My Master Is a God

Chapter 1634 Temptation under the stars

"Hurry up and let go..." Sister Mei was very anxious when she saw Yang Yiyun's huge body being sucked away.

"No... loose."

Yang Yiyun gritted his teeth and mobilized all his magic power to resist the huge suction force coming from the whirlpool.

However, he discovered that the suction force on the whirlpool was far greater than he thought. Even though he used all his strength, it only slowed down the suction speed. The huge body of the Dharma was already getting closer to the whirlpool.

The magic power in his body was disappearing like running water. Yang Yiyun knew that he wouldn't be able to hold on for long if this continued.

In addition, the huge Dharma body is running, which consumes more power.

Then he said to Sister Mei: "Sister Mei regains her body. The bigger the body, the more mana it takes."

The next moment, Sister Mei turned into a human body, and Yang Yiyun immediately removed the Dharma Prime Minister.

At this time, Yang Yiyun held Sister Mei firmly in his arms.

I originally thought that I could hold on for a while longer after removing the body of the Dharma, but who would have thought that at this moment, the power of the vortex actually increased the suction power.

"Yunzi, let go quickly. You can escape from the whirlpool, otherwise neither of us will be able to escape..." Sister Mei was so anxious that her eyes turned red when she looked at Yang Yiyun.

"I told you not to say stupid things. I won't let you go. At worst, we will enter the whirlpool together. Even if the whirlpool is hell, I will go in with you. It is just an unknown whirlpool, not a real dead end. It’s not the point where I’m about to leave, so don’t talk and hold me tight. Let’s work together, hold on, and see if this damn whirlpool will disappear after a while..."

As Yang Yiyun spoke, he frantically activated the Donghuang Bell and the Gate of Youdu, the magical power of the Life Star, resisting the huge suction force.

"I..." Sister Mei suddenly laughed when she listened to Yang Yiyun's words, and thought to herself: "Isn't it happiness for a woman to meet a man who will live and die with her in her life? If Yunzi can escape this disaster, Sister Mei will do it Your woman."

Of course, these words were spoken by Sister Mei in her heart, and Yang did not know.

The powerful suction force of the vortex completely turned into a black hole-like terror. As time passed, although Yang Yiyun and Sister Mei were resisting with all their strength, they were still pulled closer to the vortex step by step by the suction force...

When he was ten meters away from the edge of the vortex, the huge suction force at this time had reached the limit that Yang Yiyun could bear, and the magic power in his body could no longer be resisted...

At this time, Yang Yiyun thought of entering the space of the Qiankun Pot to escape, but he found that he could not move at all due to the extraordinary suction force, the huge pressure and the suction force.

He wanted to enter the Qiankun Pot but actually ate it and became a lookout.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was crying and laughing in her heart and just hugged Sister Mei tightly, and gave up resistance the next moment.

Suddenly, Jian, he and Sister Mei were sucked into the whirlpool...

"Puff puff……"

A series of dull sounds sounded.

In the endless darkness, Yang Yiyun couldn't see clearly what was going on. The only thing he could feel was that their bodies were spinning rapidly.

And there was a feeling like being beaten by thousands of whips, which was what this sound should be.

Even though he used his true energy to protect his whole body, he could still feel the pain of being beaten.

A few minutes later, Yang Yiyun's consciousness gradually blurred as the vortex swirled...

Until he completely lost consciousness.

I don't know how much time passed. Yang Yiyun suddenly opened his eyes and let out a cry of pain.


My whole body felt like being pricked by needles.

But it was this pain that made him conscious.

As his head throbbed with headaches, he finally remembered that he and Sister Mei were sucked into the vortex created by the starry sky storm...

"Sister Mei...?"

Yang Yiyun's first reaction was that Sister Mei was still around?

The beauty in my sight is still there despite my efforts.

But the situation at this moment was a bit... a bit embarrassing for him.

His hands were still in the same position of hugging Sister Mei before, with his hands folded together to hug Sister Mei. This was because he was afraid that Sister Mei would be sucked away by the whirlpool storm, and it would be difficult to find the two of them if they were lost in the starry sky.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun saw Sister Mei with her eyes closed. He was glad that he had done this before, otherwise the two of them would have been blown to the horizon long ago when he thought of the terrifying sucking power of the vortex.

After regaining consciousness at this time, his whole body was in great pain, but when Yang Yiyun saw Sister Mei in his arms, the pain all over his body was forgotten.


He found that he and Sister Mei were both naked at this time...

Thinking about it now, it must have been due to the huge pressure existing in the vortex and the rotating and sucking power of the wind blade. The two of them finally exhausted their true energy and had no defense. In the end, their clothes were torn to pieces and weathered. .

Both he and Sister Mei had scars all over their bodies at the moment, as if they had been struck by countless knives. The knives were deep enough to see the bones, but at this time the wounds had condensed into scars.

Yang Yiyun thought that if he and Sister Mei hadn't been physically strong monks, they might have become a pile of minced meat.

Fortunately, they are all still alive.

And the fingers of his hands were intertwined around Sister Mei's waist, and only the bones were left, and the blood scabs were condensed together and could not be separated for a while.

Of course the injury is serious, but it’s not a big problem.

He checked that everything was normal except for the external injuries!

Yang Yiyun was not worried at all about the trauma. He swallowed a drop of the water of life as soon as his heart moved. With the water of life, he could repair any serious trauma.

He took one drop of the three drops of water of life, took out the two drops with a thought, suspended them near Sister Mei's mouth, and then called Sister Mei: "Sister Mei, wake up..."

Both of them fainted under the huge pressure, and no real injuries were caused. Sister Mei woke up slowly after Yang Yiyun shouted...

Their eyes met, and after a while, facing the situation of 'frank confrontation', Sister Mei's face suddenly turned into a red apple, and she subconsciously wanted to break away.



As a result, both of them cried out in pain at the same time.

Although it was a traumatic injury, I couldn't bear it. My whole body was covered with injuries. When I struggled, my whole body was in pain and I gasped.

"Sister Mei, don't move, don't move. First, pour the water of life to recover from the injury. My ten fingers are all frozen together by blood scabs. Now I can't separate them even if I want to let go." Yang said quickly.

In fact, the same is true for Sister Mei. In the previous situation, the two of them hugged each other tightly and never separated.

At this time, the situation of the two people was extremely different. Although they were embarrassed, they could only focus on recovering their injuries for the time being.

Sister Mei listened to Yang Yiyun's words and took two drops of water of life...

Half an hour later, the injuries all over their bodies were restored to their original state under the treatment of the water of life.

Then we separated...

There is one last step to be done. The wounds on the body have recovered, but a layer of blood scab has been left on the body surface that needs to be dealt with.

After Yang Yiyun stood up, his whole body was shocked. The blood scabs on his body turned into ashes as his true energy circulated, revealing his strong body.

At this moment, he didn't look at Sister Mei, but just looked at the surrounding environment.

But they found that the two of them actually landed in the center of a huge flower.

It's like a plush one on the inside, and it's very comfortable to step on. From the outside, it looks like milky white flowers like peonies, with giant flowers as big as a house...

I never expected that after being sucked into the whirlpool by the starry sky storm, such a huge flower would appear.

I released my spiritual consciousness to check and found that this place was a huge forest of flowers.

It is a world of flowers. The flowers you see in daily life seem to be magnified thousands of times in this world.

In other words, after arriving here, he and Sister Mei were shrunk a thousand times...

I was brought to a world of flowers by the power of the vortex, a forest of all kinds of towering and huge flower plants.

Above the head, looking through the flowers and leaves, the sky is filled with stars, and it seems to be night.

Yang Yiyun didn't know what kind of world he and Sister Mei had entered, but since it was an unknown world, he thought it would be better to wait until dawn before going out to see it.

After all, this is an unknown world. Who knows if there is any danger outside!

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun subconsciously turned around and said to Sister Mei: "Sister Mei, it looks like it's night time. Let's wait until tomorrow..."

After all, before the word "go" was finished, Yang's whole body trembled and his heart started beating wildly.

At this moment, when I turned around, the gap between the flowers above my head was more than one meter in diameter, and the starlight happened to fall down and shine on Sister Mei.

Sister Mei had just treated the blood scabs all over her body. Under the faint starlight, Yang's eyes were straight.

When their eyes met, Yang's mind suddenly went blank. All the blood in his body was burning at this moment. He felt that a beast was awakening in his body and wanted to swallow Sister Mei in one gulp.


There was a sound of swallowing saliva involuntarily.

"Sister Mei..." Yang Yiyun couldn't help but roughly pulled her into his arms.

"Enemies... The promise I wanted in my heart before will come true..." Sister Mei muttered in her heart with her whole body burning hot.

Men and women who are honest with each other are like a fire being ignited at this moment.

The stars are shining brightly outside, and in the endless world of giant flowers, there is a flower that keeps flashing and rising and falling under the starry sky.

The voices of men and women came out from the flowers as big as the house, but they were different...

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