My Master Is a God

Chapter 1671 An improvement in the realm of perception

After staying in Europe for ten days, Yang Yiyun took Ruth back to Yunmen, and then threw Ruth to Ouyang Yuqing, and then quickly escaped.

He almost ran away, not daring to look at Ouyang Yuqing.

Looking at Yang Yiyun's back as he rushed out of the door, Ouyang Yuqing had a resentful look on his face, but after a while he burst into laughter.


She naturally knew what Yang meant by bringing a foreign girl like Ruth back. Seeing Ruth standing aside and calling her sister, Ouyang Yuqing's depression dissipated.

Anyway, Yang has more than just two women, and his other sisters are all in the world of cultivation. When the time comes, it will be easier for him to return to the world of cultivation.

As for Ruth, she has obviously been recognized by Yang Yiyun, otherwise she would not have been taken home.

Moreover, Ouyang Yuqing knew about the existence of Ruth seven hundred years ago. This foreign girl came to Yunmen and lived for a while. However, the old lady was not interested in foreigners at that time, so Yang Yiyun sent her back to Europe.

Appearing again after seven hundred years, this cannot be changed. Ouyang Yuqing is not the kind of person with a small belly, and he will not give Ruth a look. He looked at Ruth and said with a smile: "Sister, let's go. I will take care of you." Room……"

Ruth, who was still uneasy at first, was overjoyed when she heard Ouyang Yuqing speak. She knew that in the Yang family, she, a foreigner, was not as good as any of Yang Yiyun's women. Even if she knew that Ouyang Yuqing was just one of Yang Yiyun's women, she was the one who relied on them. The last woman, Ruth, was also feeling uneasy before coming.

Now, when she heard Ouyang Yuqing show her the room, Ruth knew that Ouyang Yuqing had accepted her.

As a latecomer, this European vampire, who has lived for more than 700 years, has reached the level of perfection in human sophistication. She also fell in love with Eastern culture because of her love for Yang Yiyun. She has studied Eastern culture for hundreds of years.

Even after I met Liu Lingling hundreds of years ago and became good friends, I systematically studied Eastern culture with Liu Lingling, and my contact was very early and deep.

Lusi did not dare to show any indifference to Ouyang Yuqing, and quickly bowed and thanked her: "Thank you sister for taking care of me. I will be your maid next to you in the future. I hope you won't dislike it. This is a ruby ​​necklace produced in Europe. My sister has nothing to gain." Take action, I hope my sister will give you this gift..."

Ruth was very clear about the way of approximation to Eastern cultural customs. As she spoke, she took out a delicate small box from the storage bracelet Yang Yiyun gave her and opened it smoothly.

Inside is a ruby ​​necklace as big as a walnut, sparkling under the light, exquisite and exquisite.

One look at it and you can tell it's worth a lot.

Ouyang Yuqing naturally had no shortage of accessories, but he was very satisfied with Ruth's attitude.

He smiled and said, "Sister, I'm determined. Don't let my subordinates talk about maids in the future. If Yunzi hears this and doesn't scold me to death, you two sisters will be worthy of each other."

"Yes, sister..."

The two got closer while talking and laughing. Ouyang Yuqing took Ruth's hand and went to tidy her room in person.

In fact, Yang didn't go far, and he finally felt relieved when he saw this scene in his consciousness. He was afraid that Ouyang Yuqing would be unhappy if he brought Ruth back. Now it seems that he has thought too much, and none of his women are stingy.

And he was also very satisfied with Ruth's performance. She was so familiar with Chinese customs. In the future, he would not be afraid that she would not be on the same page as others when she went to the world of cultivation.

Ruth has always been a cause and effect for Yang Yiyun. Bringing her back this time can be regarded as understanding something, and Tao's thoughts will become more clear.

This is also a good thing.

I remember that the old man told him before that on the road of cultivation, every thing he does and every living being he meets will be a cause and effect. In the future, he needs to get rid of Jieru to make his Taoist heart more transparent.

Ruth's matter was finally settled, Yang Yiyun also paid homage to Liu Lingling, and now he wanted to visit the East China Sea.

In Birdman Phyllis Yale's mind, regarding the East China Sea, there is a high probability that it is really an ancient ruins, and Yang Yiyun is ready to go and see it.

I'm glad I discovered it early, otherwise I would have been caught first by the Birdman.

In the memory of birdman Phyllis Yale, he only used a submarine to detect the location of the earth, and there were spiritual fluctuations. The specific exploration has not really begun. Anyway, in the memory of Phyllis Yale, he only knows that there is an incomparable place there. The powerful spiritual power fluctuates, and the submarine cannot get close.

That's why we united with the major Chinese monks to come here, nominally to explore together, but in fact, in this birdman's heart, he wanted these Chinese monks to be cannon fodder to explore the way.

How can things from the East China Sea be made cheaper by birds?

Yang is very domineering in this regard.

Well now, he's going to take a look.

Based on his previous experiences, Yang Yiyun had a feeling that any ruins that appeared on the earth were definitely left behind by ancient monk civilizations, and possibly even earlier, and there would definitely be good things there.

The best proof is that he got the dragon-slaying sword in his hometown Fairy Lake.

The earth is the ancestral realm in the mouth of the ancient forces in the world of cultivation, and it is also the origin realm in the old man's mouth. There are even mysterious and unpredictable existences such as the God's Cemetery.

Although the earth seems to have extremely thin spiritual energy, it hides a great secret.

Anyway, he was idle now, so Yang Yiyun was ready to take a look. Exploring the tens of thousands of meters deep sea might be difficult for other monks, but it didn't matter to him.

He checked the little phoenix, five-color sacred cow and Diao'er with his spiritual consciousness. At this moment, the three of them were tossing in the west, and Yang Yiyun ignored them.

As long as there is no big trouble, he will not care. Let the three little Phoenixes do the trouble. It is best to finish all the ancient forces in the West, and they will not summon the Birdman Fei after he leaves. Alien races such as Lisjeruna and other bird-men have come to cause harm to the earth.

Yang Yiyun was not in a hurry when he went out this time. After keeping his aura in check, he looked like an ordinary person when walking among the crowd.

He also changed his appearance a lot, otherwise his white hair would be too eye-catching.

Prepare to walk and see things along the way. Traveling in the world of mortals is also a form of spiritual practice.

The first stop he came to was the location of his university in the ancient capital. Unfortunately, it is no longer there. With the establishment of smart city clusters, many places have been renovated, relocated, and renovated. I can only know a rough location and remember it.

After sighing for a moment, Yang Yiyun disappeared in Yuanyuan and appeared in the ecological park of the ancient capital.

What makes Yang Yiyun happy is that part of the park has been preserved. It is still a park. The park lake that changed his destiny and allowed him to embark on the path of cultivation is still there.

As for other facilities and buildings, they have long become products of the new era.

Yang Yiyun stood by the lake, watching people coming and going, his thoughts flying around.

He remembered how his girlfriend and her sister-in-law disliked him for being poor when they were at the lake...

He thought of jumping into the lake to save Wang Zai, and of the scene when Zhao Nan gave him artificial respiration to save him. He also recalled the changes in the water plants by the lake when he discovered the Qiankun Pot when he touched it, and also recalled the first time the old man spoke in his mind. , he was so frightened that he thought he had encountered a ghost...

Hundreds of years of memories flash through my mind like a movie.

This is his life experience, and it is also a baptism for his Taoist heart.

Unknowingly, Yang Yiyun's heart... calmed down, and his heart and mind seemed to have entered an ethereal state...

Incomparably calm, hundreds of experiences flashed through his mind by the lake.

At a certain moment, Yang Yiyun's soul was shocked, but he smiled.

He has not moved a bit for decades, but he has reached the middle stage of Ascension Stage from the early stage of Ascension Stage.

Although it was just a realm and not an actual improvement in cultivation power, he took a big step at this moment.

Because he knew that the later one reached the stage of cultivation, especially the stage of ascension, it would be extremely difficult to reach even a small level even if it was improved even a little bit.

Even if you are a genius, you can't improve your cultivation simply by hard work, but by tempering your Taoist heart.

Only by advancing to such a realm can the mana of the latter be improved.

He has reached the middle stage of Ascension Realm, and it is only a matter of time before his cultivation and mana increase.

It can improve his realm by one step and reach the middle stage of Ascension Realm. Returning to Earth this time is a great harvest for him on the path of cultivation, which is more precious than obtaining any treasures from heaven and earth.

There will be two smaller realms of Ascension in the future, the later stage and the Great Perfection, but it takes opportunity to break through. This time may take hundreds, hundreds, or even thousands of years before you can finally realize Ascension. The guiding light truly ascends to immortality.

The last step is very difficult and stumps 99% of cultivators.

There are countless geniuses who are stuck in the ascension realm and cannot ascend to immortality.

Yang Yiyun's improvement in realm today made him very happy.

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