My Master Is a God

Chapter 1635 The barrier beyond the means of cultivation

The next day...

Yang Yiyun opened his eyes in the glare, but found that the huge petals had opened at some point.

This is the same as the law of nature. Some flowers will shrink at night and bloom again the next day when the sun shines.

After a night of debauchery, he woke up with the sun shining on his face...

The beauty in his arms was still sleeping soundly. Looking at Sister Mei's jade-white skin and slim figure, Yang couldn't help but swallow his saliva, and his heart was filled with love.

But he didn't want to disturb her, so he took a deep breath to suppress the evil fire in his heart, kissed her forehead gently, stood up slowly, waved his hand and took out two sets of clothes from the Qiankun Pot space, leaving one set for Sister Mei. He got dressed and stood on top of the huge flowers to look at the world of flowers under the sun.

We still don’t know what kind of world this is. After being sucked into the vortex, we now have no direction.

But what is certain is that this should be a certain planet, or a small world.

With the astrolabe there, you don’t have to worry about getting lost.

But now there is a world of flowers in my sight. The air is filled with the refreshing fragrance of flowers. I take a deep breath and slowly feel comfortable...

The spiritual energy of the heaven and earth here is actually no worse than that of the world of cultivation. It is truly a paradise-like world.

Now I just don’t know if there are any cultivating beings.

Yang Yiyun closed his eyes and released his consciousness...

His spiritual consciousness reached three million miles before stopping. Unlike in the starry sky, his spiritual consciousness in the starry sky could reach nearly ten million miles, three times more than here. Yang Yiyun thought it should be between the starry sky and Fangfang Small worlds have different environmental reasons.

As a monk in the early stages of the Ascension Realm, three million miles of spiritual consciousness is actually not too much, but it is not small either.

Within three million miles, Yang Yiyun discovered that it was all a world of flowers. It was now certain that this small world should be completely a world of flowers.

They are all huge flowers, all kinds of flowers, with countless varieties, and they are all unfamiliar flowers. I have never seen so many varieties of flowers.

In addition, Yang Yiyun is most concerned about whether there are any living beings in this world. It is said that such a vibrant world with strong spiritual energy is a blessed place, and there should be cultivating living beings, but Yang Yiyun did not find any existence.

There aren't even any monsters...

This made Yang Yiyun very strange.

But it is considered normal. There are countless planets in the vast sea of ​​stars, and there are countless planets and worlds that have not been discovered, and there are no living creatures.

It was the time when the sun was rising, and countless flowers, similar to the ones he and Sister Mei were on, were slowly blooming under the sunlight...

No living beings were found within three million miles, and Yang Yiyun withdrew his consciousness.

Since no living beings were found, Yang Yiyun felt relieved. At least he was safe now and didn't have to worry about what he would encounter here.

After Sister Mei woke up, they left without even reaching the Little Demon Realm. Instead, they were swept here by the starry sky storm.

Just treat it as a journey episode.

Just as I was thinking this, Sister Mei's voice sounded from behind me: "Have you discovered where this place is?"

When Yang Yiyun turned around, Sister Mei was already fully dressed, but her face was flushed when she looked at her, which made her look particularly charming.

After experiencing life and death together and breaking through the last line of defense, the care between the two became closer at this time, and for Yang, his impression of Sister Mei had already stayed at the time when he regarded Sister Mei as a goddess.

When they were in college, Sister Mei was the goddess and star in their hearts. How could those young people at that time not have a star goddess they admired in their hearts?

Yang Yiyun is naturally no exception. Although Sister Mei has transformed into a real dragon, her soul is still that Sister Mei, and after the transformation, Sister Mei's appearance is still her own, unchanged. Now let Sister Mei Becoming his woman was a matter of course.

Because the two of them have talked about life and death a lot. For hundreds of years from the earth to the cultivator world, it would be a lie to say that they have no feelings for each other.

As for Sister Mei, this is indeed the case. Yang Yiyun did not let go of her during life and death during the whirlpool. As a woman, how can she not be moved? She secretly made a promise to Yang, and now it can be regarded as fulfilled in her heart. Just a wish.

Seeing Yang Yiyun, Sister Mei felt extremely sweet in her heart at this moment. Speaking of which, she was a big star in her previous life and had seen many romances, but she had never met anyone who had the intention to treat her. Maybe there was, but it would bring her harm instead of happiness.

No man could treat her like Yang Yiyun and would not blink an eye between life and death.

She thought she avoided Yang Yiyun because she knew there was an age limit between the two, but now that she has become a monk, this problem will no longer exist.

Sometimes it takes an opportunity or environment to break through that layer of window paper, but this whirlpool storm created an opportunity for them. Speaking of which, Sister Mei is actually quite grateful for this whirlpool, otherwise she and Yang Yiyun would not have another relationship. further.

After the two talked for a while, they jumped up and prepared to enter the starry sky again and leave here. Yang Yiyun's goal was to go to the Little Demon Realm to find a way to restore the demon elixir for Diao'er, and he didn't want to delay here.

They went straight into the sky like a couple of gods and immortals...

However, something unexpected happened next for Yang Yiyun.

When he and Sister Mei flew to an altitude of 10,000 meters, they were suddenly bounced back as if they hit a transparent wall...


Yang Yiyun and Sister Mei were forced to fall several hundred meters before they stabilized their bodies.

"There is a barrier..."

Sister Mei said.

"It is indeed a barrier. It's strange. I clearly didn't find any living beings in this world in my consciousness? How could there be a barrier here?" Yang Yiyun looked at the barrier above his head, and his face was a little solemn at this time.

Judging from the situation that had just been bounced back, this barrier was definitely not an ordinary barrier. After releasing his spiritual consciousness, Yang Yiyun felt his heart sinking even more. He found that wherever his spiritual consciousness reached, it was all covered by the barrier. Maybe the entire The world is shrouded in such barriers.

To create a barrier that covers the entire small world, this method is beyond imagination...

It is not difficult to set up a barrier, but to set up a barrier that covers the entire small world, Yang Yiyun is afraid that no one in the world of cultivation can do this.

However, this is just Yang Yiyun's guess for the time being. It is also possible that the barrier is not a cover, maybe it is half?

Yang Yiyun held the dragon-slaying sword in his hand and asked Sister Mei to wait for him to break the barrier. Big walls could be broken, so it shouldn't be difficult to break the barrier.


The law of full strength merged with the power of the sword and flew away, and a loud roar broke out above the barrier.

But the next moment, Yang Yiyun was dumbfounded. His sword actually had no effect on the barrier.

Now Yang Yiyun felt a little heavier...

Bu Xinxie took out his sword again, and all three swords landed in the same position, but the result was exactly the same, not causing any damage to the barrier.

"Let's try it together..."

At this time, Sister Mei stepped forward and said.

Yang Yiyun nodded and that was all he could do now.


Sister Mei directly transformed into the body of a real dragon, and used all her strength when she struck...

"Boom boom boom..."

After half an hour, both of them were a little tired and stopped, and came to the conclusion that they could not break this barrier, so even if they were ten times stronger, there would be nothing they could do.

Originally, he thought of summoning Xiao Fenghuang and Zheng Binbin to help, but now Yang Yiyun knew that even if Xiao Fenghuang and Zheng Binbin helped, it would probably be useless.

This barrier is too strong, and it is simply not a power that the world of cultivation can have.

The two of them discussed and searched in this world. Since they could be brought to this world by the storm vortex, if they could get in, it meant there was a way out.

Next, Yang Yiyun and Sister Mei used teleportation powers on the horizon to check the entire world. As expected, this world was completely shrouded in power, but they discovered several unusual places.

There are four peaks in the southeast, northwest and four directions. Other than that, the rest of the place is completely like a plain of flowers, and the endless sea of ​​flowers can be seen at a glance.

I finally discovered that there are living beings on the edge of this world.

In other words, there are only three kinds of creatures in the mountains that surprised Yang Yiyun and Sister Mei.

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