My Master Is a God

Chapter 1755 The Fifth Level of Fox Clan Bloodline

When Yang Yiyun saw this acquaintance, he laughed and muttered that this was the home of foxes, and everyone he encountered were foxes.

"Senior Tianhu, we meet again." Yang Yiyun greeted with a smile. The person who met him was none other than Tianhu from Shanhai Realm, Zheng Binbin's master. After he found Zheng Binbin, it was when the internal conflicts of Shanhaimen broke out.

Zheng Binbin and Master Tianhu were ostracized by their entire sect. After Yang Yiyun helped solve the problem, the fate between Master and Disciple between Tianhu and Zheng Binbin was over.

After that time, Zheng Binbin followed him to Yunmen Wonderland. He also invited Tianhu to go to Yunmen Wonderland, but Tianhu refused, saying that he would go to Yunmen.

Calculating the time distance, nearly three hundred years have passed. I didn't expect to meet Tianhu in the Nine-tailed Immortal Mansion of the Little Demon Realm today.

I have to say it's fate.

It's just that Yang Yiyun is a little confused. The Nine-Tailed Immortal Mansion is protected by a large formation. This is how she came in, and she was still in the elixir garden after entering.

Thinking of the elixir Yang Yiyun made him smile bitterly. Needless to say, Tianhu was in the elixir garden, and the elixir inside was more dangerous than bad.

Speaking of which, the fate with Tianhu is indeed very deep. In the world of mountains and seas, Zhan Hua Deleang and Shao Tianzhan became friends. They met Tianhu, Xuanwu and Xiaodi Xiantangtang. They have been in the world of cultivation. Although they have met less, The relationship between them is good.

Yang Yiyun also likes to interact with Tianhu.

In the battle of Tianzhan in the Mountain and Sea Realm, he, Xiao Fenghuang, Tianhu, Xuanwu, and Xiaodi Xiantangtang killed Hua Deliang, broke the Tianzhan formation, and opened the passage between the Mountain and Sea Realm and the cultivators. He made great contributions to the world of mountains and seas.

The word friendship here cannot be compared to outsiders.

Now I am very happy to see Tianhu Yang Yiyun again.

As for Tianhu, I thought it was someone who trespassed into her clan, but I didn’t expect it to be Yang Yiyun. She was stunned for a moment and then chuckled: "Brother Yun said last time that you want to call me sister, what is your name? Senior, Sister, am I the youngest again?"

"Uh~" Yang Yiyun said for a moment. He had always followed Zheng Binbin's generation theory. Zheng Binbin was Tianhu's apprentice, so he naturally called him "Senior Tianhu".

But now that the master-disciple relationship between Zheng Binbin and Tianhu has ended, it no longer exists. Yang Yiyun is completely smooth.

Looking at Tianhu's charming smile, Yang Yiyun's heart trembled, and he secretly muttered: "Grandma, the Fox clan are all naturally charming people. I don't dare to take another look. I can't stand it at all~"

His wife, Tianji, was the Supreme Demon Emperor herself, and the mere avatar of her soul almost caused his heart to be in chaos. He didn't dare to take another look, and he couldn't even feel the slightest blasphemy in his heart.

And now Tianhu is no less willing to give in. Of course, Tianhu's charm cannot be compared with the master's wife Tianji, but it also makes Yang Yiyun's heart jump and his face turn red.

Of course, Yang Yiyun found that when he looked at Tianhu, he could feel desire in his heart, and he did not see the fear of blasphemy in his wife Tianji.

After thinking about it carefully, he actually knew that Tianhu's cultivation was not enough.

Not seen for nearly three hundred years, Tianhu's cultivation has reached the early stage of Ascension Realm and has improved greatly.

However, compared with his master's wife Tianji, Tianhu's cultivation level is far behind.

So Mr. Yang knew that he didn't dare to blaspheme when looking at his wife, but at the moment when he looked at Tianhu, he felt pampered in his heart.

This is the natural charm of the Fox Clan, and it is not because of his lack of concentration, nor of the Celestial Fox's ability to seduce people. This is the natural charm given to the Fox Clan by God.

Listening to Tianhu's giggles, Yang Yiyun could only look away, not daring to look at Tianhu more.

He also knew that this was the reason why his cultivation of mental state was not strong enough.

"It's better to train your mind." Yang muttered secretly.

But he also called Tianhu: "Sister Tianhu."

You can't do it without shouting. Didn't you hear that she was already very resentful?

At the same time, Yang Yiyun understood the truth that no matter in any world, creatures like women always want to be young and don't want to be called old or looked down upon.

When Tianhu heard Yang Yiyun calling her sister, he immediately smiled and started to giggle.

Yang Yiyun couldn't help but look up at her again, and found that her little heart was beating wildly involuntarily.

It is said that one smile can captivate a city, and another smile can captivate a country. I’m afraid it’s this kind of fox girl who is talking about it!

Yang Yiyun sighed in his heart, and simply turned his head and looked away. He was afraid that if he continued to look at it, he would not be able to suppress the evil thoughts in his heart and do something bad.

He also changed the topic and said: "Sister Tianhu, how did you get to the Nine-Tailed Immortal Mansion? Isn't it easy to come in here?"

Hearing Yang Yiyun's question, Tianhu smiled slightly and said: "After I separated from you, I began to travel in the world of cultivation, and later came to the world of little demons.

After arriving at the Little Demon Realm, I sensed the existence of this place, and unexpectedly discovered that it was the mansion of our ancestors. After passing my clan's secret method, I entered.

However, after entering, I discovered that several halls were guarded by powerful formations, making it impossible to enter. However, the Spiritual Medicine Garden and Spiritual Fruit Garden were not guarded by large formations, so I set up formations in the Spiritual Medicine Garden and started. I have devoted myself to practice and have many spiritual medicines to support my practice. Sister, I have gained a lot. My cultivation has reached the Ascension level and I have evolved into the Nine-Tails. Hehe. "

After hearing Tianhu's explanation, Yang Yiyun suddenly realized that he had forgotten that Tianhu was also from the fox clan. He was also from the fox clan, so it was not surprising that he could enter the Nine-Tailed Immortal Mansion.

When Tianhu said that she had evolved to the Nine-Tails, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but be surprised: "Sister Tianhu has evolved to the Nine-Tails?"

His previous understanding of the fox clan was that once the fox clan evolved to the nine-tails level, it would be a very powerful existence, but the nine-tailed sky fox was now at the ascension level, which made him a little confused.

Tianhu seemed to know Yang Yiyun's doubts, and chuckled and explained: "My fox clan is also divided into blood levels. The blood levels are divided into spirit, demon, demon, fairy, and heaven. There are five blood levels. The lowest is the spirit fox bloodline. Tianhu He is the highest-level being in the fox clan's bloodline. According to legend, only the first-generation ancestor is a heaven-level being.

In the years that followed, our fox clan blossomed in all directions, with many branches and spread to the world. However, the bloodline was relatively thin, making evolution very difficult.

Sister, although my name is Sky Fox, my real bloodline is the third-level demon fox bloodline level. But now that I have reached the Nine-Tails, I can reach the fairy fox level one step further. "

Yang Yiyun nodded after hearing this, and then realized that the fox clan was originally divided into so many bloodline levels. Now I think the master's wife must be at the fairy fox level, right?

However, Tianhu's bloodline can be called the third level of demon fox, which is already very good. The demon clan pays the most attention to bloodline. Tianhu's bloodline can reach the level of demon fox, which is really good. It is just a matter of entering the Nine-tailed Immortal Mansion. Not surprising anymore.

Tianhu then asked Yang Yiyun, "Brother Yun, how did you get in here?"

She didn't hide anything from Tianhu Yang Yiyun. After all, Tianhu could be regarded as half the owner of the Nine-tailed Immortal Mansion. The fox clan in the world was one family. Yang Yiyun knew this and there was no need to hide it from her.

He opened his mouth and said: "This is my master's wife's fairy house, and I came in with others..." Yang Yiyun then briefly told the story of coming to the Little Demon Realm.

However, after Tianhu heard Yang Yiyun say that the owner of the Immortal Mansion here was actually his master's wife, Tianhu's eyes suddenly flickered. She knew best what kind of existence the seniors of the Fox clan in this Immortal Mansion were, and how they felt about their bloodline. It would be wrong.

After the two chatted, Yang Yiyun was about to leave, and had no intention of entering the Spiritual Medicine Garden and Spiritual Fruit Garden. Since Tianhu had started practicing again, it would be unkind for him to search for all the treasures here.

However, Tianhu invited Yang Yiyun to enter the spiritual medicine garden and spiritual fruit garden to collect, and she didn't use up all that much during her practice.

One day later, Yang Yiyun returned home with a full load. After leaving the elixir garden, Yang Yiyun said goodbye to Tianhu.

Who knows that Tianhu said: "Brother Yun, wait for sister. She has been practicing in seclusion for more than a hundred years. It's time for sister to go out and practice her mind. How about we go together? I'm also planning to go to your Yunmen to see that girl Zheng Binbin. .”

When Tianhu was talking, her eyes were full of light. It was true that she had not planned to leave here before and was planning to continue practicing in the Nine-tailed Immortal Mansion. But when Yang Yiyun said that the owner of the Nine-tailed Immortal Mansion was his master's wife, Tianhu Changed my mind.

Yang Yiyun glanced at Tianhu secretly and noticed the twinkling light in her eyes. He didn't know what she was thinking, but he proposed to Tianhu to go together. Can Yang Yiyun refuse?

He grinned and said, "I can't ask for anything~"

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