My Master Is a God

Chapter 1697 The temptation between the disciples of both sides

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!


Following Yang Yiyun's command, the Cloud Thunder Beast responded, and the purple light all over its body burst out, and the thunder and lightning all over its body was released, shrouding the mountain gate.

The mountain gate formation that originally disappeared appeared in an instant.

What's different from before is that this time the cloud and thunder formation can be seen with the naked eye. The endless thunder and lightning form a huge light shield, but it envelopes the entire Yunmen Wonderland.

There was a smile on Yang Yiyun's lips. He knew that Yun Lei Beast had spent a lot of money this time to strengthen the power of the formation. Anyway, it felt heavier than before.

Now it's really time to close the door and beat the dog.

These people plotted against him, Yunmen, and Yang hated them with all his heart.

Especially when he was away, he deserved to die for colluding with the demons to destroy Yunmen. It was a bit like a bully coming to bully an orphan and a widowed mother when her husband was not at home.

As for Yang Yiyun, he is a person who cares very much about family ties, which is tantamount to offending him. He can be tolerant in other matters, but when it comes to this kind of thing, Yang can be said to be very protective and stingy. .

Even if they destroy the environment of Yunmen Wonderland, they must kill these hypocrites and demons.

It can be seen how angry Yang is in his heart.

After the Yun Lei Beast activated the formation, Yang Yiyun raised the corners of his mouth and sneered at the two demonic factions.

He didn't rush to take action, the fun just started.

What the demons destroyed were just insects and small animals that he forcibly evolved using the laws of the universe. They were all animals without any intelligence like the monkeys and bees in the Blue Heart Fairy King's Garden.

It was quickly destroyed, but something was wrong.

"Lord Demon Lord, something is wrong. These monsters in Yunmen don't seem to be cultivating beings. They don't have any spiritual existence. It feels wrong!" Qiu Ba reported to Wu Mingquan.

At this moment, the big devil Wu Mingquan said with a gloomy face: "The Yunmen formation is closed. Those Loose Immortal bastards are really plotting against us. Maybe they and Yunmen are jointly plotting against each other. Let's go, don't Panic, since you can't find those big monsters in Yunmen, then follow me to kill all those hypocrites."

As Wu Mingquan spoke, he ordered the demons to be gathered, thinking that the scattered immortals would come here.

At this moment, the Sanxian side was also a little confused.

As soon as they came in and summoned the cultivators from several major holy places, they discovered that the Thunder Formation of Cloud Gate behind them, which had been attacked, had been reactivated.

"What's going on? Wasn't the Cloud Gate Formation destroyed by us? Why was it activated again?" True Lord Tianlang looked at Nalan Yufeng with a gloomy face: "How on earth did you, fellow Daoist Nalan, fight with the demons?" You mean that? Why has the Cloud Gate Formation been restored again? Are you uniting with the demons to destroy us?"

"Fuck your uncle, if I unite with the demons, how can I come in by myself?" Nalan Yufeng was furious.

"But the Yunmen Formation was clearly destroyed by us, why was it activated...?" Master Three Swordsmen of Tianjian Mountain said.

"Stop arguing, the demons are coming. This thing is weird. If it's not the demons, it's the people from Yunmen who are doing it. Let's not talk about dealing with the demons. No matter what, the demons in the world of cultivation are gathered here today. Together, I expect that there are 500,000 monks around me, which is enough to kill all the demons. Now we will kill the demons first..." Ling Yue from Tongxian Palace said.

"Kill all the cultivators..."

At this time, the big demon Wu Mingquan had brought seven to eighty thousand demons to kill them.

"All of you will be killed today to eliminate demons and defend the path..." Ling Yue also ordered.



The two sides of the demonic path were like fire and water, and they fought together instantly.

At this time, Yang Yiyun and Yun Lei Beast were hiding in the sky to watch the battle.

"Holy Lord, I don't think the demon clan will last long, and they will perish today." Yun Lei Beast squatted next to Yang Yiyun and said.

Yang Yiyun shook his head and said: "Not necessarily."

"There are 500,000 monks on the Sanxian side, and only 70,000 or 80,000 demons." Yun Lei Beast said.

"Battles between monks are not measured by numbers. Demons have a natural advantage over cultivators because their demonic energy is domineering, and they can restrain cultivators' true energy. Moreover, demons are usually unscrupulous in their methods or spells. , the demons in the same realm are difficult to deal with if they are not cultivators.

In addition, it seems that the cultivators have the numerical advantage today, but in fact, you have not noticed that the cultivators' ordinary cultivation level is uneven, and the overall strength has been reduced a lot.

As for the demons, the four major kings under the big demon Wu Mingquan are all non-rebellious. The cultivation of those demons is basically very neat. Although they are small in number, their strength is good. This does not include the big demon Wu Mingquan.

The real origin of this demon is not a creature from the world of cultivation, but from the fairy world. The demon soul is even more extraordinary. His body was destroyed, and the demon soul was chopped into several parts. It is still undead and suppressed in various places. One of them is that of that year. I met one in Taixuanzong. At that time, a remnant soul was comparable to the Ascension Realm. Now after so long, this old devil's strength and cultivation level have improved again. I estimate that the old devil's cultivation level is comparable to Those Level 4 Loose Immortals are even better.

So if the cultivators want to destroy the old devil, they will be overwhelmed by the strength we see now. Let’s wait and see. I always feel that this old devil is becoming more and more difficult now. Of course, a few loose immortals are also There must be some means, let’s not rush now…”

After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, his eyes were focused on the battlefield.

The battle scene of hundreds of thousands of monks was spectacular and bloody, but he watched it without batting an eyelid.

Yang thought in his heart that it would be best for both sides to be completely destroyed.

But he knew this was unrealistic.

The old demon Wu Mingquan is difficult to deal with, but on the Sanxian side, six people plus one bloodline person are from Sanxian Island and the Little Demon Realm, so they are not a fuel saver.

He is waiting for an opportunity now, waiting for an opportunity to kill all these bastards.

This opportunity is to see the tactics of several old immortals in the field. The focus of the battle between the two sides is not on the low-level monks, but the masters decide the outcome.

The fighting continued, and in just half an hour, blood flowed into rivers in the field, and corpses piled up like mountains.

Tens of thousands of people were killed or injured.

As Yang Yiyun expected, tens of thousands of people died, with the largest number being those who absorbed the cultivators.

The 70,000 to 80,000 demons also lost their lives in this wave.

The high-ranking officials on both sides did not take action. They stood back and watched coldly, allowing the low-level disciples on both sides to fight. This was an overall battle between good and evil.

Whether it is the old devil Wu Mingquan or the Sanxian side, they actually want to see the overall strength of the disciples on both sides.

After more than ten minutes, the Demon Clan lost 80% of its troops, and there were less than 20,000 disciples left in the field.

On the cultivator side, more disciples died, approaching one hundred thousand.

The overall strength of the two disciples, good and evil, is clear at a glance, and the cultivator side is much weaker.

If there is a battle of the same level and the same number, the demons will obviously win.

So Lingyue, the Sanxian Fang, ordered the troops to retreat. At the same time, she greeted the several Sanxian around her, flew up and went straight to the old devil and the four kings.

The battle between low-level disciples cannot continue. Although it can wipe out all the demon disciples, it will also severely damage the vitality of several parties.

The gain outweighs the loss.

Now the remaining tens of thousands of demons, big and small, should be left to high-level monks like them to take action.

Also taking action at the same time were the Holy Masters of the Five Holy Lands including Tianjian Mountain, Bailian Villa, Shenfu Lingzong, Tongxian Palace, and Daozhong Holy Land.

Of course, compared to Sanxian at this moment, they could only follow behind.

These Sanxian are the ancestors who came from Sanxian Island in their respective holy places. With these ancestors leading them, they cannot make the decision.

Just like the Palace Master Miaoxian of Tongxian Palace and the Holy Master of Daozhong Holy Land, they actually opposed sacrificing Yunmen to annihilate the demons. However, facing the ancestors coming from their respective holy lands, they could only obey because their arms Can't hold back my thighs.

"Kill them. One of the four of you will be assigned to kill those Holy Masters. The remaining three will each deal with a Loose Immortal. The rest of the Loose Immortals will be left to me to deal with."

This time Wu Mingquan narrowed his eyes and gave instructions to the four kings around him.

"I will obey the orders of the Demon Lord." The four Vajra flew up and went towards the Sanxian to fight.

But at this time, Wu Mingquan roared into the sky, and the demonic energy from his whole body soared into the sky. His body suddenly rose to several hundred meters, and he turned into a giant with overwhelming demonic energy. He had two horns on his head, and his face was covered with blood-colored magic lines.

The aura suddenly locked onto the bloodline of the three Sanxian and True Lord Tianlang.

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