My Master Is a God

Chapter 1652 The Immortal King’s Soul Mark Message

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

After hearing what Yang Yiyun said, the five-color sacred cow stammered: "Yes, yes, there any difference?"

Yang Yiyun said for a moment that there was really no difference. Whether he was looking for nectar wine or honey crystals, he would encounter crystal stone eggs and peak eggs, or the six-eared macaques and peak immortals would take them away.

In this way, it seems that there is no need to worry about these issues. The focus now is how to get to Lan Xinju. He has to find a way to leave here.

"Okay, I brought what you wanted and what you didn't ask for. Can we go to Lanxinju next?" Yang Yiyun stared at the five-color sacred cow and spoke.

" a minute, I have a word with Fengxian..." The five-color sacred cow rolled its tongue and spoke.

"Humph... is the big stupid cow Lan Xin? Tell me if you have anything to say." Fengxian was not polite to the five-color sacred cow at all.

The five-color sacred cow gives Yang Yiyun the feeling of being very powerful. At least it is a complete creature. It may not be as high as the peak immortal in terms of realm, but the current situation of the colorless sacred cow should be stronger than that of the peak immortal, because it has a demon body, and there is no He looked injured, but when facing Fengxian, the five-color sacred cow obviously knew him and did not dare to be disrespectful at all.

Hearing Fengxian's cold snort, the five-color sacred cow said nervously with some fear: "Feng... Fengfengxian, when the master leaves, let Xiaoniu tell you that she has done everything she has to do, and she will leave in the mist. It’s up to you to make your own decision.”

"No more?" Fengxian asked.

" more." The five-color sacred cow stuttered.

Everyone can understand this sentence. Basically, she doesn't know what will happen after she goes there. What happens here can be left to Fengxian's own decision. She, Lan Xin, has returned the favor.

After a moment of silence, Fengxian asked, "When did Lan Xin leave here?"

The five-color sacred cow said: "About ten thousand... tens of thousands... ten thousand years after you fell asleep, the master brought the six-eared macaque... macaque, and then left. It's almost eighty thousand years. Alright."

"What's going on with the six-eared macaque?" Fengxian continued.

"No, no, no... I'm not sure. Anyway, it was the master who brought it here and placed it here. He only said that when the opportunity comes, he will have a share of the monkey, and not much else... I won't tell you much." replied the five-color sacred cow.

Yang Yiyun listened to the conversation between Fengxian and the Five-Colored Divine Cow, but he didn't get much useful information. The Five-Colored Divine Cow basically didn't know anything about it.

After a while, Fengxian stopped asking and said directly to the five-color sacred cow: "Take us to Lanxinju."

"Okay, okay... okay." The five-color sacred cow was a little excited at this time. It knew that after completing the task assigned by its master, he would be able to leave this world. In the past tens of thousands of years, its range of activities has been somewhat limited, and it almost... crazy.

Immediately took Yang Yiyun and his party up the mountain...

The so-called Blue Heart Residence is on the top of the mountain. According to the five-color sacred cow, he cannot enter the Blue Heart Residence because it is protected by a formation.

The Blue Heart Immortal King did not explain to the Five-Colored Sacred Cow how to enter specifically. She just said that when someone completes the conditions she set, they will naturally be able to enter the Blue Heart Residence.

Yang Yiyun speculated that it was most likely related to Feng Xian and the six-eared macaque.

Anyway, you will know after you go up there.

Soon they arrived at the top of the mountain, and everyone saw a courtyard with carved beams and painted beams. There was a gate like the Blue Heart Residence mentioned above, but it was indeed guarded by a formation. You could feel the powerful enchantment aura from a long distance away.

Sure enough, Yang Yiyun took a step forward and was blocked by an invisible wall three meters away from the gate.

"Put me and the six-eared macaque close to the formation barrier." At this time, Fengxian spoke.

Yang Yiyun's heart moved, and he attached the peak eggs and crystal stone eggs to the formation barrier at the same time.


The next moment there was a dull sound, like a strong wind blowing, and the formation barrier disappeared.

"As expected~"

Yang Yiyun underestimated.

Then he led everyone into the gate of Lan Xinju. Although the gate was closed, after the formation barrier dissipated, there was no other defense, and the gate opened easily with a push.

A large courtyard made of white jade appeared, but it was covered with dense and complex inscriptions.

"Yin-Yang Recovery Formation..."

At this time, Fengxian couldn't help but speak.

Yang Yiyun had heard Feng Xian mention it before, so he wasn't surprised now.

Looking around, there is a huge bowl-shaped stone platform in the center of this complex inscription formation. Inside is indeed an altar about three meters high...

Everything is ready.

Fengxian said that this Yin-Yang recovery formation was used to restore her broken wings.

Yang Yiyun didn't find it strange when he saw this.

If you feel it carefully, you will find that the powerful spiritual energy of heaven and earth is constantly running in this formation, and it seems to have been running for countless years.

The power of heaven and earth is continuously gathered into the graceful altar.

"Go over and take a look..." Yang Yiyun raised his feet and walked towards the altar.

When he stepped on the edge of the altar with one foot, there was a bang, and the entire altar lit up with light.

Then a figure began to slowly take shape on the altar.

The next moment, an ethereal woman dressed in white appeared on the altar.

Yang Yiyun was startled, but then he relaxed his vigilance because he found out that he was just a person with a condensed soul mark.

The first reaction in my mind is: This woman is the Blue Heart Immortal King...?

"Blue Heart Temptress..."

Sure enough, Fengxian muttered.

Then the six-eared macaque also squeaked.

Both seem to be very familiar with the Blue Heart Immortal King.

Yang Yiyun's eyes widened, and when he looked around, he secretly said in his heart: "Is this the legendary fairy...?"

Aren’t women in the fairy world just fairies in his eyes?

It’s your first time seeing it, so take a good look.

Although he is just an image formed by the condensed soul mark, he is also a fairy!

He wanted to see the difference between the legendary fairies and the women in the world of cultivation?

At first glance, um... beautiful!

It looks very ethereal...

In other aspects, it seems that they are no different from women in the world of cultivation. They are all human beings.

Well, Yang knows that he is a little too superstitious about fairies. As Feng Xian said, most of the immortals in the fairy world have ascended to the world of cultivation. The essence is still the same for him.

It's just that Xian is very curious to people like them who have never seen it before.

It doesn't seem like much now.

After all, she is not a real fairy, but an image body formed by condensing the soul mark left by the fairy.

After the light on the altar dissipated, the woman spoke, or the soul mark of the Blue Heart Immortal King spoke, but her face was expressionless, and she said somewhat mechanically: "Thank you, the destined person, for helping me fulfill my wish, and you can come here. It means that you already know the general idea, and also bring Fengxian and Six-eared Macaque.

First of all, I want to say sorry to you. I invited you to help me in the form of a whirlpool in the starry sky. Both the Peak Immortal and the Six-eared Macaque helped me in the battle between immortals and demons. I owe them a favor and promised to help them recover. The yin and yang recovery here is great. Array, just put the crystal eggs and peak eggs on it, fill the altar with nectar and bee crystals to activate...

With the powerful energy, Fengxian and the six-eared macaque were able to break out of their eggs. It was not difficult to resuscitate and restore their bodies. I had already done what I could. The reason why I didn't stay and wait was because I had more important things to do.

No matter who you are, thank you for your help. There are magical powers of "Fang Cun Universe" left to you in the main hall, which can be regarded as my thanks to you. The world enchantment here can learn my magical powers of "Fang Cun Qiankun" to get out.

Finally, Peak Immortal and the six-eared macaque... If nothing goes wrong, you, Peak Immortal, can give birth to nine wings, and the six-eared macaque can also recover from the wounds of the demon pill. After you recover, if possible, you can leave and return to the fairy world for a while. Maybe you want to recover. It still takes time to practice at the peak, but after your cultivation in the lower realm is stable, if you return to the fairy world and go to the fairy world rashly, I'm afraid someone will do something bad to you..."

The soul mark of the Blue Heart Immortal King muttered to himself like a robot, and then disappeared into the world.

Yang Yiyun and others are not surprised. The mark of the soul of the Blue Heart Immortal King must have been left tens of thousands of years ago. Now the task is completed, that is, it has disappeared into the world.

Yang Yiyun was really interested in what the Immortal King Blue Heart said about the universe, but he was even more interested in what she said about the six-eared macaque.

According to the Blue Heart Immortal King, the six-eared macaque's injury seemed to be on the demon pill, which reminded him of his own Diaoer.

Since this yin-yang resuscitation array can restore the six-eared macaque's demon elixir problem, can it also restore Diaoer's demon elixir injury?

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun consulted Fengxian and told Diaoer's situation.

After hearing this, Fengxian said: "Theoretically, it is possible. The six-eared macaque comes from the fairy world. According to Lan Xin, its demon elixir was damaged during the battle between immortals and demons. The damage to the demon elixir can be repaired, so there should be no problem." The demon elixir can repair the strange beasts in the lower realm. When the time comes, you can put your mink into the altar with us to try it."

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