My Master Is a God

Chapter 1719 Grandma Shenfeng’s shock


The entire Yunmen was resounding with the screams of the five-colored sacred cows.

Yang Yiyun's fists really didn't hold back. He treated the five-color sacred cow as a sandbag and beat it to death.

"I'll make you so angry that I can't beat you to death..."

"Bump bump bump..."

"Boom boom boom..."

"Ahhhhhh... have mercy on me, have mercy on my life..."

"It's too late, I'll beat you to death today." Yang continued to beat you mercilessly.

The five-color sacred cow, which was originally as fat as a pig, was suddenly beaten and shrunk by Yang.

But to be honest, this guy's ability to resist being hit is really strong. Although he screamed the whole time, it didn't cause much damage.

Yang Yiyun beat him hard without holding back! .

At a certain moment, the five-color sacred cow finally accepted its fate: "Stop fighting, Holy Master Yang, Uncle Yang, don't fight. It will really explode if you fight. The calf is willing to sign a divine soul contract with the little master and assist the little master forever. Don't fight...ah... …Ouch…”


Yang Yiyun finally stopped.

At this moment, the five-color sacred cow was like a puddle of mud and fell to the corner of the hall with Yang Yiyun's last punch.

"You deserve it. You are so fucking pretentious. I don't even dare to show off in front of the Holy Lord even if I am a mighty Qilin. You are a little fairy beast. What are you talking about? You already agreed to be the young master's spiritual pet. It's no longer enough..."

The five-color sacred cow happened to land next to Niu Duzi, and Niu Duzi ridiculed him.


The mink squatted on the calf's head and squeaked, full of gloating.

At this time, the five-color god cow didn't dare to let go of it. He finally knew Yang's strength. Even if there was another one, he would be beaten by Yang. If he had known that he had agreed to him from the beginning, he would not have been protected. This is a beating.

At the same time in the Yunmen Hall, Grandma Shenfeng suddenly opened her eyes and said to herself: "This boy is probably strong enough to fight against a fifth-level Sanxian. It is really rare at such a young age. He is invincible at the Ascension Realm. No wonder. A senior valued him so highly."

In her natural consciousness, Grandma Shenfeng saw the scene of Yang beating up the five-color sacred cow, and in her own words, she gave Yang Yiyun an evaluation of being invincible in the Ascension Realm and capable of taking on the fifth-level Sanxian.

Also outside the main hall of Qingniu Mansion, many people in Yunmen had eyes filled with lust and passionate admiration for Yang.

Yang waved his hand in the main hall. His hand was numb after beating the five-color sacred cow. He grinned and walked step by step in front of the five-color sacred cow. He had to admit that this guy looked as fat as a pig, but he was really durable. Beat up, strong defense ability.

"Get up, don't kill yourself, I'm still waiting for me to beat you again." At this time, Mr. Yang didn't have a good tone towards the five-color sacred cow.

The next moment, the five-color sacred cow climbed up, raised its head, and looked at Yang Yiyun with tears welling up in his eyes. He was as scared as a tiger.

It's such a bully, it's like beating the cow to death.

The five-color sacred cow is extremely obedient and does not dare to be arrogant at all.

"Holy Lord, have mercy on me." He lowered his head and gave up.

"Hmph~" Mr. Yang snorted coldly at the five-color sacred cow. Then he turned his head and looked at his son Yang Xingfu. When his frosty face instantly turned into a spring breeze blowing smile, he said, "Xing'er, come here."

Yang Xingfu finally saw the domineering and strong side of his father today, and he walked over with a pair of eyes filled with admiration.

"Let's get started. Why are you still waiting for me to take action?" Yang snorted coldly and spoke to the five-color sacred cow.

The five-color sacred cow naturally knew that someone Yang wanted him to hand over the mark of his natal soul and sign a soul contract with Yang Xingfu, and completely became Yang Xingfu's immortal pet.

With great grievance, the five-color sacred cow finally gritted his teeth, and a three-inch soul flew out from between his eyebrows. It was exactly its miniature version and flew towards Yang Xingfu's eyebrows.

"Don't worry Xing'er, this guy doesn't dare to mess around. If you accept the mark of its original soul, its life and death will be in your hands. Remember, if this guy disobeys in the future, its soul will be destroyed directly." Yang said without hesitation.

"Thank you, father." Yang Xingfu thanked him with excitement and collected the original soul of the five-color sacred cow.

At this point, the soul contract is completed.

The five-color sacred cow became Yang Xingfu's spiritual pet, and his life and death were in Yang Xingfu's hands.

Yang Yiyun has finally fulfilled his promise to his son.

A smile appeared on his face and he glanced at Ouyang Yuqing.

At this moment, Ouyang Yuqing's eyes were red. She saw that Yang Yiyun was not so kind to her son and treated all the children equally.

Today, it can be said that he showed a more doting side to his son Yang Xingfu.

"Let's all disperse..." Yang Yiyun said with a smile surrounded by a large number of people.

After everyone left, Yang Yiyun slowly walked out of Qingniu Mansion. He wanted to take a walk and see Yunmen Wonderland.

Yunmen Wonderland is small, but also very big.

A radius of one hundred thousand miles.

Yang Yiyun had a loose control over his disciples. Anyway, the local government colluded and allowed everyone to open their own training dojo in Yunmen Wonderland.

Walking aimlessly and watching, he felt that he would be very relaxed.

At some point he heard a familiar cry.


Looking up, it turned out to be a familiar shadow.

But he saw a golden stream of light flying from the sky.

"Brother Zhan..."

Yang Yiyun laughed, but it turned out that the people from Zhanqing came from the top of a mountain.

"Yunzi, you are free to come to my place today, what? If I don't come out, why don't you go up the mountain to see me?"

After the Zhanqing people found you and treated their injuries, they chose a hilltop in Yunmen and settled down, concentrating on practicing.

He was already known as the genius of Kunlun on Earth back then, and he was also a genius among the younger generation. After cultivating, he is not bad at all.

Now Yang Yiyun glanced at you and said with bright eyes: "Congratulations to Madman Zhan. I didn't expect that you have also entered the Ascension Realm after not seeing you for a long time."

In Yang Yiyun's eyes, the Zhanqing people at this time had entered the early stage of the Ascension Realm, which surprised him.

As for the fact that the Zhanqing people said not to visit him and came to his dojo to kill him, Yang deliberately ignored it because he didn't even know that the Zhanqing people's dojo was here. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if he said it? ?

It's a shame to say that he didn't bother to ask about the situation of his old brothers over the years.

There was also the young monk Liao Fan and others. This time Yang Yiyun simply went to them to reminisce about old times.

People from Zhanqing saw Yang Yiyun's surprise when he looked at him and the congratulations he said, but he also felt proud in his heart. Back on Earth, he and Yang Yiyun had never known each other before, and each was unconvinced and regarded the other as a rival. Existences of the same generation and level.

However, after arriving in the Mountain and Sea Realm and the Cultivator Realm, the gap in cultivation between him and Yang Yiyun became wider and wider, to the point that his experiences were extremely bumpy. He had to force his way into the world of cultivation and suffered countless narrow escapes in the world of cultivation.

He vowed in his heart to catch up with Yang Yiyun, but he found that the more he chased, the wider the gap between him and Yang Yiyun became.

He was even hit hard by this, and his mood was affected.

Later, they met Hu Xianer and Yuan Xiaolei, and the three of them experienced life and death together. Hu Xianer even almost died for him several times. After that, Zhanqing people found love. After marrying Hu Xianer, they became cheerful and gave up their relationship with Yang Yiyun. Instead, his cultivation has progressed by leaps and bounds, and he has recently entered the early stage of the Ascension Realm.

Listening to Yang Yiyun's congratulations, Zhan Qingren smiled bitterly and said: "Even though I try so hard, I still can't compare to you, a pervert. You are now at the Great Perfection of Ascension Realm, and you are one step away from becoming an immortal... Forget it, this is no longer the topic. Come on, come and have a drink with me. Our brothers are all in Yunmen, but you are the Great Holy Master. I still haven’t seen you in more than a hundred years. Let’s get drunk today. By the way, Xiao Lei and Liao Fan are also here. , I will let Xian'er sit at a table with delicious food, and we brothers will have a good drink."

"That's what I meant, let's go." Yang Yiyun smiled and followed the Zhanqing people up the mountain.

The mountain occupied by the Zhanqing people is not very big, but it has a beautiful scenery, a sea of ​​flowers and colors.

The dojo is on the top of the mountain. It is a simple thatched courtyard with three thatched houses. Various vegetables are grown in the fenced yard, and many of them are vegetables from the earth.

It's quite poetic, but also more down-to-earth.

Having entered the compound, Yang Yiyun saw big red words "happy" outside several thatched houses.

Suddenly something came to mind. Yang Yiyun stopped and looked at Zhan Qingren and said, "Crazy Zhan... what are these happy words?"

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