My Master Is a God

Chapter 1670 Comes to life from oil painting

Organizations such as the Western Summoning Temple, Yang Yiyun left it to Little Phoenix, Five-Colored Divine Bull, and Diaoer to deal with. Anyway, no living beings can be summoned to the earth.

After he left, he didn't want the earth to be in trouble.

Don't worry until all these things are resolved.

Zheng Binbin and Sister Mei went on a trip around the world. They haven't come back yet, so he was ready to go out for a walk.

After greeting Ouyang Yuqing, Yang Yiyun went directly to Europe...

Yang Yiyun appeared in the snowy mountains of Europe back then.

He came to pay homage to Liu Lingling. It was here that Liu Lingling died at the hands of the Great Master and turned into blood mist.

Although his enemies were all dead and he avenged Liu Lingling, the beauty was no longer there.

Liu Lingling is still Yang Yiyun's deepest concern. He should have come to pay homage as soon as possible, but he was afraid to come...

He had been staying at Yunmen. Now that he had come out, he followed his heart and still came here, where Liu Lingling died.

"Lingling, are you in another world?"

Yang Yiyun stood in the snow and looked at the sky and muttered to himself. He always believed that Liu Lingling's soul would be in the underworld.

"Wait for me, wait for me to reach the peak of my cultivation, wait for me to find the Netherworld, then I will come to you and I will definitely find you back... Do you know that I miss you..."

Yang Yiyun stood in the snow-capped mountains and talked to himself, telling Liu Lingling about his cultivation process over the years.

Three days later, he turned around and walked down the mountain, his eyes filled with an extremely determined light, looking past the clouds and looking at an old castle.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun disappeared.

There is also a charming servant here - Ruth.

Now that he is here, he goes back to see for himself. When he left the earth, Yang Yiyun did not take Ruth away, because at that time several women were hostile to Ruth, and even Lu Xuexi called Ruth a coquettish fox.

For the sake of harmony, Yang Yiyun did not take Ruth away from the earth and sent her back to Europe from Cloud Gate.

Now Yang Yiyun is going to visit her. After all, Ruth has helped Yunmen after taking charge of their family. Especially in the past, Ruth had made great efforts in the business development of Yunqi Group in the European market.

Moreover, the master-servant contract still exists, and he is considered one of his own.

In a certain room in an ancient European castle, a blond woman wearing a red nightgown, holding a glass of red wine in her hand, stood in trance in front of an oil painting as tall as one person.

The oil painting in front of her was of an Oriental man. The man in the painting had flowing white hair and was standing with an ancient sword in his hand...

After drinking the red wine in the glass in one gulp, Ruth's fair face became red, and her eyes became a little confused. Five or six wine bottles were already empty on the table beside her.

Apparently she had had a lot to drink.

Ruth stared at the man in the painting and murmured to herself: "Master, will you... come back? Have you forgotten your loyal servant after more than seven hundred years... Master, do you know that for more than seven hundred years? There is not a day when Ruth doesn’t miss you at night...

I still remember the first time I met Master in China, when we had a fight... Then the second time we met in Europe, I became your servant... Master, although Ruth is a vampire, she also has feelings... "

"Alas...why are you so persistent..."

Just as Ruth was talking to herself, a sigh sounded in the room.

Then the air fluctuated, but the white-haired young man in the oil painting began to move slowly...

"Oh Maika...Master...I must be dreaming..."

Ruth's eyes widened.

The oriental man in the oil painting actually came to life...

It was the master he had been waiting for for seven hundred years - Yang Yiyun.

Ruth exclaimed with a hazy drunken look in her eyes.

Unexpectedly, the owner in the oil painting came to life and walked out of the oil painting.

Yang Yiyun also made a joke with this foreign servant with a smile.

However, normally she would be startled, but instead of being frightened, Ruth suddenly jumped into Yang Yiyun's arms while half drunk and half awake.

"Dear Master Ruth, I have missed you for seven hundred years...God...even if it is just a dream..."

Ruth threw herself into Yang Yiyun's arms, hugged Yang Yiyun tightly and muttered to herself.

Indeed, when she thought about it, she must have had an illusion, but he would rather it be an illusion, because she had been looking forward to this scene for more than seven hundred years...

Yang originally wanted to play a prank and got into the oil painting to meet Ruth in this way, but he didn't expect that what happened next was beyond his expectation.

No matter what, it is always a blessing to be remembered.

When he heard Ruth's drunken conversation and saw himself in the huge oil painting in her room, he was also moved.

Unexpectedly, hundreds of years later, this loyal foreign girl still remembers him, and it seems that she never forgets him.

While being moved, he and Ruth started a full circle of true energy and got into the oil painting. Then he walked out of the oil painting. Not only did he not scare Ruth, but he could see the incomparable excitement in her eyes.

The next moment, he was wrapped around him and hugged tightly.

Listening to her words, Yang was indeed moved.

But...but what happened next was a bit beyond Yang's expectation.

However, he found that the tall and fair Yangma kissed him directly with intoxication.

Soft, a little cold, but very comfortable, the warmth of your lips pressed against his mouth.

Yang Yiyun was pushed back step by step by Ruth...

As the two of them retreated, Ruth's bright red and soft pajamas slipped to the ground unknowingly, revealing her fair skin...

The proud and hot figure, the long legs that can make otakus play for a lifetime, and the hot body without any fat on the body are completely displayed in front of Yang...

Facing such a scene, even Yang's current cultivation level cannot calm down.

I felt like the blood in my body was burning rapidly, and my nosebleed almost came out.

Looking at her blond hair, blue eyes and devilishly enchanting figure, Yang really felt that he was losing control.

He didn't care about trivial matters. If he couldn't tolerate such a beauty, he thought he would definitely be struck by lightning.

He suddenly picked her up and threw her roughly on the big bed behind him.


Ocean Horse let out a cry of surprise.

At this moment, he seemed to be sober.

Before she could react, she saw the master in front of her trembled all over, with a hint of crimson and rage in her eyes.


Ruth's mouth was gagged and the master in front of her pressed her down very roughly.

The slight pain in her body made this foreign girl feel that all this was not a hallucination caused by her drunkenness, but... the owner really came to life from the oil painting.

No matter, she has been waiting for this moment and this scene for hundreds of years. She has been looking forward to it so much. If she can get her wish, even the hallucination and dream will be worth it.

For three consecutive days, Yang and Ruth spent their time in absurdity, but for Yang, they experienced an exotic and hot style, which was indeed unique.

It wasn't until the evening that day that Ruth woke up slowly. When she stood up suddenly, she saw that the man beside her who she thought about day and night was still there.

She was completely drunk, and had been drinking in recent years, and she was drinking in a way that did not help her resolve the alcohol.

When I woke up three days later, I realized that this seemed to be true.

Big blue eyes stared at Yang Yiyun and said: "Master, am I not dreaming?"

She turned around to protect Yang, for fear that he would disappear.

Yang kissed her on the forehead, with a complicated look in his eyes, crying and laughing in his heart: "I'm afraid I will live up to grandma's words."

Grandma Yang Yiyun actually didn't say anything when she took Ruth to her home, but Yang Yiyun knew that grandma didn't like him having contact with this foreign girl. In the end, it was still a traditional concept.

But now, Yang has to accept it.

Because he remembered the plum blossom on the bed sheet after the madness.

But he didn't expect that after so many years, she was still a virgin.

"Get ready to clean up and come home with me. I will take you with me when I leave this time." Yang Yiyun finally accepted Ruth.

In fact, he felt good about this foreign girl. Although she had small thoughts, she was generally very loyal to him. After hearing her drunken words to herself, she knew that Ruth had been waiting for him.


Ruth cried. In fact, her heart was filled with him. She knew that she had been deeply in love with this man for hundreds of years and could not extricate herself.

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