My Master Is a God

Chapter 1651: Daydreams about the Immortal World

Half an hour later, Yang Yiyun walked out of the bee nest, and the roars from the outside world continued to sound.

The three tribes of monkey, mountain bear and honey are still fighting each other...

Yang Yiyun now has no time to pay attention to the fighting of these 'animals', he has to go to Lanxin Mountain.

Although monkeys, bears, and bees are all giant beings with infinite strength and speed that are no worse than magical powers, they are only mutations that occur after the mutation of the power of the law.

In the final analysis, these three are still ordinary animals, not monsters or spiritual beasts. They do not produce any intelligence, only animal instincts. In his eyes, they are just animals.

Now that you have what you need to grab, all you have to do is head to Blue Heart Mountain.

Returning to the top of the mountain and digging up the crystal stone eggs buried in the soil, Yang Yiyun put it on his shoulder, holding the peak egg in his other hand, and flew directly into the air the next moment.

However, the next moment he was surrounded by a swarm of bees.

The entire sky was full of bees, like dark clouds covering the sky. Yang Yiyun attracted the bees as soon as he took off.

These cow-sized swarms flashed their wings and made a deafening buzz, which made Yang Yiyun quite stressed. Although he was not afraid, Yang Yiyun could not help but feel his scalp numb when facing the dense swarm.

Each bee has a tail needle that is more than one meter long. When they swarm, even Yang will be afraid.

At this time, he was just thinking about summoning the little phoenix to set fire to clear the way, but Fengxian's voice sounded: "Don't worry, I'm just here to comfort the bees. Although these are ordinary bees and my nine-winged bees are two different things, I Being able to re-nirvana in the peak egg is the credit of these bees, please don’t hurt them..."

Yang Yiyun was stunned. It was right when he thought about it. There was a Peak Immortal in his hand. How could he not be able to control a swarm of bees?

Sure enough, I heard a melodious buzzing sound from the Peak Immortal in the Peak Egg...

Although the sound sounded small, it spread throughout the sky.

He knew that this was the sound made by Fengxian through the power of his soul, and it should be the language of the bee clan. Although he could not understand what it was, he saw immediate effects.

When Fengxian's melodious voice sounded, all the bees in the sky listened. The group that was about to attack Yang Yiyun also stopped, and flew away from the Bee Mountain nest with their buzzing bodies...

In less than ten breaths, all the bees in the sky and on the ground disappeared and flew into their nests.

Yang Yiyun breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it. He actually didn't want to hurt these giant bees in his eyes. After all, he took away a pool of honey and 900 honey crystals. If he let the little phoenix come out and set fire to a large area, There will still be regrets at that time.

Fengxian summoned the bee swarm back, which can be considered the best ending. With the entire sea of ​​flowers in the world, I believe that the bee nest will still produce honey and even secret crystals in a few years. Of course, according to what Fengxian said , it takes ten thousand years to condense one hundred honey crystals, and on average it takes one thousand years to produce one honey crystal, which is a bit long.

However, Mr. Yang does not feel guilty, because this thing is said to be fine wine and jade liquid, which is a product of the immortal world. If the room is not used by the monks for cultivation, then the heavenly thing will be struck by lightning.

After Fengxian's voice stopped, Yang Yiyun looked down the mountain and saw a mess.

The monkeys and mountain bears were stung by the army of bees and were in a state of disarray. They looked covered in big bruises, but fortunately they were not dead, and a large sea of ​​flowers was also destroyed.

This scene made Yang a little unbearable. The beautiful sea of ​​flowers was now in a mess. This... seemed to be his masterpiece.

After the bees retreated, the monkeys and mountain bears were still there, and after sensing the presence of Yang Yiyun or the Crystal Egg in the sky, they roared into the sky.

At this time, Yang Yiyun said to the six-eared macaque in the crystal stone egg: "Six-eared, I know you can understand me. Now I order your monkeys to go back to the mountain. Don't make unnecessary sacrifices, otherwise you will still end up with the mountain bear." When a fight breaks out between a monkey and a mountain bear, I think the monkey will definitely suffer.

As for you, although I don’t know what’s going on, I guess it’s the arrangement of the Blue Heart Immortal King that will allow you to break out of the egg, right? You have also been nourished by the spiritual energy of the monkey clan's honey wine. You don't want the monkey to be killed or injured, right? "

After the six-eared macaque in the crystal stone egg listened to Yang Yiyun's words, Yang Yiyun clearly saw his eyeballs rolling around, and he knew that the six-eared macaque must have understood what he said.

The six-eared macaque seemed to be deep in thought. After a while, it finally let out a long roar: "Squeak..."

The next moment, as Yang Yiyun expected, the monkeys below heard the long roar of the six-eared macaques, or in other words, after taking orders, they roared and retreated...

Only the mountain bear clan stayed in place, but after seeing their opponents leaving, the mountain bear clan also turned and left.

At this point, Yang Yiyun has an explanation for the three kinds of creatures in this world.

Even if there were no casualties, it would be a good thing, and he didn't want to cause more killings.

Yang grinned and flew towards Lanxin Mountain in the east.

Halfway up the road, Fengxian said: "This monkey doesn't seem to be a monkey that has participated in the battle between immortals and demons. I don't know where Lan Xin got it from. It looks like the battle between immortals and demons..."

Speaking of this, Fengxian did not continue, but he was very pessimistic.

However, Mr. Yang directly rubbed salt into his wounds and said, "Really, you are creatures from the ancient times, but the ancient times have become the past and history."

"This is something to be expected. Every Envy War is a change of times. From prehistoric times to ancient times and then to ancient times, until today, the demons' desire to conquer the immortal world will never die..." Fengxian said with emotion.

"The demons are also powerful in the fairy world?" Yang Yiyun asked.

Fengxian said: "More than powerful, it is simply a disaster for all living beings in the world. Demon means killing and bloodshed, and means destruction..."

Yang Yiyun asked again: "What kind of group are the demons, and how powerful are they? There are demons in the world of cultivators now, but they are lurking in the dark. In the future of the world of cultivation, there may not be any big demons." An explosive day..."

"The power and fear of the demons lies in their assimilation. They can assimilate any living being. The power of the fairy world and the world of cultivation is naturally restrained by demonic energy. No one can really tell what kind of group the demons are. It used to be the battlefield of the fairy world, but now it seems The demons are going to subvert the foundation of the fairy world. The world of cultivation is the foundation of the fairy world. Most of the creatures in the real fairy world ascended from the realm of cultivation. There are not many native creatures in the fairy world..."

Fengxian was full of worry after he said it.

The two of them asked and answered questions, and unknowingly arrived at the foot of Lanxin Mountain.

At this time, the crisis in this world was basically resolved. Yang Yiyun released Sister Mei, Zheng Binbin, and Little Phoenix from the Qiankun Pot space with a wave of his hand. He had to let Zheng Binbin breathe. She had complained before.

"Hey...Yunzi, what is this...?"

As soon as Zheng Binbin came out, he saw Yang Yiyun carrying a crystal egg on his shoulder with a monkey inside, and holding a small milky white egg in his hand, but inside was a silver bee.

Yang Yiyun knew that Queen Zheng was curious, so he told about the six-eared macaque with crystal stone eggs and the nine-winged queen bee.

Zheng Binbin and Sister Mei couldn't help but be surprised when they heard that it was the Queen of Immortal Peak. They cultivated Taoism to ascend to immortality, and they were full of wild thoughts about the immortals in the immortal world.

I didn’t expect that a bee could actually become an immortal.

Regarding Zheng Binbin's curiosity, Fengxian snorted coldly: "You and Wei, the fairy world is vast and fantastic, far from the world of cultivators, with flowers, plants, trees, scales, insects and animals... Anyone who develops spiritual intelligence and is nourished by the fairy energy can achieve success." Fairy."

"Okay, let's talk about these issues later. We are going to Lanxin Mountain now. We still don't know what the so-called Lanxinju is like. Whether we can get out of this world, our hope is all on this mountain..."

After Yang Yiyun spoke, he motioned for everyone to go up the mountain before talking.

Stepping into the upper range of the blue heart, the five-color light in front lit up, and Yang Yiyun knew that the five-color sacred cow had appeared.

Sure enough, the light dissipated and a plump five-color sacred cow appeared.

", you, you guys really found it...?" The five-color sacred cow stuttered, its eyes were very human and full of surprise.

Yang Yiyun said angrily: "I know that what you are talking about with your big tongue is not nectar wine and bee crystal at all. What you really need me to bring is the six-eared macaque and peak immortal, right?"

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