My Master Is a God

Chapter 1754 There are still people guarding the elixir garden

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

I don't know how long it took, but Yang Yiyun felt his eyes clear and his body regained freedom, but the old man's soul left his body.

The master's wife Tianji in the main hall has disappeared.

Yang Yiyun subconsciously asked in his mind: "Where is the old man and his wife?"

"I am just a clone of Yuanshen. I have left and returned to my original body."

At this time, Yang Yiyun heard the old man talking, and he was actually very lonely.

Yang Yiyun heard that the old man was in a bad mood and did not dare to ask any more questions. At this time, he looked around, but he did not see the figures of Bee Fairy, Little Phoenix and Diao'er. He asked in his heart: "Old man, Little Phoenix and Diao'er" How many of them are missing? Have you asked my wife where she took them?"

Yun Tianxie said: "Everyone has his own chance here. They are all fine, don't worry."

Yang Yiyun breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, it's just fine.

But when he heard the old man say that each of them had their own chance, he thought of himself and said with a smile: "Old man, is there any benefit to me?"

"Your wife has five seeds left for you. They are on the ground as a meeting gift for this junior like you." Yun Tianxie spoke.

Yang Yiyun lowered his head and saw that there was indeed something on the ground.

If you look closely, you can see that there are only five grains of rice, but they are exuding five colors, which looks very beautiful.

"Four old men, are you kidding me? Isn't this just five or five grains of rice? What kind of treasure can this be? I have reached the level of Dzogchen in the Ascension Realm, so I need to eat. Besides, there are only five grains of rice, which is not even enough for a bowl. ..." Yang complained.

"You bastard, do you think your master, who is the Demon Emperor, is so stingy? Just giving you five grains of rice?" Yuntian Xie suddenly cursed.

Yang Yiyun was right when he thought about it. The master's wife was a nine-tailed celestial fox and a demon emperor-level existence, so she wouldn't be so stingy.

"So these five-color rice are still famous?" As Yang Yiyun spoke, he finally collected the five grains of rice on the ground that exuded a five-color halo in the palm of his hand.

"Nonsense, this Five-Colored Valley was born at the time of the creation of the sky. It contains the purest power of the Five Elements. The Five-Colored Valley of Perseverance is comparable to the top-grade immortal spirit stone. What your wife left for you is a seed. Do you understand the seed? It is a seed that can be planted. , a hundred years of growth, a hundred years of maturity, taking the five elements in one, it is of infinite help to cultivation, you kid is just out of luck.

When my teacher asked your wife for five-color rice seeds, she refused to give them to her. This is a treasure unique to the royal family of the Nine-tailed Sky Fox. Not only can it be eaten for cultivation, but it can also be used to refine elixirs and medicine..." Yun Tianxie kept talking.

Yang Yiyun's eyes lit up as he listened. When he held it in the palm of his hand, he also felt that these five five-color rice grains were different. Although they were small, the inner seeds contained such amazing power. After feeling it carefully, the five seeds were still... It is the five power attributes that include the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Immediately, I found a place in the Qiankun Pot space and planted it.

According to what the old man said, it takes hundreds of years to grow and mature, but since he has the water of life, this problem is not a problem.

In the future, there will be a real treasure in the Qiankun Pot space.

The current space of the Qiankun Pot contains water of life, spiritual peaches, and Five Thunder Leaves. Now with the addition of five-color rice, there are four great treasures. Of course, the Qiankun Pot also has other heavenly materials and earthly treasures, only the four bells. most.

This visit to the Nine-Tailed Immortal Mansion is finally over.

In summary, everyone has gained something. The important point is that the old man met the first master's wife, and he was even more happy to meet a master's wife. The key is that this master's wife is very awesome, and she is the nine-tailed demon emperor. The clones of the Great Protector God are extremely powerful, and this master wife also has the ability to deduce the secrets of heaven. All in all, it feels good.

Although the spirit left behind broke up and left, it left a deep impression on Yang Yiyun.

Then Yang Yiyun asked the old man: "Old man, what did you and my wife say last?"

Yun Tianxie cursed: "Why are you asking so many questions, little brat? Let's go. Little Phoenix and the others are already waiting for you outside."

"If you don't say it, don't say it. I won't listen." Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes, turned around and walked towards the door.

At this time, the main hall returned to normal, and it looked like an ordinary palace with a gate.

When Yang Yiyun opened the door and walked out, he saw Little Phoenix, Bee Fairy and Diao'er already waiting for him outside.

The four of them were separated before entering the main hall, and each had their own chance. Although he didn't know what the chance was, Yang Yiyun's first glance fell on the Bee Immortal, but he felt that the aura of the Bee Immortal was getting stronger and deeper. , I think it was due to some opportunity that my cultivation level increased.

There are also some differences between Little Phoenix and Diaoer. Little Phoenix has a long breath, while Diaoer is more spiritual.

First, he looked at the Bee Immortal Yang Yiyun and said with a smile: "Congratulations to Sister Jiuer, your cultivation seems to have greatly increased."

At this moment, Bee Immortal was smiling, and said with an undisguised smile: "Gee, I have been practicing meditation for a full one hundred and eighty years. If I don't make progress, it would be a waste. Sister, I have now entered the late stage of Golden Immortal. , and you can go to the fairy world after taking a step further. Brother Yun would also like to thank you this time. Without you and little Phoenix, oh by the way, and Diao'er, sister and I wouldn't be able to enter the Nine-tailed Fairy Mansion."

Yang Yiyun was stunned when he heard Bee Fairy say that he had actually been in meditation for one hundred and eighty years. He knew that after his consciousness was sealed by the old man, he fell asleep and one hundred and eighty years passed... ?

After careful calculation, it turned out that one hundred and eighty years had passed, and Yang Yiyun was now numb to the saying that cultivation has no time.

When I was a child, I listened to the old man from the village telling stories. The gods took a nap in the spring, summer, autumn and winter and did not know the cold or the heat...

Time flies.

After adjusting his mood slightly, Yang Yiyun smiled and said, "It should be said that everyone has a chance. Anyway, congratulations to Sister Jiuer."

"It's the same. Sister, congratulations to Brother Yun..."

After the two congratulated each other, it was a matter of going out.

The way back was much easier. Before they came, they had passed five levels and killed six generals to break the illusion of the Immortal Mansion. In other words, after the soul of Master Tianji left, the Nine-Tails Immortal Mansion became an ordinary Immortal Mansion. Now, there are no restrictions on spiritual consciousness. The exit is on the mountain where you came in before, and you can go out directly.

No one asked each other what opportunities or treasures they got after entering Tianhu Palace. Anyway, everyone has gained something. It would be unsightly to ask too many questions.

Bee Immortal proposed to leave. After she was ready to go out, she was ready to return to the Immortal Realm. Now that her cultivation had finally reached her tone, in the late Golden Immortal stage, she was able to return to the Immortal Realm to protect herself.

As for Yang Yiyun, he doesn’t want to leave now because he has set his sights on the various elixirs and fruits in his master’s Nine-Tailed Immortal Mansion. These heavenly materials and earthly treasures may not be appreciated by the bee fairy, but for him, Yang Yiyun But they are all good things.

A casual scan of the spiritual consciousness reveals elixirs that are thousands of years old, or even tens of thousands of years old. This place has been closed for tens of thousands of years, and the heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the Spiritual Medicine Garden and the Spiritual Fruit Garden are already very high-grade treasures. He It takes a lot to refine the elixir, and he also has a wife, a few children, friends, brothers, and disciples, but they all need these elixirs and fruits. Wouldn't it be a shame if he just let them go?

So Yang smiled at the Bee Immortal and said, "Sister Jiu'er, let's go first. I want to collect some elixirs. I'm not an immortal like Sister Jiu'er. I'm still a cultivator and need these elixirs."

The Bee Fairy was stunned for a moment when she heard Yang Yiyun's words, but she also knew that Yang Yiyun was telling the truth. She smiled slightly and said, "Okay, then sister, just go ahead. If something happens, you can summon sister through the bee-tail needle she gave you. I couldn't reach you directly before, but now I can."

"Okay, thank you sister Jiu'er." Yang Yiyun thanked her.

Then the Bee Fairy floated away.

Yang Yiyun, on the other hand, took Little Phoenix and Diao'er and walked towards the elixir garden of the Nine-tailed Immortal Mansion. He was going to clean up the things here, and they were all belonging to his master's wife, Tianji, in the future. Don't blame him either.

The entire Nine-Tails Immortal Mansion, speaking of it as an Immortal Mansion, is actually a large valley, a place covered by formations, and a place belonging to the Little Demon Realm. Yang Yiyun knows that this is actually the temporary residence of his master's wife Tianji.

After more than ten minutes, Yang Yiyun took Little Phoenix and Diao'er to the elixir garden.

However, I found that there was actually a formation covering the place, and the formation seemed to be an Ascension Realm level formation, which was not very similar to the level of the Nine-Tailed Immortal Mansion.

It's not some mysterious formation, it's just a defensive formation.

Naturally, this formation couldn't stop him, so he suddenly hit the formation with a palm.

The formation was broken with a bang.

But the next moment a scolding sounded.

"Who is so presumptuous...?"

It sounded like a woman's voice.

Is there anyone guarding the elixir garden?

Yang Yiyun felt puzzled for a while. The three protectors were gone, but there were still people here.

In the blink of an eye, a stream of light came, and Yang Yiyun laughed. He didn't expect to meet an old acquaintance here.

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