My Master Is a God

Chapter 1621 There are still many things on my mind

The main hall of Yunmen Wonderland has become a forbidden area, and no one is allowed to approach within ten miles. This is Zhao Nan's personal order. The reason is that Yang has just recovered from his injury and needs to retreat.

But the fact is that Zhao Nan knew that Lu Yanzhi was detoxifying Yang, but the detoxification method made people blush. In order to take care of Yang's old face, he could only order that no one should approach within ten miles of the main hall.

And this is indeed the case...

At this moment, a live erotic scene is being staged in the main hall, with gasps sometimes low and sometimes high...

At this moment in the hall, Yang Yiyun and Lu Yanzhi were both in an out-of-body state, where reality and reality merged into one.

After receiving the "Ten Thousand Poisons Classic", Lu Yanzhi quickly understood the properties of toxins in Yang's body, and began to practice detoxification with Yang in a targeted manner.

In fact, she absorbed the toxin into her own body.

In Lu Yanzhi's words, "The Classic of Ten Thousand Poisons" is the bible of the world of poison cultivators. The one who obtains the Classic of Ten Thousand Poisons is the King of Ten Thousand Poisons. The inner seed records the analysis of poison skills and so on. All kinds of strange ways of using poisons are gathered into one. Coupled with the fact that she is born with a poisonous body of disaster, she will definitely become the King of Poisons one day...

She can handle anything related to drugs.

So for the poison in Yang's body, Lu Yanzhi found a solution directly from the Ten Thousand Poisons Sutra.

A month later, the door of the main hall opened, and Yang walked out of the main hall refreshed. His cultivation realm was finally stable at the early stage of Ascension Realm.

The toxins in Yiban Shuangxiu's body were removed by Lu Yanzhi, and the technique ran smoothly.

This time, both detoxification and cultivation benefited. Lu Yanzhi's cultivation reached the Mahayana perfection. The credit was attributed to the power of the Nine Heavens Poison God Elixir in Yang Yiyun's body, which greatly increased her cultivation.

The entire Yunmen Wonderland has now entered regular development. Yuan Xiaolei and the Zhanqing people have returned. Yang Yiyun has no restrictions on everyone. He knows that in the later stages of cultivation, everyone has their own path to pursue.

With the current power and reputation of Yunmen Fairyland, the disciples who go out will not be short-sighted and look for trouble.

There is no benefit in always letting them stay in the sect to practice. They can go out if they want to practice, but there are also rules. No Yunmen disciple, whether human or demon, is allowed to kill innocent people. However, after the Yunmen people go out, they are not afraid of trouble. Son.

Things in Yunmen have been sorted out, but for Yang, there are still many things in his heart that need him to do one by one.

The most urgent thing is the Diaoer Demonic Pill matter.

The last time I asked Emperor Xuanyuan, he directly took out the hundred thousand year stalactite and cured my sister's Dantian. But regarding Diao'er Demon Pill, Emperor Xuanyuan's solution was to go to the Little Demon Realm.

Because the Little Demon Realm is a half-human, half-animal family of divine beast bloodline, there may be a way to exist.

Diao'er was the earliest spiritual pet who followed him, and Yang Yiyun would restore Diao'er's demon elixir at any cost.

So the first thing to do next is that Yang Yiyun is going to the Little Demon Realm to find a way to restore the demon elixir for Diaoer.

In addition, on this day, Yang Yiyun took a walk to Yunmen Longyu Lake. He originally thought that he would take Sister Mei with him when he went out this time. After all, Sister Mei had the body of a true dragon. Maybe going to the Little Demon Realm could help.

As a result, he saw his wife Zhao Nan alone by the lake from a distance.

Looking at her back, she looked very lonely. Yang Yiyun felt guilty for no reason. He had not had much time to spend time with several women.

He walked over and slowly took Zhao Nan into his arms: "What's wrong...?"

"Yunzi, I miss my child. I don't know what happened to Tuantuan, Yuanyuan, and Xiao Manman..."

Zhao Nan leaned on Yang's shoulder.

Hundreds of years have passed in a flash. From the time they left the world of mountains and seas to the world of cultivation, they have not seen any children for hundreds of years.

As a parent, how can you not think about your own children?

Although cultivators have always insisted on being free from worries and explained the affairs of the mountains and seas before coming, as a parent, no matter what happens, the children will always be the thorn in their side.

"Yeah, I don't know how they are doing in the mountain and sea world..." Yang Yiyun agreed.

In fact, as a father and a man, he is not good at expressing emotions in this regard, but he does not care about his children as much as his wife.


He knows what path he has taken!

From the time when he became a disciple of the old man, agreed to come to the world of cultivation, and agreed to help the old man rebuild his immortal body, Yang Yiyun became more and more aware of the difficulties and dangers of this road of cultivation as he progressed on the road of cultivation.

What he provokes and what he will do in the future will be unknown dangers.

The old man said that he wanted to rebuild his immortal body, and he had to go to Sanxian Island. Where there were some heavenly materials and earthly treasures, he could rebuild his immortal body.

And Yang Yiyun now knows where Sanxian Island is. Although he has never been there, he can imagine that Sanxian Island is where the real top powerhouses in the cultivator world exist.

Where the danger is, it exists beyond one's imagination.

So he missed his family, his wife and children, but he didn't dare to touch them, for fear that they would be implicated by him. That's why Yang Yiyun worked hard to create Yunmen Wonderland, in order to give his family and friends a stable home.

The Yunlei Mountains are a natural barrier, and now there are great demons, and with the addition of the Human Ascension Realm, there is no problem with the current Yunmen Price Comparison Holy Land. To a certain extent, today's Yunmen Wonderland has already He has achieved the bold words he released and achieved the existence of a force that transcends the holy land.

Hundreds of years have passed since Yunmen. All the three hundred great demons brought out from the Taihuang Star Sea have become celestial demons in the late Ascension Realm or even the Great Perfection level. The 50,000 kings and demon cultivators have also evolved to the level of celestial beings in these years. The total number of demon level and ascension level masters is more than all other holy lands combined.

All of today's Yunmen Wonderland is worthy of being a force that surpasses the Holy Land.

Now that he has accumulated enough wealth to protect his family, it is time to bring his children to the world of cultivation.

Then he said to Zhao Nan: "After I go to the Little Demon Realm to solve Diao'er's demon elixir problem, I will go to the Earth to the Mountain and Sea Realm, and then I will bring the children back..."

"Really?" Zhao Nan was delighted.

"Of course, when did I lie to you..."

"You haven't lied to me before? How did Lou Haitang, Shang Wuqing, Shang Wuhuan, and Lu Yanzhi come here? And recently there was Xuanyuan Lingxi. Did you tell me that you haven't lied to me yet?" Zhao Nan rolled his eyes and tugged at his ears.

"'s's all..." Yang said.

"Hmph...take me with you when you go back, otherwise I won't spare you..."

"Okay, okay, let go first. I promise you that I will take you all with me when I come back from the Little Demon Realm."

Yang was originally going to leave, but when he saw Zhao Nan's loneliness, he also thought of several other women...

Next, I would accompany them one by one to make up for my inner guilt. Sometimes I would also like to find a place to stay in seclusion for my wife and children.

But he knew it was impossible, because he had not fulfilled his promise to the old man, he had not rebuilt his immortal body, nor had he found the Netherworld to find Liu Lingling.

These are all things he swore to do.

There are even enemies in the dark. If he doesn't work hard, he will die next moment, and even the whole Yunmen will suffer, and it is conceivable that his relatives and friends will be implicated.

So he knew that his path of cultivation could not be stopped.

The big demon Wu Mingquan is his enemy, and the several holy places he offended and destroyed are his enemies. Who knows if there is a more powerful existence behind which holy places, who will one day jump out and seek revenge on him?

A year later, every woman was finally accompanied, and Yang Yiyun was ready to leave for the Little Demon Realm.

Before leaving, he discovered that Xuanyuan Lingxi was still in Yunmen Wonderland. A year ago, Yang Yiyun selected some disciples to go to the Xuanyuan Dynasty to learn medical skills. He thought that Xuanyuan Lingxi would go back with him, but he didn't expect that she didn't go back. Stay in Cloud Gate Wonderland.

When they saw her, Xuanyuan Lingxi was waiting for a group of little demons to explain the knowledge of elixirs in Yunmen Medicine Garden. When she saw Yang Yiyun, she glared fiercely and ran away...

Only then did Yang realize that he seemed to have neglected Xuanyuan Lingxi for more than a year. No, he had simply forgotten about this incident.

At least Xuanyuan Lingxi had helped a lot. Yang smiled bitterly and chased after him...

Along the way, I found that Xuanyuan Lingxi had actually settled in a valley in Yunmen Wonderland. The valley was full of birds singing and fragrant flowers, the sun was shining brightly, and the breeze blew through, and the fragrance of flowers entered the nose, which was intoxicating.

The beauty in the front is sitting in a pavilion in a sea of ​​flowers, sitting in trance with her back to her.

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