My Master Is a God

Chapter 1724 That is the residence of one of your mistresses

The masters of the Shenfeng clan looked at each other and looked at Yang Yiyun.

In fact, everyone didn't pay much attention to Yang Yiyun at first, but only focused on Little Phoenix. As for the matter between Yang Yiyun and Granny Shenfeng, and even Granny Shenfeng who was entrusted by the Bee Fairy to support Yang Yiyun, they all have no idea.

He just thinks that Yang Yiyun is the holy master of the world of cultivation.

An Ascension Realm Holy Lord is not valuable in the eyes of masters like the Shenfeng Clan.

However, everyone in the little demon world knew the name of Bee Immortal. Now that they saw that Yang Yiyun and Bee Immortal were so familiar with each other that they were like siblings, these masters of the Shenfeng clan started to take Yang Yiyun seriously.

The bee fairy is a creature from the fairy world. In the little demon world, no one can afford to offend him, and no one dares to offend him. They all need to be fawned over. Yang Yiyun now seems to be a person with a big background.

More need to make friends.

Only now do the Shenfeng clan know why Granny Shenfeng went out to find Yang Yiyun in person.

Yang Yiyun was also happy to see Bee Fairy again, and stepped forward and said, "How could I forget Sister Jiu'er? I never thought that the person Senior Shenfeng was talking about would be Sister Jiu'er."

"I've met Senior Bee Fairy." At this time, Sister Mei also stepped forward to say hello. When she went to Blue Heart Garden, Sister Mei was also present. She was also an acquaintance, so she should come up to say hello.

"Giggle~ Miss Mei is getting more and more beautiful. Brother Yun is so lucky." Fengxian laughed and teased Sister Mei and Yang Yiyun.

"Little Phoenix, we meet again~" Bee Fairy said and looked at Little Phoenix.

There are not many divine bird phoenixes in the world, maybe there is only one little phoenix in the world. Although the bee fairy is also a nine-winged bee that is rare in the world, it is still inferior to the divine bird phoenix. It takes the initiative to say hello to the little phoenix.

But Little Phoenix just nodded, she was not good at dealing with him.

Immediately, Grandma Shenfeng and her people came forward to greet and invite the Bee Immortal to enter the main hall and take a seat.

After everyone sat down again, Granny Shenfeng looked at the Bee Immortal with a smile and said: "Holy Master Yang kept asking who is behind me, but now it's fine, I'm finally no longer stressed, haha~"

Even characters like Grandma Shenfeng have a humorous side.

Both Fengxian and Yang Yiyun smiled.

In the subsequent chat, Bee Fairy finally spoke and went straight to the topic: "In fact, I asked Grandma Shenfeng to find you, but I also have another thing to ask you for. Of course, regarding the Sirius clan, my sister is also sincerely helping you. Today, I will tell you Put it here, if you go to the Sirius clan, my sister will come with you."

"I also represent the Shenfeng clan to fully assist Holy Master Yang." Granny Shenfeng spoke quickly to show her loyalty.

In fact, Yang Yiyun knew that Granny Shenfeng was showing her loyalty to the Bee Fairy.

He was not surprised at all by what the Bee Fairy said. Sure enough, he was looking for something. This was normal. If the Bee Fairy had nothing to ask for and helped him for no reason, then Yang Yiyun would not be at ease.

When he heard that she asked him for help, Yang Yiyun felt relieved and said with a smile: "Sister Jiuer has something to do, but it's okay to say it. If I can help, it will be easy."

His meaning was very clear, he could help, but it depends on whether he could do it.

Bee Fairy drank a glass of spirit wine in one gulp and chuckled: "Sister likes straightforward people like my brother, so let's get straight to the point..."

But Immortal Bee stopped after saying this, looked at Grandma Shenfeng and said, "I want to talk to Brother Yun alone. Can Grandma Shenfeng find a pure place? You can rest assured about your clan's affairs."

The latter sentence is considered to have agreed to a certain condition of Grandma Shenfeng.

The latter was overjoyed and said: "Senior Bee Immortal is so helpful. I remember that there are still some things in the clan that I need to discuss with a few clan members."

Mother-in-law Shenfeng seemed to be a mature person, so she naturally had sharp eyesight. She immediately stood up decisively and invited Sister Mei and Little Phoenix to visit the Shenfeng clan.

Yang Yiyun originally didn't want to let Sister Mei and Little Phoenix go out, but when he saw Sister Mei holding Little Phoenix in her arms and telling Diao'er to get up, he didn't try to stop them.

Only Fengxian and Yang Yiyun were left in the hall.

Yang Yiyun looked at the Bee Immortal and said, "But I don't know what happened to Sister Jiu'er?"

The chuckle on Fairy Bee's face disappeared and she waved her hand to place a ban on the main hall. She looked very solemn as if she didn't want anyone to hear the conversation between the two.

Yang Yiyun became interested when he saw Bee Fairy being so cautious. It should not be a trivial matter for Bee Fairy to take it so seriously.

After she placed the restraint, she turned around and looked at Yang Yiyun and said seriously: "Brother Yun, don't blame sister for being cautious, because what she is going to say next is a big deal."

Yang Yiyun smiled to express his understanding, and said with great interest: "Sister Jiuer, this has made me curious. Is it about the little demon world?"

Bee Immortal shook his head and said: "To my sister, things in the cultivator world and the little demon world are just trivial matters, not worthy of my sister's attention. My sister originally wanted to come to find you in person this time, but she was inconvenient to come because of one thing. We can only ask Grandma Shenfeng to come.

But Brother Yun can rest assured that what Sister said is a win-win situation and will be good for you too. Sister, let’s talk about the Shenfeng clan first. "

"Okay." Yang Yiyun was not in a hurry. Anyway, he had plenty of time to listen to the stories told by the Bee Fairy.

"First of all, there are things left by the Phoenix in the Holy Land of the Shenfeng Clan, and only the little Phoenix around you can get them, so I told Grandma Shenfeng about the little Phoenix appearing next to you. Please forgive me for this, brother Yun. "Fengxian first apologized to Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun shook his head and said he didn't care, because the entire cultivation world knew about the existence of Little Phoenix, and people in the Little Demon World would also know about it sooner or later.

He signaled the Bee Fairy to continue.

Bee Fairy pondered for a moment and continued: "The Shenfeng Clan has reached a stage of prosperity and decline, so Grandma Shenfeng will definitely beg you to let the little Phoenix enter the Shenfeng Clan's holy land and help their clan to let the little Phoenix open some inheritance seals.

But I know that there is a pair of Phoenix Eyes in the Holy Land of the Shenfeng Clan. After the little Phoenix around you enters the Holy Land of the Shenfeng Clan, with the Phoenix blood relationship, there is a high probability that the little Phoenix will be able to obtain the Eyes of the Phoenix. Phoenix will definitely inherit the eyes of his ancestors, and his strength and cultivation will greatly improve. "

After hearing this, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but interrupt Fengxian: "Does this have anything to do with what you want me to help you with?"

Bee Immortal smiled and said: "Brother Yun, don't be impatient and listen to my sister slowly. This matter is naturally very important. This is one of the reasons why my sister asked you for help.

Because sister knows that Little Phoenix only listens to you, and if she wants Little Phoenix to help, she must ask you to help..."

Immortal Bee said in a longer voice, paused and continued: "You also know my sister's cultivation situation. It is considered a Nirvana re-cultivation. She is capable of cultivating as an Immortal King, but now it is equivalent to practicing from the lowest level of Immortal. Even after a hundred years, my sister's cultivation has only returned to the level of a fifth-level loose immortal.

If it weren't for the existence of the Immortal King Realm, to be honest, even the Summoning Divine Phoenix Mother-in-law might not be able to summon her. Therefore, my sister urgently needs to improve her cultivation level. At least her cultivation level must reach the seventh-level Sanxian level before she can return to the Immortal Realm. Otherwise, with her current status After cultivating and returning to the fairy world, sister, I am afraid that my enemies will find me and hunt me down.

Don’t you know that my sister had many enemies in the fairy world? Without cultivation, she would not have the ability to self-destruct and would not dare to return to the fairy world. But now the enchantment has found a fairy house in the little demon world that has what her sister needs and can help her improve her cultivation. But to get to that place, you need a powerful flame, or the eye of the phoenix, so you or the little phoenix's help is needed. "

Yang Yiyun understood now. It turned out that the Bee Fairy had discovered some fairy mansion in the Little Demon Realm. There was a treasure in that fairy house, but it couldn't be entered using the Bee Fairy's methods, but it required the Eye of the Phoenix.

"What kind of fairy mansion is it?" Yang Yiyun asked curiously.

The Bee Immortal struggled for a while, but finally said: "Nine-tailed Demon Immortal, a fairy mansion that exists at the level of an immortal emperor. The owner of the immortal mansion, the nine-tailed demon emperor, is no longer there, but that immortal mansion has a powerful ancient The formation exists, and there is a link in it that cannot be entered without the Eye of the Phoenix."

When the Bee Fairy spoke, Yang Yiyun felt that the Qiankun Pot pattern on his left arm suddenly became hot and vibrated.

Yang Yiyun's heart moved, and he understood that it was the old man.

Sure enough, I could only hear Master Yun Tianxie's voice in my mind: "Promise her."

Yang Yiyun was stunned and said: "Old man, do you know the Nine-Tails Immortal Mansion?"

After a while, the old man sighed: "That's the residence of one of your junior wives..."

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