My Master Is a God

Chapter 1727 Purple Eyes

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Yang Yiyun was about to follow Little Phoenix to take a look, but after taking a few steps, Little Phoenix stopped and turned to him and said, "Brother, don't follow me, it's dangerous."

Yang Yiyun was stunned when he heard this, but stopped. He didn't ask what danger Little Phoenix was in. Anyway, he knew that Little Phoenix would not harm him.

"Then be careful." Yang Yiyun told Little Phoenix without following him.

Little Phoenix nodded and said, "Yes, I know."

The little phoenix continued to walk. When she approached the phoenix statue a hundred meters away, Yang Yiyun saw a huge flame suddenly burst out from the phoenix statue and spread with a bang.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun could feel the extremely hot wave of heat coming from more than a hundred meters away. He was worried that the little Phoenix couldn't help shouting: "Shan Hong..."

"Brother, don't worry about me, it's okay." Little Phoenix's relaxed words came.

Yang Yiyun was forced to retreat to a corner by the heat wave. He heard Little Phoenix's voice and looked around, but he could see that Little Phoenix was perfectly fine in the sea of ​​​​fire.

The temperature of the flame, which was dozens or hundreds of times more powerful than the true fire, did not affect the little Phoenix at all. She still did not stop and continued to walk towards the statue of the Phoenix.

But the next moment there was a phoenix cry: "Chirp..."

But the little phoenix manifested its true form and turned into a phoenix with a body size of several meters.

And all the flames actually rotated into the little Phoenix's body.

If you look carefully, it's not the flames attacking the little phoenix, but the little phoenix devouring the flames.

At this time, Yang Yiyun was only tomorrow, so there was no need to worry about her. The little phoenix was originally an expression, and the phoenix's talent was the flame. Facing the flame would not only not hurt her, but would actually be beneficial to her.

Seeing the little phoenix absorbing the flames, Yang Yiyun felt relieved.

Perhaps for other creatures, such flames can burn them to death, but the little phoenix regards these flames as the vitality for cultivation.

Devouring like crazy.

The phoenix statue in the center of the hall was emitting more and more flames, and the color was getting darker and darker. Yang Yiyun was hiding far away. At first, he just felt the heat wave and the temperature was very high, but he could withstand it, but later he needed to Use real energy to defend.

He secretly smacked his tongue, under such high temperature, could the little phoenix in the flames bear it?

In a short period of time, the little phoenix arrived directly in front of the phoenix sculpture. In the flames, Yang Yiyun seemed to see some kind of bridge forming between the little phoenix and the phoenix statue.

But you can see a flame coming out of the mouth of the phoenix statue and directly connecting with the mouth of the little phoenix. It looks like a big bird feeding on a small bird.

At this moment, the original yellowish flame in Yang Yiyun's eyes gradually turned into red, from red to deep red, and as time went by, the color of the flame continued to deepen...

The figure of the little phoenix was completely buried in the flames, and only an outline of the flames could be seen.

Yang Yiyun saw all the flames burrowing into the little Phoenix's body. Yang Yiyun thought that this might be a kind of inheritance that the little Phoenix had obtained.

I originally thought that even if there were any treasures after arriving here, I would still need to find them, but I didn't expect that the inheritance would start now.

Of course, this is the inheritance of the little Phoenix. The inheritance of the little Phoenix begins from the moment the flames begin.

This is an opportunity for little Phoenix.

As for how big this opportunity is, Yang Yiyun doesn't know, but it's not wrong, because this is the inheritance place of Phoenix.

The greatest treasure inheritance of the Shenfeng clan is now a cheap little phoenix, but Yang is very happy.

Now I think that if Little Phoenix gets this inheritance, he will definitely gain a lot and grow.

Yang Yiyun looked like it would not end for a while. This place was filled with the aura of the fire element, heaven and earth. She simply sat down and started practicing and waited for the little Phoenix to finish.

After deep cultivation, time passes unconsciously...

One month has passed... one year has passed...

However, Yang Yiyun's cultivation level has not increased at all. After he reaches the Great Perfection of Ascension Realm, the next step is to ascend to immortality.

But it is also a critical hurdle. Many people have difficulty stepping into the Ascension Realm and reaching the Great Consummation of the Ascension Realm. However, they are unable to comprehend the light of connection and are unable to ascend throughout their lives. They have no chance to reach the Immortal Path and eventually turn into loess.

It is very difficult to make progress in cultivation in the Ascension Realm. What is needed at this time is not mainly the absorption and refining of spiritual energy, but more about the realm perception.

Yang Yiyun is in this situation now. He found that he had reached the tip of his cultivation, so after one year of cultivation, he had no progress in reaching the perfection of the Ascension Realm, so he stopped practicing and put all his efforts into realizing the realm.

At this time, the cultivation insights are the most important.

He doesn't insist on whether he can gain something or not. Anyway, he just waits for the little Phoenix to wake up.

Just sort out what you have learned about your cultivation realm and your various magical powers. If you take the time to understand, you will eventually be rewarded.

In the blink of an eye, it was the tenth year. During this period, Yang Yiyun woke up from trance several times, but the little phoenix was still practicing, and the flames turned purple.

But the entire sea of ​​flames in the hall disappeared, and everyone's flames were condensed together, or in other words condensed on the little Phoenix.

At this time, Yang Yiyun stopped practicing. He thought that Little Phoenix's inheritance should be almost complete.

Ten years passed in a blink of an eye, and he only felt that he had practiced meditation for a while. He found that as his cultivation level improved, the time spent in meditation would become worse and worse, and it felt like a moment had passed.

When I was young, I heard stories from the older generation, saying that gods would take a nap for thousands of years. Now it seems that this is the same state.

Just when he was feeling this way, he let out a roar.


Yang Yiyun suddenly looked up and saw that all the flames were extinguished.

The flames on the Phoenix statue were all extinguished, without any color, and turned into the color of white jade. It seemed that this was the original color of the Phoenix statue.

At this moment, the little phoenix still seemed to be included in the flames, and the flames all over his body turned into deep purple.

"Chirp chirp..."

Loud and loud roars continued to sound.

Yang Yiyun could tell that the roar of the little phoenix was full of joy at this moment.

The next moment, the flames on the little Phoenix gradually extinguished, or in other words, they became restrained.

He watched intently and saw Little Phoenix's true body manifesting. She seemed to be no different from before, and her appearance didn't look big, but Yang Yiyun felt that the aura of Little Phoenix's body was different.

Much stronger than before...

When he saw Little Phoenix's eyes, he discovered that Little Phoenix's eyes were filled with purple at this moment.

Then the light flashed and the small phoenix turned into a human form.


At this moment, Yang Yiyun looked and saw that Little Phoenix had become taller.

She used to look like a little girl of eight or nine years old, but now she looks like she is eleven or twelve years old.

It's beginning to look like a girl's first growth.

Ten years later, little Phoenix has grown up.

In other words, she has grown up after absorbing the Phoenix Flame for ten years.

"elder brother……"

After a cheerful cry, Little Phoenix trotted to Yang Yiyun's side with a smile on his face.

After arriving at his side, Yang Yiyun saw that the purple light in Little Phoenix's eyes dissipated, but his eyes completely turned into purple pupils.

It's a little bit weird, but it's even more beautiful.

Purple pupils, this was the first time he saw them.

I thought to myself that maybe this was what Little Phoenix had gained this time.

As usual, he stretched out his hand, touched the little Phoenix's head with a smile and said, "How do you feel? What's the gain?"

Little Phoenix seemed to have some changes in his personality. Hearing Yang Yiyun's question, he smiled and said: "Brother, the Phoenix Eyes that Bee Fairy said did not exist, but it allowed me to develop purple pupils. I want to know what she said." It should be purple pupils, not phoenix eyes.

The flame is real, it is the real Phoenix Divine Fire, and it has given me a lot. The main thing is that I have inherited the Purple Eyes. With these eyes, I will have a way to save my life in the future, and I can also be a helper for my brother. , let’s kill the enemy together and protect everyone.

The purple pupil eye can see through illusions, and can capture people's souls... Anyway, there are many benefits. I need to study it slowly, and it will become more and more powerful in the future. This is one of the powerful innate magical powers of our Phoenix family. "

Little Phoenix spoke with joy.

Yang Yiyun was also happy for Little Phoenix when he heard that. He didn't ask much about the purple eyes that Little Phoenix mentioned. Although Little Phoenix regarded him as his own brother, he still hoped that Little Phoenix would keep her own secret.

He smiled and said: "This is a good thing. Brother, congratulations on taking a big step in your growth. However, you must not slack off in your cultivation in the future. Whether it is a human race or a demon race, even if you are a divine bird and phoenix, you are still needed. Growth requires strong strength, otherwise this world will be ruthless. It's easy to say now, but when you go to the fairy world in the future, there may be some dangers waiting, so you can't be lazy in your cultivation."

"Yeah, brother, don't worry, I know. I won't be lazy, and I will work harder in the future." Little Phoenix answered obediently.

After finishing speaking, he remembered something and said, "By the way, brother, there is something inside that phoenix statue, I can see it."

As she spoke, Little Phoenix motioned for Yang Yiyun to follow her and take a look.

"Uh... will it be dangerous?" Yang Yiyun still had lingering fears about the previous Phoenix Flame.

"Hehe, don't worry, brother, there will be no danger. The protection of this statue is the phoenix flame, which has been absorbed by me. Now my flame has evolved to the purple fire level, which can burn even loose immortals like Granny Feng to death. "Little Phoenix explained with a smile.

"Hiss...~" Yang Yiyun gasped as he listened to Little Phoenix's words.

Burning the Goddess Feng Granny to death?

You must know that it is an existence equivalent to the level of a sixth-level loose immortal.

Little Phoenix actually said that her current phoenix flames can burn people at level six, which is even more powerful than him.

The most he can do now is head-to-head confrontation with someone at level five. If someone at level six existed, he wouldn't be sure of facing one, and he would have to risk his life to do so.

Little Phoenix could burn a sixth-level existence to death with just a few words, which surprised Yang.

Of course, I am more happy for Little Phoenix.

Then he smiled and asked: "So, all the treasures in this cave are inside this phoenix statue? Can you see through it with your purple eyes?"

"Hmm, I can see that, as Grandma Shenfeng said, there is indeed a treasure box inside the phoenix statue. Outside of the treasure box, there are three phoenix tail feathers. Apart from that, there is nothing else. Brother, you Wait, I’ll get it.”

After the little Phoenix finished speaking, he waved his hand and a flame hit the Phoenix statue.


The next moment, the phoenix statue turned into pieces.

Then, as expected, a boxy, one-foot-long treasure box appeared, and a burst of colorful light illuminated the entire hall.

Colorful and promising.

Three phoenix tail feathers.

Little Phoenix waved his little hand and took the three phoenix feathers and the box in his left and right hands.

But at this moment, the old man's voice sounded in Yang Yiyun's mind, and he said softly: "Hey~ It's actually the feather of the phoenix. Where have you been, brat?"

Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes when he heard the old man's words. Hearing the old man's tone, he was a little nervous. But thinking about every time he got something like heaven and earth, it would inevitably appear in unusual places, and he would often encounter big people. The danger is that the old man will give him a bad ass.

Now the old man's tone is a little nervous, which seems normal.

After laughing, he replied in his heart: "Don't worry, old man, there is no danger this time. We are now in the holy land of the Shenfeng clan..."

Then Yang Yiyun briefly told the old man the situation.

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