My Master Is a God

Chapter 1674 Why is life so miserable as a teacher?

Yang Yiyun got a little excited, but the result was a tragedy, and he suffered a big loss.

He also didn't expect that there would be a backlash when he was three meters close to the icy mountain peak. After all, it was his own fault.

"The blue inside that little iceberg is the source of water. You are so thoughtful."

Heilian's voice rang in Yang Yiyun's mind. At the same time, Yang Yiyun felt a force appear in his body. It was so cold that it made him tremble. The cold air relaxed a lot after the force appeared. He knew that it was Heilian who took action.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun had no time to talk to Hei Lian and quickly activated his exercises to resolve the coldness invading his body.

In the blink of an eye, ice formed on his body.

This is self-protection formed by the original power of water.

Fortunately, with the help of Black Lotus and his powerful Qiankun Creation Skill, he was able to withstand the destruction of the cold air in his body, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

It took Yang Yiyun ten days to dispel and refine the cold air that invaded his body.


After exhaling a breath of turbid air, Yang Yiyun looked at the icy mountain peaks or the source of water again, his eyes full of fear.

He knew that such treasures of heaven and earth were not easy to obtain, but he did not expect that he would realize how powerful it was in just one moment. It was not that it was not easy to obtain, but that it was extremely difficult.

This was just a backlash from a place three meters away. He couldn't imagine what the consequences would be if he came into contact with the fire?

Anyway, now he was honest and calmed down.

It deserves to be the Immortal Emperor's Cave, and it deserves to be the power of the origin of water.

It's difficult to advance now, but Yang Yiyun won't even kill him if he wants to retreat. This kind of treasure of heaven and earth can only be encountered but cannot be sought. If he misses it, he will really regret it.

Therefore, his eyes flickered and he was determined to get it at any cost.

Compared with before, this was the cave of an Immortal Emperor, but there was no Immortal Emperor, which meant that the biggest risk no longer existed. Although it was dangerous now, it was just facing the source of water directly.

If he gives up after suffering some losses, then he is not Yang Yiyun.

After getting up, Yang Yiyun asked Heilian: "Has the origin of the water in Black Lotus become conscious?"

Heilian seemed like a knowledgeable scholar at this moment. He seemed to know and answer all the questions Yang Yiyun asked.

He opened his mouth and said, "Probably not. If the source of the water inside had developed consciousness, it would have come out long ago, instead of existing in the icy mountain. This icy mountain is just a self-protection."

Hearing Hei Lian speak, Yang Yiyun finally breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he didn't become conscious, there was still a chance.

Then he said to Heilian: "I want to get the origin of this water, and I need your help."

Black Lotus said directly in Yang Yiyun's mind: "I can only help you with my soul, but I can't help you with anything else."

Yang Yiyun nodded. He knew that Black Lotus could not come out of the sea of ​​consciousness and could only help spiritually, but it was enough for him.

Mainly rely on yourself.

Yang Yiyun knew that this small iceberg contained extremely powerful power. If he wanted to get the source of the inner water, he must first break this small iceberg, which was more than three meters high.

He said to Heilian: "Okay, just provide me with the blessing of divine soul power. I don't believe I can't take it."

After suffering a loss, Yang Yiyun also became angry.

There was a flash of silver light in his hand, and he held the dragon-slaying sword in his hand, and began to accumulate strength.

At a certain moment, he suddenly slashed out a sword towards the icy mountain peak.

"Breaking through the sky—flame, slash~"

This sword is his sword of law fusion. Last time he fought against the law master of Shengbao who had forcible infusion, Yang Yiyun also realized the power of law fusion with the fire element.

The Sky-Breaking Flame Slash is the most powerful attack he can currently perform.

Coupled with the blessing of Black Lotus' soul, after this sword slashed through the icy mountain peaks, space cracks continued to appear in the space, which was really powerful.

The dazzling sword energy was filled with flames in the silvery white, and all the power of the five elements of fire in the air was condensed into his sword.


Amidst the earth-shattering sound, the entire cave began to shake.

Due to the sword light, there is no doubt that the icy hill erupted with a powerful backlash, which collided hard with Yang Yiyun's sword energy...

The power of Yang Yiyun's sword energy is the power of the law of fire that has been comprehended and fused. Therefore, the extremely hot flame power of this sword, coupled with the blessing of the soul power of Black Lotus, indeed Yang Yiyun's sword has reached his unprecedented strength.

On the contrary, the power of the icy hill or the origin of water is the foundation of all water attributes. Water and fire are incompatible and exist in any power system.

It can also be said to be a mutual = constant control~!

Yang Yiyun just thought about the incompatibility between water and fire, so he had the confidence to send a sword that cut through the air and flames at the cold hill, the protective shell of the water's origin.

This sword always explodes with great power after being slashed.

When Yang Yiyun slashed his sword, he clearly saw the source of the azure water in the icy hill erupting with a dazzling light, which was so bright that he closed his eyes for a moment.

I thought to myself, this thing really does have a spiritual existence.

But at this moment, nothing mattered.

He also has strong confidence in his sword.

After all, the source of water existing in the icy mountain peak is a treasure of heaven and earth. It is not the real Immortal Emperor of Water Element. After opening up spiritual wisdom, he became an Immortal Emperor with the blessing of heaven.

In order to generate wisdom and consciousness from these treasures of heaven and earth, it is not easy to cultivate them.

Now, at best, he is a spiritual treasure.

It's just an instinctive protection when faced with danger.

It’s a hot and cold confrontation!

There are also forces that create and restrain each other.

After this blow, the outcome will be determined.

Yang Yiyun is confident that he can break through the turtle shell of the origin of water and obtain the origin of one of the five elements of power in the world.

It can be imagined that if he can obtain the source of water and ascend to the immortal world in the future, it will be infinitely helpful for him to understand the power of water laws. According to Black Lotus, if he relies solely on the power of the source of water, if he ascends to immortality in the future, even if If you can't achieve the level of Shuiyuan Immortal Emperor, you will definitely be better than ordinary immortals.

The desire for power exists among monks in the world, and Yang Yiyun is no exception.

The power of the origin of water made him unable to resist this temptation.

For him, let alone ascending to immortality, just talk about the present moment. When he returns to the world of cultivation in the future, he will inevitably come into contact with Sanxian Island, the world of small demons, and the existence of the great demon Wu Mingquan. If the demons in the world of cultivators break out, they will all There is a big enemy.

It can even be said to be a catastrophe in the world of cultivation. Even though he has reached the early stage of Ascension Realm and the middle stage of Ascension Realm, he has been filled with a sense of crisis for a long time.

The old man has said that Sanxian Island is not simple. Maybe there are still high-level Sanxian existences. If there are powerful Sanxins in Sanxian Island in several major holy places that have enmity between the cultivators and him, they will be powerful enemies for him.

In the world of cultivation, the Ascension Stage is the pinnacle of a cultivator's cultivation, which is equivalent to standing at the top of the pyramid.

But...there are also loose immortals in the world of cultivation.

A third-level Loose Immortal is equivalent to a cultivator in the Ascension Realm, but what about a fourth-level or fifth-level person?

That is an existence that transcends cultivators and is comparable to an immortal. How many can he deal with?

If you are an enemy, how to deal with it?

After all, strong strength is still needed.

And Yang Yiyun now thinks that the source of water is part of his strength.

Therefore, Yang Yiyun is determined to obtain the origin of water.

After the blow, although the cave seemed to be very strong due to the blessing of the formation, rocks still fell due to the earthquake and the mountains shook, and dense cracks opened on the surrounding mountain walls.

This is a powerful impact that produces astonishing destructive power.

The next moment, there was a crisp clicking sound, and Yang Yiyun felt happy. This was when he forced his eyes open in the dazzling light, and saw that there was finally a crack on the icy mountain peak.

Is it open...?

Yang Yiyun muttered in his heart.

But what he could see in his vision was that the blue light in the cold cracks was getting stronger and stronger, almost to the point of stinging his eyes.

However, he was not surprised but delighted.

This shows that his sword worked and successfully broke through the defense of the water source.

As long as the defense is broken, the source of water hidden within will be within reach.

How can Mr. Yang be happy?

Anyway, he did not suffer any loss from this sword attack and did not take a step back. This shows that the shell protection of the origin of water finally died, and it is not stronger than imagined.

Immediately take a step forward and approach the past.

The dragon-slaying sword in his hand waved again, and the icy mountain peak immediately fell apart with a dull roar.

At this time, the Blu-ray masterpiece...

The face of the origin of water was finally exposed in front of Yang Yiyun.

A blue bead the size of a baby's fist, with inscriptions flowing on it.

Although it was dazzling, Yang Yiyun could still see clearly after turning the eyes of the universe.

The water origin bead suspended in the air is within reach, just one meter away from Yang Yiyun.

Without feeling any danger, Yang Yiyun freed up a hand and used his true energy to circulate, and immediately grabbed towards the source of water...

next moment……

Got it...

The tentacles are ice cold.

Yang Yiyun felt happy.

It’s really not easy to finally give up after putting in so much effort.

Yang Yiyun was a little excited.

However, accidents often occur at the stage when extreme happiness gives rise to sadness.

When Yang Yiyun was holding on to the source of water, he was just happy, but suddenly realized that something was wrong.

And Heilian's unprecedented eccentric exclamation also came to Yang Yiyun's mind: "No, this water source has become conscious, let go..."

Yang Yiyun really couldn't cry at this moment.

Heilian's reminder must be delayed no matter what.

When Heilian lost his voice and spoke, he could already feel the power in his body flowing crazily into the Water Origin Bead in his hand, and the soul power was being absorbed.

It can be called devouring, and even if I try my best to stop it, there is nothing I can do.

In just one breath, more than a third of the true energy in his body was swallowed up by the water source strain tightly held in his hand.

At this moment Yang Yiyun was scared.

He wanted to throw away the source of water in his hands, but it seemed like it had grown in his hands and he couldn't get rid of it...

At the same time, he felt the black light of the black lotus in the sea of ​​consciousness, and struggled to resist it.


Under the terrifying devouring of the source of water, Yang Yiyun found that the black lotus seemed to have no power to resist. Not all of the black light activated by the black lotus flowed into the source of water...

"I can't resist Yang Yiyun..."

Black Lotus' weak voice sounded in his mind, and Yang Yiyun in his consciousness saw Black Lotus' dark light dissipating and turning into a black lotus platform.

This is entering the self-protection stage!

At this time, Yang Yiyun's soul began to tremble, and he found that his soul power also began to lose.

In such a short period of time, the true energy in the body was exhausted, and most of the soul power was devoured...

Yang Yiyun couldn't even think about shouting. He felt that all his strength was about to be exhausted and his body began to tremble.

My life is at an end~

Yang Yiyun never expected that there would be such a scene.

Previously, Black Lotus judged that the source of water should not have consciousness, but now it seems that Black Lotus also made mistakes.

However, Hei Lian cannot be blamed. It was because Hei Lian he asked to help several times was too smooth, which led to some blind trust in Hei Lian. Now that he thinks about it, he really shouldn't have done it. Hei Lian is the best, but in the final analysis, he is still the best Lotus in the world. The lotus seeds are not the real first lotus in ancient times.

Black Lotus can be regarded as the lotus seed of Nirvana, and everything is still recovering, including her memory.

Yang Yiyun knew that he shouldn't have put all his treasure on Heilian, and now he deserves it!

Feeling that his consciousness was getting weaker and weaker, Yang Yiyun felt bitter in his heart.

My eyelids are heavy, and I feel like I've fallen asleep every now and then.

At this moment, he saw from the corner of his eye that the arm holding the Water Origin Bead was glowing with golden light, and it was getting brighter and brighter, and his arm also felt hot.

It is exactly the position of the Qiankun pot pattern.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun had a smile on his lips. The Qiankun Pot had not emitted hot and golden light for a long time.

He felt relieved for no reason and finally slowly closed his eyes.

In the blur of consciousness, I seemed to hear a roar: "Idiots, fools, and brats can't live in peace. This is one of the most original powers in the world. How dare you touch it with your hands? I want to die... ...Why is life so miserable as a teacher..."

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