My Master Is a God

Chapter 1725 The Holy Land of the Divine Phoenix Clan


Yang Yiyun was stunned when he heard the old man speak.

It turns out... it's my master's wife's mansion!

This was the first time he heard that he had a master wife.

And after hearing what the old man meant, it seemed that he had more than one master's wife, and he didn't expect that the master's wife he heard for the first time was actually a demon clan, a nine-tailed fox, and a demon emperor-level existence.

It seems a bit awesome!

"Last time, my master told you that he was coming to the Little Demon Realm to see an old friend. He was talking about your master's wife. Please ask this little bee if she knows anything else about the Nine-Tailed Immortal Mansion. Since she wants to help You and Little Phoenix must know something when you enter the Nine-Tailed Immortal Mansion.

Yes, this little bee has simplified the Nine-Tails Immortal Mansion. It is true that the important formation of the Nine-Tailed Immortal Mansion does require the Eye of the Phoenix, but it is not that simple. You just agree. "

Yun Tianxie finally made a decision for Yang Yiyun and briefly introduced the Nine-Tails Immortal Mansion.

Yang Yiyun looked at the Bee Immortal and said, "Okay, I agree to this."

Bee Immortal was overjoyed and said immediately: "Next, I will help the little Phoenix enter the Holy Land of the Divine Phoenix Clan. When the time comes, you will give the little Phoenix instructions so that she can get the Eyes of the Phoenix."

But Yang Yiyun grinned and said: "You'd better arrange for Grandma Shenfeng to let me and the little Phoenix enter the Holy Land of the Shenfeng Clan. I need to ensure the safety of the little Phoenix, otherwise I will not let the little Phoenix enter the Holy Land of the Shenfeng Clan. of."

Immortal Bee was a little confused when she heard Yang Yiyun's words: "The holy land of a clan is the highest forbidden land for others. I'm afraid this will be difficult to handle. I'll think of a way then."

"Okay, I formally promise you about the Nine-Tailed Immortal Palace. Can Sister Jiuer tell me how much you know about the Nine-Tailed Immortal Palace?" Yang Yiyun asked according to the old man's instructions.

In the master's wife's mansion, even if there is a treasure, he still has priority and cannot take advantage of others.

Bee Fairy thought about it and said: "The Nine-Tailed Immortal Mansion that my sister has learned about in the Little Demon Realm over the years is actually a forbidden place. Everyone in the Little Demon Realm knows that when it comes to the Nine-Tailed Immortal Mansion, there is awe and taboo.

There are rumors that the Nine-tailed Demon Emperor is the wife of a big shot in the fairy world. It is a very old rumor. Many forces have tried to break into the Nine-tailed Fairy Mansion, but no one has been able to enter.

Anyway, there is already a Kongxian Mansion, but the formation is too powerful and no one can get in. However, over tens of thousands of years, any formation will weaken if it is not maintained, so I went to investigate. With the help of Phoenix Eyes, it is If you have a chance to get in, there is nothing else, after all, no one can get in.

Most people really don't have the guts to enter the mansion of a demon emperor. The person with the highest cultivation level in the little demon world is only equivalent to the level of a sixth-level loose immortal. "

After the Bee Immortal finished speaking, Yang Yiyun nodded to express his understanding, but in his mind he was asking his master Yun Tianxiedao: "What treasures does the old man and his wife have in the immortal mansion?"

At this time, I heard the old man say with some embarrassment: "Actually, I have never been to your Nine-Tails Master's Immortal Mansion. After some quarrels with your Master, she went down to the Little Demon Realm. I only knew that he was there. In the Little Demon Realm, I have never seen her.

Now that I think about it, I really shouldn't have. I don't know if she is still in the fairy mansion now, and how she is doing..." At the end of the words, she was full of guilt.

Yang Yiyun couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said: "Didn't the damn old man hear what Bee Fairy said about Master's wife's fairy palace being empty? Maybe Master's wife has remarried a long time ago, hehe~"

"You... you are a rebellious disciple. You don't even know how to comfort my master, but you are actually causing trouble for me. Your master's wife is still in the immortal mansion, how can a bee know whether she is there or not?" Yun Tianxie cursed Yang Yiyun.

When the two masters and apprentices were having a conversation in their minds, Fengxian only saw a weird smile on Yang Yiyun's face, and couldn't help but said: "Brother Yun, what's wrong with you?"

"Ah...oh, it's nothing, hehe..." Yang replied quickly.

The Bee Fairy didn't know the old man existed.

Next, the two of them talked about some things about the Little Demon Realm. According to what Bee Fairy said, he did get the news that the Sirius Clan was going to target him. She promised to help Yang Yiyun kill the little Phoenix when he came out of the Holy Land of the Shenfeng Clan. The Sirius clan has eliminated a future problem.

Let the little Phoenix go to the Holy Land of the Shenfeng Clan first, which can be regarded as improving his strength.

The Bee Immortal said to herself that her current strength and cultivation have only returned to the level of a fifth-level loose immortal. However, she is the Immortal King and can scare many people in the Little Demon Realm most of the time.

In fact, Yang Yiyun understood that these were the humble words of the Bee Immortal. A demon immortal at the level of a dignified Immortal King, even if his cultivation strength is at the level of a fifth-level loose immortal, is still in the realm of an Immortal King. The secret methods he controls are definitely not comparable to those of some masters in the Little Demon World.

Later, they also talked about the six-eared macaque, but Fairy Bee said: "That dead monkey should be practicing on Sanxian Island. It seems that like her, he is recovering his strength and cultivation. When he reaches a certain level of cultivation, he will inevitably return to the fairy world.

There are immortal stone veins on Sanxian Island. Relatively speaking, as long as you can find the existing immortal stone, your cultivation level will recover faster. The dead monkey must have gone to Sanxian Island to bully those loose immortals. "

Yang Yiyun was extremely astonished when he heard this. If the six-eared macaque is really what Bee Fairy said, it would be interesting. Anyway, he is also preparing for the Little Demon World and is going to Sanxian Island. The old man has three caves and left one on Sanxian Island. In a real dojo, there are things placed somewhere that can help him rebuild his immortal body.

So must go.

Moreover, he killed the Sanxian of Sanxian Island for so long, and no one on Sanxian Island made any move, which is strange. I will go and see what is going on when the time comes. I don’t want to be stabbed in the back, so go and have a look. My heart can be at ease.

Three hours later, the two walked out of the hall.

Bee Fairy went to find Grandma Shenfeng, and she didn’t know what she said. Anyway, Grandma Shenfeng agreed to let Yang Yiyun accompany Little Phoenix into the holy land of the Shenfeng clan.

In fact, these are the conditions Yang Yiyun set for Grandma Shenfeng. If Yang Yiyun does not agree with these conditions, Yang Yiyun will not let the little Phoenix enter the holy land of the Shenfeng clan.

He believed that Grandma Shenfeng would agree, and with the Bee Fairy's reconciliation, there would be no suspense.

The next day, Granny Shenfeng took Yang Yiyun and Little Phoenix into the holy land of the Shenfeng clan.

Sister Mei and Diao'er stayed outside, which could be regarded as a support.

The holy land of the Shenfeng clan is built in a mountain. It is luxurious and grand. Walking all the way, when you reach the foot of the mountain, you can see the entrance of the cave with a phoenix carving.

The nine-meter-high and three-meter-wide flaming stone door is tightly closed, and a mountain is made of flaming red stone.

According to the wishes of Granny Shenfeng, she will take the two of them inside. Once inside, there are three forbidden areas, caves within caves. The first cave is the inheritance place left by the ancestors of their clan. Generally, as long as they are descendants of the Shenfeng clan, You can enter them all, and awaken the bloodline of the Divine Phoenix in the first cave.

The second cave has certain conditions. Only those with extremely high divine phoenix bloodline can enter it. At present, except for her and a few masters in the clan, only Mei Shiying has entered it for more than ten thousand years. It has been hundreds of years since then. He is still practicing in seclusion there.

According to what Grandma Shenfeng said, Mei Shiying’s Shenfeng bloodline is very high. After she comes out of seclusion, she will definitely be able to obtain the inheritance from the masters of the ancestors of the Second Cave. Even she doesn’t know what level of cultivation she can reach, but it will be very soon. It won't be too high.

In this regard, Yang Yiyun also hopes that Mei Shiying will have a high achievement.

The third cave is the most important forbidden area of ​​​​the entire Shenfeng clan. Only real phoenixes can enter the third cave. It was created by the first generation patriarch who founded the Shenfeng clan. It is rumored that there is a real phoenix left. There are many rumors about the things that fell into the third hole. Even Grandma Shenfeng has never entered it because she does not have the blood of the Phoenix and cannot enter at all.

As for Yang Yiyun's insistence on following, Grandma Shenfeng had nothing to do, but the most Yang Yiyun could do was check out the first cave, and there was no way he could enter other caves without the Phoenix bloodline.

Yang Yiyun didn't care about this. He could take one step at a time. His focus was to accompany the little Phoenix. As for not being able to accompany the little Phoenix into the third hole, it didn't matter. Since it was the land of Phoenix blood, there would be no danger to the little Phoenix. He was just waiting for the little Phoenix to come out on the first hole.

Moreover, Yang Yiyun had already told Little Phoenix to let her get the Phoenix Eyes if there were any, which would be considered a good thing.

Following Granny Shenfeng, she cast a spell to open the stone door and walked all the way. The cave was not as hot as expected. After several kilometers, the three of them arrived at a cave hall of more than 100 square meters. Yang Yiyun saw that there were indeed three caves. exist.

It looked like the cave door was much smaller, but it was also a closed stone door, covered with various complex inscriptions and runes.

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