My Master Is a God

Chapter 1752 Damn it, you are finally here

Yang Yiyun stood up and took God Emperor Jiang's divine bead in his hand. He sighed incomparably. Although the battle with this monster was not brutal, it was still the most thrilling protector.

Now it's finally done.

However, the Eight Heavenly Dragon Scriptures taught by the old man this time are indeed good things. He has another magical power in his body, which will be used specifically to deal with attacks such as demonic sounds in the future.

Also, the use of Qilin's original power allowed him to see something extraordinary.

According to the old man's wishes, if he wants to understand the original power of Qilin in the future, he will gain a lot. It is not just the power, but also the understanding of Qilin. This needs to be understood slowly by him.

After everything was over and the scene changed, the world of singing birds and fragrant flowers returned to its original position and turned into the appearance of the main hall.

At this time, the place where Yang Yiyun and others appeared was a hall similar to the previous Water Temple and She Corpse Temple.

A portal also appeared in Shendijiang's palace, but it was different from the previous two halls. The first two halls where the portal appeared were directly in front, but this portal was directly behind.

Yang Yiyun thought it should be the last hall. After exiting this portal, it would be the Tianhu Hall.

It will also be the real core of the Nine-Tailed Immortal Mansion, and the three major guardian halls will all have formation illusions.

Another difference is that the portal that appears in the God Emperor Jiang's Hall looks like a real hall door. It does not open automatically, and no fairy spirit stone appears.

This point makes Yang Yiyun a little confused. According to the convention, shouldn't there be a fairy spirit stone to give a reward?

How could it not be?

Looking around, he discovered that the guqin used by Emperor Jiang before was still there.

Yang's heart moved. Could it be that the treasure of this palace is this guqin?

Just as he was thinking this, the mink on his shoulder suddenly let out a squeaking cry. The next moment, it turned into a golden light and flew directly towards the guqin. He opened his mouth and swallowed the guqin in one gulp.


The little one returned, squatted on Yang Yiyun's shoulder, and let out a proud cry.

Only Yang Yiyun can understand. Diaoer said, this treasure belongs to me.

Bee Fairy waited and looked at Diao'er, and then at Yang Yiyun. She thought that Diao'er's taste was too strong, so she swallowed a treasure of Guqin.

Everyone has understood the power of this guqin. Even the Bee Fairy is envious of it, but now it has been swallowed by Diao'er. What's going on?

But after looking at Diao'er's cute eyes, the Bee Fairy could only smile bitterly, and what else could she say after swallowing everything.

Looking at Yang Yiyun's appearance, it was clear that he had no intention of taking care of it.

The treasure of God Emperor Jiangdian is definitely this Guqin, but now it is cheaper than Diaoer.

Little Phoenix didn't change much. Anyway, Diao'er was one of his own, so it didn't matter.

Yang Yiyun knew that there was something else going on in Diao'er's belly. If the guqin was swallowed, it must have been stored away.

That's fine. In my impression, Diao'er has never asked for a magic weapon, or had any interest in any magic weapon.

This is the first time Diao'er has taken the initiative to swallow a magic weapon. I don't know if she will use it in the future, but it doesn't matter, as long as Diao'er likes it.

Yang Yiyun naturally felt the strange gaze of Bee Fairy, and said a little embarrassedly: "Sister Jiu'er, I'm sorry, Diao'er is spoiled by me."

Naturally, Fairy Bee would not say anything to complain. Instead, she smiled and said, "Diao'er deserves the guqin because of his great achievements. It's strange for me to be so good at it."

"Thank you sister Jiuer for your understanding, then... let's go." Yang Yiyun said with a smile.

Bee Immortal smiled: "Okay, the three guardian gods are finally done, it's time to see the real Tianhu Palace..."

Then several people turned around and walked towards the door of the main hall. There was no restrictive formation on the door. With a slight pull, the seemingly heavy door of the main hall opened.

The moment he opened the door, Yang Yiyun felt the pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth. There were mountains and water outside the door, and it was truly sunny.

After leaving the main hall, a white jade path stretched straight away.

A few hundred meters away, a splendid palace was built against the mountain. Looking back, there were three main halls located on an axis. They were the three main guardian temples they had entered along the way.

Looking at these palaces at this moment, it feels more real. Maybe this is the real original appearance.

The magnificent hall hundreds of meters away must be the Tianhu Palace.

In more than ten minutes, Yang Yiyun, Bee Fairy, Little Phoenix and Diao'er arrived at the palace at the foot of the mountain.

There is a magnificent palace gate, and sure enough, the words Tianhu Palace are written on it.

There is also an extremely powerful restriction that is difficult to shake in perception.

"Brother Yun may need three Dharma-protecting beads to enter." Bee Fairy reminded at the side, her tone a little excited.

He worked hard just to enter the Tianhu Palace.

This is the Immortal Mansion of the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor. It is simply impossible to say that there is no treasure.

Bee Immortal wants to restore her previous life as an Immortal King. In the world of cultivation, it is difficult to find the treasures of heaven and earth to support her recovery. The Nine-Tailed Immortal Mansion is an opportunity for her.

He was full of expectations for Tianhu Palace.

Hopefully the strength benefits she can gain here will be enough for her to take another step forward, so that she can return to the fairy world.

According to her current cultivation level, if she goes to the fairy world, Bee Fairy is not sure whether her former enemies are still there. If they are, her current cultivation level will definitely be destroyed if her enemies find out about it.

But as long as she can go further here, she can use many secret techniques from her past life, and then she will have a way to save her life.

Therefore, Bee Immortal is full of hope for Tianhu Palace.

Yang Yiyun could feel the mood swings of the Bee Immortal next to him as he looked at the Tianhu Palace, and he could more or less guess what the Bee Immortal was thinking at this moment.

An existence at the level of a dignified Immortal King is currently only at the level of a fifth-level loose immortal in the small world, and is not even at the level of a sixth-level immortal. It is indeed a bit chilling.

Yang Yiyun thought to himself that if the Tianhu Palace really had a treasure that could help the Bee Immortal, then he would simply be more generous and help her.

Now that he has been in contact with Fengxian, Yang Yiyun has already accepted this demon bee fairy in his heart. He calls her Sister Jiuer sincerely.

Hearing the words of Fengxian, Yang Yiyun felt her excitement and said with a smile: "Sister Jiuer, don't worry, if Tianhu Palace really has the treasures of heaven and earth that can help my sister recover her cultivation, I don't want a share of my brother, I will give them all to my sister. Used to restore cultivation."

After finishing his words, Yang Yiyun held up his hands, and three Dharma-protecting beads appeared in his hands.

The blue Water God Descendant Bead, the cyan Luxury Corpse God Bead, and the khaki God Emperor River God Bead are the three protector beads in his hand.

As soon as the three divine beads appeared, they automatically floated and headed directly towards the gate of Tianhu Palace.

The next moment, the three divine beads each burst out, and the blue, green, and yellow light pillars also burst out with an extremely powerful momentum of heaven and earth, forming a three-color symbol of power, like a key to open the door, merging in an instant At the gate of Tianhu Palace.


Immediately, the Tianhu Palace's halo rose, and after a bang, the door opened.

The three protective beads completely disappeared.

The moment the gate of Tianhu Hall opened, there was the sound of nature.

Bee Immortal said excitedly: "It's the sound of the Great Dao. It must have been left by the Nine-tailed Demon Emperor. This can be regarded as a reward for those of us who are destined to be together. Brother Yun, please listen to it. It will be good for you to cultivate your state of mind. In the future, you will understand the bottleneck." Big spill.”

Yang Yiyun didn't know what the sound of the great avenue was, but when it stopped in his ears, he had a mysterious and transparent feeling. It seemed that his state of mind was growing at this time.

This made him feel happy, he could feel it, but in the Ascension Realm, the bottleneck of Dzogchen was actually loosened slightly. It had not moved for a long time. This was really rare.

I feel secretly happy in my heart. It is indeed my master's fairy palace. Just listening to such mysterious sounds can have the power to evolve my mind and soul.

However, the sound of the great avenue did not last long, and it stopped in just over ten breaths.

Immediately after, four halos of light burst out from within the gate.

Targeting the four of them in an instant.

Yang Yiyun noticed that in the next second, Bee Fairy, Little Phoenix, Diao'er, and himself were all enveloped by a halo.

The four halos were so fast that the four of them were stupider and had no room to react.

What frightened Yang Yiyun was that after being shrouded in four haloes of light inside the hall door, his whole body could not move at all. Then there was a burst of dizziness, and he felt the sky and the earth spinning.

Of course, this dizziness lasted for a moment but disappeared.

Then every time he opened his eyes, he remembered a voice with resentment in his ears: "God damn you, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you for more than ten thousand years."

Hearing that the voice was a woman's, it gave Yang Yiyun the feeling of a truly heavenly voice that seemed to be able to melt people.

The next second he finally opened his eyes. When he raised his head and saw the person standing in front of him, his mind suddenly went blank...

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