My Master Is a God

Chapter 1688 Return to the world of cultivation

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

The next moment, the cat demon spoke human words, but Yang Yiyun was stunned when he opened his mouth.


With a whooshing sound, the cat demon turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed towards Yang Yiyun.

"Hmph, the little cat demon doesn't know how to live or die." At this time, the five-color sacred cow snorted coldly and was about to take action against the cat demon.

"Back off the big tongue."

Yang Yiyun quickly stopped him and allowed the cat to fly into his arms.

He could feel that the cat demon had no hostility toward him. Instead, he was extremely excited after seeing him, as if he was seeing a relative.

The five-color sacred cow stopped immediately when he heard Yang Yiyun's words, his face was extremely weird, and he also heard the cat demon call him uncle.

The uncle's name was obviously Yang Yiyun, which made the five-color sacred cow look at Yang Yiyun with a strange expression.

It's true that a cat demon is still a human uncle, which is very weird.


In the blink of an eye, the cat demon was already in Yang Yiyun's arms.

Not to mention the strangeness of the five-color sacred cow, Yang Yiyun himself couldn't figure out why the cat called him uncle.

"Uncle... I have finally met you. How is my lady? Is she back too...?" The cat demon asked three times in succession.

"Wait, let's make it clear first, do we... know each other?" Yang Yiyun stared at the cat demon in his arms and asked. As for the safety issue, he was not worried at all. It was just a cat at the beginning of Nascent Soul. She couldn't do anything to him if Yang Yiyun didn't do it. harm.

The cat demon in his arms immediately jumped out of Yang Yiyun's arms after listening to Yang Yiyun's words, squatted on a rock and uttered human words: "Uncle, I am the domestic cat of the Lin family, and my dearest lady is Lin Huan. Back then, my uncle gave me He gave me a drop of liquid medicine and opened my spiritual wisdom...

Later, my uncle and his wife left, and after he retired, he and his wife went to Yunmen for retirement. I observed and practiced the method of absorbing the essence of heaven and earth at Yunmen, and practiced it subconsciously...

A hundred years later, Master and Madam, I left Yunmen. At that time, I had cultivated the demonic energy and was afraid of being taken away. After all, there were not many demonic cultivators on the earth, so I left and hid in the mountains..."

As the cat demon told Yang Yiyun, he finally thought about it. Indeed, when he went to Lin Huan's house, in order to prove himself to Lin Huan's parents, he killed Lin Huan's cat with an ashtray, and then used a drop of water of life to kill it. Cats are resurrected, indeed.

Now that I think about it, it seems that that domestic cat was the one in front of me~

No wonder the cat demon called him uncle.

All this has a origin!

He never expected that a random masterpiece would turn into a cat, known as the Cat Demon King.

"Haha... origin and destruction, cause and effect reincarnation, the great road is wonderful~" Yang Yiyun was indeed very happy to see a familiar cat.

Especially this cat turned out to be Lin Huan's house cat.

At that time, the parents of several women, brothers and friends were all old and missed the time to cultivate. Yang Yiyun was helpless because of the laws of nature, so that they now have no relatives.

But when the cat appeared today, Yang Yiyun believed that Lin Huan would be happy after seeing it.

I also lamented the wonder of fate. A random pill created a cat demon back then. This was a chance.

After chatting with the cat demon for a while, Yang Yiyun said: "Pack up and come with me. Since you have entered the cultivation world, this is your opportunity. It is also a good thing to be Lin Huan's companion when you go to the cultivation world. "

The cat demon was overjoyed and thanked her profusely: "Thank you so much, uncle, thank you so much, uncle. I thought I would never see my young lady again in this life." But she burst into tears as she spoke.

Then the cat demon turned around and entered the cave. When he came out, he had a small cloth bag in his mouth.

Although Yang Yiyun smiled and didn't look at it, he felt that there were some elixirs inside, and there was a faint spiritual energy emanating from them.

With a wave of his hand, a necklace appeared in his hand. He threw it towards the cat demon and said, "This is a storage necklace. I give it to you. Think of it as a meeting gift from me. Lord of the Bloody Ninja, it can store things."

"Xiaobai, thank you, uncle." If the cat demon can cultivate to this level, he will naturally know how to store magic weapons.

"Xiao Bai~ The name is quite appropriate." Yang Yiyun said to himself, knowing that this was the name of the cat demon.

After the cat demon refined the storage necklace, he glanced at the envious little fox beside him and said, "Uncle...can you also bring Xiaohong with you? She has been with me all these years, and she has also become a Taoist..."

"Haha, okay, if you don't tell me, I will take her with me too. By the way, do you know that there are other powerful demon cultivators after you are here on earth?" Yang Yiyun didn't mind cleaning up before leaving.

The cat demon said: "There should be no more. I have traveled to many places over the years. In this area, I have only met Xiao Hong, White Bear and a cobra who have successfully cultivated Taoism. I have never seen any other demon clan."

"Nothing is better, so let's go..."

Yang Yiyun waved his hand and took the cat demon and the little fox into the space of the Qiankun Pot, then broke the boundary wall directly on the spot, stepped into the space crack and entered the mountain and sea world.

He didn't know before, but now he understands that there is a boundary wall between the mountain and sea world and the earth. A boundary wall of this level is not difficult for him.

At this point, the earth has just come to a big end. Although his parents, Yuanzheng Yuanbao, son Yang Yuanqing and others stayed on the earth for the time being, he has already made it clear what should be explained. In the future, they will enter the mountains and seas through the teleportation array in Daqin City. The world is looking for him in the cultivator world.

The problem in the west has long been destroyed by the five-color sacred bull, the little phoenix and the mink under his instruction, and no more bird-men can be summoned to come.

On the Chinese side, many monks were directly sent to the Mountain and Sea Realm. Yunmen strongly integrated various forces and made Wu Nan the Yunmen elder, which was equivalent to handing over half of the power inside and outside Yunmen to the country.

Now Yang Yiyun can leave with peace of mind.

Yang Yiyun from the Mountain and Sea Realm appeared directly in the Cloud Gate deep in the desert of the Western Region.

Earlier, I sent the Earth Cloud Sect disciples into the Mountain and Sea Realm to say hello that he would come back.

The eldest son Tuantuan is now in charge of Yunmen in the Mountain and Sea Realm, while his daughter Yuanyuan is still in charge of the Adventure Kingdom. Zheng Binbin accepted Yuanyuan as his disciple and inherited the Queen of the Adventure Kingdom.

Yang Yiyun appeared directly in the Yunmen Hall of the Mountain and Sea Realm.

"Who is so presumptuous..."

At this moment, the master of the Yunmen Hall and the new generation of elders are discussing matters. After receiving a message from Yang Yiyun, the founder of the sect, saying that he will take the disciples of the Shanhai Realm to the world of cultivation, the current Yunmen of the Shanhai Realm is discussing to take over the Yunmen of the Shanhai Realm. selection issue.

Who knew that someone would actually appear directly in the core hall of Yunmen, which surprised everyone.


Then Yuanyuan, who was sitting in the main seat, shouted in surprise.

Only then did everyone realize that the young man with white hair who appeared in the hall was none other than Yang Yiyun, the founder of the Yunmen sect.

"Meet the Patriarch."

The nine elders in the hall fell to their knees.

These elders can be regarded as people selected from the third and fourth generations of disciples of Yunmen. Naturally, they have all met the founder of the sect.

Yang Yiyun said with a smile: "Everyone, please get up. There is no need to be polite."

After signaling all the elders to stand up, Yang Yiyun looked at his eldest son Tuantuan, whose eyes were red.

"Yes, you have grown up and matured in the early stage of the Fusion Realm." Yang Yiyun went over and patted his son on the shoulder. Tuantuan is now the master of the Yunmen Sect in the Shanhai Realm. He is much calmer and has a clean look on his face. He is seven years older than him. Very similar, he is no longer the naughty little devil he used to be.

"Dad, I've been waiting for you to come." After all, Tuantuan couldn't help but threw herself into Yang Yiyun's arms.

It is inevitable for father and son to meet each other.

"Okay, grown man, why are you crying? You did a good job." Yang Yiyun praised, and with a glance of his consciousness, he knew the current situation of Yunmen in the Mountain and Sea Realm.

Several elders are at the peak stage of the distraction realm, and there are more than 3,000 disciples in the entire Yunmen, and their cultivation levels are pretty good.

Then Yang Yiyun waved his hand and released Zheng Binbin, Ouyang Yuqing, Mei Jie, Yang Xingfu, Ouyang Lele, Xiao Fenghuang and the Earth Cloud Sect disciples out of the Qiankun Pot space.

Introduce them one by one to Tuantuan.

"I've met my eldest brother..."

Yang Xingfu and Ouyang Lele met Tuantuan for the first time.

After some introductions, Zheng Binbin disappeared in a flash, and she went to Adventure King City.

Yang Yiyun was sitting on the main seat and asked, "Where are Xiao Manman and Yuanyuan?"

"My sister is in the Adventure King City, and Sister Manman is traveling abroad. I have already summoned them to come back..." Tuantuan said.

"Well, don't worry, let's talk about the situation in the past few years." Yang Yiyun gestured to his son to talk about the Shanhai Realm.

After Tuantuan finished telling the story, Yang Yiyun knew that something was wrong with Tianzhan. Not long after Zhao Nan and the others left, the passage leading to the world of cultivation collapsed, causing the access to be unstable, so they couldn't go there even if they wanted to go all these years.

Yang Yiyun nodded after hearing this, and then he understood why he sent people to wait at the Galaxy City Boundary Pool for so long, and no one from the Mountain and Sea Boundary came. It turned out that there was a problem with the space connection.

It's normal when you think about it. Back then, he, Xiaodi Xian Tangtang, Tianhu, and Xiao Fenghuang plus Xuanwu fought against Hua Deliang and destroyed the Tianzhan Formation, which affected the spatial passage leading to the world of cultivation.

But this is not difficult for him and can be repaired.

As long as the power of law exists, it can be repaired.

Immediately let the five-color sacred cow, the immortal pet, check the cultivation level. The five-color sacred cow is the real spirit of the immortal world. It can exert the power of laws by itself. It is not difficult to cultivate the space channel.

The five-color sacred cow also gave him face and disappeared into the hall in a flash.

Tuantuan knew that his father had a solution and immediately smiled. He didn't want to go to the vast world of cultivation to reunite with his mother and others.



At this time, two streams of light went straight to the Yunmen Hall.

Yang Yiyun stood up excitedly, it was his grandson Xiao Manman and his daughter Yuanyuan.

The most worrying people in the world of cultivation were these children. Now that he saw people, the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

When a family meets, it is inevitable to vent their emotions.

Xiao Manman and Yuanyuan's cultivation levels have also reached the distraction stage, so they both worked hard.

After staying in Shanhai Realm for a month, Yang Yiyun was ready to leave.

The five-color sacred cow did not disappoint him and repaired the passage to the world of cultivation.

The Yunmen of the Mountain and Sea Realm also elected a new sect leader and elder this month, and everyone made the decision. Yang Yiyun did not interfere, but he was very satisfied that the new sect leader had his approval.

Before leaving, he also explained the affairs of the earth and asked the Shanhai Realm to be responsible for the reception. When the time comes, he will send his parents, Yuan Zheng and the others to the Cultivation Realm.

There was nothing major going on in the Shanhai Realm, and Yang Yiyun didn't have time to stay for a long time. This time he took all his children and relatives away.

Passed the Tianzhan Passage, appeared in the Galaxy City Boundary Pool, and finally returned to the world of cultivation.

He had been away from the world of cultivation for several decades because he was worried about having enemies that would cause trouble in Yunmen Fairyland, and he was also worried about the outbreak of demons.

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