My Master Is a God

Chapter 1747 Pure Yang Scorching Sun Curse

The Pure Yang Burning Sun Curse was completely activated by the statue of the Star of Life, and in an instant the sword burst out into golden light.

The dragons transformed into three green snakes were shrouded in the golden light erupting from the Yang Yi Yunming Star Statue, and they let out screams the next moment.


The whole body looked like smoke was coming out.

Perhaps they simply couldn't bear the golden light shown by the Yang Yi Yunming Star Statue. When the golden light shone on the three dragons, they seemed to be on fire.

Yang Yiyun knew that it was burned by the power of the Pure Yang Scorching Sun Curse.

At this moment, Yang was overjoyed and praised in his heart that the old man was worthy of being the Supreme Immortal of the Twelve Tribulations. He could achieve such great power by giving him any secret technique.

However, it is not without its shortcomings. After casting the Pure Yang Burning Sun Curse, the most direct feeling is waves of weakness.

Any powerful secret magic power comes with a price, Yang Yiyun knew this.

But after seeing the results, he felt it was worth it.

He also warned himself that it would be better to use such secret techniques with caution in the future, otherwise something might happen.

Another disadvantage is that the "Pure Yang Scorching Sun Curse" only targets the soul and has no effect on flesh and blood.

But it was enough for Yang Yiyun.

The three dragons seemed to be burning with flames, and they screamed one after another.

However, just when Yang Yiyun thought that the three dragons were about to die, he saw the three dragons turned into three rays of green light and then merged together again, but they turned into their original appearance - a green snake.

But this time the body has become very small, less than half a foot tall.

It was also at this moment that a sudden change occurred in the field.

Another green snake sprang out from nowhere, hissed, and swallowed the male green snake in one bite.


Then a thunderous roar sounded.

In an instant, the female green snake suddenly came out and swallowed the male green snake in one bite, or in other words, it swallowed the male green snake's soul.

The females merged.

And the long roar became even louder and louder.

After the female green snake swallowed the male green snake, green light burst out.

A breath suddenly appeared overwhelmingly in the field, which was very depressing.

This smell made Yang Yiyun's heart palpitate.

At the same time, Yang Yiyun discovered that faint starlight-like auras emerged from the white bones of the monster beasts around him. At this moment, they all floated into the huge blue light...

To be precise, it was absorbed by the combined male and female green snake, much like a child replenishing energy.


Then the monster beast's bones fell to pieces one by one and fell to the ground.

Not far away, Yang Yiyun saw from the corner of his eye that Little Phoenix and Bee Fairy also stopped, because at this moment, all the bones of the monsters surrounding them fell apart.

It stands to reason that this is a good thing.

But Yang Yiyun was not happy at all.

Because it is obvious that all the power of these bones has gathered into the merged green snake.

At this time, the land of Green Snake was shrouded in green air with a diameter of 100 meters, and it was completely unclear what was going on inside.

But Yang Yiyun could think of it and it was definitely not a good thing.

Perhaps it was the third stage of the Green Snake's evolution that the old man had told about.

Just when I was thinking this, the old man's voice sounded in my mind: "Be careful, you bastard. The green snake female has merged and entered the third stage of evolution. Now it has officially become the Extravagant Corpse God, with both strength and soul power." It’s going to explode.”

Yang Yiyun was shocked. Hearing what the old man said, he seemed really stressed. Green Snake is one of the protectors of the Nine-Tailed Heavenly Emperor. He heard there were two male and female protectors before. It was a bit strange. Isn't this just two protectors? What?

But now I understand that he is actually still a Dharma Protector God, but he needs to be devoured by a female and merged into one body before he can transform into the real Dharma Protector God - the God of Extravagant Corpse.

Needless to say, this time it's a bit troublesome, this aura alone is stronger than the previous descendant of the water god.

Yang Yiyun wants to take action before they are completely integrated?

But he was cursed by the old man for being stupid, and it was too late, so he had to face him head-on.

"What should I do with the dead old man?" Yang Yiyun asked in his mind.

"Lang Sha, hehe, I won't take action even if I tell you not to take action. You can handle it yourself. I'm going to sleep~" Yun Tianxie was a little gloating about his misfortune.

"Damn old man..." Yang Yiyun cursed, but the old man just didn't say anything.

"Brother Yun, what's going on?" Bee Fairy and Little Phoenix came over and asked.

Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly and said: "The female snake has swallowed the male snake. Now the male and female are one, and they will transform into the God of Extravagant Corpse..."

"This..." Bee Fairy was also shocked.

It was already difficult to deal with the male snake alone just now, but now that the female is united, it will definitely be even more difficult.

"Sister Jiu'er is fine. Let's work together to deal with it. In the end, it's not the real She Corpse God, it's just a descendant." At this time, Yang Yiyun could only cheer up.

"That's all we can do, let's do our best." Bee Fairy nodded.

"Brother, what should I do?" Little Phoenix said at this time. In fact, she was a little helpless. The powerful phoenix flame was actually not very effective against the green snake.

Now that she heard that the green snake would be more powerful after the male and female became one, she wanted to help Yang Yiyun share the burden.

Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "Shan Hong will use flames to assist later and just do her best. I will leave the rest to my brother. Don't worry, there are plenty of ways to deal with it."

Although he was comforting Little Phoenix and encouraging himself and the Bee Fairy, when Yang Yiyun spoke, a fighting spirit arose in his heart that refused to admit defeat.

The fact that he has been able to reach this point in his cultivation and reach the Dzogchen realm of Ascension is naturally not imaginary, but he has achieved it step by step by practicing on his own.

How could you put a burden on yourself at this time?

Another point is that he actually knows very well that the old man says he doesn't care, but when it comes to life and death, how can he not care?

So Mr. Yang is confident.

And during the conversation with the old man, he could tell that the old man's tone was actually very relaxed.

This shows that the old man has confidence in himself.

Since the old man has confidence in himself, he should be more talented.

After thinking of this, Yang Yiyun unknowingly exuded a surge of fighting spirit all over his body.

After feeling Yang Yiyun's soaring fighting spirit, the Bee Fairy's eyes suddenly lit up and he said in his heart: "What a terrifying young man. In this case, I, a dignified Fairy, can't hide it anymore~"

Just as the three of them were talking.

Finally, there was a roar in the green energy.



Immediately afterwards there was a dragon roar.

Yang Yiyun, Bee Fairy, and Little Phoenix turned around to look, only to find that after the green color faded away, the green snake or the extravagant corpse god inside revealed its true face.

Yang Yiyun was almost startled when he saw him suddenly.

At first glance, it looks like a green dragon.

If you look closely, it looks like it has a pair of fleshy balls on its head and four claws on its abdomen, but it is actually a dragon.

It's just that it is infinitely close to the state of transforming into a dragon.

A green dragon about nine meters long.

Except for the lack of dragon horns on his head, the rest of his body is completely close to the mentality of a dragon.

The breath is extremely powerful.

Locked onto him.

Yang Yiyun snorted, this beast actually still holds a grudge.

He held the dragon-slaying sword in his hand, the sword energy flowed, and the divine light of the life star behind him shone.

The flow of golden runes of the East Emperor Bell enveloped him, thinking of it as a defense, and the gate of Youdu also appeared behind him. Anyway, he showed all his power, waiting to fight against the She Corpse God.


At this moment, the She Corpse God, who had turned into a real green dragon, let out a roar, opened his mouth and spit out a stream of dark green Qi towards Yang Yiyun.

"Dragon Breath~Brother Yun, get out of the way, don't resist forcefully."

The Bee Fairy shouted, but her nine wings spread out and appeared in front of Yang Yiyun. Her nine wings flashed with golden light, and some runes appeared one by one and gathered in front of her.

Yang Yiyun only heard the Bee Fairy say: "Nine wings cover the sky~"

In an instant, a golden vortex was formed, with complex and mysterious runes flowing inside, hitting the green dragon's breath.


A sound like the earth falling apart resounded.

The golden vortex of the Bee Fairy shattered with a click at this moment, and the dragon's breath of the blue dragon also shattered immediately.

Suddenly, a dragon claw struck the Bee Fairy.


The Bee Fairy screamed and fell to the ground.

A stream of blood sprinkled in the air.

"Sister Jiu'er..." Yang Yiyun was moved in his heart. He didn't expect the Bee Fairy to stand in front of him.

"Evil beast~" Yang Yiyun was furious and slashed at him with his sword.

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