My Master Is a God

Chapter 1696: Close the door and beat the dog

Yang Yiyun heard the old devil's words clearly in the high-altitude clouds and mist, and also saw the demon cultivators coming out of the old devil's demonic energy that was like running water.

He thought to himself: "This old devil really has a way to hide all the devils in his body."

But at this moment, Yang Yiyun was sneering in his heart as he listened to the old devil's sinister words.

A steady stream of demons came out of Wu Mingquan's demonic energy and rushed into Yunmen Wonderland like crazy.

At this time, I heard a King Kong next to me say: "Sir, when we enter, we will fight with those big monsters in Yunmen. Will those casual cultivators stab us in the back?"

"Haha, there's no need to worry. It's inevitable for those hypocrites to cause trouble. I won't take it lightly. A group of people who only know how to fight in a nest can accomplish great things. When Yunmen is killed, if they really dare to do something evil behind their backs, I will tighten the magic robes of you all. If I want to leave at that time, it will be difficult for anyone to stop me. Haha, there is no need to ask about this matter. Now follow me to destroy Yunmen..."

The old devil didn't care when he spoke. He expected that those loose immortals would never be kind enough to open the Cloud Gate Formation. Didn't they want to annihilate him and his demons in one fell swoop?

But the old devil also dealt with it, so he didn't care at all.

After hearing this, Yang Yiyun muttered secretly: "This old devil is really not stupid..."

"Holy Lord, what should we do now?" the national treasure Yun Lei Beast asked.

Yang Yiyun said: "Ignore the demons and continue to check the movements of the loose immortals to see what's going on. If you guessed correctly, they will definitely return at this time."

"Eh~ It's true, those seven people are back again..." Cloud Thunder Beast muttered.

"Let's see if anyone else is coming?" Yang Yiyun asked.

Yun Lei Beast replied casually: "No, it's still the seven of them."

Yang Yiyun thought about it and said: "It seems that they have similar methods to the old devil. They hide everyone and prepare for a sneak attack. They want to use hundreds of thousands of disciples of our Yunmen Wonderland to lure the demons to appear and kill them all. It is impossible to just The seven of them must have hidden all the people in the Holy Land."

"The Holy Lord and the others are here, hiding in the clouds and mist..." Yun Lei Beast said.

"Okay, let's wait for them to take action. It may be close to the end inside. You should be prepared. When those few immortal immortals enter, immediately activate the mountain gate formation. We will close the door and beat the dogs. No one can escape. Let's fight together. Just stop at the mountain gate, anyone who approaches the mountain gate will be struck to death by thunder." Yang Yiyun said with murderous intent.

"Holy Lord, don't worry. I will mobilize the thunder and clouds from thousands of miles away to seal the mountain gate. Even if there is another attack like those of the loose immortals, it will be no problem to delay it for a day." The national treasure Cloud Thunder Beast vowed to be honest. road.

"Okay, you will do this and this when the time comes..." Yang Yiyun gave Yun Lei Beast instructions.

At this moment, Wu Mingquan, the old demon of Yunmen Wonderland, and his 70,000 to 80,000 demons were already fighting.

In one face-to-face encounter, Wu Mingquan took over most of the creatures in Yunmen Wonderland and destroyed most of them.

At this time, the demons began to wander, and it turned out that the so-called great demons in Yunmen Wonderland were all paper tigers.

However, Wu Mingquan and his four great kings felt something was wrong, thinking that they had discovered that the creatures in Yunmen Wonderland with high cultivation levels were actually at the combined level, and they were still a minority, and most of them were not at the combined level.

At first, they saw giant insect monsters and beasts and birds that were tens of meters tall. Even these demons were shocked. They didn't expect the existence of Yunmen to remind them like this. Huge monster clan...

But when I thought about Yunmen Wonderland itself being composed of monsters, I felt relieved. I didn't think about it in depth, but the fighting just started.

From the moment they started, they discovered that the huge giants in Yunmen Wonderland were all paper tigers. Now the old devil's subordinates, big and small, became more confident and started fighting with all their strength. In less than half an hour, they were basically killed. Clean...

"There seems to be something wrong, Lord Demon Lord. It is rumored that there are tens of thousands of Yunmen demons who have ascended to the realm alone. However, these demons we killed may seem huge and scary, but in fact they are all paper tigers. Something is wrong, something is too wrong... "

One of Wu Mingquan’s men, King Kong, said.

"Yes, it's too weird, and there are only a few thousand in number, and not one of them has reached the level of transcending tribulation. Lord Demon King, are we being tricked by those Sanxian and Yunmen who have joined forces?"

"Damn it, I know the human monks are cunning, what should the Demon Lord do now?"

The four kings under the old devil all spoke a little, and they were all full of worry.

"Huh, why are you panicking? I am here, what if they have a conspiracy? According to my experience, those cultivators or the so-called righteous path are a bunch of fucking hypocrites. There is nothing to be afraid of. Yang Yiyun, that little thief has disappeared in The world of cultivation has been around for decades, and Yunmen has been closed since the last time we attacked. How could there be such a cowardly cooperation between the two houses to plot against us?

The environment of this Yunmen Wonderland is really weird. I feel the presence of the abundant space power. I am afraid that all the big monsters in Yunmen Wonderland are hidden somewhere. I will look for them. If I can’t find them, I will destroy them. I can’t believe they won’t come out…”

The old devil spoke coldly, finally frightening the worries of his subordinates. He was completely unafraid of anything in his words, even if there was a conspiracy, it didn't matter to this old devil.


The Four King Kongs took their people and spread out to search for the Great Demon of Yunmen...

At this time, they were outside the gate of Yunmen Wonderland.

"Haha, the demons are indeed as cunning as us. They all bring the demons with them. It seems to be at least 70,000 to 80,000. The old demon Wu Mingquan personally leads the team. Now they should be inseparable. They are all the demons in the world of cultivation. Now, I’ll go in quickly, we can’t let the demons escape this time.”

But Nalan Yufeng spoke after leaving and returning.

"Come on, everyone come in."

The seven people entered Yunmen Wonderland one by one. At the gate of the mountain, they saw the demonic energy in Yunmen Wonderland soaring into the sky. The vast area was filled with demons, at least 70,000 to 80,000 demons. According to the investigation over the past forty years, , there are only a hundred thousand demons left in the world of cultivation, and now these should be all the demons.

So the seven of them were very happy. This time they had lured out all the cunning demons.

But from this point of view, Wu Mingquan was indeed obsessed with Yunmen Wonderland, or to be precise, Yang Yi Yunheng, and took all the demons to Yunmen to destroy Yunmen at all costs.

But this is a good thing for these scattered immortal forces. They can quell the entire demon clan in one fell swoop and eradicate Yunmen, a deviant on the right side of the cultivation world.

Seven old immortals rushed into Yunmen Wonderland, and then each of them took out a large flag covered with various complex inscriptions...

"Everyone, please start summoning..." Ling Yue from Tongxian Palace gave the signal.

"It should be so..."

The remaining six people nodded, each recited the secret words, and after urging the big flag in their hands, a portal formed in the stars in the sky, and a dazzling light burst out.

The rotation in the vortex begins.

Then a figure walked out of the whirlpool...

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was high in the sky, watching the seven old immortals below performing secret techniques, and knew that he was right. As expected, these old immortals brought the people from the Holy Land behind them with them, or in other words, they were directly summoned to Yun through the formation flag. In this fairyland, cultivators are in danger of being attacked by thunder when they enter the Yunlei Mountains.

Although they don't know the origin of the formation flags in the hands of the seven immortals, they can feel the power of space. These treasures are obviously weapons for marching and fighting.

Yang Yiyun thought in his heart that when the time comes to snatch it, the seven immortals will not be given time to escape. With the existence of this space formation flag, they can escape at any time, so they must find a way to destroy it.

In a short time, tens of thousands of people had already appeared, and cultivators were still appearing in the portal.

Taking a closer look, they are all old acquaintances. The Miaoxian from Tongxian Palace, Tianjian Mountain, Centenary Villa, Shenfu Lingzong, Sword Tomb Holy Land, the five holy places are all led by the holy masters of each family...

In less than ten minutes, half a million monks appeared.

Each of the seven old immortals represents a holy land. Only the Holy Land of All Spirits and the City of Ghosts, which were destroyed by Yang Yiyun, have no disciples. There are five other seven holy places.

The only ones left who didn't come were the Palace of Eternal Life and the Xuanyuan Dynasty.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and said to the Yunlei Beast: "The national treasure is closed and the dog is beaten."

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