My Master Is a God

Chapter 1636 The Garden of Blue Heart Immortal King

In the discovery of Yang Yiyun and Sister Mei, this world is not that big, that is, it is a world thousands of miles away, with four large mountains around it.

Except for the fact that no living beings were found on the mountains to the east, there was a bear tribe in the west, a monkey tribe in the south, and the weirder thing was a swarm of bees in the north.

The center areas of the four mountains are all filled with flowers...

I hadn't noticed it before, but now I discovered that there are living creatures at this time high in the sky. But what makes Yang Yiyun strange is that whether they are monkeys, bears or bees, they are all super giant versions of existence, and Yang Yiyun has them. I didn't feel the presence of any evil spirit at all, just like an ordinary monkey, mountain bear and honey.

But it was different from ordinary ones, because in the eyes of him and Sister Mei, they were all super giant types.

Like the sea of ​​flowers, they looked a thousand times magnified in size. On the contrary, he and Sister Mei seemed to be like ants in front of these creatures.

It's really a weird world.

Moreover, the entire world is surrounded by invisible barriers. Judging from the layout of the four mountains in the southeast, northwest, and sea of ​​flowers, this place is more like a large garden built by others.

As for the monkey group, bear group and honey group that appeared, Yang Yiyun didn't know what the purpose was, but he definitely didn't appear here for nothing.

There are big forest trees on the four mountains in the whole world, and the central area is the world of flowers.

If Yang Yiyun said this was not man-made, he would not believe it even to death.

The only difference is that among the four mountains, there is one in the east. Yang Yiyun did not find any living beings on it. The main purpose of him and Sister Mei now is to find a way out, and the east mountain is the best, so they choose to start here.

As for the other three mountains, let’s avoid them first.

Although the three tribes of monkeys, bears, and bees did not feel the fluctuations of spiritual energy and demonic energy, they were very ordinary people, but the huge size and the weird environment here showed that the more ordinary they looked, the less ordinary they were. If anything goes abnormal, there must be monsters. , Yang Yiyun believes this sentence is the truth.

After discussing with Sister Mei, we headed straight to the mountain in the east.

Falling from a high altitude, I originally wanted to land directly on the mountain in the east, but I didn't expect that there is also a barrier on this mountain, so I can't enter at all, and my spiritual consciousness cannot detect this mountain.

There was no way for the two of them to be cured and fell at the foot of the mountain.

As soon as she landed, Sister Mei said: "There is a stone monument over there at Yunzi..."

Yang Yiyun saw that there was indeed a stone tablet more than three meters high.

"Go over and have a look..."

Yang Yiyun's heart moved. Seeing this stone monument, Yang Yiyun became even more convinced that this was the world he had built.

The two came to the stone tablet. Yang Yiyun saw that it was written with characters commonly used by monks, and he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. If he could recognize it, he would know the information of this world.

The first thing that catches your eye when you look up is the 'Blue Heart Fairy King Garden'!

Just seeing these six words in the title made Yang Yiyun shocked!

The Immortal King~ is obviously an immortal from the immortal world, but I don’t know what level of existence he is, but I think he must be right.

When I looked around, I saw densely packed small prints!

The first sentence mentioned above is that the Blue Heart Immortal King Garden was built out of interest after traveling to flowers and sea stars for three thousand years...

Yang Yiyun read each word word by word. After a few minutes, he finally understood why this place was so strange.

According to what is said on the stone tablet, it should be that in a certain era in ancient times, a fairy king named Lan Xin traveled here, or he came to this small world called Flower Starfish. He was quite happy to see that this was a world full of flowers. , also on a whim, she made the whole world into her garden, named it the Blue Heart Fairy King Garden.

The name points out the identity of the immortal. Lan Xin sounds like a woman, especially because she likes flowers, and she is an immortal king.

This Blue Heart Immortal King built this garden because he was completely bored and had nothing to do here. It was just for fun.

But he used the Immortal King's method to change the laws of heaven and earth in this world, using the magical power of the Blue Heart Immortal King "Fang Cun Qian Kun".

Roughly speaking, the supernatural power of the law of "Square Inch Universe" is similar to the magical power of one flower, one sand, one world, which has completely changed the entire world.

That is to say, after the power of these magical powers is placed here, things here will either shrink or become a thousand times larger, or the outside world will not be affected by the power of the law. After entering this world, living beings will most likely become larger or smaller a thousand times. .

Yang Yiyun now finally understood why the flowers, bees, monkeys, and bears here were so huge in the eyes of him and Sister Mei.

Because the power of laws, or the magic power of the laws of Blue Heart Immortal King Fangcun Qiankun, exists in this world, and he and Sister Mei were interfered by these powers as soon as they came in, and they conflicted with the things and creatures of this world. Now it seems This is what happened when I went up.

He and Sister Mei were as insignificant as ants in front of things in this world.

Speaking of which, bees, monkeys and bears are all creatures that the Blue Heart Immortal King deliberately selected and left here.

As for why they chose Monkey Mountain Bear and Bee alone, although there was no explanation on the stone tablet, Yang Yiyun could more or less guess the intention of the Blue Heart Immortal King.

This may be to maintain the ecological balance here!

Because the stone tablet mentions that honey is made from cauliflower, monkeys steal honey to make nectar wine, and mountain bears protect the existence of the sea of ​​flowers. This is a balanced constraint.

The Fairy King Blue Heart thought of everything. The whole world was her garden. Whether it was monkeys, bees or mountain bears, they all served her garden.

Finally, Yang Yiyun saw an important point. The stone tablet recorded that Lan Xinju on Dongfang Mountain left behind the magical power of the universe.

The original words are: "If you are destined to enter the Garden of the Blue Heart Immortal King, you can pass the test of the immortal pet. If you go up to the Blue Heart Mountain and enter the Blue Heart Residence to comprehend the "Fang Cun Universe", you will be able to get out."

After reading the entire record on the stone tablet, Yang Yiyun and Sister Mei looked at each other.

A picture appeared in Yang Yiyun's mind. An eccentric fairy king woman traveled here and built this fairy garden casually. She raised three kinds of fairy beasts. After playing for a while, she got tired of playing and left.

But it also left a small game-like test. It seems that someone will accidentally enter the Blue Heart Fairy King Garden in the future, and then tell the person who accidentally entered it to play a small game if they want to leave here. The key room is on the mountain, but they have to go through it. Only through the test of the fairy pet can you get the key.

The key is that this key is a key left behind by an Immortal King. You still need to understand and understand how to use it before you can open the door out of here. Otherwise, I'm sorry, just be trapped here...

"Huh... Is it possible that the Immortal King in the Immortal Realm is as funny as humans?" Yang Yiyun looked at the stone tablet and said to himself without tears.

Sister Mei comforted: "Don't be discouraged. Since the Blue Heart Immortal King can leave behind such a difficult problem, he must have foreseen it. It is impossible to block the road. The fact that we can be brought here by the storm means that God and the underworld There are arrangements in the dark, what kind of difficulty it is, can’t we find out if we try it?”

Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly and said: "That's all we can do now. Let's go up the mountain. Let's go take a look first. Didn't the stone tablet say that there is some kind of fairy pet going up the mountain for testing? I really want to see what the fairy pet looks like. …”

"Let's make peace with it now. Maybe it won't be a bad thing for us. Since this place has the magical power left by the Blue Heart Immortal King, it is a blessing. It depends on whether we have this opportunity." Sister Mei smiled. said.

"That's right, "Fang Inch Universe" sounds very different, and I really want to see it." Yang Yiyun's eyes lit up again after thinking about it.

He could understand the basic principles of the law by looking at the sword marks left by the ancient immortals in the Yunmen Fairyland Enlightenment Forest. He realized the sky-piercing sword on his own. From then on, he was able to kill monks at the level of the Holy Lord as a Mahayana monk. What kind of legacy did the Blue Heart Immortal King leave behind? The small space below can change the laws of heaven and earth in a world, and can make things bigger or smaller. This is an amazing magic in itself.

It would be false to say that you are not moved.

The key now is that we don’t know what kind of immortal pet the Blue Heart Immortal King left behind on this mountain?

How this immortal pet will test them is unknown.

Then Yang Yiyun and Sister Mei crossed the stone monument and saw a trail going up the mountain, and walked towards the mountain.

As soon as he walked onto the trail, he heard a muffled voice saying: "Stop...stop...stop..."

Yang Yiyun and Sister Mei were shocked, stopped quickly, and looked along the sound...

But I saw colorful lights lighting up not far from the trail.

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