My Master Is a God

Chapter 1673 The Origin Stone of Water

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

The powerful spiritual energy fluctuations made Yang Yiyun's heart beat rapidly. He knew that with such spiritual energy fluctuations, there was either some treasure in the cave or some powerful existence.

Now I really dare not say whether there are any living beings in this Immortal Emperor's Cave.

Yang Yiyun was actually a little nervous when he walked inside. After all, this was the Immortal Emperor's Cave, and it was no joke.

Regardless of the other way around, big risks will always be accompanied by big opportunities, and Yang Yiyun also took the risk.

After walking into the entire cave, there is actually an invisible force, but this force does not have any offensive power, but seems to be a force specifically used to isolate the sea water.

So when Yang Yiyun walked in, there was no sea water at all in the entire Dongfu cave, and it was not as humid as he imagined. Instead, it was very dry.

Neat and without any dust!

Yang Yiyun knew that it was because of the protection of the formation that such an environment could be maintained here.

The cave passage, which is more than three meters high, looks neat and tidy, and it was completely dug out carefully by hand.

The terrain is high and low, but there are steps in the uneven places. Step by step, people walking in the passage feel only flat.

The entire cave passage was dug out of the mountain. The stone material was blue, and the blue light shining from the depths of the cave was not dim at all. Instead, it made Yang Yiyun feel like he had walked into a fairy tale passage.

Yang Yiyun walked with a bit of anxiety, a bit of expectation, and a bit of curiosity. He tried to use his spiritual sense to explore the situation here from the beginning, but when he came in, he found that he couldn't use his spiritual sense at all.

So I can only slowly think about the depths of the cave.

There is no rush, since they have all come in anyway, it is better to show some respect for the cave of Immortal Emperor Shui Yuan.

Take one step at a time, watch each step, and plan for success step by step!

At first, nothing or anything unusual was found in the cave, but a few minutes later, Yang Yiyun discovered something different in the cave...

He found that some patterns or Tengtu-like things began to appear on both sides of the cave.

But it’s too abstract and I can’t understand what it means.

Yang Yiyun knew that these patterns in the cave must be helpful in understanding the cave of Immortal Emperor Shuiyuan, so he went to Black Lotus for help.

He is alone now. The old man has not woken up yet, and only Heilian can speak.

Thanks to Heilian's help during several difficulties and dangers, Yang Yiyun felt that he was very happy. At least there were more cheats on the road to cultivation than others.

Although the quantum nirvana of Black Lotus, the first lotus in the world, is still recovering, it has insight and a powerful soul, which is truly extraordinary.

"Heilian, can you see what the pattern here means?"

Yang Yiyun asked Hei Lian in his mind.

Feeling the sea of ​​consciousness tremble, Yang Yiyun knew that Black Lotus had appeared.

Sure enough, the next moment I heard Hei Lian's voice, still speaking in a mechanical voice without emotion: "These patterns are ancient pictures and texts, telling the story of the cultivation process of a generation of immortal emperors. Just walk forward, I'm looking at it." look……"

"Okay, but can you feel that Master is in danger here?" Yang Yiyun couldn't detect the situation inside with his spiritual consciousness, so he could only ask Hei Lian.

"I don't know, my soul power is also limited here, but you'd better be careful." Heilian said.

Yang Yiyun nodded, didn't ask any more questions, and continued walking forward.

This cave really looks different. Black Lotus' soul is restricted, which shows how extraordinary this place is.

As Yang Yiyun moved forward, Hei Lian was also telling him the contents of these patterns.

According to Hei Lian's story, this place is indeed the cave of an Immortal Emperor. Immortal Emperor Shui Yuan is not a human being but an Immortal Emperor of the demon race. Moreover, he is a water demon immortal who does not agree with the mortal world.

It is a piece of water origin stone in the sea, an immortal emperor who later cultivated Taoism and became an immortal. He is an innate being and is known as Shui Yuan, which means the origin of water.

This Immortal Mansion was built here, but one day the Shuiyuan Immortal Emperor left a message, talking about the war between immortals and demons, and participated in the battle to protect the sea area and left...

But one important point is that deep in this cave is the birthplace of Immortal Emperor Shui Yuan. Before leaving, he said that a newly born water source stone was being born...

Yang Yiyun was a little disappointed after hearing this, and felt a little moved in his heart.

The five elements of heaven and earth are different, but they are the source of the power of heaven and earth, and the source of water is the source of the power of water element.

If it is true as these patterns say, and a new water origin stone is born here, then...

Yang Yiyun was trembling all over.

He still doesn't know how powerful the source of water is, but how can the source stone, which can be called the source of water, one of the five elements, be any worse?

Asked Heilian: "How does the origin of water affect monks?"

Black Lotus said calmly: "The owner of the cave here is a water origin stone, but it can become an Immortal Emperor. What do you think it will do to the monks?

It is no exaggeration to say that if you can fuse a water origin stone, then the power of water between heaven and earth can be used by you, and you can even compete with the other four origin powers, and your achievements will be limitless... But... I want to practice It is difficult to transform or obtain a water source stone. Even if you can get it, refining it is a big problem. If you don't have consciousness, it's okay. If you have a self-aware water source stone, you can The current cultivation level cannot be refined at all.

Everything depends on your chance. Even if there is a water origin stone here, even if it does not produce consciousness, it cannot be easily conquered and refined. The spirits of heaven and earth, known as innate spirits, all have spirituality. When the time comes, you really want to Yes, it depends on your luck.

If you can conquer the refining and control the power of water between heaven and earth in the future, or face beings who can also use water, or even the laws of water, you will not be afraid of anything and will be invincible. "

Yang Yiyun felt like the blood in his body was burning as he listened to Hei Lian's words.

There is only one sentence in my heart, I will get this water source stone at any cost.

According to Black Lotus, if you get the Origin Stone of Water, you will be the ancestor of the power of water, and you can also understand the power of water laws.

Take possession of innate power.

This... I'm afraid no monk will be tempted.

Now it depends on whether there is water source stone deep in the cave, but Yang Yiyun believes that there must be nine out of ten, because the aura of mountains and other things is getting bigger and bigger.

Of course, he also knew that it might not be easy to obtain, but he had to try everything.

If you can get the Origin Stone of Water, then just as Black Lotus said, your future is limitless.

While walking, he listened to Hei Lian's story. When he waited for Hei Lian's voice to stop, Yang Yiyun found that he had appeared in an empty place with extremely dazzling blue light.


Yang Yiyun was shocked when he came back to his senses!

His eyes were full of light.

In his realization, this place is a natural open natural hall, the space is not large, that is, a space of fifty or sixty square meters.

A cold ice sculpture appeared directly in front, like a miniature mountain peak, with cold air constantly coming out.

Looking carefully, this ice sculpture is about three meters high and one meter in diameter, but it has something the size of a baby's fist planted inside, emitting a soft blue halo.

The origin stone of water...?

This sentence came to Yang Yiyun's mind immediately.

He suddenly became excited and took one step towards this miniature version of the icy mountain peak.

"Don't pass..."

Just when Yang Yiyun took one step forward, Hei Lian's warning sounded in his mind.

He originally wanted to say not to go there, but before he could finish his sentence, Yang Yiyun was already three meters away from the icy mountain peak.

It's too late.

Yang Yiyun was a little excited at the moment, and all he could think about was the Source Stone of Water. It was too late when he heard Black Lotus's warning.


The change occurred when Yang Yiyun was three meters close to the icy mountain peak.

Suddenly, Yang Yiyun's expression changed drastically, and he felt an unparalleled power suddenly emanating from the icy mountain peak.

The next moment, his whole body seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar, and his body flew out like a kite with its string broken.

"Click... click..."

Yang Yiyun was hit by the sudden force emanating from the icy mountain and flew to the mountain wall dozens of meters away, causing the hard mountain wall to crack with a crack.

"Pfft... cough cough..."

Yang fell to the ground and vomited blood. He wanted to say something to Hei Lian, tell him if there is danger, sister, you will kill me.

But at this moment, he couldn't say a word, the energy and blood in his body were churning, his true energy was in chaos, and the most terrible thing was that he found that his whole body was freezing.

A chill was attacking him from the inside out.

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