My Master Is a God

Chapter 1687 Cat Demon King

Mount Everest, referred to as Mount Everest, is 8844.43 meters tall and is the highest peak in the world.

The peak is located on the border between China and Nepal, and the southern slope is located in the Sagarmatha area of ​​Nepal. It is one of the top ten most beautiful and shocking mountains in China.

The tall and majestic image of Mount Everest has always affected the world.

In the past few years, glaciers have been diverse and magnificent, with ice cliffs tens of meters high, bright and dark ice fissures, and dangerous ice and avalanche areas...

It is a holy place for climbing adventurers around the world.

The environment here is harsh and full of mystery.

Yang Yiyun came to Mount Everest just to fulfill his wish. He and the five-color sacred cow appeared directly on the top of the ice and snow, looking at the sea of ​​clouds and glaciers in the distance...

At a certain moment, Yang Yiyun's heart moved, and he said to the five-color sacred cow: "Big Tongue went and had a look. I seem to feel the presence of evil spirits."

Demonic energy has never been found on the earth, but he didn't expect to feel the demonic energy in the Mount Everest Mountains. Although it was vaguely present, he didn't have to feel it wrong.

The location is in a crack in the ice...

The chance of demon cultivators appearing on the earth is almost impossible, but it is not impossible, which makes Yang Yiyun very interested to see it.

Yang Yiyun and the five-color sacred cow arrived at a glacier crevice, and sure enough, they felt the evil spirit continuously emanating from the crevice.

"Go in and take a look~"

Yang Yiyun said that it turned into a stream of light and penetrated into the crack with a diameter of half a meter.

After entering, the seemingly narrow crack became wider and deeper, and they penetrated deep into the iceberg.

After landing about ten minutes later, we arrived in a crystal world, a space made entirely of ice, and the demonic aura became stronger.

Yang Yiyun motioned to the five-color sacred cow and followed the demonic aura softly. After turning the corner, he heard voices, and they were human.

But something stirred in his heart. It was obvious that the person who could appear here couldn't be a human being. It was most likely a monster that could speak human words.

A sharp voice was heard: "White Bear, you are seeking death. The Cat Demon King has long said not to harm others, so you are seeking death."

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense. This area is my white bear's territory, and she, the cat demon, can't control it. Besides, this person fell to his death by himself, so what if I eat it?"

At this moment, another rougher voice sounded.

When Yang Yiyun and the five-color sacred cow looked over, they finally saw what kind of demon was talking to them.

A white bear looks like a mini bear, only half a meter long. On the other side is a fox that has always been khaki. Compared to the white bear, this fox is much weaker, but Yang Yiyun can see that the white bear seems to be interested in the fox. Full of fear.

There is a corpse between the two, which seems to be that of a foreigner.

According to the conversation, the person accidentally fell into the ice cave and died, but the white bear wanted to eat people, but the fox brought out something like the cat demon king saying that he should not eat people or that the monsters should not harm people, but the white bear ignored it.

Judging from the aura, the fox is at the middle stage of the golden elixir, while the white bear is at the peak of the early golden elixir. There is a slight difference between the two, but Yang Yiyun knows that whether it is a person or a person, a small difference in cultivation is a gap.

They were just two little demons. He looked amused when they arrived, and he was even more interested in the cat demon king that the fox said. Being called a king only meant that he was of high cultivation among these little demons and could give orders not to harm others. This is rare.

At this time, the fox demon stood up in a stern voice and said: "The bastard Cat Demon King has said it a long time ago. There are monks in the human race who are extremely powerful. It is not easy for us demons to practice. If you provoke the human monks, it will be our annihilation. How dare you go against it?" Cat Demon King’s ban, I will take you to see the Cat Demon King today.”


The fox spoke human words, and with a long roar, the whole body shone with light, but its small body was several times larger. It stood upright like a human, and even looked a bit transformed. After standing up, Yang Yiyun looked like a human. But after all, he didn't transform, he was still a beast.

It's just that the limbs look like human hands and feet.


Similarly, the white bear also stood upright while roaring, taking on the appearance of a primary form.

A fox and a bear confront each other.

Yang Yiyun knew that given time, these two little demons would eventually be able to transform into humans.

At this time, I heard White Bear say fiercely: "Sexy Fox, you are just a little red fox, and you are just a dog under the Demon King of Cats. Why are you so arrogant? Normally, I, the White Bear, can still be afraid of her, the Demon King of Cats, but these days, I eat first After killing you, I will kill her cat demon..."

After saying this, the white bear went to the other side of the ice cave and shouted: "Isn't the cobra coming out yet?"


After the white bear finished speaking, a cobra more than ten meters long appeared behind the fox, spitting out its double forked tongue and neighing.

The fox was suddenly caught in the middle, surrounded by cobras and white bears one behind the other.

Yang Yiyun saw the fox's hair standing on end when the cobra appeared.

Then he heard the fox trembling: "Cobra you... weren't you beaten to death by the Cat Demon King? How... how..." The fox's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Quack... I also want to thank that bitch cat. Not only did he not die, it was a blessing in disguise, but his skills have also increased greatly. Today I just want to try my skills on you, the fox..."

Cobra's sinister laughter was full of resentment, making Yang Yiyun feel uncomfortable.

"Stop talking nonsense, kill this naughty fox quickly. Let's leave here. If the Cat Demon King comes later, we will not be able to compete." After the white bear spoke to the cobra, he roared and pounced on the fox.

The cobra also opened its big mouth and spit out a mouthful of dark poisonous mist at the fox, then suddenly bit it towards the fox.

In Yang Yiyun's eyes, this cobra was in the middle stage of the golden elixir. With the addition of the white bear in the middle stage of the golden elixir, the little fox was bound to die.

At this time, the five-color sacred cow said: "The little fox is going to die~"

"Go kill them and save the little fox." Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and spoke to the five-color sacred cow.

"I know you won't ignore it, look at me." Wu Color Divine Niu smiled, and didn't care about Yang Yiyun giving him orders. In fact, after following Yang Yiyun, Wu Color Divine Niu and Yang Yiyun got along well, and they were no longer as good as before. Instead of being vigilant, they get along like friends. The five-color sacred cow likes this feeling very much.

The red fox was stunned by the poisonous gas of the cobra, and he immediately felt dizzy. He watched the white bear claw at his chest, and the cobra bit at his head. The fox knew that he was about to die.

However, the next moment, only two dull sounds were heard, and then the fox saw that the bodies of the white bear and the cobra exploded into blood mist and dissipated directly into the sky and the earth, without even uttering a scream.

The fox's eyes widened, wondering what was going on?

But the next moment he saw a fat pig-like creature with a pair of horns on its head and a white-haired human appeared in front of him.

The fox was still dizzy after being poisoned by the cobra. Then he saw a creature that looked like a cow and a pig breathing out at him, and his mind suddenly became clear.

At this time, the fox knew that it was the person and the beast in front of him who saved his life.

Without even seeing how the other party acted, he killed the white bear and the cobra and turned them into gray flies. The fox could not imagine such a method. He knew that he had encountered an expert, and after reacting, he quickly recovered his body and transformed into a little fox with two front legs. His legs were bent, but he knelt down and said: "Xiaohu, thank you two seniors for saving your life..."

"Get up, you little fox is very smart. Go and take me to the Cat Demon King. I'm a little interested in seeing what kind of cat he is. It can give you some insight and prevent people from killing people. This alone is good."

Yang Yiyun smiled and spoke. He was actually interested for a while. He met a clever little fox and a cat demon who seemed good. All creatures on earth have good cultivation talents. Here he actually met a little demon who started to practice spiritual wisdom. He was interested. If you take a few of them to the world of cultivation for training, you may not be able to guarantee that they will have better talents than the monsters in the world of cultivation. Of course, they are more happy that the monsters can appear on earth.

As for the white bear and the cobra, forget about them. Both of them are monsters that his machine hates.

Back then, Red Buddha took away a white bear and later injured Liu Lingling. He could not see the white bear again.

As for cold-blooded demonic insects like cobras, they were naturally disliked by him, so they directly killed a hundred of them with the Five-Colored Sacred Cow Society.

The fox knew that he had met a real senior master today, and he also understood that the other party may not have any ill intentions, and there was no need to embarrass him, a little fox. Moreover, he did not dare to violate it, so he could only nod and said: "Please come with the two seniors and Xiaoyao .”

"lead the way……"

Following the little fox all the way out, we passed through the iceberg for about dozens of miles, and then appeared in a tropical rain forest.

Yang Yiyun knew that this was the southern part of Mount Everest.

There is virgin forest, but it is difficult to reach.

Half an hour later, they appeared in front of a cave. The little fox shouted to the cave: "Master Demon King, there are masters from the human race coming..."

Yang Yiyun's consciousness moved, but he said to himself: "Hey~ It's actually a cat demon who has achieved Nascent Soul, but why does it feel like the breath of a domestic cat?"

With a sweep of his consciousness, he already understood the situation in the cave.

There is indeed a cat in the cave, and it is in the early stage of Nascent Soul, which is rare.

What he saw in his consciousness was a half-human, half-demon woman, transformed but incomplete, with a cat's tail and ears, and white hair.

Obviously it has not been completely transformed yet.

But it was already very good, and Yang was a little embarrassed when he glanced at it. He saw that the cat demon looked like a twenty-year-old girl, with a pair of long and fair legs exposed, a very muscular chest, and She is wearing human fashionable women's clothing, which is very attractive.

The next moment, the cat demon lying on the stone bed suddenly looked up and said: "Meow~"

Then with a swish, it turned into an afterimage and left the stone bed, exiting the cave.

Yang Yiyun saw Catwoman transform into an ordinary white house cat and come out as fast as lightning.

entrance of the cave.


The cat demon stopped and stared at Yang Yiyun with a pair of blood-red eyes, looking like he was trembling slightly.

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