My Master Is a God

Chapter 1685 The Origin of Kirin

"Tell me where it is?"

After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, Qilin stretched his huge head forward to ask, his mood was very unstable.

From this scene, Yang Yiyun knew that he had made the right bet.

There are so few unicorns in the world. It is really not easy for one to appear.

The Qilin Soul in front of me is extremely concerned.

He found that the Qilin Soul's murderous intention towards him had disappeared.

Yang Yiyun knew that Qilin Soul would not take action against him again, but only if he revealed the whereabouts and information of Niu Duzi.

He took a deep breath and took out the image stone in his hand to activate it. This was an image record of the battle against the demons after Niu Dauzi's bloodline awakened in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains. It was recorded by the big demon under his command, and he kept it as a souvenir.

The image in the image stone shows the scene where Niu Duzi collects the unicorn war drum and fights the big demon...

It's over in just a few frames.

But the spirit of Qilin was excited and laughed wildly: "Hahaha... my clan will never be destroyed, my clan will never be destroyed..."

After laughing, Qilin Soul looked at Yang Yiyun, but his voice softened a lot and said: "Tell me about the situation."

Yang Yiyun knew that Qilin Soul wanted to know about Niu Duzi, but he did not dare to hesitate at this time. After all, the Qilin in front of him was an unfathomable existence, so he could only express his dissatisfaction with a cold snort.

It would be too unfair if the old man could kill him just because he was unhappy.

The Kirin Soul had just shown that it could destroy him with just a thought, but Yang Yiyun did not dare challenge its patience.

He opened his mouth and said: "I am in the world of cultivation now. Niu Duzi is very good. He has completed his bloodline awakening and is very good now..."

It took Yang Yiyun half an hour to talk about what happened between him and Niu Duzi, 70% true and 30% false. He didn't dare to say that he could control Niu Duzi with the water of life. He just focused on exaggerating the relationship between him and Niu Duzi. good relationship.

He knew that in this way he could make this unicorn soul appreciate him, not be hostile to him, and even let him enter the God's Cemetery.

After he finished telling the story, Qilin Soul fell silent, seeming to be lost in thoughts and memories...

After brewing for a long time, he finally said, "Thank you."

While speaking human words, the huge head nodded to Yang Yiyun to thank him.

This frightened Yang Yiyun, and he quickly said: "Senior, you're welcome. Niu Duzi and I are brothers in life and death, and this is what we should do."

"No, you deserve it. I represent the gratitude of the Qilin clan. Our clan's original bloodline is very sparse, and in the subsequent catastrophe, it became even more..." There was a pause at this point, and then he continued: "Niu... Calf... …”

It’s really hard to find something special about the name Qilin... The majestic Qilin beast is actually called Niuduzi in Yang Yiyun’s mouth. It’s really...

But it is a title after all. The Qilin Soul said after feeling relieved: "Niu Xiaozi should be the last bloodline of our clan. You deserve my thanks. Speaking of which, if it weren't for you, the last Qilin in the world might still be trapped in the Heavenly Demon Palace. It cannot be reborn, or it may never be reborn.

I offended you before. I have the heavy responsibility of guarding God's Cemetery. I can't tolerate any mistakes, so I have to take action against you. Please forgive me. "Qilin Soul expressed its apology again.

Yang Yiyun finally figured it out. Niu Calf seemed to be very important in the eyes of this unicorn soul. He wondered if this unicorn soul could be the same unicorn soul in the Heavenly Demon Palace?

I couldn't help but ask: "Senior, which of the Lords of the Heavenly Demons are you?"

But he saw the spirit of Qilin shaking his head and saying: "The Lord of Heavenly Demons Qilin you mentioned can be considered a descendant. I have been around for a long, long time, so long that I can't even remember how long it has been. You don't need to worry about these things now." You are too weak, it will do you no good if you know."

"Uh~" Yang Yiyun was speechless, why did he hear the sadness in Qilin Soul's words.

But now he knew that this unicorn soul was no longer hostile to him, so he boldly said: "Senior, I wonder if I can go to the God's Cemetery to have a look?"

After saying that, Yang Yiyun became anxious.

Qilin glanced at it with complicated eyes and said, "You can't enter the God's Cemetery yet."

"Why? Didn't Lu Chunqiu go in? Why can't I go in and take a look?" Yang Yiyun was a little unconvinced.

"Haha, come back when you become the Immortal Emperor. If you go in now, you will die. Since the son of Qilin, the Queen of our clan, has chosen you, I will naturally not harm you." Qilin Soul said lightly.


Yang Yiyun gasped when he heard what Qilin Soul meant. This divine cemetery actually requires the Immortal Emperor level to enter?

So, what exactly is this place of existence?

Instead, he became more and more curious.

"Senior, what do you mean, Lu Chunqiu and the First Emperor of China's Qin Dynasty are both immortal emperors?" Yang Yiyun asked.

Qilin Soul nodded and said: "It's not too high. I'll tell you the truth. God's Cemetery is responsible for the secrets of how the ascended people in the world can rise. There is no room for any mistakes. There is a powerful force in the seeds, which is lower than that of the Immortal Emperor Cultivator." Why, when you get in, you get out of the car in a state of shock.

So I didn’t mean to kill you just now, I just wanted to scare you. I’m a majestic Qilin and I wouldn’t dare to attack a junior like you. Besides, which old guy selected you, I don’t dare to attack you. God’s Cemetery Don't think about it now, wait until you reach the Immortal Emperor level in the future. "

Yang Yiyun felt his heart trembling as he listened to Qilin Soul's words. There was too much information revealed in Qilin Soul's words.

God's Cemetery shoulders the important task of rising up the Ascended Ones?

Will someone whose cultivation level is lower than that of the Immortal Emperor die if he goes in?

The last and most important point is that according to Qilin's intention, Yang Yiyun is the person chosen by an old guy in Qilin Soul's mouth, and Qilin Soul doesn't even dare to actually kill him?


Could it be that the old thing Qilin Soul mentioned was Master Yunxie?

But if you think about it, it doesn't match the title. It's true that the old man is the twelfth-level loose immortal supreme, but he is also said to be comparable to the immortal immortal in the immortal world, and he still exists in the immortal world.

But... according to Qilin Soul, he is an ancestor-level existence of the Qilin clan. He seems to be more awesome and does not feel like an old man here.

Qilin Soul's words made Yang Yiyun more and more curious. He looked at Qilin Soul and asked, "Senior, please clarify. Is this junior a little confused?"

Qilin Soul looked at Yang Yiyun for a while and then sighed: "Well, I'll give you a general explanation so that the old guy won't blame me in the future. It's also good to give you a heads up."

After finishing, he muttered: "I can only say that the fairy world is not the pinnacle of cultivators in the world. There is a higher-level way of existence above the fairy world, and all living beings who can cultivate can step by step from a weak world to a The creatures in a higher world are collectively called ascended ones. For example, if you go from the earth to the world of cultivation, it is an ascension, and if a cultivator ascends from the world of cultivation to the world of immortality, it is another time of ascension.

And the people in the fairy world are ascending...the other high-level worlds are also ascending, and they don't dare to deal with the human race and the demon race. Those in this situation are collectively called ascended ones.

The God’s Cemetery is a cemetery where powerful people who ascended are buried, but it is also the hope of those who ascend in the world. In the highest level world, there are powerful beings that block the path of the people who ascend in the world. The God’s Cemetery is the place for those who ascend. The hope is that when you reach the Immortal Emperor level in the future, you will naturally know the various reasons.

But knowing too much now is not a good thing for you. Go back and practice hard. If you are chosen by an old man, you will definitely be able to enter the God's Cemetery in the future. "

"Who was chosen? Are you talking about my master Yun Tianxie?" Yang Yiyun couldn't help but ask.

"Haha, you think it should be the little Sanxian guy. He can't even call me an old man. Well, there is no need to ask more. You will understand one day in the future."

Qilin Soul spoke and glanced at Yang Yiyun.

But Yang Yiyun felt that the Qilin Soul glanced at his left arm.

Is there anything nice about his left arm?

Yang Yiyun thought about it - Qiankun Pot!

At this time, he was thoughtful.

But seeing that Qilin Soul no longer wanted to talk, he gave the eviction order. Obviously he didn't want to say any more. Knowing that Qilin Soul wouldn't say anything more, he had no choice but to give up.

It is true that if the Divine Cemetery is really weak and can only be entered with Immortal Emperor level cultivation, then he will really die if he enters now, so he might as well forget it.

"In that case, I will take my leave, junior."

Yang Yiyun was ready to leave.

"Wait a minute, I'll give this to you. I know the obsession in your kid's heart. After ascending to the immortal world in the future, if you can understand it and enter the Six Paths, you can eliminate the obsession in your heart... and you can still take care of our family's back. I will remember your kindness in the future."

While Qilin Soul was speaking, he opened his mouth and spit out a three-inch stream of light, as thick as a little finger, which penetrated into the center of his eyebrows in an instant.


There was a roar in Yang Yiyun's mind, and the next moment he exclaimed: "The origin of Qilin..."

"Let's do it well. This origin is my thank you for taking care of my last generation..."

After saying those words, the Qilin soul turned into colorful light and disappeared into the portal of the God's Cemetery.

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