My Master Is a God

Chapter 1630 The fate of master and apprentice is over

"Bump bump bump~"

While speaking, Guanghan actually kowtowed to Zheng Binbin three times.

Yang Yiyun stood in the distance, but his eyes narrowed, and he thought to himself: "This Guang Han can kowtow in front of a large audience, so neatly... Haha, this woman is so scheming, if you can't do it today, Your Majesty the Queen , Guanghan will give a fatal blow in the future..."

Yang muttered in his heart, watching how Zheng Binbin would deal with it. If Zheng Binbin couldn't do it, he would do it, of course he would do it in secret. He would never let Guang Han hurt Zheng Binbin.

It just seemed like she had a pear-shaped face and was pitiful, but in fact, Yang Yiyun could clearly see how things were going. The moment she knelt down, the resentment in Zheng Binbin's eyes flashed away, and Yang Yiyun could see clearly.

A woman's heart is as poisonous as a needle in the sea or a wasp's tail. There is a needle hidden in a smiling face and a peach blossom brocade. I think it is a woman like Guang Han who should be mentioned!

Yang Yiyun knew that according to Zheng Binbin's thoughts, he would never be Guang Han's opponent. Yang Yiyun knew Zheng Binbin best. She was the kind of person who dared to love and hate, and acted resolutely. She was definitely not a scheming person.

If he were soft-hearted today and let Guang Han go, Zheng Binbin would suffer a big loss.

Yang Yiyun looked at...

How will Zheng Binbin handle it?

The next moment, Yang Yiyun's eyes lit up.

Zheng Binbin watched Guang Han kneel down and kowtow to beg for mercy. A trace of disgust flashed in his eyes, and then he became cold and suddenly stabbed Guang Han with his sword.

The more Guang Han behaves like this, the more disgusted she becomes.


A sword passed through the heart.

"You... why?" Guang Han asked as she vomited blood, her vitality gradually disappearing. Just now she saw Zheng Binbin stabbing her with a sword, and wanted to fight back, but she found that her whole body was suddenly pressed by an overwhelming pressure, and she couldn't resist at all, and her eyes were helpless. She watched Zheng Binbin pierce her body with a sword.

Zheng Binbin said coldly: "I will not be fooled three times for the same mistake. I regarded you as my senior sister before. I respect the sect, the senior sister, and the Tao, so I tolerate it, but... it doesn't mean I'm stupid. Now let me tell you, you don't deserve to be my senior sister, Zheng Binbin, and Shanhaimen doesn't deserve my respect either. Just go away. In the next life, when someone will be your junior sister and respect you from the bottom of their hearts, please cherish the respect of others, because that It is sincerity, and sincerity is not used to stab someone with a knife or to be jealous."

After saying this, Zheng Binbin urged the fairy sword and retracted it with a pop. While the sword pierced Guang Han's body, it also destroyed her soul.

The next moment, Zheng Binbin turned around and left without hesitation, never looking at Guang Han's body on the ground again.

No one saw the moment she turned around, two tears fell to the ground.

From this moment on, she completed a baptism of Taoist heart in the world of cultivation and grew up.

Arriving next to Yang Yiyun, Zheng Binbin glared at Yang Yiyun and said, "I told you not to let you help, so mind your own business!"

How could she not know that when she killed Guang Han just now, Guang Han wanted to resist but his body couldn't move, but there was an external force suppressing Guang Han's body.

As for this external force, Zheng Binbin, no need to ask, everyone knew that it must be Yang Yiyun.

Although he cursed Yang Yiyun, there was a warm feeling in his heart.

"Ah...I don't understand what you are saying..." Yang pretended to be dumbfounded.

The pressure on Guang Han was naturally the result of his secret actions, because he did not want Zheng Binbin to capsize at the last moment.

Tianhu sighed and felt relieved when he saw that his apprentices Zheng Binbin and Yang Yiyun were no longer pursuing the rest of Shanhaimen.

Seeing the anxious and frightened Shanhai sect members, Tianhu slowly said: "From now on, my master and disciple Tianhu is no longer a member of the Shanhai sect, so you can take care of yourself..."

As a former member of the Shanhai sect, Tianhu was actually feeling uncomfortable when being ostracized by her fellow sect members, but she just had a government and didn't show it.

This incident also made Tianhu feel disheartened by the current Shanhai Sect. He simply announced his withdrawal from Shanhai Sect and was no longer a member of Shanhai Sect. Even if he could become a free and independent cultivator in the future, it would be a good thing. At least he didn't have any worries in his heart. and sad.

When Yang Yiyun heard Tianhu speak, he felt happy. The nine-tailed Tianhu was also a different species from heaven and earth. Since Tianhu announced that he was leaving Shanhaimen, he could poach people!

How could he, Yang, miss this opportunity?

Thinking about the fact that Tianhu and Tianhu had fought together in the past, with this friendship and Zheng Binbin, Tianhu would not refuse his invitation.

He immediately said to Tianhu: "Senior Tianhu, there are tens of thousands of monsters in Yunmen Fairyland, and there are also human beings. They are all educated and have no discrimination. I have no discrimination against the monsters. I sincerely invite senior Tianhu to come to our Yunmen." For cultivation, there are many quiet places as dojos for Senior Tianhu, but I don’t know what Senior Tianhu wants?”

Although the current level of Tianhu is not as high as his, he is a Tianhu who turned around and re-cultivated. It is said that he is a hundred thousand years old, so it is reasonable for Yang Yiyun to call him a senior.

During the conversation, Yang Yiyun also glanced at Zheng Binbin, meaning that he was asking Zheng Binbin to help him speak.

Zheng Binbin rolled her eyes at Yang Yiyun, but she agreed. Anyway, for her, she had no relatives or friends in the world of cultivation. The only one was Yang Yiyun. All the women in Yunmen knew her, and she was someone Yang. The master of his daughter Yuanyuan passed the position of the Adventure Kingdom to Yang Yiyun's daughter Yuanyuan.

After experiencing Shanhaimen being plotted by her fellow disciples this time, and her master publicly withdrawing from Shanhaimen, she felt that going to Yunmen was the best choice.

After giving Yang a rollicking look, he said to Master Tianhu: "Yes, Master, we have nowhere to go anyway, so why not just follow this guy to Yunmen. There are monks from our mountain and sea world in Yunmen, and there will always be people there." A person who talks to someone, eat his food and drink his food after he goes there, hehe..."

Tianhu smiled, looked at Yang Yiyun with his naturally charming eyes and said: "You are serious. Now that this matter has been mentioned, my disciple Binbin will be entrusted to you. Let him follow you to Yunmen first. As for me, Ever since I went from the Shanhai Realm to the Cultivation Realm, and after arriving at the Shanhai Sect, I have basically practiced in seclusion all year round.

Now that I have quit Shanhaimen this time, I have no plans to join any sects. I just took the opportunity to go to the world of cultivation and visit some old friends..."

"Master, you don't want me anymore...?" Zheng Binbin was anxious. When she heard Tianhu's tone, it seemed that he didn't want her anymore.

"You silly disciple, between you and me, in fact, I have never fulfilled the obligations that a master should fulfill. It was only on my whim that I accepted you as a disciple. Besides, most demon tribes worship humans as their masters, and very few humans You who worship the demon clan as your teacher, our demon clan mainly focuses on blood inheritance, and we don’t have our own cultivation system to pass on to you. Even if I want to teach you, I don’t have the blood of the demon clan, so I can’t pass it on...

So having you follow me all these years has been a drag on you. You should have your own way to go. Today, the fate between you and me as master and disciple has ended. Please take care of yourself in the future!

But don’t worry, I won’t forget you. We will meet each other one day if we are destined. In fact, more often than not, I hope that you and I can think of each other as sisters, rather than as mere masters and disciples.

As for Cloud Gate, I will not go there. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will visit you and be a guest at Cloud Gate. I will give you this gift as a thought before I leave! "

As Tianhu spoke, he turned his hand over and a handful of snow-white Buddha dust appeared in his hand. He handed it to Zheng Binbin and said, "This is the tail of a nine-tailed ancestor of our clan before he became an immortal. It is the real tail of the immortal fox. It may be useful to you when your life is at stake."

"Master, I..."

"Okay, I'm going, take care, we will meet each other if we are destined..."

When the words fell, Tianhu had turned into a white light and disappeared into the sky. He left without hesitation at all.

Tears welled up in Zheng Binbin's eyes. She had not cried before at the critical moment of life and death. She was so heartbroken by the scheme by her senior sister that she only shed two tears.

But at this moment when she saw Tianhu leaving, she couldn't help crying anymore.

Yang Yiyun sighed in his heart. He knew that he had underestimated the character of the demon clan. Some demon clan would rather die than be controlled by others, or be under someone else's roof.

Especially the nine-tailed celestial fox, a heterogeneous species of heaven and earth, who looks tender and affectionate, but is actually very arrogant in his heart. How could he invite the celestial fox to join Yunmen?

This time it was better, but Tianhu was told to leave resolutely. He had known better and wouldn't have said anything.

Although today's Sky Fox is an eight-tailed fox, which is equivalent to the Mahayana realm of a cultivator, if it goes one step further, it will become a real nine-tailed Sky Fox, and it may be a powerful existence by then.

But thinking about what Tianhu said to Zheng Binbin, it was not unreasonable. What she said today about Zheng Binbin's master-disciple relationship was over, which was considered the truth. She didn't want to delay Zheng Binbin's practice, so she decided to leave!

"Okay, don't cry. Senior Tianhu is right. We will meet each other when we are destined. The road to cultivation is still long, and it's time for us to go..." Yang Yiyun comforted Zheng Binbin.

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