My Master Is a God

Chapter 1686 The last stop on Mount Everest

Yang Yiyun found that he had received huge benefits this time. The Kirin Soul gave him a trace or a trace of the original soul power.

It contained supreme power, he could feel it, but he also knew that he didn't have that strength in refining it now, so it was definitely a good thing.

What particularly excited Yang Yiyun was that the Kirin Soul said that he would be able to enter the Six Paths through enlightenment in the future. For Yang Yiyun, this silk of Kirin's original power was a priceless treasure.

Entering the Six Paths, the Qilin Soul saw through his inner obsession, it was Liu Lingling's!

The words "Netherworld" appeared in my mind again. Niu Daozi also mentioned the existence of the Six Paths at the beginning, but Niu Daozi was not yet an adult and was not yet able to find or enter the Six Paths to get to the Netherworld.

Now the Qilin Soul has given him the power of the Qilin's origin. Doesn't this mean that as long as he comprehends the power of the Qilin's origin in the future, he can find the Six Paths and enter the Netherworld...

How could Yang Yiyun not be excited?

Liu Lingling was indeed his obsession, but today the Qilin Soul gave him a direction.

This Qilin soul is not only this, but also the law of Qilin. It has powerful and incomparable power, but he needs to slowly refine and comprehend it. Anyway, now Yang Yiyun feels that this Qilin has entered the sea of ​​consciousness. To him, power is like a hard stone that cannot be chewed for the time being.

However, there will always be a time when he can chew it, and Yang Yiyun is not in a hurry.

He had no intention of entering the God's Cemetery. Now that he had obtained the power of Qilin's original soul, Yang Yiyun thought this was his biggest gain in history.

He bowed deeply to the Qilin Soul that disappeared through the portal of the God's Cemetery to express his gratitude.

"What is Yunzi? Qilin... why did he leave suddenly... What did you say to make him leave suddenly?" Zheng Binbin came over and asked at this time.

Yang Yiyun was stunned. It seemed that Zheng Binbin didn't hear the conversation he had with Qilin just now. Thinking about it, he was relieved. With the means of Qilin Soul, it was easy to not let Zheng Binbin hear their conversation.

"It's nothing. The Qilin Soul gave me a piece of Qilin's original power. Let's go. We can't enter the God's Cemetery. Let's go see the mountain and sea realm transmission channel. Let's go back."

Yang Yiyun didn't want to talk about his conversation with Qilin Soul, so Zheng Binbin didn't ask any questions and followed him.

In fact, Yang Yiyun didn't understand much of Qilin Soul's vague words. Anyway, he knew that he couldn't afford to interfere with the matter of the God's Cemetery, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

When the two came to Li Fei's palace, the formation on the wall still existed, and judging from the traces, someone had indeed entered. It was obvious that the people led by Meng Yi had gone to the Shanhai Realm.

As long as the formation exists, it will be a way for Yuan Zheng and her son to enter the world of mountains and seas in the future.

The trip was complete and we headed back home.

Although he failed to enter the God's Cemetery, he received the origin of the Kirin Soul as a gift from the Kirin Soul. This was the biggest gain of this trip for Yang Yiyun.

Another thing that shocked him was that according to the soul of the weapon spirit, the monk's pursuit of the immortal world was not the end, but there was a higher-level world above the immortal world.

Qilin Soul did not tell what the specific world was, but Yang Yiyun knew that it was definitely not simple, and Qishen Cemetery was most likely related to that world.

Of course, these are far away to him now, and he doesn't need to think about it now.

After coming out, when they reached the place where the rocks were, the souls of the Five Oxen emerged, staring into their huge oxen eyes and stuttering: "What did you do, to make my elder brother give you a trace of the Kirin's origin...?"

Yang Yiyun knew that the eldest brother mentioned by Wo Niu Soul must be Qilin Soul Wubi. Hearing his question, he grinned and said, "You can ask your eldest brother~"

"You kid... forget it, since the elder brother has approved it, I have nothing to say..." The soul of Wo Niu did not quarrel with Yang Yiyun after all.

Yang Yiyun smiled and was about to leave. When he turned around, he stopped and said to the soul of Wo Niu: "Old Niu, in the future, my Yunmen disciples and their wives and children may enter the mountain and sea realm through the teleportation array here. Please don't do it then." I, Yang Yiyun, am deeply grateful for embarrassing them."

"Yes, yes, as long as you don't take the idea of ​​the God's Cemetery, everything will be fine. For the sake of my eldest brother's recognition of you, I won't embarrass you..." said the soul of Crouching Ox.

"Thank you very much." Yang Yiyun cupped his fists and thanked him. Now he didn't want to provoke the soul of the lying cow. This cow soul could call Qilin his eldest brother. It might be a bit awkward, but it was definitely not bad.

It is very possible that he is a demon soul from the same era as Qilin, but he is responsible for guarding the primary portal here. It seems unimportant, but he does not have the means to protect it.

Yang Yiyun will naturally not mess with him if he can make good friends with her.

"Leave quickly, don't disturb my sleep." The soul of Crouching Ox was a little impatient.

Yang Yiyun Xiaoxiao and Zheng Binbin disappeared and appeared in Yunmen. Now he is preparing to leave and go to the mountain and sea world. After arriving at the mountain and sea world, he will take Tuan Yuanyuan and Xiao Manman with him and return to the world of cultivation.

Counting the time, I left the world of cultivation and was trapped in the Blue Heart Immortal Emperor's Garden for decades. It has been almost a month now, and it's time to return to the world of cultivation.

Yang Yiyun gave an order and the entire Yunmen began to move. This time when he went to the Shanhai Realm, he planned to take away all the more than 100 disciples of Yunmen who had reached the Golden Core level or above.

Yunmen will be left to Yuan Bao to take care of it in the future. Of course, his son Yang Yuanqing is positioned as the master of Yunmen on Earth and the heir to Yunqi Group. Wu Nan joins Yunmen and becomes an elder.

In the future, Yunmen will recruit only the best disciples, not many but only the best.

Of course, Yang Yiyun also left two Nascent Soul Realm disciples and three Golden Core disciples to protect Yuan Zheng’s mother and son and the foundation of Yunmen. When Yuan Zheng wants to come to the world of cultivation, he will let these five disciples enter the world of cultivation together. The world is.

After the order was issued, what Yang Yiyun didn't expect was that his parents came to him.

"Yunzi and I have discussed it with you. We will stay on Earth for the time being and wait for Yuan Qing to grow up and join you in the world of cultivation." Yang Guozhong said directly.

"Yes, I can't bear to leave my precious grandson..." Mother Duanmu Wan'er also spoke quickly.

Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly and said: "Mom and Dad, you have both reached the Great Perfection of the Integration Realm. The next step is to transcend the tribulation period. You must prepare to survive the great tribulation. If the spiritual energy of the earth cannot keep up, you will not be able to survive the tribulation..."

"Needless to say, we have all decided. The best thing to do is to suppress our cultivation first. After all, going to the world of cultivation is also cultivation. For your mother and I, it doesn't matter whether we practice immortality or ascend to immortality. We can still meet each other again in this life. Living together, even reaching the level of integration, living for hundreds of years, and already making a lot of money.

Immortal now, having grandchildren is the greatest happiness in our hearts. It doesn’t matter whether you cultivate or not. When your son’s parents were young, they were no longer around you and Shanshan. You didn’t have a childhood, but you had your grandma...

And you and Shanshan are both older now, so we are all relieved, but little Yuanqing is only one year old, and we also want to fulfill our responsibilities. If your nanny can accompany you and Shanshan, naturally your mother and I also want to take care of the baby. Yuan Qing, so you don't have to worry about us, just do what you should do..." Yang Guozhong's words were very firm, and he wouldn't leave for the time being anyway.

But Yang Yiyun knew that his parents were trying to make up for him. He had a lot to do. Behind him were hundreds of thousands of Yunmen disciples in the world of cultivation, and he had to take responsibility for more people.

Naturally, he couldn't stay with his son for too long, so Yang Yiyun knew that his parents were helping him in disguise.

"Mom and Dad, thank you, that's fine. I feel more at ease with you here..."

After explaining the Great Qin Emperor's Tomb Teleportation Formation to his parents and Yuanzheng Yuanbao, Yang Yiyun prepared to leave the next day.

With a wave of his hand, everyone was tightened into the space of the Qiankun Pot. There was only one five-color sacred cow left beside him, which could not be contained in the space of the Qiankun Pot. Now Yang Yiyun understood that the space of the Qiankun Pot could not contain the five-color sacred cow. It might be Qiankun. The upgrade of the pot is not yet at the fairy level.

In the future, if you go to the fairy world or the Qiankun Pot comes to life again, you should be able to accept the creatures from the fairy world into the Qiankun Pot space.

He has no doubt at all about the mysterious level of the Qiankun Pot.

Jumping on the back of the five-color sacred bull, this time he planned to browse the Chinese mountains and rivers before leaving. After all, he didn't know when he would be able to come back after leaving this time.

After taking a look at the deserts of the Western Regions, the mountains of the southwest, etc., he made his last stop to Mount Everest, but he didn't expect to encounter an unexpected creature here.

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