My Master Is a God

Chapter 1622 It is clearly forced marriage and oppression

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

"What are you here for?"

Across the distance, Xuanyuan Lingxi said coldly to Yang Yiyun with her back to him.

But no matter how you listen to it, Yang sounds like a young daughter-in-law full of resentment.

Yang was a little embarrassed: "Ahem... Miss Xuanyuan, I thought you returned to your Xuanyuan Dynasty, so..."

But he was interrupted by Xuanyuan Lingxi: "So what are you doing here? Has your conscience discovered me as your savior?"

"Ahem...I'm not here to apologize to you, am I..."

While talking, Yang walked into the pavilion.


Xuanyuan Lingxi turned her head away. She felt aggrieved. She came to Yunmen Wonderland just because of that bastard Yang Yiyun, and she was also busy helping his sister Yang Shanshan recover her Dantian and detoxify him. Although In the end, I didn't help, but I put some thought into it.

She even led Yunmen disciples to explain medical techniques, but... But this bastard hadn't seen her for more than a year, and it even seemed like he had forgotten about her.

Obviously...she always cared about him, but she was left out in the cold. There were several times when Xuanyuan Lingxi wanted to leave, but every time she stayed behind by some strange coincidence.

He's just a big piece of wood.

At this moment, Xuanyuan Lingxi's eyes were flashing with tears. She had never forgotten Yang, a bastard, since Taihuang Empress. She always thought of him for some reason. Later, Xuanyuan Lingxi knew that she had fallen in love with the bastard.

Listening to Yang Yiyun's words, Xuanyuan Lingxi lowered her head with red eyes and tears falling down. The more she thought about it, the more aggrieved and sad she became.

Yang Yiyun walked over and saw that he was really at a loss. When he saw Xuanyuan Lingxi, he actually cried.

Yang, who hated seeing a woman cry the most, said in a panic: "Miss Xuanyuan... don't cry. What's wrong? Is someone bullying you? Tell me and I'll break his legs and make the decision for you. .”

"Okay, then let me tell you, there is a bastard named Yang Yiyun who bullies me. Go ahead and break his legs." Xuanyuan Lingxi looked up at Yang with anger.


The next moment Yang felt embarrassed.

He was stunned on the spot.


Xuanyuan Lingxi couldn't help laughing when she saw Yang Yiyun's confused look.

Yang, who reacted now, knew that it was actually the woman who was causing trouble, and he was teasing her on purpose.

He leaned over and smiled, sitting with Xuanyuan Lingxi.

It is true that a woman's heart is as deep as the bottom of the sea, but to Yang, he is already an old ghost who has been practicing for hundreds of years, and he is also a veteran in love. Naturally, he can see some of Xuanyuan Lingxi's thoughts.

Looking around, there was no one around. Flowers were blooming all around, and there was a beautiful woman with pear blossoms on her face. At this moment, he didn't know how to comfort her, so he could just find a piece of tofu and kill him.

Grinning, he quietly leaned over and whispered to Xuanyuan Lingxi, who turned his face to one side: "You don't have to go to the trouble of breaking your legs. I'll give it to you. How about I promise you my life?"

Xuanyuan Lingxi suddenly turned around when someone Yang spoke in her ear, her ears itched as she listened to his words, but she bumped into him mouth to mouth.

Her eyes widened for a moment, and just when she was about to dodge quickly, her waist tightened and she was hugged by Yang's strong hands.


No sound comes out of the mouth.

But at this moment, Yang kissed him very domineeringly, and Xuanyuan Lingxi's whole body went weak...

For a few minutes, there was no resentment in Xuanyuan Lingxi's eyes, only endless confusion and delicate gasps from her throat.

Dried vegetables are on fire, the primitive desires in my heart burst out, dried vegetables are on fire...

At a certain moment, Yang waved his hand and a barrier enveloped the entire valley, and then clothes were flying all over the sky, and an erotic scene was staged in the pavilion of the sea of ​​flowers.

There are women's moans and men's rough breathing.

It took three days for Yang to walk out of the valley. Before leaving, he carved three words on the cliff at the entrance of the valley - Lingxi Valley.

This is his recognition of his women and his identity. Each of his women has a similar dojo.

These three words tell everyone in Yunmen Wonderland that Xuanyuan Lingxi will be one of the mistresses from now on.

The next day, Yang Yiyun explained everything and left Yunmen Wonderland with Sister Mei and Little Phoenix.

He is going to the Little Demon Realm to find a cure for Diaoer's demon elixir.

Even if he leaves the current Yunmen Wonderland, he won't worry about any problems. It is located in the Yunlei Mountains itself, which is a natural barrier. What's more, in the core area, there are national treasures, the Yunlei Beast, to control formations, and there are also great demons sitting there, and Kuang Kuang. Follow Feng Leihu and other humans to make suggestions.

Nothing will happen.

According to Emperor Xuanyuan, the Little Demon World is no longer within the world of cultivation, but a small world outside the world of cultivation, hidden within the starry sky, and cannot be found without an astrolabe.

So head for the stars.

Yang Yiyun was accompanied by Sister Mei and Little Phoenix, one big and one small. It was also an experience.

After all, the two of them were mythical beasts and birds, but they were inexperienced in the world, so they had to be given some training.

Just like Little Phoenix did last time, if he had more experience, he wouldn't have been fooled by Chubby. The whole army of big demons he brought with him was destroyed and he was poisoned and fainted.

Therefore, I wanted to take Little Phoenix with me to give her more experience and see the dangers of the world of cultivation, which would be good for her growth in the future.

You won't suffer a big loss.

The same goes for Sister Mei. Since Sister Mei's soul was taken into the space of the Qiankun Pot by the Qiankun Pot and entered the body of the dragon fish, she hid in the Dragon Fish Lake in the Qiankun Pot space for a while after she transformed into a real dragon. She was released after Yang Yiyun established Yunmen Wonderland. But he has been cultivating in Yunmen and has never been in contact with the world of cultivators.

Yang Yiyun knew how dangerous the road he was going to take was. He would have to go to Sanxian Island in the future, and it would be impossible to take everyone on an adventure together. When he left, everyone would have to rely on themselves and not be able to protect them for life.

Bringing Sister Mei along this time can be regarded as an experience for her.

Yang Yiyun couldn't see through the cultivation levels of divine beasts and birds such as Sister Mei and Little Phoenix, and he also knew that their strength and cultivation levels were not clearly defined. Anyway, he felt that their strength was not weak, but what they lacked was experience.

I can't guarantee that I can help him in a critical moment.

After walking out of the Cloud Gate, Yang Yiyun was not in a hurry to fly directly into the void. Instead, he took Sister Mei and Little Phoenix for a walk around the world of cultivation. The main reason was to find out if there was any movement from the demon clan, and to find out if there was any movement from the demon clan, and how many people he had offended. After he left, these monsters and monsters came out to attack Yunmen.

Of course, we are not afraid of attacks. Yunmen now has the strength to resist the enemy.

This time Yang Yiyun planned to visit all nine major star territories in the world of cultivation, and he also wanted to see if he could find some old friends.

There were three people he had to find.

Two of them are still his women, but there is no news yet.

He felt uneasy.

The other one is... a friend and a confidant.

So this time he wanted to look around.

Among the nine holy places, he destroyed the Holy Land of All Spirits and the City of Ghosts. He went to Xuanyuan Holy Land, Changsheng Palace, Tianjian Mountain, and the remaining Shenfu Lingzong, Bailian Mountain Villa, and Daozhong. He has never set foot in the Holy Land or Tongxian Palace, so he simply went to see these.

Of course, he won't visit these holy places. He just wants to see them. He just wants to see these holy places. In this way, if he leaves the world of cultivation and goes to the small world, he will always feel uneasy if there are unstable factors.

After all, the big devil Wu Mingquan is a serious problem.

After spending three years, Yang Yiyun took the teleportation array one by one to cover eight of the nine star territories, leaving the last Bailian Villa untouched.

He was going to visit a place called Shanhai City in Bailian Xingjiang, because the name was familiar to him.

Mountain and sea world, mountain and sea city, Yang Yiyun thought so.

Of course, he also knew that the world of cultivation was vast, and it was not surprising at all that the names were similar or even the same, but he just wanted to see it.

Compared with many cities in the world of cultivation, Shanhai City is just a remote and small city.

After Yang Yiyun planned to go to Shanhai City, he would leave here and go straight into the starry sky, heading to the Little Demon Realm.

After arriving at Shanhai City, Yang Yiyun took Sister Mei and Little Phoenix into a restaurant, preparing to learn about Shanhai City from the restaurant.

He originally came to Shanhai City based on his feelings, but he really didn't expect that he would hear a piece of news.

Sitting in front of the window on the side, you can watch the scenery of the street outside, but in your ears you can listen to the topics discussed by the people in the restaurant.

"Have you heard that the young master of Bailian Villa wants to win over a girl from Shanhaimen, and he will get married the day after tomorrow..."

"Shanhai Sect has become so prosperous now. After climbing the big tree of Bailian Villa, it is destined to become a first-class sect, but I wonder what girl from Shanhai Sect is so lucky?"

"Hey~ You not only know the first one, but you don't know the second one. The young master of Bailian Villa is interested in the disciples of Shanhaimen, but is interested in an immortal weapon of the woman named Zheng Binbin... That is to win, it is clear It’s just forced marriage and oppression, and Shanhai Sect is just a third-rate sect, how can it survive a big holy land?”

" careful what you say!!!"

Yang Yi stood up suddenly, Zheng Binbin?

But I don’t know if it’s her?

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