My Master Is a God

Chapter 1746 The second stage of evolution of three dragons

A somewhat fuzzy snake head gradually became clear, and it was about the size of a millstone.

Suddenly, it was swallowed up by the flames of the little phoenix.

It was a purple flame, the most powerful phoenix fire of the little phoenix, and the male snake actually swallowed it in one gulp.

In the blink of an eye, the flames released by the little phoenix were completely swallowed up.

Then he suddenly opened his mouth and bit into the little Phoenix again...

Yang Yiyun could see clearly that at this moment, the huge body of the male snake was fiercely displayed from the green energy.

In an instant, a cyan weapon with a diameter of one meter and a length of about thirty meters appeared in their sight.

Perhaps feeling the power of this male snake, the little phoenix let out a long roar, and its whole body erupted with colorful light. The next moment, the feathers flew towards the male green snake like sharp arrows.

"Swish, swish... boom, boom, boom..."

The feathers of the little phoenix exploded like sharp arrows on the huge head of the male green snake, making a roar.


A low hissing sound came from the mouth of this big green snake. A green halo flashed on its body. Its scales looked glowing with green light, but it blocked the little phoenix's sharp arrows and five-color feathers. However, Judging from its roar, it was extremely painful.

It proves that these feathers of the little phoenix are still very powerful.

However, Yang Yiyun did not hesitate to take action at this moment. He could see that the little phoenix was no match for the big green snake.

The dragon-slaying sword in his hand circulates the true essence, and also mobilizes the origin of water, which flows into the dragon-slaying sword.

In an instant, the two colors of silver, white and blue on the kung fu dragon-slaying sword flickered, exuding a powerful aura.

Yang Yiyun suddenly attacked the male big green snake.

"Law fusion, kill."

He slashed down with his sword from far away, and a sword energy emerged from the dragon-slaying sword, slashing towards the green snake like lightning.



In the earth-shattering roar, the male green snake was slashed down by Yang Yiyun's sword energy and let out a painful roar.

In an instant the huge snake head fell backwards.

At this moment, the Bee Fairy seized the opportunity to take action. The nine wings flashed and appeared on the top of the male snake's head. The needle behind the tail emitted a hot halo, which was extremely dazzling at this moment.

Suddenly bee needles shot out from Bee Fairy's body.


A dull sound resounded throughout the audience.

"Hiss... ho ho ho..."

Bee Fairy's needle pricked directly into the eye of the male green snake.

This big green snake let out a scream of pain.

The huge body rolled up, and its long tail whipped the Bee Fairy with strong wind.

It was so accurate that it hit the Bee Fairy.

When Yang Yiyun looked at it, the Bee Fairy failed to dodge and was hit hard by the male green snake.


The Bee Fairy was slapped by the Green Snake's tail, spat out a mouthful of blood, and flew out like a kite with its string broken.

"Shanhong...take care of Sister Jiuer~" Yang Yiyun shouted to the little Phoenix. He knew that the Bee Fairy was severely damaged by this blow. If he didn't care, there would still be many bones of monsters and beasts around.

And at the moment when the Bee Fairy flew out, he dodged and landed high in the sky, and attacked the male green snake again, taking advantage of his illness to kill him.

"Breaking through the air—cutting~"

With this blow, Yang Yiyun almost mobilized the flame power of the dragon ball in his body based on the true essence and the origin of water, and the three forces were all integrated into the dragon-slaying sword.

And it activated the two yin and yang life stars in the body.

The East Emperor Bell and the Gate of Youdu appeared, and they were ready for defense.

The statue of the God of Life also appeared behind him.

He used almost all his strength to deliver his strongest blow to the male green snake.


Yang Yiyun's sword fell on the male green snake in an instant while the male green snake was injured.


Then the green snake let out a scream that echoed through the sky.

Suddenly, Yang Yiyun felt happy. When he realized this, the sword struck hard on the green snake's waist, cutting a big gash in its body and flying far away.

But it was a pity that the green snake was not cut off in half.

From this point of view, this beast is indeed very powerful.

Another point is that Yang Yiyun discovered that there was no real blood flowing from the wounds of the male green snake.

But he didn't understand what was going on.

Just when Yang Yiyun was about to strike again, he found the green snake rolling on the ground and looked up at him. A pair of huge green eyes stared at him, making Yang Yiyun feel cold all over for no reason.

It really felt like being targeted by a poisonous snake.

Very uncomfortable.

Then he saw the male snake Green Snake's whole body glowing with green light, and its huge body gradually began to decompose in the dark green halo.

In an instant, it turned into countless green balls.

Yang Yiyun was stunned by this change and felt a little weird, so he stopped.

At this time, the old man's voice sounded in his mind: "Be careful, stinky boy, this snake is going to go crazy now. It is not a flesh and blood body in the true sense. The male snake is in a powerful state of soul. I mentioned the male green snake before." What he controls is Yin spirit, and what he devours is also various spiritual bodies.

Therefore, its body is composed of powerful divine soul power. After you angered him, it has now undergone the second stage of split evolution. If the teacher guessed correctly, this male green snake will turn into three dragons to deal with you. .

Of course, this is just the beginning, there will be a third stage of evolution, you kid should be careful about another female green snake, that is the key to the third stage of evolution..."


Just when Yang Yiyun listened to the old man continuing to speak, he was interrupted by a dragon roar.

Then there were two more dragon roars.


At this time, Yang Yiyun looked and saw that it was exactly as the old man said. The male green snake turned into three groups of dark green, and really turned into three dragons, each of which was nine meters long.

Overall, it is much smaller than the male green snake.

But in the perception, each dragon's aura is more powerful.

Is this the second stage of evolution that the old man mentioned?

According to what the old man said, the male green snake is a spiritual being that devours various spiritual bodies. It has no real flesh and blood, and its greatest power is the powerful soul.

There is also a third stage of evolution that is even more powerful and is related to the female green snake, but the old man was interrupted before he could finish the story.

It's strange to say that Yang Yiyun unknowingly discovered that the magnetic little green snake that appeared at the beginning had disappeared, and could not be seen in the field.

After three dragon roars, three dragons appeared in front of Yang Yiyun.

At this time, Yang Yiyun felt three lingering auras on his body, and it was obvious that he was locked by the three dragon auras.

He sensed danger.

Feeling a little scared in my heart, I asked my master: "Old man, I feel that the three dragons are very powerful. Is there any way to deal with them?"

"Why are you panic? If you are too powerful, you are just an alien who grew up by swallowing all kinds of monsters and Yin spirits. There are always weaknesses. Listen carefully. I will teach you a set of "Pure Yang Scorching Sun Curse" and use your Life Star God Statue to cast it. , the evolved dragon is guaranteed to be able to destroy the male green snake with a backhand. To put it bluntly, it is not a real dragon, it is just a kind of innate magical power."

Yun Tianxie's words were indifferent and arrogant.

When Yang Yiyun heard what the old man said, he felt relieved.

Although the old man said that he would not take action, it was still okay and enough to give him guidance in fighting.

After the old man finished speaking, the spell "Pure Yang Scorching Sun Curse" came to his mind.

It's said to be a curse, but it's actually a kind of curse seal. It's easy to cast. You can recite the curse and pinch it into a seal to attack, specifically targeting Yin-type souls.

There is no threshold, you will know it at a glance. The key point is that it requires the urging of your own soul to perform it. This kind of secret method naturally consumes your soul, but Yang Yiyun is mentally prepared.

He has a unique natal god statue in the world, and its own blessing is very powerful. Facing the three dragons transformed by the male green snake, he is a little eager to try.


At this moment, three dragons roared and suddenly swooped towards him. In the blink of an eye, they formed a glyph and surrounded him from three directions.

While fighting, Yang Yiyun did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

According to the old man's teachings, he pinched the magic with his hands and recited the "Pure Yang Scorching Sun Curse" silently in his mouth to cast the spell.

The mind and heart are instantly united with the statue of the star of destiny.

At this moment, the statue of the Life Star, which was three feet high behind him and had been somewhat blurred for a long time, followed the main body and made the same movement of pinching magic with his hands.

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