My Master Is a God

Chapter 1734 Smart Zhao Wuyuan

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

For a moment, there was deathly silence in the field, especially the thirteen masters of the Shenfeng clan who did not dare to move rashly at this moment.

Just kidding, Grandma Shenfeng is dead, what kind of trouble can these people cause?

It sounds like there are thirteen masters, but in fact, only one is a Rank 5 Loose Immortal.

What now?

Not to mention an ignorant bee fairy, Yang Yiyun and Little Phoenix alone could kill them casually.

At this time, the thirteen people were anxious.

I just thought that Yang Yiyun would not kill them all. Maybe the Shenfeng clan would be extinct in the Little Demon Realm today.

Once Grandma Shenfeng died, the fifth-level monk took the lead. Everyone else looked at the fifth-level monk, waiting for him to make a decision.

Otherwise, everyone would be doomed today.

And what about the fifth-level monk from the Shenfeng clan?

Looking at the situation on the field, he was certainly not stupid. In fact, no one who could practice to his level was a fool.

This fifth-level monk is called Zhao Wuyuan.

Zhao Wuyuan is actually the person who knows Granny Shenfeng best. He actually knows that Granny Shenfeng is too greedy this time, otherwise what would happen and take her own life.

At this moment, Elder Zhao Wu's eyes flashed with light, and his mind was quickly thinking about countermeasures to resolve the situation at hand, or countermeasures that could calm Yang Yiyun's anger.

After much deliberation, Zhao Wuyuan finally set his sights on Yang Yiyun.

In a short period of time, Zhao Wuyuan sorted out Yang Yiyun's identity in his mind.

In Zhao Wuyuan's view, first of all, the Bee Fairy obviously supported Yang Yiyun, and for this reason, he had to directly attack Granny Shenfeng. If Yang Yiyun hadn't opened up about his own affairs and did it himself, the Bee Fairy would have directly confronted Granny Shenfeng.

Although Granny Shenfeng said that the strength and cultivation of Bee Immortal was not as good as hers, in Zhao Wuyuan's opinion, Granny Shenfeng actually took it for granted.

I know about Bee Immortal Zhao Wuyuan. He is a real demon and immortal figure in the immortal world. Although I don’t know why Bee Immortal’s cultivation level has plummeted, but... after all, the creatures in the immortal world are not comparable to the monks in the cultivator world.

If Fairy Bee and Granny Shenfeng had faced each other before, Granny Shenfeng would definitely suffer.

The Bee Immortal and Yang Yiyun are siblings, and they have not changed since the first day Yang Yiyun came to the Shenfeng Clan until now.

Especially Yang Yiyun, whom Grandma Shenfeng went to find in the cultivation world, was actually asked by the Bee Immortal to go there. What was she going to do?

He went to support Yang Yiyun. Because of the outbreak of the demon clan, the Heavenly Wolf True Lord of the Little Demon Realm went to the cultivation world, but was killed by Yang Yiyun. Therefore, the Tianlang clan of the Little Demon Realm threatened to cause trouble for Yang Yiyun, but it was She was suppressed by the Bee Immortal, and finally asked Granny Shenfeng to go to the world of cultivation to support Yang Yiyun.

Of course, although Zhao Wuyuan didn't know what agreement or interests had been reached between Grandma Shenfeng and Fairy Bee, in his opinion, Grandma Shenfeng should not fall out with Fairy Bee, but should continue to exchange disputes with Fairy Bee. Know the benefits agreement and proceed with it.

Fortunately now, even the Bee Fairy didn't take action, and Grandma Shenfeng was killed by Yang Yiyun.

It was extremely embarrassing now.

Of course, these are not important now. What is important is that from these incidents, Zhao Wuyuan learned that Yang Yiyun and Fengxian, an unknown master, had a deep connection and could not be offended.

The other is a small phoenix. Although it looks like an immature phoenix, it is a real divine bird phoenix.

For the Shenfeng clan, the phoenix is ​​their ancestral level existence, supreme.

When looking at the relationship between Xiao Fenghuang and Yang Yiyun, everyone calls Yang Yiyun his brother.

Yang Yiyun also said personally that the little Phoenix was his sister, and even named the little Phoenix - Yang Shanhong.

The supreme divine bird Phoenix is ​​willing to listen to a human being, and to the extent that he obeys his words. This relationship is deeper.

The third is the girl Mei Shiying. The Phoenix bloodline awakened in her body has been the highest existence among their divine phoenix clan for thousands of years. After coming out of seclusion, she is now directly at the Mahayana level.

This kind of cultivation qualification is unparalleled.

Look at the relationship between Yang Yiyun and Mei Shiying...?

It seems to be deeper than the previous two, and everyone can see this.

Even on the surface, the woman he called Sister Mei who followed Yang Yiyun was actually Mei Shiying's sister, but this Sister Mei was Yang Yiyun's wife.

Every person and thing can be connected together, and they are all related to Yang Yiyun.

The key point is Yang Yiyun, but now that Grandma Shenfeng was killed by Yang Yiyun, the mess was left to him, Zhao Wuyuan.

This is a typical example of cheating people to death.


Because Yang Yiyun has already had murderous intentions towards their Shenfeng clan.

Grandma Shenfeng, a master of the Shenfeng clan, was killed. Could it be that Yang Yiyun would let the rest of them go?

After Zhao Wuyuan thought of this, his heart felt cold.

He knew that if Yang Yiyun wanted to attack the Shenfeng clan next, he, Zhao Wuyuan, would definitely be the one to take the blame.

Because once Granny Shenfeng dies, he will be the one with the highest cultivation level in the Shenfeng clan. If they don’t look for him, who will they look for?

At this moment, Zhao Wuyuan's mind was spinning. While cursing Grandma Shenfeng in his heart, he also found a way that might be able to resolve the immediate crisis.

The focus of this method lies on Mei Shiying.

Fortunately, after Mei Shiying was found and taken into the Shenfeng clan, he, Zhao Wuyuan, also taught Mei Shiying, and he could be regarded as half of Mei Shiying's master.

In fact, Zhao Wuyuan has long been dissatisfied with Granny Shenfeng. Granny Shenfeng has always been a dictatorial person in the clan. Some of the decisions she made are also an important reason for the decline of the Shenfeng clan.

However, Granny Shenfeng was the best in the clan in terms of cultivation, so Zhao Wuyuan did not dare to refute, and could only carry out some of Granny Shenfeng's orders.

But the opportunity came today. He knew that if he could handle this matter today, it would not only allow him to save the entire Shenfeng clan from disaster, but also allow him to completely rule the Shenfeng clan, or in other words, become the leader of the Shenfeng clan. More than ten thousand people.

Of course, Zhao Wuyuan knew that what he needed next was iron-blooded skills and decisiveness, extremely decisive.

Otherwise, what awaits him and the Shenfeng clan is extinction and death.

Mei Shiying - this is the only breakthrough at present, the only hope for Yang Yiyun to let go of the Shenfeng clan.

After thinking of this, Zhao Wuyuan made a move. When everyone around him fell into silence, Zhao Wuyuan came to Mei Shiying and said loudly: "Zhao Wuyuan, the elder of the Shenfeng clan, paid homage to the leader of the Shenfeng clan."

As soon as Zhao Wuyuan opened his mouth, he pushed Mei Shiying to the position of clan leader. This was the highest position of the Shenfeng clan - clan leader.

His idea or method is very simple, let Mei Shiying become the patriarch of the Shenfeng clan, and then Yang Yiyun can't kill the people of the Shenfeng clan anymore, right?

If you want to kill her, it depends on Mei Shiying's face.

As for the relationship between Yang Yiyun and Mei Shiying, how can they be embarrassed?

Of course, this is an imposed position of clan leader. According to the clan rules of the Shenfeng clan, Mei Shiying, a saint, is currently not qualified to hold the position of clan leader.

But as soon as Grandma Shenfeng died, Zhao Wuyuan, a fifth-level cultivator, had the right to make decisions. No matter in any situation and in any place, strength would speak for itself.

He, Zhao Wuyuan, can just say it’s okay now.

Today he said that Mei Shiying could be the leader of the Shenfeng clan, that would be fine, and he would kill anyone in the clan who dared to oppose her.

Because this is the only way to resolve the immediate crisis.

"Master Wuyuan, please get up quickly...I..." Mei Shiying has a simple mind after all, and cannot compare to an old fox like Zhao Wuyuan.

When Zhao Wuyuan suddenly knelt down in front of her and called himself the clan leader, Mei Shiying was a little flustered. Zhao Wuyuan was very kind to her when she came to the Shenfeng clan and taught her. Of course, Zhao Wuyuan was not the only master. She has had several masters, who are actually equivalent to teachers.

But even so, Mei Shiying still remembered Zhao Wuyuan's kindness.

Mei Shiying did not dare to let a teacher who had taught her kneel down for her. She quickly went to help Zhao Wuyuan, but how could she help Zhao Wuyuan behind him?

Immediately afterwards, I heard Zhao Wuyuan say in a deep voice to the others behind him: "Why don't you meet the clan leader soon?"

One sentence screamed with murderous intent.

Among the remaining twelve people, there was naturally no shortage of smart people. When Zhao Wuyuan knelt down and called Mei Shiying the clan leader, the eyes of six or seven of them immediately lit up and they understood Zhao Wuyuan's intention.

This is saving their lives, and it is also saving the entire Shenfeng clan.

So after the seven people reacted, they quickly knelt down and paid homage to the patriarch to Mei Shiying.

"I'll meet the clan leader..."

After these smart people came to their senses, the remaining three ignorantly followed suit.

Only two of them, one at the third-level cultivation level and the other at the fourth-level cultivation level, glared and said angrily: "Zhao Wuyuan, are you confused? Mei Shiying has been expelled from the Shenfeng clan by the old patriarch. She has How can a yellow-haired girl be qualified to be the clan leader? shameless people are shameless. Yang Yiyun killed the old clan leader. Instead of avenging the clan leader, he made a yellow-haired girl who was expelled from the family by the clan leader to be the clan leader. You are confused... "

"Yes, you are ridiculous..."

As soon as the two men opened their mouths, Zhao Wuyuan suddenly stood up with murderous intent, and the light and shadow in his hands flashed away.

"Puff puff..."


After two screams, these two people were killed by Zhao Wuyuan without hesitation.

After killing the two people, Zhao Wuyuan turned to Mei Shiying and continued: "You are the saint of our clan, and you should be the heir to the clan leader. As for Granny Feng, oh no, it was Feng Qiuxuan who kicked you out. That was her decision alone and does not represent us elders, so from now on, you are the leader of the Shenfeng Clan, do you think that’s right?”

At this moment, Zhao Wuyuan asked an elder behind her with murderous intent.

At this time, no one was a fool, and they naturally understood that this was Zhao Wuyuan helping everyone to resolve the crisis for the Shenfeng clan. Who dared to say no, they quickly agreed and paid homage to Mei Shiying again.

Mei Shiying couldn't persuade these people, so she couldn't help but look at Yang Yiyun.

At this time, Yang's mouth showed a smile. He had seen everything Zhao Wuyuan did from beginning to end. How could he not understand Zhao Wuyuan's intention?

He walked over and said to Mei Shiying: "You are the leader of the Ying'er Shenfeng clan, and only you are the leader."

After speaking, Yang Yiyun looked at Zhao Wuyuan, grinned and said, "Elder Zhao, you are very smart. Get up and help Ying'er from now on."

Zhao Wu was extremely happy and said quickly: "Thank you Holy Master Yang." He knew that he had avoided this disaster today.

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