My Master Is a God

Chapter 1753: The man deceived by heaven’s secret

Yang Yiyun's mind went blank, not because of anything else but because he was shocked by the beauty of the woman in front of him.

He dared to say that he had never seen such a breathtakingly beautiful woman.

She seemed to be only in her twenties. She was wearing a nine-hair bun with a Wangxian nine-hair bun, a thousand-year-old auspicious hairpin stuck diagonally on her head, a gold-plated silk silk elk bamboo fan in her hand, and a cherry red dress. Su embroidered moonflower brocade shirt, wearing a pair of Baoxiang pattern cloud-head brocade shoes...

Full of noble temperament from head to toe.

The most important thing is that after Yang Yiyun glanced at her eyes, his soul seemed to be drawn out in an instant, and he felt like he was about to leave his body.

It's not like he has never seen beauties before. Several of his women's looks are considered to be first-class existences in the world.

But the woman in front of him gave him a completely different feeling.

The first glance is captivating, and words such as seductive, charming, charming, etc. can be used. On the other hand, it makes people dare not blaspheme at all, and it feels like it is a sin to look at it more.

His mind was blank for a long time.

At this time, I heard the woman say again: "It's been more than ten thousand years, you heartless..."

Hearing the words that were a bit crying, a bit charming and a bit pitiful, Yang Yiyun's heart almost collapsed when he heard them.

The soul began to sway.

Fortunately, at this moment, he only felt a shock all over his body, and his consciousness became that of a bystander.

But he finally breathed a sigh of relief. If he continued like this, his entire cultivation would turn into nothingness in front of this woman.

At the same time, he knew that the old man was occupying his body at this moment.

My mind suddenly lit up.

Yang Yiyun suddenly understood that the destined person in Tianhu Palace mentioned by the descendant of the Water God was not him, let alone Little Phoenix, nor Bee Fairy and Diao'er.

But... his dead old man Yun Tianxie.

It's right, it's all right.

Unexpected, but reasonable.

This is the Nine-Tails Immortal Mansion, and it is also the Immortal Mansion of my master.

Master's wife, the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor, is waiting for the destined person, who is actually the old man.

Master and Mistress, this is too normal.

From what I heard, it seemed that Master Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor, as early as ten thousand years ago, had already planned the return of the old man, or in other words, the return of his disciple to the Nine-Tailed Immortal Mansion.

Isn't this amazing?

After Yang Yiyun's consciousness became a fat observer at this time, without the influence of his master's wife, his thinking finally returned to normal and he was able to think.

But at this time, he was going to watch and see what the old man would say to his wife.

This is big gossip!

The old man's first daughter-in-law, who was also the first wife he met, seemed to be a nine-tailed demon emperor-level existence, extremely awesome.

But deep down in his heart, Mr. Yang was still a little unhappy. Why did this master's wife have to have three guardian gods to guard her and give herself such a big problem? It was a life and death battle.

Of course, the three guardian gods are all distracted bodies and souls. If the real body existed, he would have died long ago.

At this time, Yang Yiyun could feel that the old man, who had always been calm when things happened, was actually trembling all over at this moment. He looked at the woman in front of him and said in a trembling voice: "Tianji~"


This was the name Yang Yiyun heard the old man call out. It was very domineering and special. It was obviously the name of his master's wife, the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor.

"You have suffered..." the old man continued, and then Qian Qian grabbed her hand.


The next second, I saw the old man's hands passing through the body of his wife, Tianji.

"What I left behind is just a clone of my soul, not my true body."

At this time Yang Yiyun heard the master's wife talking.

No wonder.

Yang Yiyun watched quietly.

"You...?" The old man's always domineering image collapsed at this moment. When facing the master's wife, he was full of tenderness and wanted to say something, but he didn't say it.

It really subverted the image in Yang Yiyun's mind. It turns out that the dead old man also has a heroic and tender side.

"You goddammit, just because I was willful and quarreled with you back then, you didn't come to me...?" Tianji complained, but her love for Yun Tianxie could not be concealed in her words.

"Oh... no, no, things were too complicated back then. I was closely watched by a few old immortals and devalued by my enemies. How dare I come to you?" Later, I thought about coming to you, but I didn't expect to be tricked. , has become what it is now, if I hadn’t met this brat and accepted him as my disciple, I’m afraid you and I would never see each other again in this life..." Yun Tianxie sighed endlessly.

Then Yang Yiyun heard Master Tianji say again: "When I heard the news of your death, and then returned to the fairy world, I didn't believe that you would fall, so I set up the great formation of my clan's secrets and deduced a hexagram, and then I discovered that you It was a half-dead situation, and now it seems that it is exactly the case, with only a remnant soul left, and your death was framed by someone. I knew it must be a few old bastards in the fairy world.

It is also deduced that one day after ten thousand years, a person who deceives Tianji will come to Tianhu Palace. I clearly deduced that it was you, but Tianji evolved into a person who deceived Tianji. I didn’t feel at ease before leaving, so I asked the three elders below. The protector left a clone of the divine bead to guard this place.

Now it seems that you are the one chasing my little apprentice, but I didn't expect that you are someone who can deceive the secrets of heaven. But it's okay, I finally know that you are still in the world. "

When Yang Yiyun heard this, he felt shocked all over. It turned out that the person deduced by the master's wife was himself. Who could deceive Tianji?

The mistress can even deduce the old man, but she can't deduce herself. It's all a deception.

At this time, I only heard the old man say: "Yes, it is God's will to become a master and disciple with this boy. How can everyone not see through this boy?"

The old man asked the last sentence.

"I can't see through it. I can't see it through at all. At that time, I wanted to go deeper and deduce it, but it turned out that I was bitten by it. It seems that your little disciple is not an ordinary person." Tianji said at this time.

"It's normal. People who can be recognized by the Qiankun Pot will naturally not be simple." Yun Tianxie sighed.

"Qiankun Pot? What is it?" Tianji asked.

At this time, Yang Yiyun heard the old man say with depression: "Back then, I entered 'that place' with those old bastards in the fairy world, and later I was plotted by them to die. At the last moment, I got the Qiankun Pot, and then I hugged the disabled person. The soul entered the Qiankun Pot and survived.

It can be said that those bastards in the fairy world and I fought tooth and nail to enter 'that place' just for the Qiankun Pot. In the end, I paid the price with my life... Later, I was taken away by the Qiankun Pot, and then it became cheaper. Brat.

I really can’t understand why I, the Supreme Loose Immortal of the Twelve Tribulations, didn’t even take a fancy to the Qiankun Pot, but I just fell in love with this kid. Anyway, the Qiankun Pot recognizes this brat as its master.

But having said that, everything in this world is determined by one peck and one drink. My residual soul was held by the Qiankun Pot, but this guy had to open the Qiankun Pot to let me come back. Otherwise, I will be trapped in the Qiankun Pot forever. , this is God’s will. "

"You...are you saying that you were robbed after you went to 'that place' and it was those bastards who plotted against you?" Tianji asked with murderous intent.

"Isn't that right? Apart from those bastards, who else in the world can trick me?" Yun Tianxie said gloomily.

Tianji said: "Then you have found the wrong person~"

"Tianji, you must not act rashly. I will go find those bastards to settle accounts with them. You are no match for them." Yun Tianxie said quickly.

"Damn it, I'm just a clone of Yuan Shen right now. I don't know what I'm doing. Maybe I'm already fighting in the immortal world and the sky is dark and the earth is dark..."


"You hurry up and return to the immortal world. Don't act rashly. You also told them not to mess around and wait for my return. Those bastards owe me. I will get it back myself. Don't interfere with it. You are not my opponent.

"You damn thing, you're still thinking about those vixens of yours. I can't control what they do, huh."

"Aren't you just a vixen?"


Yang Yiyun had been listening to the conversation between the old man and his wife. When he heard the old man saying that his wife was a vixen, he couldn't help laughing anymore.


"What's so funny about that brat?" He suddenly heard the old man curse, and then his vision went dark. Yang Yiyun felt that he couldn't see or hear anything, and knew that the old man had cast a spell to seal all his six senses. .

"Damn old man, don't seal my consciousness..."

He cursed for a long time, but couldn't hear anything. He was completely locked in a small dark room.

Yang Yiyun could no longer hear what the old man and his wife Tianji said later.

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