My Master Is a God

Chapter 1689 The demons revived

Yang Yiyun came out of the boundary pool and suddenly felt something was wrong.

In his perception, he found that the spiritual energy in the surrounding air seemed to be rioting.

Closing his eyes to feel it, he was surprised to find that there was demonic energy in the air around him.

This time my heart trembled, the situation seemed not good.

At this moment, the five-color sacred cow also spoke: "It's strange that there are traces of demonic energy. Could it be that there are demons in the world of cultivation?"

Yang Yiyun was shocked and said in a deep voice: "It's not that there are demons, it's that the demons finally broke out after being dormant for many years...Follow me..."

After saying this, Yang Yiyun disappeared on the spot and went straight to Galaxy City.

No wonder he didn't find other creatures in the world pool. Now it seems that there is a big outbreak of demons, which has most likely affected the entire world of cultivation, which may include the three thousand small worlds below the world of cultivation.

If this were not the case, in the land of Jiechi, creatures from the small world would appear every day and come to the world of cultivation.

However, now there are no creatures appearing in other boundary pools, and he is the only one appearing in the boundary pool.

There are only two possibilities for this situation. The first is that after the demons revived, they affected the entire world of cultivation and implicated those small worlds. However, this seems unlikely because the world of cultivators has countless small worlds, which are too big. , He responded that even if the demons broke out, their influence would not be so strong.

There is only the second possibility, that is, the existence of demonic energy affects the space power of the boundary pool, causing teleportation problems in the small world, so that the creatures in the small world cannot come to the cultivator world.

As for him being able to come, it was because the five-color sacred cow took action in the mountain and sea world to re-repair the passage through the mountain and sea world, which was equivalent to the influence of the invisible evil energy on the boundary pool.

He had already felt this when he was talking to the five-color sacred cow.

There was no time to clean up the influence of the demonic presence in other realm pools, so he went straight to Galaxy City.

The evil spirit here will naturally dissipate over time.

He was anxious to go to Galaxy City because he thought that the tomboys had always stayed in Galaxy City. He had left demon soldiers and generals in the past, including Jiechi. It was supposed that people were arranged here at the beginning, but now he still found that no one existed. Yang Yiyun I'm worried that something will happen to the transvestite and the demon warrior demon.

Needless to say, the transvestite is his classmate, and the demon soldiers and generals are his old foundation brought from the sea of ​​stars. Every one of them is important.

I don't want anything to happen to them.

He rushed over to take a look. He wanted to know if the demons had broken out?

Or maybe something happened.

After coming out of the place of results, Yang Yiyun saw that the sky in the cultivation world was filled with gloomy colors, and the demonic aura was even stronger.

His heart sank. It was very likely that the demon race was resurrected in front of him, and the impact was quite large. This time he frowned even deeper.

The next moment he arrived at Galaxy City, Yang Yiyun's heart trembled.

What he saw when he realized it was a dilapidated city without any vitality, full of gloomy and dead energy.

"Hiss~ Such a strong demonic energy, it seems that this city was destroyed by the demons..." The five-color sacred cow spoke.

Yang Yiyun's steps are a little heavy. Even if the five-color sacred cow is not mentioned, the Galaxy City that I have discovered in my consciousness is a dead city.

Standing at the city gate, he did not go in again, there was no need.

But something in his heart suddenly stamped his feet on the ground, and a crack appeared.

The next moment, the rat demon appeared, transformed into a young man and immediately knelt down and said: "Little demon pays homage to the Holy Lord."

It is the Five Elements Rat Clan, the subordinates of the Rat King.

Yang Yiyun laid out the entire network of underground passages in the cultivation world in order to deal with emergencies.

He has a sense of connection with the Five Elements Rat Clan, and stamping his feet is a summons. As expected, the Five Elements Rat Clan left behind in Galaxy City are left behind by the Rat King.

This also gave Yang Yiyun a sigh of relief.

"Get up and answer, tell me what happened." Yang Yiyun waved his hand and asked the little mouse demon to get up.

Yang Yiyun had no time to care about this common etiquette.

The mouse demon looked at Yang Yiyun with a fanatical light. He was just a mouse demon among the thousands of Five Elements Rat Clan. For the Holy Lord Yang Yiyun, in the eyes of the mouse demon, he was like a cloud-like existence. Today's close contact is really... Excited.

But he also felt the solemnity of the Holy Master and knew Yang Yiyun's worry, so he quickly said: "Holy Master, please rest assured that I, Yunmen, are fine. It is only half of the loss of the big demon brought by the mistress here in Galaxy City.

The demon clan broke out in the world of cultivation thirty years after the Holy Lord left. Demon cultivators broke out overnight like bamboo shoots after rain, sweeping almost the entire world of cultivation, and all nine star territories were affected.

Many sects were greatly affected, and the cultivators suffered heavy casualties. The war broke out and lasted for half a year. Finally, strong men came from Sanxian Island and Little Demon Realm, and suppressed it, but they only drove the demons out of the Nine. Daxingjiang.

There are still demon cultivators left in every place, and there are still scattered demon riots over the years. Several major holy places have abandoned some small cities and small places, forming an army of cultivators to slay demons, and have lowered the demons beyond the nine major and nine star territories. the edge of wilderness.

Even so, will the demons still appear everywhere, just like cats and mice, they have been fighting against the demons everywhere these years.

Every time the brutality of the demons breaks out, rivers of blood are bound to flow everywhere. Now they are everywhere, and it is impossible to prevent them. The demons are called one hundred thousand, and the leader of the demons is Wu Mingquan, known as the great demon king. However, cultivators rarely see Wu Mingquan appear. It’s the demon cultivators who create chaos.

Fortunately, masters from the Sanxian Island and the Little Demon Realm came to help the Cultivator Realm, which existed in several major holy places. They formed a demon-slaying coalition and suppressed it for the time being. Although there were small-scale demon riots, they were all suppressed. In control.

Several major forces have joined forces to find out the whereabouts of the great demon king Wu Mingquan. It is said that as long as the great demon king Wu Mingquan can be destroyed, the chaos of the demon clan will be calmed down.

And...just..." When the mouse demon said this, he was a little hesitant.

Yang Yiyun's heart skipped a beat, and he said in a deep voice, "Don't hesitate. What's the matter?"

The little mouse demon hurriedly said: "Holy Lord, the demons killed me in Yunmen Wonderland and sent people to all the major star territories. In total, they lost more than 20,000 demon soldiers and demon generals. So after that, the Holy Mother and the four demon commanders After discussion, Yunmen has temporarily closed the mountain."

"What? Damn it." When Yang Yiyun heard that he had lost 20,000 demon soldiers and generals, his heart was bleeding. He had brought out a total of 50,000 demon tribes from the Star Sea. The loss of 20,000 demons was a huge loss.

The people from Yunmen who he originally sent to collect the big demons scattered all over the place were actually looking for the mountains and seas. They were also trying to find out the whereabouts of the demons. These demon soldiers and generals were all outside, but now they were killed by the demons.

Yang Yiyun was very clear about the power of the demon clan under his command, but the more than 20,000 demon clan were not gathered together, but scattered in various places, in order to find people, and also to be on guard against the surveillance of several major enemies' holy places.

Unexpectedly, the demonic outbreak actually harmed them.

When the mouse demon heard Yang Yiyun's curse, he quickly knelt on the ground, thinking he was cursing him.

"Get up, I'm not talking about you. Have we, Yunmen Wonderland, been attacked by demons?" Yang Yiyun thought about it. He had ruined the good things of the big demon Wu Mingquan several times. The bond was very deep. Wu Mingquan might not let him go. After passing through Cloud Gate, and the little mouse demon told about the closure of the Cloud Gate Wonderland, looking at it this way, the possibility of being attacked by demons is very high.

The little mouse demon said: "Yes, the great demon king Wu Mingquan personally led the demons to attack our Yunmen Wonderland, but in my Yunmen Wonderland, there is a Thousand Miles of Thunder Domain, as well as the national treasure Master Yun Lei Beast and the four great demon commanders plus the Qilin Divine Beast and There were many masters in the Ascension Realm, but the demons did not get a good deal. Instead, after the national treasure Cloud Thunder Beast controlled the power of thunder and lightning, many demons died.

Later, Wu Mingquan left, but threatened that he would destroy Yunmen the next time he came back. Therefore, the Holy Mother and the four great demon commanders and the elders discussed the closure of Yunmen Wonderland, waiting for the return of the Holy Lord to make a decision. "

After Yang Yiyun heard this, he squinted his eyes and asked, "How long will it take for my Yunmen Wonderland to be attacked by demons?"

"Ten days." The little mouse demon replied.

"Have the armies of cultivators and demon slayers from the major holy places come to support us?" Yang Yiyun asked again.

The little mouse demon shook his head angrily: "No, not only did no one come, but someone came to inform me that Yunmen Wonderland should mobilize all the great demons to join the demon-slaying army. The Holy Mother refused."

"But who is coming?" Yang Yiyun said solemnly.

Mouse Demon: "I don't know the details of the little demon. I just heard from my superiors that he is a powerful Sanxian from Sanxian Island..."

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