lingxi's red face and ran out, laughing until tears came to her eyes.

"Brother Yun, you are still laughing, now Sister Xuanyuan should ignore me..." Lu Yanzhi walked over and rolled her eyes.

"Hey, if nothing happens, I'll ask her to explain it later." Yang thought of the dual cultivation method Lu Yanzhi said, and now he looked at Lu Yanzhi's red face and hugged her in his arms.

"Don't make trouble. There is still poison in your body. It's just suppressed temporarily. I have to find a way to understand the poisonous properties in your body as soon as possible. Delaying it for too long will be bad for you." Lu Yanzhi broke away from Yang and said seriously.

When Yang Yiyun heard Lu Yanzhi talking about the properties of toxins, he immediately thought of the "Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra" he got from the King of Ten Thousand Poisons. He remembered that Ren Yingjun, short and fat, had muttered to himself, saying that the Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra recorded the most complete poisons in the next world. Wait, now I remember that he was lost in the Qiankun Pot space.

Just give it to Lu Yanzhi.

"Rouge, this is the "Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra" I got from the King of Ten Thousand Poisons. Can you see if it can be helpful to you?" Yang Yiyun took out the "Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra" recorded in the small gold booklet as he spoke.

"The Classic of Ten Thousand Poisons?" Lu Yanzhi exclaimed and was about to grab the suspended booklet with his hand.

"It's poisonous, don't touch it."

"Brother Yun, don't worry. I am born with a poisonous body and I am not afraid of any poison. Let's see if it is the real Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra. If so, I will be able to detoxify you soon..."

Lu Yanzhi took the Little Golden Book or Ten Thousand Poisons Scripture in his hand and looked at it.

When Yang Yiyun saw that nothing was wrong, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He had seen the scene where Chubby Tie turned into a bullet of thick water after being touched by the Ten Thousand Poison Meridian.

But it seems that Rouge is right, she is not afraid of any poison.

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