My Master Is a God

Chapter 1631 Crossing the boundary wall and entering the starry sky

Yang Yiyun left Shanhaimen with Sister Mei, Xiao Fenghuang and Zheng Binbin.

She originally wanted to send Zheng Binbin back to Yunmen Wonderland first, but Zheng Binbin said that she had not been in the cultivation world for hundreds of years. Yang Yiyun was going to the Little Demon Realm, and she wanted to go, mainly because she had just left the sect and entered the cloud world. The door, in her words, is almost the same as sitting down, it doesn't go away.

Yang Yiyun had no choice but to keep Zheng Binbin by his side. Although Zheng Binbin was in the late stage of transcending the tribulation and could not enter the starry sky, this did not exist for Yang Yiyun, because he had the Qiankun Pot space and could take Zheng Binbin in by then. Enter the Qiankun Pot space.

This time he came out and walked a lot in the world of cultivation. Yang Yiyun had three purposes.

First of all, he wanted to see if there was any movement from the demon clan. After all, he had offended a big demon named Wu Mingquan. That was a time bomb. After the big demon escaped last time, Yang Yiyun always remembered it in his heart, fearing that it would show up one day. , if it can be found, it may be possible to suppress it, but unfortunately there is no movement from the demons, so I think it will be fine for the time being.

Secondly, I want to see if there are any small actions in the holy places he has offended? The original Nine Holy Lands, Tianjian Mountain, Bailian Mountain Villa, Holy Land of All Spirits and City of Ghosts, the latter two have been destroyed by him, but does this mean that there are no enemies in these two holy lands?

There are people from several major holy places on Sanxian Island. He has known this for a long time. However, entry and exit from Sanxian Island is not so random, and there are many restrictions on Sanxian Island. It is impossible to leave the mountain casually, but this is not Not represented.

So Yang Yiyun just wanted to see if there was any movement in the major holy places this time?

Now it seems that action has been taken. The young master of Bailian Mountain Villa, Sheng Bao, made it clear that he came from Sanxian Island. He also said that a saint from the Holy Land of All Spirits will also leave Sanxian Island soon.

In addition, Kuang Suifeng told him that the four old holy places were all related to the Little Demon Realm. For example, the Ghost City was one of them. However, after he destroyed the Ghost City, there seemed to be no movement in the Little Demon Realm.

But judging from Sheng Bao today, there may be movement in the Little Demon Realm and Sanxian Island in the near future, but Yang Yiyun is not afraid now.

He has the strength to deal with these people. As long as they are not high-level loose immortals and are at the level of the cultivation world, he is not afraid of anyone.

It is not easy to come to Sanxian Island and the masters from the Little Demon Realm to come out. Let’s ignore Sanxian Island for now. Anyway, the current Yunmen Wonderland has the natural barrier of Yunlei Mountains, and there are many Ascension Realm great demon monks. It is not easy for anyone to attack.

When he left, he had already told everyone that he would try his best to keep everyone out of trouble and practice in Yunmen Wonderland. If anything happened, wait until he comes back to talk about it. Or if something big happened, let the Yunmen elders team discuss and make decisions.

Anyway, today's Yunmen is not a soft persimmon. It requires divine beasts and masters. Even if there are high-level loose immortals who come to cause trouble, they still have to weigh it carefully.

He made up his mind to go to the Little Demon Realm first to find a way to restore the demon elixir for Diao'er. Other things could wait, but Diao'er's demon elixir couldn't wait.

The third thing is to find...

Looking for a few people who had to be found, although the Rat King has been launched to continue the search, there is no news so far. Yang Yiyun was worried and decided to take advantage of this time to come out and look for them.

After walking around the nine major star territories in the world of cultivation, it was finally a worthwhile trip to find Zheng Binbin.

Unfortunately, he still hasn't found Ye Wuxin and Xia Chan, both of whom are his women, but there is no news.

There is also no news about Sister Mei's sister Mei Shiying, which is why Yang Yiyun came out to take Sister Mei this time.

Fortunately, Zheng Binbin has been found, and I feel relieved at last.

Although there is no news about Ye Wuxin, Xia Chan, and Mei Shiying so far, Yang Yiyun believes that they either have not come to the world of cultivation and are still in the world of mountains and seas, or they are somewhere in the world of cultivation like Zheng Binbin and will meet one day.

The world of cultivation is too big and it is impossible to find it in every corner.

After leaving Shanhaimen, Yang Yiyun looked at the sky and felt in a trance.

According to Emperor Xuanyuan, the Little Demon Realm exists outside the world of cultivation, in a certain small world. In fact, there is a direct passage between the Little Demon Realm and the world of cultivation, but it is just a single line.

People from the Little Demon Realm can come here in minutes if they want to come to the Cultivation Realm. The same goes for people from the Cultivation Realm who want to go to the Little Demon Realm. The difference is that if people from the Cultivation Realm want to go to the Little Demon Realm quickly, they need people from the Little Demon Realm to do the same.

Without the consent of the people in the Little Demon Realm, if you want to go to the Little Demon Realm, you can only go through the starry sky, which is a long way.

Yang Yiyun is now the latter, and he is preparing to travel across the stars to the Little Demon Realm.


After saying this to Sister Mei, Little Phoenix and Zheng Binbin, Yang Yiyun jumped straight into the sky.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

The four people turned into four streams of light and flew across the sky.

The world of cultivation is a big world, and according to Yang Yiyun's understanding, outside the world of cultivation is the endless sea of ​​stars, and each star is a small world.

To go to the Small Thousand World, you must enter the starry sky, or pass through the Great Boundary Wall!

At the edge beyond the sky is the Great Boundary Wall. After entering the starry sky, there is extremely powerful starry sky pressure. This pressure is so strong that it can crush Mahayana monks to death.

Therefore, there is a condition for crossing the Great Boundary Wall and entering the starry sky. It requires at least Mahayana cultivation.

Because only Mahayana monks have the ability to cross the great boundary wall and have the strength to withstand the extremely powerful star pressure or gravity in the starry sky.

In addition, after entering the starry sky, it is vast and boundless. You have to rely on your own strength to cross the starry sky. If you rely solely on flying, you will not be able to fly to where you want to go.

So you need a magical power to walk in the vast starry sky.

This magical power is the magical power of teleportation.

The magical power of teleportation can only be used if one has reached Mahayana cultivation level.

This is why Yang Yiyun learned that to return to his hometown, he needed Mahayana cultivation.

Not only that, the vast sea of ​​​​starry sky is not necessarily peaceful. In addition to the vastness, there are dangers such as starry sky gravity, starry sky storms, etc. Without sufficient strength, it is difficult to travel in the starry sky.

There is also the need for an astrolabe. Without an astrolabe, there is no direction. Walking in the starry sky without any purpose will definitely lead to getting lost in the sea of ​​​​starry sky.

Because it’s so big that no one knows the limits.

The so-called saying that there are three thousand small worlds under the world of cultivation is just a relative statement. In the real sea of ​​​​starry sky, there are more than three thousand planets and three thousand small worlds?

The three thousand small worlds referred to here are only the three thousand small worlds where monks from the cultivator world have entered and established a cultivation civilization.

As for the unknown small world planets, there are more than trillions...

Therefore, without astrolabe positioning, the secret room will be in the sea of ​​stars.

Everyone's horoscope records the small planet worlds they have visited, and they will be marked and shared with others when the time comes.

Yang Yiyun's current astrolabe is the high-end astrolabe given by Lou Haitang. It contains some star sea maps, and the high-end astrolabe is large enough to store more planet maps. In addition, last time Emperor Xuanyuan gave Yang Yiyun a copy of his astrolabe map. The fate has passed, and now the map in Yang Yiyun's astrolabe is not small, and he can go to many places.

After Yang Yiyun and others flew upward for 30,000 miles, they finally encountered the Great Boundary Wall.

In fact, it is the air pressure that appears invisibly. At this time, you need to use your strength to forcefully pass through, and then you can enter the sea of ​​​​stars.

When the four people were suspended on the boundary wall, they clearly felt the strong pressure.

Yang Yiyun looked at the three of them and asked, "Do you have any questions?"

Sister Mei nodded and said, "I need to do it in person."

"Me too..." Little Phoenix also nodded.



While speaking, Sister Mei and Little Phoenix both transformed into their true bodies.

Sister Mei is now a real 100-meter-long dragon. The dragon roars and roars in the sky, and the sky is filled with golden light.

The little phoenix also transformed into a flaming phoenix showing a length of 100 meters.

At this time, Zheng Binbin smiled bitterly and said: "I'm not sure that I can pass through the boundary wall..."

Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "You enter my Qiankun Pot space first, and I will let you out when you get there."

"Okay." Zheng Binbin nodded in agreement. She knew that her cultivation was insufficient and forcing herself through the boundary wall would only lead to injury.

Then Yang Yiyun took Zheng Binbin into the Qiankun Pot space, stretched out his Dragon Slaying Sword in his hand, signaled to Sister Mei and Little Phoenix, and suddenly struck the boundary wall with his sword with all his strength.


After a roar, a hole appeared in the boundary wall, and Yang Yiyun rushed in.

Immediately, Sister Mei let out a long roar and spit out a dragon's breath on the boundary wall. The dragon claws on her chest flashed with golden light, and she suddenly pointed her claw at the boundary wall and penetrated in as well.

The little phoenix roared, its whole body burst into flames, and it followed closely behind...

In the blink of an eye, the three of them disappeared into the boundary wall.

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