My Master Is a God

Chapter 1735 Surrender

Yang Yiyun originally wanted to teach the Shenfeng Clan a painful lesson, but Zhao Wuyuan was smart enough to follow Mei Shiying's path, and directly made Mei Shiying the leader of the Shenfeng Clan.

This is a disguised form of loyalty to Yang Yiyun, which means being willing to be used by him.

In addition, Mei Shiying can be regarded as an emotional card, so Yang Yiyun will naturally not take action against Zhao Wuyuan and the entire Shenfeng clan.

Even if we understand this matter, Granny Shenfeng is already dead anyway.

There is no point in pursuing the case further, and Yang Yiyun himself does not want to cause massacres.

However, Little Phoenix walked up to Yang Yiyun and said, "Brother, I can give Sister Shiying a secret method. From now on, anyone from the Shenfeng clan who wants to rebel will be killed."

Little Phoenix said these words blatantly, but it made Zhao Wuyuan and others' expressions change drastically, and sweat broke out on their foreheads.

Yang Yiyun glanced at Zhao Wuyuan with a smile, and then said to Mei Shiying: "Ying'er, come here."

Mei Shiying naturally obeyed Yang Yiyun's words, especially at this time, so she naturally would not object and came to Yang Yiyun's side.

Yang waved his hand and placed a transparent barrier around him, Xiao Fenghuang and Mei Shiying.

At this moment, Zhao Wuyuan and the others were feeling uneasy, but they had no choice but to watch Yang Yiyun, Xiao Fenghuang, and Mei Shiying talking inside the barrier.

Zhao Wuyuan felt cold sweat break out on his forehead. He thought about what Little Phoenix said. It seemed that he could teach Mei Shiying some secret technique and then control the Shenfeng clan.

Zhao Wuyuan believed this, because he knew that the blood in their bodies was the blood of the Phoenix, and the secret method of their Shenfeng clan came from the Shenfeng clan.

If the divine bird Phoenix wants to clean up the Divine Phoenix clan, then there really is a way.

If Little Phoenix really taught Mei Shiying some secret technique, then in the future, the Shenfeng clan would really have to treat Mei Shiying respectfully and not resist in the slightest.

If she resists, Mei Shiying will most likely be killed.

No one would want to be controlled by someone's life and death, but at this moment, Zhao Wuyuan had no choice.

A few minutes later, within the transparent barrier, the conversation finally came to an end.

But a drop of dazzling blood with lavender light flew out from the center of the little Phoenix's eyebrows and flew into Mei Shiying's body.

Zhao Wuyuan was shocked. As a member of the divine phoenix bloodline, he was naturally familiar with the phoenix bloodline. The lavender blood flying out of the little Phoenix's eyebrows was the bloodline of the real divine bird phoenix.

The blood of the adult phoenix is ​​truly dark purple, but the blood of the little phoenix is ​​now lavender because the little phoenix is ​​not yet an adult.

When Little Phoenix reaches adulthood, her blood will naturally turn deep purple.

The problem now is that Little Phoenix gave Mei Shiying a drop of blood. It was obviously Little Phoenix who gave Mei Shiying the secret method to control the Shenfeng clan. As for how to control this, Zhao Wuyuan could not guess.

But just like that, he was afraid.

But he had no choice but to watch, he couldn't solve it.

But Zhao Wuyuan accepted his fate after thinking about it. Since he couldn't offend Yang Yiyun, he wouldn't do anything to Mei Shiying.

Going a step further, Mei Shiying is also a member of the Shenfeng Clan. As long as she develops the Shenfeng Clan, it doesn't matter.

After figuring this out, Zhao Wuyuan felt relieved and waited quietly for Yang Yiyun and Mei Shiying to come out.

Turning around, he saw a drop of lavender blood from the little phoenix in the barrier flying in from the center of Mei Shiying's eyebrows.

Then Mei Shiying's whole body erupted with a burst of purple light.

Then a phoenix cry sounded from Mei Shiying's body, and a phantom of a phoenix appeared behind her.

In Zhao Wuyuan's opinion, this phoenix shadow was different from the shadows of his divine phoenix clan. It was more solid, just like a real phoenix.

But at this moment, Yang Yiyun removed the barrier with a wave of his hand.

The moment the barrier was removed, the phoenix behind Mei Shiying emitted five colors of light, which spread in an instant and enveloped everyone present.

However, the expressions of Zhao Wuyuan and others changed drastically, because they felt the pressure of heaven and earth, which made them breathless.

What's even worse is that under this pressure, Zhao Wuyuan and other members of the Shenfeng clan found that their whole bodies began to weaken, and a sense of fear arose deep in their hearts. It seemed that the blood in their bodies would Erupt at any time.

If the blood comes out of the body, they know all too well what the consequences will be for the people of the Shenfeng clan, it will be fatal.

At this moment, Zhao Wuyuan and others finally knew what Xiao Fenghuang gave Mei Shiying. This was not control at all, but a secret method that could kill people.

"Puff thump thump thump..."

Zhao Wuyuan and others lay on the ground one by one, their bodies weak, like snakes that had drunk realgar wine.

Yang Yiyun looked on with a smile, looking at the embarrassment of Zhao Wuyuan and others, and when he looked at Mei Shiying, the smile on his face became stronger and stronger.

It is true that Little Phoenix gave Mei Shiying a drop of real Phoenix pure blood, and added a secret spell unique to Phoenix, which can determine the life and death of the Shenfeng clan.

This is a good thing for Mei Shiying to control the Shenfeng clan.

For him, it is a good thing that Mei Shiying can control the Shenfeng Clan. After all, Mei Shiying has the blood of the Shenfeng in her body, and her future training will be more helpful to her in the Shenfeng Clan.

Everyone will have their own opportunities and their own path to take. Yang Yiyun believes that this is Mei Shiying's path.

From the bottom of his heart, Yang Yiyun hopes that the people around him can also find their own path, rather than all being under him.

In that case, although everything is safe, the achievements will be limited.

It is a good thing that Mei Shiying is in charge of the Shenfeng clan and is independent, because from now on she will have her own independent thoughts, can practice better, and go further.

Moreover, Yang Yiyun knew that the drop of phoenix essence and blood given to Mei Shiying by the little phoenix had the benefit of not only controlling the divine phoenix clan, but also allowing the phoenix bloodline in Mei Shiying's body to take a further step.

After all, the Shenfeng clan is half-human and half-demon, and their cultivation relies on the Phoenix bloodline in their bodies. The higher the Phoenix bloodline in their body, the higher their cultivation will be, and their strength will naturally be stronger.

Sure enough, at this time, Mei Shiying let out a long roar: "Chirp~"

This is a long roar that is infinitely close to that of a phoenix.

The next moment something happened to Mei Shiying.

In Yang Yiyun's eyes, Mei Shiying was half-demonized.

A pair of phoenix wings grew out of his back.

There are also lines on the face, and if you look carefully, it is really the inscriptions on the phoenix's head.

A few minutes later, everyone saw Mei Shiying transformed into a half-demon phoenix, but of course she was still a human being overall.

Wings sprouted from his back, and his hands turned into phoenix claws.

In addition to the tattoos on her face, the most obvious thing is that there is a king tattoo on her forehead, which is extremely sacred under the purple light all over her body.

At this time, everyone looked at Mei Shiying, but they found that Mei Shiying had almost substantial spiritual energy from heaven and earth penetrated into her body.

A smile appeared on Yang Yiyun's lips. Unexpectedly, a drop of little Phoenix's essence and blood not only allowed Mei Shiying to obtain the secret method of controlling the Shenfeng clan, but also allowed her to advance directly, starting from the aura of the early Mahayana, and stepping into After reaching the middle stage of Mahayana, continue to move forward.

After half a day, Mei Shiying's cultivation reached the late stage of Mahayana cultivation, and then she stopped.

When the aura on Mei Shiying's body dissipated, the light all over her body dissipated, her aura converged, and her half-demon body returned to normal.

At this moment, Zhao Wuyuan and others felt that the pressure that enveloped them had dissipated, and they all looked at Mei Shiying with awe...

The next moment, Zhao Wuyuan was the first to go over and congratulate Mei Shiying, followed closely by all the Shenfeng clan.

Seeing this, Yang Yiyun was relieved. He knew that the Shenfeng clan would be completely controlled by Mei Shiying from now on.

I finally understand what is going on here.

Yang Yiyun and Bee Immortal had previously discussed entering the Nine-Tailed Immortal Mansion or his master's wife's mansion.

When leaving, Yang Yiyun left Sister Mei with the Shenfeng clan, giving the two Mei sisters time to reminisce.

Originally, Sister Mei was going to follow, but Yang Yiyun only took Diao'er, leaving Sister Mei behind and letting him assist Mei Shiying in taking charge of the entire Shenfeng clan. Although Zhao Wuyuan and others surrendered to Mei Shiying, the entire Shenfeng clan There are still many people out there, and all aspects need to be coordinated, and it would be nice to have Sister Mei around.

When leaving, Yang Yiyun took Diao'er away, followed by the little Phoenix. Anyway, after the little Phoenix got the purple pupil eyes, the Bee Fairy said it was enough. She was talking about the purple pupil eyes.

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