My Master Is a God

Chapter 1751 The Eight-part Tianlong Sutra Fighting Technique

Yang Yiyun was delighted, it really worked.

He quickly urged the Mingxing God Statue to swing his fist and hit the Donghuang Bell again.

"Dong dong dong..."

After dozens of punches in a row, the retrograde blood in his body calmed down.

Every time the Donghuang bell rings, Yang Yiyun can feel a sense of relief in his body.

Although the Donghuang Bell is formed by the innate magical power of the Life Star, it can also be regarded as a kind of musical instrument. The bell is very suitable for the magical sound of the Guqin.

The key is that his Donghuang bell actually gained the upper hand and suppressed the sound of Shendijiang's guqin.

How could Mr. Yang not be happy?

But at this time, I heard God Emperor Jiang giggle and say: "Little brother and sister, I look down upon you. You have some skills. That's right. You can actually suppress your sister's piano sound. Giggling, it's so interesting, little one." Brother, be careful next time, sister, I have to be serious!"

Yang Yiyun's heart skipped a beat when he heard God Emperor Jiang speak.

Damn it, this witch of love hasn’t given her full strength since the beginning.

He wanted to go back to his thoughts, but Yang Yiyun cheered up. At this time, he attracted all his energy to himself, because the Donghuang Bell enveloped Bee Fairy, Xiao Fenghuang, and Diao'er. It's because of the magical power that his life star is gifted with, so all attacks are his alone.

This is equivalent to a one-on-one confrontation with the God Emperor Jiang.

Yang Yiyun is actually under a lot of pressure at this moment.

Listening to God Emperor Jiang's tone, it seemed that the witch had not yet reached her full strength. If so, Yang Yiyun knew that the next fight would be in trouble.

Fortunately, although the old man does not take action, he can give guidance and he is still confident.

Faced with God Emperor Jiang's provocative words, Yang Yiyun did not give in at all and snorted coldly: "You can use whatever tricks the evildoer has, and I will follow them."

"Giggle... little brother, don't worry, sister will let you know how powerful you are now. I hope your strength can match your mouth in the future." Shendi Jiang said with a smile.

Immediately after God Emperor Jiang finished speaking, his hands suddenly moved, and he suddenly opened his mouth to sing. The playing in his hands accelerated, but the sounds coming out of his mouth were words that Yang Yiyun could not understand. They were extremely obscure, but they were indeed singing.

And when you hear it, it goes straight into your heart.

For a moment, Yang Yiyunzhi felt that his heart was very uncomfortable. He couldn't explain what it was like, and he felt like he wanted to go crazy.

The sound of the guqin combined with the singing of Shendijiang is like some kind of extremely powerful curse, with the power to penetrate people's hearts.

Yang Yiyun could only urge the statue of the Mingxing God to hit the Donghuang Bell to resist, but he found that even if he hit the Donghuang Bell next, the power he could resist would become smaller and smaller.

The blood in the body had just stabilized, but at this moment it started to reverse course again, and the beating of the heart accelerated again...

"The old man's Donghuang Bell seems to be of little use anymore..." Yang Yiyun anxiously spoke to his master Yun Tianxie in his heart.

"Since this monster, Xiao An, wants to fight with you, why don't you fight with her? Later, I will recite a mantra for my master and pass you a set of scriptures, which will definitely make this monster show his true form." Yun Tianxie said quietly.

If Yang Yiyun could beat the old man now, he would definitely beat him.

It was a matter of life and death, but the dead old man didn't ask or tell. He just waited for him to ask and tell. He was obviously confident and capable of dealing with the God Emperor Jiang, but he didn't ask or tell.

What a pity, he could only stare at the old man and curse in his mind.

Fortunately, the old man immediately came up with a way to deal with it.

I only heard the voice of the old man in my mind: "Listen carefully, brat. The soul will chant the incantation and don't stop moving the statue of the star of destiny. The scripture I will pass on to you is called the "Eight Parts of the Heavenly Dragon Sutra". If you encounter this kind of fighting situation, just use the "Eight Parts of the Heavenly Dragon Sutra" and teach it to your teacher only once. If you can't remember, don't teach it a second time."

"Okay, okay, hurry up, my heart feels like it's going to explode." Yang Yiyun urged him impatiently.

"The brat is neither big nor small." Yun Tianxie cursed, and then said: "The way of heaven is clear, the way of law is in front, there is inspiration, the origin of all things, dragons become spirits, the eight directions and six directions are the heavenly dragons, the eight heavenly dragons, The sound of dragons communicates with the mysteries, rising up to the sky and down to the earth. The heavens and dragons chirp together, and the three realms are too clear..."

Yang Yiyun clearly heard the mysterious gray sound, but when the old man's voice resounded in his mind, he found that he could understand every sentence and every word.

At that time, the soul followed the old man and chanted a mantra.

Looking from the outside, Yang Yiyun has undergone a huge change at this moment.

The Bee Fairy and Little Phoenix sitting next to him saw a faint golden light emerging from Yang Yiyun's body at this moment, and he had an extremely peaceful and sacred aura.

Especially the statue of the Life Star behind Yang Yiyun actually made a sound that resounded throughout the sky at this moment.

Bee Fairy couldn't understand it at all, it was very gray and mysterious.

It happened to be a collision with the God Emperor Jiang.

Yang Yiyun's Yuan Shen and the statue of the Ming Star God were originally together. After the Yuan Shen in the sea of ​​consciousness recited the incantation, the statue of the Ming Star God naturally appeared.

The moment the old man recited the "Eight Dragon Sutras", Yang Yiyun felt that his whole soul began to become peaceful.

At this time, he was much less stressed. When he looked up, he saw that the proud look on God Emperor Jiang's face in the pavilion had disappeared without a trace, and was replaced by a solemn look on his face.

Yang Yiyun felt happy now and murmured secretly: "It seems that the old man's eight-part Tianlong Sutra really works."

"Don't be distracted, you brat. After reciting three thousand sutras, this evildoer will definitely subjugate himself. Follow the incantation carefully. The opponent's strength has not yet fully exploded. The next step is to confront him head-on." Yun Tianxie cursed.

"I know, I know, keep going, hehe~" Yang Yiyun laughed.

He was really shocked when he heard the old man say that there were three thousand mantras in the scriptures. This was just the beginning, but God Emperor Jiang's expression had already changed. If all three thousand mantras were recited, he didn't know how powerful it would be. Yang Yiyun is looking forward to this.

But at this moment, the voice of the God Emperor Eguchi in the pavilion opposite suddenly became louder, and her hands quickly changed on the guqin. The next moment she saw the guqin under her hand glowing with yellow light.


A roar suddenly came from the guqin, or a yellow light sounded, and then a strange beast that was more than three meters long and more than one meter long emerged from the guqin.

The body shape is similar to a lion, with a yellow skin all over the body, and the whole body is as red as fire. It has six legs, four wings and one tail.

In the roar, it flashed its limbs and wings, opened its bloody mouth and rushed towards Yang Yiyun in an instant.

At this time, the old man's voice sounded: "This is the true appearance of the Divine Emperor Jiang. I didn't expect that this evil beast integrated her innate magical power into the sound of the piano. She is quite talented."

"Ho ho ho..."

At this time, the second, third, fourth... a total of six strange beasts appeared from the sound of the piano.

Yang Yiyun was surprised to see this scene, and when he heard the old man's evaluation of Shendi Jiang, he also felt a bit of admiration.

This was the first time he encountered a cultivating being who could integrate magical powers into the sound of the piano.

Moreover, what evolves from the sound of the piano is its own essence.

It is exactly the description of the true form of the Divine Emperor Jiang. According to the rumored description of the Bee Immortal, it is exactly like this. The appearance is very similar to that of a lion, but with a few more legs and wings...

At this moment, waiting for a divine emperor river beast to fly out of the Guqin land, Yang Yiyun felt extremely pressured, and his heart beat faster, dozens of times faster.

However, the old man's voice recited the incantation faster, and he followed the incantation attentively.

"Ho ho ho..."

In the blink of an eye, the six-headed God Emperor Jiang Beast surrounded the East Emperor Bell, roaring suddenly and launching an attack.

At this time, Yang Yiyun was shocked.

But I just heard the old man say: "Don't pay attention, brat, concentrate on reciting the mantra. It will be finished soon. When the Eight Dragon Sutras are completed, that's when this evildoer will subjugate himself. Even if you let them attack, you can grit your teeth and activate your life." The Star God Statue strikes the Donghuang Bell and holds on."

After hearing the old man's story, Yang Yiyun could only accept the offer.

"Boom boom boom..."

The six-headed God Emperor Jiang Beast frantically attacked the East Emperor Bell, making a thunderous roar.


Yang Yiyun spit out a mouthful of blood. He felt that the Donghuang Bell could no longer hold on. The attacks of the six God Emperor Jiang beasts were very powerful.

"The old man can't hold on any longer..." Yang Yiyun followed the mantra and spoke.

"Okay, the last sentence is to let the evil beast subdue him." After Yun Tianxie finished speaking, he shouted in a loud voice: "Eight Heavenly Dragons, come out~"

After finishing the last word, Yang Yiyun also shouted: "Eight Divisions of Heavenly Dragons are coming out~"

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch~"

In an instant, eight snow-white dragons emerged from Yang Yiyun's body and rushed out in eight directions.

The next moment, the Donghuang Bell dissipated, and the six God Emperor Jiang beasts screamed. In an instant, eight heavenly dragons were torn into pieces and dispersed in the world.


Immediately afterwards, the woman sitting in the pavilion, or the Divine Emperor Jiang, let out a scream, and an earthy yellow halo appeared all over her body, and gradually transformed into her original form. It was exactly the same as the Divine Emperor Jiang beast painted on the guqin before.

"Di Jiang admits defeat and is willing to turn into a divine bead."

After the words fell, it turned into an earth-yellow divine bead.

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