My Master Is a God

Chapter 1726 A Phoenix Statue

"We're here~"

Grandma Shenfeng said.

The three caves are arranged in a row.

Grandma Shenfeng pointed to the rightmost cave from left to right and said: "The one on the far right is the first cave, the one in the middle is the second cave, and the one on the left is the third cave.

Your Majesty, please go directly to the third cave. Holy Master Yang can visit our clan’s first cave. Don’t even think about the second and third caves. You can’t enter without the blood of Phoenix, haha. "

Grandma Shenfeng was a little proud as she spoke, but she almost didn't say, "You have to come if you are not allowed to come in. Let's take a look now. It's useless to come in. We can only enter the first cave to have a look, but the first cave is the most popular among the Shenfeng clan." An ordinary cave.

Yang Yiyun naturally heard the meaning of Grandma Shenfeng's words, but he didn't care, just guarding the little phoenix outside the cave.

Of course, the first cave is also planned to be visited. After all, it is the holy land of the Shenfeng clan. There must be some merits, or some places can be used for reference.

It’s not easy to come here, I’d be sorry if I don’t take a look.

"Thank you~" Yang Yiyun nodded to Granny Shenfeng.

"My Majesty, you can go in now. There is a treasure box in the third cave this time. It is the inheritance left by our ancestors. Only the bloodline of your clan can bring it out and open it, and you will be able to open it," Shenfeng said. The mother-in-law spoke with great respect to little Phoenix.

Little Phoenix nodded and walked towards the entrance of the third cave, with Yang Yiyun and Granny Shenfeng following behind her.

The stone door is densely covered with runes, the halo is flowing, and it is protected by powerful power.

Grandma Shenfeng said to Little Phoenix: "Your Majesty, I need your Phoenix essence and blood to open the third cave portal. This portal only recognizes Phoenix."

"I know~" Little Phoenix replied calmly, as if she had known it for a long time.

After the words were spoken, a stream of blood essence flew out of the little phoenix's body and flew toward the stone door.


Drops of essence and blood fell behind the stone door, and there was a sudden roar and light shining.

Fiery red runes flowed one by one, and colorful vortexes appeared...

But I can't see clearly inside.

"It's open~"

Grandma Shenfeng cried out in surprise.

Yang Yiyun said to Xiao Fenghuang: "Be careful when Shanhong goes in. If it's impossible, just get out as soon as possible. We won't take risks."

For him, the safety of Little Phoenix comes first.

"Brother, please go in with me~" At this time, Little Phoenix suddenly said.

"The third cave under the crown is the Ancestral Cave, also known as the Phoenix Cave. Except for the first-generation ancestors, only the Phoenix can enter. Even the old man can't enter. Others can't enter at all. They will be affected by the power of the Phoenix. Rejected." Grandma Shenfeng said, but her eyes seemed to say that she is just a child, so naive.

Yang Yiyun was about to speak, but Little Phoenix spoke up: "Brother, don't worry, I have a way. Come on, I'll take you in. This is the power of Phoenix. I just opened some inherited memories in my mind."

As Little Phoenix spoke, he raised his little hand to hold Yang Yiyun's hand, and stepped directly into the colorful whirlpool portal without any explanation...

Disappeared in an instant^

"My Majesty, please don't...ahhhhh..."

Grandma Shenfeng was shocked and watched helplessly as Little Phoenix picked up Yang Yiyun's hand and entered the third hole before disappearing without a trace.

Of course Grandma Shenfeng is not worried that Yang Yiyun will be injured by the power of the third hole, but is worried about the inheritance of the third hole!

That is the largest treasure house of the Shenfeng clan, and she has never been in it. Now it is better for Little Phoenix to bring an outsider in directly. How can she not be anxious?

Grandma Shenfeng shouted and became anxious, so she stepped over.



The moment Grandma Shenfeng touched the door, a mountain-like force suddenly swept over her.

In an instant, the existence that was as majestic as a sixth-level loose immortal, under the backlash of this power, suddenly flew out like a kite with its string broken.

With a crash, he crashed into the mountain, screaming and vomiting blood.

Grandma Shenfeng was about to cry but had no tears. She never expected that this would be the case.

"White-eyed wolf~"

This curse was cursing Little Phoenix, because her ancestor was Phoenix, and the Phoenix bloodline flowed in the Divine Phoenix clan, so from the moment she found Little Phoenix, she regarded Little Phoenix as one of her own.

Who would have known that this member of the family was waiting for an outsider, Yang Yiyun, to enter the most important cave of the Shenfeng clan.

And what Grandma Shenfeng couldn't figure out was that the situation where no outsider could enter the third hole was broken at this moment.

I really can’t figure out what kind of situation the little Phoenix is ​​in that he can lead an outsider into the first hole~


Grandma Shenfeng came out of the mountain coughing up blood. She looked at Little Phoenix and Yang Yiyun with an ugly face as they disappeared through the entrance of the third cave. Unfortunately, she couldn't get in.

After a while, Granny Shenfeng's eyes fell on the second hole, and then she walked towards the second hole with complicated eyes.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was taken to the third hole by Little Phoenix.

Looking at the fiery red cave, Yang Yiyun was still stunned. He had no idea that the little Phoenix could lead him into the third cave.

According to what Grandma Shenfeng said, no one else except Grandma Shenfeng could enter the third hole.

He had also felt that there was a powerful force, or the power of law, existing on the third hole before, and he could not get in.

But now he was brought in by Little Phoenix.

After coming back to his senses, he looked at Little Phoenix blankly.

"Didn't Shanhong say that no one else can enter except Phoenix?" Yang Yiyun asked.

At this time, little Phoenix had a cute smile on his casual face. He looked at Yang Yiyun and said, "My brother is right, but when I used my blood essence to open this portal, I suddenly understood that it is indeed the case, but I Pure-blood Phoenix can come and go freely here, and as long as I am willing to bring anyone in, there is no problem, hehe."

Yang Yiyun was suddenly taken aback when he heard the little Phoenix talking. He imagined that his Phoenix sister was a pure-blooded Phoenix. There were things that she couldn't do. That was true.

After thinking of this, Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly and said: "Then why don't you bring Grandma Shenfeng in? If you bring me in alone, that old woman will hate us both~"

"Hehe~" Little Phoenix said with a smile: "Brother, don't worry, that old woman is too thoughtful. I don't like to bring her in. As long as she is respectful to us, that's all. If she dares to be disrespectful to us, I have plenty of ways to deal with her." , the Phoenix bloodline in her body is her biggest weakness, so there is no need to worry."

Yang Yiyun broke into a cold sweat as he listened. Hearing what Xiao Fenghuang meant, it seemed that the Shenfeng clan was simply the servants of the Phoenix. Xiao Fenghuang seemed to be able to control the blood of the Shenfeng clan.

I hope Grandma Shenfeng won't hold a grudge against them, otherwise Yang Yiyun believes that Little Phoenix will find a way to punish her.


For Yang, it doesn't matter anyway. It's good to be able to come in. He feels more at ease when he can accompany the little Phoenix. He is even happier when the little Phoenix can get things from the Shenfeng clan.

"Hehe... That's very good. I hope Granny Shenfeng won't do anything irrational, otherwise we won't be easy to mess with. Let's go and see what exists here." Yang Yiyun said to the little boy with twinkling eyes. Phoenix spoke.

"Well, brother, I can feel something calling me here..." Little Phoenix said thoughtfully.

"Could it really be the Eyes of the Phoenix?" Yang Yiyun said with a thought in his heart. The Bee Fairy told him that the Eyes of the Phoenix exist here. The purpose of this visit is to let the little Phoenix obtain the Eyes of the Phoenix.

"I'm not sure. Anyway, I feel very strongly..."

The first one and the second one walked forward while talking, and a few minutes later they appeared in a space of more than 300 square meters. It was still in the mountain. It was a space opened up by someone with great magic power.

It's a hall.

After entering, the two of them were shocked when they saw the center of the hall.

A huge phoenix appeared in the hall.

There was an extremely powerful flame aura, and there was a coercive presence that made Yang Yiyun's heart tremble.

Apart from the first time, nothing else existed in Noda Hall.

This phoenix is ​​about thirty meters tall and forty to fifty meters long. It has colorful feathers all over its body. It is really beautiful.

Exuding a divine halo...

Yang Yiyun swallowed and said in a trembling voice: "Shan Hong... is this a real adult phoenix...?"

"Brother, don't worry, this is just a statue."

Little Phoenix walked towards the phoenix statue as he spoke.

Yang Yiyun was stunned after hearing this. His feeling and sight did not look like a statue.

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