My Master Is a God

Chapter 1698 The difference between the righteous way and the evil way

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Yang Yiyun could feel the overwhelming demonic energy released by the old devil Wu Mingquan from a distance. Just as he had guessed, the old devil had become stronger again.

Not only Yang Yiyun was shocked by the old devil's aura, the three Sanxian and Tianlang Zhenjun who were locked by the old devil's aura were also frightened.

True Lord Tianlang said with a solemn expression: "There is something wrong, everyone. The strength of this demon is close to the level of a fifth-level scattered immortal. We are afraid that we are going to be in big trouble. We must do our best when we attack. Otherwise, if one person dies, the rest will be killed one by one." Kill."

"Yes, Lord Tianlang is right. The old devil's aura is comparable to the level of a fifth-level loose immortal. We all have to do our best not to be careless, otherwise everyone will be capsized~" Master Three Swordsmen of Tianjian Mountain Follow along.

"It seems that we all underestimated the strength of the old devil..."

The four people who were targeted by the old devil Wu Mingquan all had serious expressions on their faces.

But at this moment, they have no way out and can only fight to the death.

Moreover, the old devil would not give them any chance to retreat and escape. After transforming into a huge body, he attacked the four of them.

When the huge fist struck, it didn't move at all because of its huge size, and it hit the four people's heads almost like lightning.


After a roar, the four of them dispersed in confusion but were not injured, and did not forcefully confront the old demon Wu Mingquan.


Three Loose Immortals plus a bloodlined Demon King Sirius, after dodging Wu Mingquan's attack, attacked the old demon with a swishing swish. Each of them summoned a magic weapon in their hand, and with the power of incomparable aura, they summoned from the three demons. He thought about attacking the old demon Wu Mingquan in one direction.

Yang Yiyun and Yun Lei Beast were hiding in the sky and watched the battle with great interest. He saw a strange smile on the old devil's mouth at this moment.

He said to himself: "I'm afraid someone is going to be unlucky..."

When the words were said, it turned out that when the four people attacked the old devil Wu Mingquan, the old devil's whole body was full of demonic energy. When the four people were three meters away...

However, Yang Yiyun saw skulls appearing in the demonic energy on Wu Mingquan's body, and skulls composed of demonic energy.

When watching this scene, Yang Yiyun cursed loudly: "Damn... this old devil deserves to die."

The skull he saw in his eyes was actually a soul body. When it came out of the old devil's demonic energy, it was a skull and ferocious human faces, intertwined between reality and reality.

Yang Yiyun felt the soul breath from the aura emitted by these countless skulls. It must be that this old devil slaughtered mortals and refined the souls into the souls of demon slaves.

A steady stream of people emerged from it, including men, women, old and young, and even children of several years old among them.

When these skulls with powerful demonic aura emerged from the body of the old demon Wu Mingquan, they turned into normal humanoid sizes after becoming three-dimensional.

The powerful resentment soared into the sky at this moment, and it could almost be seen that it had materialized. After the strands of resentment broke out, they condensed together, and they broke through the cloud and thunder formation and went straight into the sky.


Yang Yiyun gasped, how many people had to be killed to have such strong resentment?

One hundred thousand, one million? Or more?

This is just the resentment of these skeletons or demon slave spirits. I really don’t know what evil the old devil has done to make every mortal have such powerful resentment?

Yang Yiyun was not surprised that grievances could break through or pass through the Yunlei Formation at once, because the Yunlei Formation was a substantial force of thunder, but grievances were still just resentment, not a substantial force, so the Yunlei Formation blocked it. Can't live.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun finally understood or explained why the world of cultivators should be divided into the righteous path and the demonic path.

The old devil massacred so many mortals without even thinking about divine punishment. This is the devil's way, he can do whatever he wants and in whatever form he wants.

Although the righteous people sometimes have hypocrites, just like those old immortals who plotted against him in Yunmen, Yang Yiyun knew that none of them would dare to slaughter so many mortals unscrupulously, and even after killing them, they would To refine their souls into the souls of demon slaves.

Then he used it to turn it into a part of his own strength, and the resentment caused caused the world to eclipse it.

Cultivators also kill people, but few kill mortals. They kill millions or even tens of millions of mortals and use their souls to cultivate.

But the demons just did it without any scruples.

Some cultivators may kill mortals, but they would never dare to kill so many.

Cultivators kill cultivators, not mortals.

If a cultivator of the right path dares to kill a mortal like this, he will be reduced to ashes under the thunder of heaven during the tribulation, or inner demons will breed and lead to his own destruction.

They were all under the law of heaven. Yang Yiyun couldn't figure out how the devil dared to do this?

Yang Yiyun looked at the resentful spirits whose faces were full of ferocious pain. They must have been controlled by the old devil using some secret method.

Even if you die, you will not be reincarnated, and your soul will still be tortured like this.

Yang Yiyun's eyes were really red looking at it.

It's not that he is compassionate, but... Yang Yiyun is also a mortal cultivator, and after all, he is also a mortal. Seeing these demon souls controlled by the old demon, his heart roared.

"Damn ten thousand times."

Yang Yiyun gritted his teeth.

But at this moment, the endless demon soul released by the old devil has already entangled the three loose immortals and True Lord Tianlang.


There is no other sound between heaven and earth, only the cries of ghosts and howls of wolves filled with resentment.

The sound Yang Yiyun heard at this moment, he thought, was the real sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling.

With familiarity, Yang Yiyun saw that the four of them were completely buried in the monstrous demonic souls.

But the old devil laughed wildly, and with the combined force of his hands, he suddenly struck at the demon soul that covered the sky and enveloped the three Sanxian and True Lord Tianlang.

"Boom boom..."

After two loud noises, the demon soul dissipated in a large area, and two screams were also heard from it.

Immediately afterwards, two beams of light burst out from the endless demon soul.

One gold, one blood.

The gold color gave Yang Yiyun the feeling of a tyrannical sword energy, while the blood color conveyed a monstrous evil energy.

The next moment, Master Three Swordsmen of Tianjian Mountain rushed out with disheveled hair. He was holding a sword in his hand. To be precise, it was a broken sword, but this broken sword had a prehistoric aura, and the sword's intention spread out, filling the whole place. Cloud Gate Wonderland.

Following closely behind him was True Lord Sirius, who had green hair and a face covered with veins. At this time, True Lord Sirius's hands turned into wolf claws, and there was a flash of sharp cold light.

The two people managed to break free, but the two Loose Immortals were not so lucky and turned into blood mist. However, they were killed by the old demon Wu Mingquan after being controlled by the demon soul.

Neither Master Three Swordsmen of Tianjian Mountain nor True Lord Tianlang expected that the old devil could actually raise such a huge devil soul. After they escaped, they appeared in the air with livid faces.

"You are a bold demon who kills mortals and refines souls into slaves. Aren't you afraid of being punished by God? Even if I risk my life today, I will definitely kill you." The one who spoke was the Master of Three Swords.

"If this demon is not eliminated, the foundation of the cultivator world will inevitably be destroyed." True Lord Tianlang also spoke in a deep voice.

"Hahaha... I come from the upper world. Do you ants think that I will be afraid of the divine punishment in the realm of cultivation? It's a joke. Let's watch me refine you into demon slaves today, hahaha..." Old Demon Wu Mingquan hahaha laughing out loud.

"Kill..." After saying that, the old demon gave a killing order, but countless demon souls swept towards the disciples of the five holy places in the world of cultivation, sweeping away like a storm.

As for other people's battles in the field, the devil's four king kongs and Qiu Ba fought against the five holy masters Miao Xian and others, but they had already killed the holy masters of Tianjian Mountain and Bailian Villa, leaving Miao Xian and The Holy Master of Daozhong and the Holy Master of Shenfu Lingzong are struggling to support it, and it seems that they will not be able to support it for long.

But among the more than 10,000 demons, after the old demon Wu Mingquan released some of the demon souls and resentful spirits, the disciples from the five holy places who were mixed in and wanted to be the first to cultivate the truth rushed over.

As for the other three loose immortals and the three king kongs under the devil, they fought equally.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun, hidden in the thunder in the sky, finally sighed.

He was not ready to watch any more. Although the cultivators of loose immortals were hateful, but... when he saw the demon souls and resentful spirits refined by the old demon Wu Mingquan, he still felt that the demon was the most hateful.

As for the plot of several loose immortals against him, he would naturally not let it go, but among the disciples of the Five Holy Lands on the cultivator side, compared with the demons, he made a decision in his mind.

A flash appeared in the sky above the battlefield, and with a wave of his hand, all the Ascension level demons, Thunder Tiger and other human monks in the space of the Qiankun Pot were released, and he slowly said: "Destroy all the demon monks, leave no one behind, kill... …”

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