My Master Is a God

Chapter 1718 It’s too late to give in now

Yang spoke in a cold voice without any politeness. The disdain for his son in the words of the five-color sacred cow had already stepped on his red line.

Originally, Mr. Yang felt most indebted to his son Yang Xingfu, so he lowered his profile and came to discuss matters with the five-color sacred cow. He originally thought that this thing was a fairy pet, and it was unrealistic to want it to become his son's spiritual pet. But here comes a twist. All he needs is the cow to follow his son for a thousand years.

Who knew this thing would expand to such an extent.

He kept saying he looked down on their father and son, and actually belittled his son.

This made Yang very angry immediately.

What is expansion? This is the five-color sacred cow.

What does it mean to be shameless and have a big tongue now?

For Yang Yiyun, when the Five-Colored Divine Bull followed him, he was also interested in this guy's strength and cultivation. He was an immortal pet and had also contributed during the Yunmen War, so he was very lenient towards this guy, including spiritual pills and spiritual fruits. Don't give me less, and serve you delicious food and drinks.

On the contrary, it made this guy really think he was awesome and invincible.

It can be said that the five-color sacred cow is so arrogant that it completely destroyed the image in Yang Yiyun's mind.

This time the grammar he prepared is no longer going to be used.

In the world of cultivators, force is still the priority, so strength should be respected.

After saying this while looking down at the five-color sacred cow, Yang Yiyun continued: "You are just an evil beast abandoned by the Blue Heart Immortal King. Only you know whether you are the Blue Heart Immortal King's true spiritual pet.

And I, Yang Yiyun, have inherited the soul of the Blue Heart Immortal King. I am the same as my successor. It is not an exaggeration to call you your master. Indeed, I valued your strength at the beginning and wanted you to follow me and help me, but I never thought about it. I'll use force on you to make you surrender to me.

I, Yang Yiyun, usually do things fairly and fairly. However, you have personally wiped out my fairness to you today, so I will not be fair anymore.

I'll serve you delicious food and drink, and let you enjoy happiness in this Yunmen Wonderland. I didn't ask you to do anything shameful. In fact, I didn't ask you to be my son's spiritual pet. I asked you to protect my son for a thousand years at most. But now it seems, Master Wuse, there is no light in your eyes, they are all water.

It’s so rare that today I let you know what the rules are, what it means to be under someone else’s roof, and what it means to repay a favor. Forget it if you are not grateful for my taking you in. You also belittle my son. You are a beast. What qualifications do you have to belittle me, Yang Yiyun? son.

For the sake of your contribution in the Cloud Gate War, I will give you a chance to take the initiative to make a soul contract with my son, otherwise I will let you know what bragging is today. "

Yang shouted and spoke, his tone sounded calm, but it was full of murderous intent and extremely domineering.

But the five-color sacred cow was furious at this time. In its mind, it was a majestic fairy beast. How could it be comparable to these creatures in the lower world?

Listening to Yang Yiyun's words, the Five-Colored Divine Bull seemed to be hearing a joke, and sneered back: "Tch... You, Yang Yiyun, are only in the Ascension Realm, how can this immortal beast be afraid of you?

You kid is out of your mind, right? The difference between an immortal and a monk is beyond your imagination. You still want to use force against me, why don't you give it a try? "

The five-color sacred cow's words are full of superiority.

At this time, all the senior officials of Yunmen arrived at the Qingniu Mansion, and each of them heard the conversation between Five Colored Divine Niu and Yang Yiyun.

This time I understood what was going on.

Yang Xingfu naturally arrived with his brothers and sisters. After hearing the conversation between his father and the five-color sacred cow, his eyes turned red. It turned out that his father had a falling out with the five-color sacred cow because of him.

Just when he was about to say something out loud that he didn't want the spirit beast anymore, he didn't want to embarrass his father.

But he was stopped by his elder brother and said: "Hey, little brother, don't be anxious, don't worry, don't forget that this is my Cloud Gate, since my father dares to do this, he will naturally have a way to deal with this cow.

Besides, you look around and see who is coming. The calf is the sacred beast Qilin, the little phoenix is ​​even more the sacred bird, the cloud thunder beast is a strange beast from heaven and earth, and the father's favorite mink is pulled out one by one. In terms of identity, they can compare. Is the five-color sacred cow good enough?

This cow feels invincible just because it is an immortal pet. Just wait and see, it will definitely be this cow that is unlucky later, not to mention the Purple Emperor and the others are walking aside and watching eagerly. "

"But... the five-color sacred cow is a true immortal pet after all, at least at the level of an immortal. I'm afraid my father will suffer a loss." Yang Xingfu expressed his inner thoughts.

Tuantuan smiled strangely and said: "Hey, you still don't understand our father. He was able to fight with the fourth-level loose immortal when he was in the middle stage of the Ascension Realm. What about now?

Dad jumped two small realms in a row and reached the peak of Ascension Realm Dzogchen. As for the five-color sacred cow, I heard from Mei’s mother that the five-color sacred cow can only be regarded as a low-level immortal, the same as the fourth-level scattered immortal. , even if the five-color sacred cow is stronger than the fourth-level scattered immortal, it is not much stronger. Do you think it will be our father's opponent? Hehe... So don't worry at all, watch the show well, this cow will definitely suffer today ,Ha ha……"

Tuantuan, the elder brother, comforted his younger brother Yang Xingfu in this way, but his words showed blind and confident admiration for his father, Yang Yiyun.

But this naughty kid’s analysis also makes sense.

Zhao Nan and others who were standing in the distance heard this. Zihuang said with a smile: "Young Master Tuantuan may seem careless, but in fact he is a very careful person. His analysis of the Holy Lord's strength is actually so accurate."

"Isn't that right? This kid is just smart..."

A group of big demons talked and laughed, and even praised Yang and his children. This made mothers such as Zhao Nan, Yuan Jinfeng, and Ouyang Yuqing feel proud. What mother in the world doesn't like to hear this? Have you ever seen your child praised?

Even Lin Huan, Dugu Qingqing and others were also happy. They had no children, but they regarded Tuan Yuanyuan and Yang Xingfu as their own children, and they were closer than their biological mothers.

For a while, a large group of people were talking outside the main hall. No one was worried that Yang Yiyun would not be able to deal with the five-color sacred cow. Anyway, everyone just regarded it as watching the heat.

Because everyone knows Yang Yiyun.

It's just a five-color sacred cow. It's said to be a fairy beast. Even if it's a mythical beast, doesn't it still follow Yang Yiyun?

It's just that there is a slight gap in relative strength, but the mythical beasts around Yang Yiyun are all in the growth stage, and when they become adults in the future, they will all look down upon Yu Nei.

At this time, several of the mythical beasts around Yang Yiyun were very unhappy. Diaoer started to roar, showing disdain for the five-color sacred cow.

Niu Duzi even said: "It's just a stupid cow, so arrogant."

"You...are brave..."

"You want to fight, come on~" Niu Daozi was eager to try. He had already seen that the cow was unhappy.

"Stand back~" Yang Yiyun raised his hand to signal Diao'er and Niu Duzi not to make a move.

Then he squinted at the five-color sacred cow and said, "Today, let me, a cultivator, teach you the methods of this fairy beast."

"You want to force me to give in? Dream on." The five-color sacred cow is still very tough-talking.

Yang Yiyun grinned and took action suddenly. He didn't even need to raise his fist to smash the five-color sacred cow with the dragon-slaying sword.

After reaching the Great Consummation of Ascension Realm, it’s time to try out what level you can reach with your current strength.

Today the five-color sacred cow successfully aroused his anger.

When the five-color sacred cow saw Yang Yiyun punch down, his eyes were full of disdain, and he also raised a front paw and punched Yang Yiyun.

In the Five-Colored Divine Bull, he must have immortal power in his body, and Yang Yiyun's head-to-head confrontation with him was just looking for abuse.




After Yang Yiyun's fists clashed with the five-color divine bull, the five-color god Newton's expression changed drastically. Only after the confrontation did he realize that he was wrong.

The power from Yang Yiyun's punch crushed it several times.

With a roar and a click, one of the front paws of the five-color sacred cow was broken, and a scream came from its mouth.

Then Yang Yiyun stepped forward.

At this moment, the five-color sacred cow roared and activated all its magical power. It wanted to teach Yang Yiyun a lesson.

However, at this moment, I could only listen to Yang Yiyun's deepest words: "It's a small space~"

The next moment, a familiar power enveloped him. This power was so familiar to the five-color sacred cow that no one knew it better.

This power is truly the signature magical power of Blue Heart Immortal King and the power of the law of the universe.

The five-color sacred cow was shocked at this moment and shouted quickly: "Stop, stop, stop, I surrender~"

This cow has followed the Blue Heart Immortal King and knows the magical power of Fang Cun Universe at least, but it has forgotten that Yang Yiyun has inherited the magical power of Fang Cun Qiankun from Blue Heart Immortal King. The key is that it has never thought that Yang Yiyun has already mastered the magical power of Fang Cun Universe. It has been cultivated to the point where it is frightened.

The Five-Colored Divine Ox knew that it was scared and that there was a huge universe surrounding it. It was absolutely impossible for it to win against Yang Yiyun, and Yang Yiyun alone was stronger than it in the previous battle, so it quickly stopped and wanted to give in.


Just listen to Yang Yiyun say in a deep voice: "It's too late to give up now."

After saying this, Yang Yiyun raised his fist and rained down the five-color sacred cows without politeness.

With one hand, he used the magical power of Fangcun Qiankun's laws to suppress the five-color sacred cow, and with the other hand, he beat it to death with his fist.

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