My Master Is a God

Chapter 1699 We are all plotted

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

As soon as Yang Yiyun waved his hand, the masters from the entire Yunmen Wonderland appeared. There were twenty thousand Ascension Realm Heavenly Demons. Among them, the four great demon commanders, Purple Emperor, Green Ox, Peacock, and Rat King, were all ascension realm masters. The Dzogchen Realm, if coupled with their respective talents and supernatural powers, should not be underestimated.

There are also dozens of human beings in the Ascension Realm such as Thunder Tiger. Among them, Kuang Suifeng, Mu Mantian and others who were brought out by Yang Yiyun from Wujian Valley are all old monsters who have lived for tens of thousands of years, and they all have them in their hands. Even if his methods are released, he is still a top-notch master in the entire world of cultivation.

Together with Niu Duzi, Little Phoenix, and a group of real dragons led by Sister Mei, the lineup is huge.

There is also a real immortal pet, the five-color sacred cow, watching eagerly from the side. At this moment, after the return of Yang, the holy master, the entire Yunmen Wonderland has a backbone, and with a command, the momentum is like a rainbow.

One by one, they appeared high in the sky, blocking out the sky and the sun.

Yang, with flowing white hair, is holding a dragon-slaying sword, suspended in the air, with strong men like clouds behind him. This picture is powerful and terrifying.

For a time, both the Sanxian and the Demon clan were shocked by this sudden scene.

The two sides stopped involuntarily at this moment, and even the demon spirits driven by the old demon Wu Mingquan stopped.

For the Sanxian side, weren't the people of Yunmen wiped out by the demons before?

These... were brought out by humans and demons?

The key is that everyone saw a young man with flowing white hair.

Everyone knows him as Yang Yiyun, the master of Yunmen Fairyland.

Didn't it say that Yang Yiyun disappeared for decades? It was rumored that Yang Yiyun traveled through the starry sky. How did he come out now?

When did Yang Yiyun come back?

Question marks popped up in everyone's mind.

The same is true for the demon clan. Only now did the demon clan realize what was going on. The Yunmen demon they killed before was not their real trump card at all. No wonder they didn't find a tribulation-level demon. evildoer.

It turned out that those killed were all insignificant disciples of Yunmen Wonderland.

What the demons didn't know was that the demons they killed before were not Yunmen disciples at all. They were just creatures evolved by Yang using the magical power of the Square Cun Universe Law, and were used to paralyze them, or It would be more appropriate to say it was bait.

"We were fooled..." Someone from the demon side spoke.

"We seem to have been plotted..." The same voice sounded from Sanxian's side.

Seeing Yang Yiyun appear and the sky full of Ascension level demons, everyone now understood.

Especially the few immortal immortals who had previously plotted against Yunmen Wonderland were as shocked as ever.

Ling Yue from Tongxian Palace smiled bitterly and said: "We were plotting against Yunmen and the demon clan. Unexpectedly, in the end, we were all plotted against."

"Yes, now I finally know why the Cloud Gate Formation was suddenly closed again. It turns out that we didn't destroy the formation at all, but they let us in deliberately. I have lived for tens of thousands of years, and today is an eye-opener. , Haha..." The Sanxian behind Laozi's Sword Tomb Holy Land smiled bitterly.

When he planned the matter of Yunmen, the Holy Lords of his generation in the cultivation world of the Sword Tomb Holy Land disapproved, but he just went with the flow. Now he is fine. It seems that the white-haired young man came back without knowing when and took the lead. After seeing today's scene, I'm afraid things won't go well today.

The Sanxian of Daozhong Holy Land smiled bitterly in his heart.

Like the Sanxian of Daozhong Holy Land, there is also Sanxian Lingyue of Tongxian Palace. The contemporary master of Tongxian Palace, Miaoxian, also strongly opposes her scheme against Yunmen, and even moved out her junior sisters Zixia and Zixia who have ascended to the immortal world. She is Yang Yiyun's senior sister. With this relationship, Tongxian Palace cannot plot against Yang Yiyun's Yunmen.

But she, Ling Yue, refused to listen. The reason was that the demon clan could be annihilated by sacrificing Yunmen, and Tongxian Palace's position as the leader in the world of cultivation could not be shaken.

With Yunmen acting as bait to attract the demons, it would be a great merit for them to work together to slay the demons.

Because in the eyes of these loose immortals, Yunmen is only a small part of the world of cultivation and can kill hundreds of thousands of living beings. However, the harm done by the demons to the world of cultivation is spread from all sides. Both cultivators and ordinary mortals are hunted by the demons. under.

In the forty years since the demons revived, more than tens of thousands of lives have died at the hands of the demons?

So Ling Yue and others agreed to plot against Yunmen to annihilate the demon clan.

Now it seems that things are out of control...

Ling Yue looked at the young man with flowing white hair in the air. His face was as dark as water. When she looked over, she saw the emotionless indifference in his eyes. This kind of look made her look away. Xian's heart trembled, and she subconsciously avoided his eyes.

But Random Lingyue was a little angry. Why should he be afraid of a boy who is in the middle stage of the Ascension Realm?

Really ridiculous.

But...deep in Ling Yue's heart, she felt uneasy.

I always feel like something big is going to happen today!

Many people looked to the sky.

But at this time, I heard only one word coming out of the white-haired young man's mouth - kill!!!

Immediately, the great demons and Ascension Realm masters behind him surged down, targeting the remaining more than 10,000 demon disciples.

"Ho ho ho..."

"Kill, kill, kill..."

The sound of fighting resounded...

The demon clan disrupted their position.

The sky demons of Yunmen completely broke out. Decades ago, they were attacked by the old devil with these demons. Yang Yiyun no longer wanted them. They chose to keep the mountain closed, but they were very aggrieved.

Now that the Holy Lord Yang Yiyun has returned, everyone has a backbone, and it’s time to release the pent-up anger.

An almost one-sided massacre began.

Holy Lord Yang Yiyun's order is very clear: kill all the demons and leave no one behind.

The great demon-level demon and thunder tiger Kuang Suifeng and others let go of their hands and killed them...

They showed no mercy towards the demons.

The cultivators who saw this scene, or the people in several major holy places, felt relieved, as long as it was not targeted at them.

At this moment, the Holy Master leading the Holy Land, Miao Xian from Tongxian Palace and Holy Master Daozhong, were the first to speak out: "Disciples, although I slay demons..."

The two knew that the people from Yunmen took action and had a rare opportunity to annihilate the demons.

For a moment, Miaoxian and the Holy Master Daozhong joined the battle with their respective disciples.

There are three remaining families, Tianjian Mountain, Bailian Mountain Villa, and Shenfu Lingzong. Among them, the holy masters of the first two holy places have died in the hands of Qiu Ba. Now there is only one holy master from the Shenfu Lingsong. Seeing Miaoxian and Daozhongsheng After the master joined the battle to kill the demons, he struggled in his heart and gritted his teeth and said to his disciples: "Although I will destroy the demons..."

The only remaining villages, Tianjian Mountain and Bailian Villa, although their respective holy masters had fallen, still had elders present. Seeing the other families rushing forward, the elders came out and called on their disciples to join the large team of demon slayers.

Yang Yiyun snorted coldly when he saw people from several holy places joining the team to kill the demons, but his expression became a little better.

Immediately, Yang Yiyun saw the overwhelming number of demonic souls rushing towards the field, and also saw the demonic leader's four king kongs rushing over. He immediately said: "The big tongue can save those demonic souls and help them to be liberated."

Yang Yiyun knew that the five-color sacred cow, an immortal pet, had many ways to resolve the grievances of demonic souls.

The five-color sacred cow hiding in the depths of the clouds and mist, after Yang Yiyun finished speaking, five-color light erupted from its body to block the demon soul's resentment...

Yang Yiyun, on the other hand, only stared at the old devil Wu Mingquan and several other immortals in the field. This was because the top players in the field did not move.

However, after the devil's four king kongs took action, Yang Yiyun directly realized that the mythical beasts and birds such as Little Phoenix, Niu Duzi, Diao'er, and Sister Mei had taken action.

There are only four larger demons. In his perception, it seems that their cultivation has surpassed the Ascension Realm, but it is absolutely limited. The little Phoenix, Niu Xiaozi and Sister Mei Diaoer are enough to deal with these mythical beasts and birds. They can also be regarded as practical combat experience. .

At this time, high in the sky, Yang Yiyun stood suspended, looking down at the earth.

On both sides of the underground, the old demon Wu Mingquan's eyes flickered and he has been staring at Yang Yiyun since Yang Yiyun appeared. He did not speak or move, and did not care about the life and death of his demons. It seemed that the demons being killed had nothing to do with him.

The third party is the Sanxian side. Two of them were killed by the old devil before, but now there are five people left. They are also standing still, looking at each other in a three-legged stance...

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