My Master Is a God

Chapter 1748 Qilin’s Origin Diaoer went berserk

A sword swung out and landed on the green dragon. It only shook the dragon's body, but the effect was not great.

In an instant, the Cyan Dragon's counterattack arrived. It struck the divine dragon and swung its tail, drawing it directly towards him.

The speed was so fast that it caused space distortion. Yang Yiyun clearly saw it but felt that he couldn't avoid it. He simply concentrated all his strength on the dragon-slaying sword and suddenly slashed at the green dragon's tail.


After a roar, Yang Yiyun felt as if he had hit a big mountain, and the dragon-slaying sword in his hand almost came out.

The huge power was directly transmitted to the Donghuang Bell, causing the Donghuang Bell to make a clicking sound and cracks.

This time the Donghuang Bell's defense was useless.

But Yang Yiyun himself was not injured.

It proves the strength of Donghuang Bell's defense.

Sure enough, the Donghuang Bell's defense dissipated immediately, but Yang Yiyun thought it was already very good. You must know that it was not easy to resist the attack of the green dragon head-on.

The current Green Dragon definitely has the power of a real sixth-level Sanxian.

As a monk who has reached the Dzogchen Ascension Realm, he is proud to be able to withstand the attack of the green dragon.

Although he resisted the attack of the green dragon, Yang Yiyun did not relax at all, but felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

Fortunately, at this time, the little phoenix roared and spit out purple flames and burned them at the cyan dragon, thus avoiding the danger of being pursued by the cyan dragon.


With a roar, the green energy spitting out from the green dragon's mouth met the flames of the little phoenix.

For a while, it was a stalemate.

Looking from a distance, the purple flames spitting out from the little phoenix's mouth met the green energy exhaled by the green dragon, one purple and one green, and a competition began.

Yang Yiyun knew that Little Phoenix was already working hard and got him a chance to take action. How dare he delay at this time, he roared, jumped up and went straight to the green dragon.

At this moment, the dragon struck again and the dragon swung its tail and whipped Yang Yiyun.

At this time, Yang Yiyun snorted coldly: "How can I suffer the same fate as an evil beast twice?"

After saying this, Yang Yiyun activated the colorful treasure clothes on his body, and after a flash of colorful light, he disappeared out of thin air.

Yang Yiyun activated the invisibility function of Qicai Baoyi. He had not used it before because he had no chance, and he knew that the invisibility function of Qicai Baoyi required miraculous effects.

At this time, it was the little Phoenix who created the opportunity for him. Of course, the attacks from the Bee Fairy and himself would also affect the Blue Dragon to some extent.

The dragon's breath is actually so easy to spit out, but it comes with a price.

Bee Fairy resisted the first wave of dragon breath, was seriously injured, and paid the price. He used all his strength to resist the second wave.

Two mouthfuls of dragon breath will naturally not make the dragon feel comfortable.

At this time, it is most appropriate to activate the invisibility ability of Colorful Treasure Clothes.

When Yang Yiyun disappeared, the green dragon's attack on the divine dragon swung its tail failed, and there was a trace of panic in the copper bell-like eyes.

The green dragon naturally felt the disappearance of all Yang Yiyun's aura, which was a very strange thing.

When I went to search for Yang Yiyun's location, I punched and found nothing.

The green dragon was a little flustered at this moment.

Sensing something was wrong, he suddenly increased the competition between Qing Qi and the flames of the little phoenix, trying to force the little phoenix back and find Yang Yiyun's presence.

But at this moment, Qingjiaolong suddenly felt a trace of spiritual energy fluctuation above his head. He was suddenly startled. When he wanted to retreat and avoid it, he realized that it was already too late.

Yang Yiyun's voice rang in his ears: "Break open and chop~"


Yang Yiyun's figure appeared above the blue dragon's head, and he suddenly stabbed his forehead with a sword. With a pop, most of the dragon-slaying sword penetrated between the two horns of the blue dragon's head.

This is a weak point, or a weak spot.

The old man told him when he took action just now, asking him to tattoo the fatal spot between the two fleshy balls on the dragon's head.

Sure enough, he succeeded with one blow.

Of course, Yang Yiyun knew that if it weren't for the invisibility ability of the colorful treasure clothes, but he flew silently and landed on the top of the green dragon's head, it would be hard to say whether this attack would have been successful.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch..."

The next moment, the green dragon screamed and stood up.

Yang Yiyun was overjoyed and said to himself: "I finally gave the evil beast a hard blow. Do you think you are still arrogant?"

However, the development of things often leads to tragedy.

Just when Yang Yiyun succeeded in the attack and was just feeling happy, he saw the two horns on the top of the green dragon's head, or a pair of meat balls, suddenly emitting two white lights...

In Yang Yiyun's perception, these two avenues of white light, yin and yang, carried an unparalleled aura of power, which made Yang Yiyun's heart tremble.

With lightning speed, he entered Yang Yiyun's body with two whooshing sounds.

Heading straight towards the sea of ​​consciousness, carrying a sinister aura.

It went straight to Dantian, carrying a scorching heat, but he felt as if his body was being ignited by flames.


Yang Yiyun suddenly screamed and fell from the green dragon's head.

At this moment, he felt that the power from the two horns of the green dragon rushed into his body, and he felt that he would die...

All the strength in his body was in chaos at this time, and was disrupted by these two forces.

Moreover, Yang Yiyun found it difficult for him to resist these two forces.

At this time, he could only fall downwards. He fell hundreds of meters high, but he had no way to control the power in his body. If he fell, he would be crippled and seriously injured even if he did not fall to his death.

The key is that under the collision of this force, Yang Yiyun was injured internally and externally, and two bloody holes were directly pierced through his body by these two forces.

Large areas of meridians in the body were broken.

He was vomiting blood.

"It's going to end, old man, why don't you take action?"

Yang Yiyun shouted in his heart, Master Yun Tianxie.

"You can't die, just wait."

Then I heard the old man's voice ringing in my mind.

Understand the moment the old man finished speaking.

Yang Yiyun was so angry that he wanted to curse, but it sounded like this old man really didn't care.

But there are also doubts. The old man's tone seems...

When he just thought this, he felt a change in his sea of ​​consciousness, and Yang Yiyun's eyes suddenly lit up.

But when he discovered that another force of the sea green dragon rushed into his consciousness and went straight towards the soul, a three-inch long purple light rose up.

"The origin of Qilin~"

At this time, Yang Yiyun finally understood why the old man was not in a hurry, and he himself had forgotten that there was a Kirin original power in his body.

This small source of unicorn power was given to him by the unicorn soul at the gate of the Qin Emperor's Mausoleum or God's Cemetery in his hometown on Earth, saying it was to thank him for finding the unicorn Niu Duozi.

At that time, it directly entered the center of his eyebrows. After entering the sea of ​​​​consciousness, he never passed it again, and Yang Yiyun even forgot about it.

Unexpectedly, this moment actually broke out.

After closing his eyes and looking at it, he saw that after the unicorn's original power radiated in the sea of ​​consciousness, the green dragon's power was directly evaporated by the unicorn's original power, just like a drop of water touching a flame.

The original power of the unicorn seemed to be only three inches small, but when the purple light burst out, it rushed out from the sea of ​​consciousness and illuminated the whole body inside and outside. Another green dragon's power in the dantian was also evaporated and disappeared by the unicorn purple light at this moment.

The crisis that was a matter of life and death just now was brought into contact in an instant...

At this moment, Yang Yiyun heard Diao'er's long roar: "Squeak..."

Looking around, it was Diao'er who had transformed. The golden wings on his back spread out, and the sharp claws shimmered into a golden light, which landed on the green dragon's head.

I saw Diaoer waving his sharp claws at the head of the green dragon...

"Ouch, ouch, ouch..."

The cyan dragon's screams kept ringing. It still had Yang Yiyun's dragon-slaying sword stuck in its head. It was already quite deadly, but now it was directly tortured by Diao'er.

Diao'er turned into golden light and flashed across the green dragon's body. Wherever it passed, the scales on the green dragon's body flew and large chunks of flesh and blood fell.

In fact, there is no blood at all, just a dark green color...


The green dragon suddenly fell to the ground from a high altitude, making a roar that shook the entire earth.

At this time, Yang Yiyun was stunned. The injuries in his body recovered quickly after being illuminated by the original light of Qilin.

Landing firmly on the ground, looking around, Diao'er let out an angry squeak, almost delaying the green dragon.

Yang Yiyun watched Diao'er venting his anger on the green dragon, feeling secretly happy in his heart. He was also amazed that Diao'er's claws seemed to be getting stronger.

How could he know how powerful the green dragon's body was? The little phoenix's purple flames couldn't burn it, and his dragon-slaying sword wouldn't be of much use. If he hadn't attacked the weak point in his head, he wouldn't be able to break through the green dragon's body.

But at this moment, under Diao'er's sharp claws, the green dragon's body was like cutting into tofu.

It can only be said that Diaoer is very fierce when he goes crazy.

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