My Master Is a God

Chapter 1760 Heading to Sanxian Island

The Sirius clan leader was shocked at this moment, and his expression finally changed. He knew that he was going to capsize, but he was too old to stop anything.

Because silently, a sharp arrow appeared on his neck.

The next moment, he felt a chill on his neck, and then he felt the world spinning. Instead, he saw a headless corpse with his hands raised, but they were not real human claws, but wolf claws, and there were wings flashing behind his back. middle……

This corpse looked too familiar to the Sirius Clan Leader.

He didn't come back to his senses for a while.



Only when he felt his head hit the ground violently did the Sirius clan leader realize that the mindless body in front of him was his own.


His mind went blank at this moment, and his consciousness became blurry. He could only feel the boundless darkness sweeping over him.

The leader of the Sirius clan knew that he was doomed.

After I woke up, it was too late.

Before his consciousness fell into darkness at the last moment, the leader of the Sirius clan saw Yang Yiyun's figure appearing behind his headless body, and he swung his sword again. In the bright sword light, he suddenly struck his headless body with a sword. down, completely splitting the body in half.

At this moment, the consciousness of the Sirius patriarch fell into darkness...


Yang Yiyun slashed down with his sword, and the headless body of the leader of the Sirius tribe was completely destroyed.

With two swords before and after, from his physical body to his soul, he killed the leader of the Sirius clan.


Yang Yiyun let out a sigh of relief.

Only then did he really relax.

"Finally beheaded this bastard, you're looking down on me, huh." Yang spat at the corpse on the ground.

At the same time, Yang Yiyun also knew that he was able to kill the Heavenly Wolf Clan Leader completely by surprise. The bigger reason was because the Heavenly Wolf Clan Leader regarded him as a 'little monk' as an ant and never treated him as a little monk from the beginning to the end. The monk took it seriously.

Therefore, with the invisibility function of the colorful treasure clothes, he could concentrate all his power and kill the leader of the Sirius clan by surprise.

To put it bluntly, a big part of it is luck.

Otherwise, it would be really difficult to deal with the leader of the Sirius clan, a rank-6, solid master.

Although in his master's wife's Nine-Tailed Immortal Mansion, he had also killed the three great protector gods whose strength was at level six, but that was only possible because of the help of Little Phoenix, Diao'er, and Bee Immortal.

In addition, the three guardian gods of the Nine-Tailed Immortal Mansion are all soul clones, not flesh and blood in the true sense, so they can be killed.

But in comparison, the old man, the leader of the Sirius clan, is a real and vivid half-demon, and he is still in the state of beast. To be honest, he is a very difficult person to deal with.

However, it didn't matter what he said now. The leader of the Sirius clan should never have underestimated his enemy.

Only then, with the invisibility blessing of the colorful treasure clothes, could he beheaded in one go.

After Yang Yiyun killed the leader of the Sirius clan, the rest of the Sirius clan on the other side became confused.

Originally, their main purpose under the leadership of the Great Elder was to entangle, not to fight head-on, but to hold back the Bee Immortal and others.

But he didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, the clan leader would be killed by Yang Yiyun.

Now the Sirius tribe began to panic.

Renyi panic is full of flaws in the master showdown.

And today's Bee Immortal is so hot. After having the opportunity in the Nine-Tailed Immortal Mansion, his cultivation level has improved a lot, reaching the peak level of rank six.

The only rank-6 master left in the Sirius clan is the great elder, but how can a rank-6 great elder of the Sirius clan be compared with the real demon immortal, Bee Immortal?

As soon as the chaos broke out, the Bee Immortal immediately seized the opportunity and aimed at the elder of the Sirius Clan from behind, hitting him in the chest.


The great elder of the Sirius tribe screamed and vomited blood and flew backward twenty or thirty meters, landing not far from Yang Yiyun.

At this time, Yang Yiyun wanted to take action, but the golden figure was faster than him.


"Puff puff……"

There was a popping sound and blood spattered.

In less than three breaths, the great elder of the Sirius clan turned into minced meat and died without even letting out his final scream.

The person who killed the great elder of the Sirius Clan was none other than Diao Er.

Yang Yiyun watched Diao'er's sharp claws waving at a speed that even he couldn't see clearly. He sighed in his heart. Diao'er is a strange beast in the world and a descendant of the flying god Diao. As time goes by, Diao'er is also growing. .

Moreover, Diao'er's growth is very strange. I have never felt Diao'er's aura of strength. In other words, Diao'er and other beasts like Diao'er cultivate and grow in different ways.

It looks very inconspicuous, but in fact it is extremely terrifying. There is no spiritual energy fluctuation in every move. It is most suitable for pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Although Diao'er killed the elder of the Sirius clan to take advantage of the Bee Immortal, Yang Yiyun had to admit that Diao'er's current strength was indeed terrifying.

He can be considered a master.


The next moment Diaoer finished the work, he screamed and took credit, which seemed to fall on Yang Yiyun's shoulders.

Looking at the blood stains on Diao'er's little claws and listening to his cry for credit, Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly and said: "Don't be so bloody and violent next time. You are still young, and it is not your turn to take action in such a situation. Do you understand?"


Diaoer was a little reluctant to speak out.

In fact, Yang Yiyun was just afraid that Diaoer would suffer a loss.

While Yang Yiyun was talking to Diao'er, screams rang out one after another in the field.

When I looked up, I saw that the masters of the Sirius clan were falling one by one...

After the death of the two great masters of the Sirius clan, what was left was not enough for the four great divine beast bloodline families to fill their teeth.

For the four major mythical beast families in the Little Demon Realm, the way the Sirius clan has done things in recent years has gone beyond the bottom line of their families, and they are all trying to tolerate it. In addition, the four major families are not monolithic secretly, so they have always been against the sky. The arrogance of the wolves was ignored.

This time, except for Mei Shiying from the Shenfeng clan who took the initiative to support Yang Yiyun, the remaining three clans were actually summoned by the Bee Immortal.

The Bee Fairy itself is a Fairy Fairy, an existence that people like the Little Demon Realm want to fawn over. In addition, after coming out of the Nine-Tailed Fairy Mansion, her strength has greatly increased, and she will have to give face to the three major families.

The Bee Fairy knew that Yang Yiyun would attack the Sirius Clan, so she would help Yang Yiyun no matter what the circumstances. After knowing that Yang Yiyun came directly to the Sirius Clan, the Bee Fairy summoned the three major mythical beast families and came over without saying a word.

In the field, after the death of the Heavenly Wolf clan leader and the great elder, within a few minutes, under the leadership of Bee Fairy, including the Shenfeng clan and the other three clans together, they quickly killed all the masters of the Sirius clan.

After the scene calmed down, the Bee Fairy stopped and then said something to the people of the four major families.

After that, Yang Yiyun saw people from the four great beast families rushing into the gate of the Tianlang clan...

Yang Yiyun knew that he was going to exterminate the family and share the benefits.

Yang Yiyun is not surprised by this kind of thing.

He didn't interfere or object. At this time, it was a matter for the four major beast families of the Little Demon Realm. Anyway, he knew that the Tianlang Clan would be removed from the Little Demon Realm after today.

In a blink of an eye, Bee Fairy and Mei Shiying were walking towards him.

Yang Yiyun went up to him and said, "Thank you very much, Sister Jiu'er~"

Bee Immortal smiled sweetly: "You are going to cause trouble for the Sirius clan, but you don't know how to tell your sister. Fortunately, my sister guessed what you are going to do, otherwise you will suffer a loss today, haha..."

After the Bee Immortal smiled, he continued: "If you want to thank me, I'll show you. My sister promised you that you would deal with the Sirius Clan, and you will naturally keep your word. Now that it's fine, you can leave to Sanxian Island with peace of mind, oh yes. Well, if I guessed correctly, the six-eared macaque should be on Sanxian Island. If you need anything, just go find that monkey and he will help you.

After everything here is over, my sister is also preparing to return to the fairy world. Brother Yun, please take care. We will see you in the fairy world someday. "

The Bee Immortal had long said that he wanted to return to the fairy world. Yang Yiyun knew this. Now that the Bee Immortal said it, Yang Yiyun was very moved. He should understand that the reason why the Bee Immortal did not leave before was most likely because he was waiting for this day, waiting for him. To resolve the grievances of the Sirius clan, now that the Sirius clan is finished, the Bee Fairy will naturally leave the little demon world and return to the fairy world.

"Okay, then I won't send Sister Jiuer off. I wish her a smooth return to the fairy world." Yang Yiyun didn't show any pretense.

"Okay, sister will leave after a while. If you go to Sanxian Island, sister will not accompany you."

"Yes, please, sister."



After the Bee Fairy finished speaking, she flew away directly. Her promise to Yang Yiyun was completed.

After watching Bee Fairy leave, Yang Yiyun felt a little reluctant to leave, but he knew that Bee Fairy was a demon fairy and the world of cultivation was not suitable for her. The fairy world was her stage.

At the same time, I am also grateful and happy that I can make friends like Bee Fairy. They have been side by side in life and death several times, so they can be regarded as friends in life and death.

He also looked forward to meeting the Bee Fairy again in the fairy world someday.

"Brother Yang, are you going to Sanxian Island? Do you need me to take the Shenfeng clan with me?" Mei Shiying said at this moment.

Yang Yiyun laughed and said: "I didn't go to Sanxian Island to fight, I just went to do something for the elders of the master. There is no need to worry. Since you have become the leader of the clan, you should practice well and lead the Shenfeng clan well. Sister Jiuer said, practice well and see you in the fairy world someday.

What I hope is that our relatives and friends from the earth, mountains and seas can all ascend to immortality. Maybe... I will be one step ahead of you, but I will wait for you in the immortal world. Ying'er must not let me and Sister Mei down. right. "

"No, I will definitely work hard to practice. In the future, when Brother Yang and sister go to the fairy world, Shiying will definitely go there too..."

"Okay, then it's settled. Once this matter is over, we will leave. I still say what I said, if you have anything to do, you can go to Yunmen..."

Yang Yiyun left the Little Demon Realm with Sister Mei, Little Phoenix, Tianhu, and Diao'er. He did not stay to participate in the destruction of the entire Tianlang clan because he knew that the four major mythical beast families in the Little Demon Realm would not leave any future troubles.

Compared to himself, he was actually very kind. It was common in the cultivation world to ruthlessly exterminate enemies, especially the four major family forces like the Little Demon Realm, who knew how not to give themselves any trouble to their enemies in the future.

The place where Sanxian Island goes is naturally no longer the same place as the Little Demon Realm. From the astrolabe, it is still far away, but this does not exist for Yang Yiyun.

He took Little Phoenix, Sister Mei, Tianhu, and Diao'er into the Qiankun Pot space, and directly took out the Sanxian Island transmission order left by the Xuanyuan Dynasty and the Sanxian of the Changsheng Palace. After activating it, the portal appeared, and he jumped out. After getting in, you can reach Sanxian Island.

Although Yang Yiyun has never been to Sanxian Island, he is no stranger to it.

Because of the existence of the old man and the existence of the dojo left by the old man, this place can be regarded as half a private land.

Although he told Mei Shiying that he went to Sanxian Island not to fight, but to do something for the elders of his master's sect, he never mentioned the grudge between him and Sanxian Island.

It sounds like there is no danger, but in fact it may be very dangerous.

During the Battle of Yunmen, he killed several Immortals from the Immortal Island, as well as those from several major holy places in the world of cultivation.

Now if he goes to say that Sanxian Island is not dangerous, he himself doesn’t believe it.

However, it was okay to go there. He was mentally prepared. Besides, there was a six-eared macaque here, and he could get help from the six-eared macaque twice at critical moments.

There was even an old man's guidance secretly, and he felt confident coming to Sanxian Island.

The same level as the masters of the Little Demon Realm. According to the last report of the two Sanxian from Xuanyuan Dynasty and Changsheng Palace, the masters of Sanxian Island are at the sixth level.

For Yang's current strength, defeating the sixth-level Sanxian is no longer a myth.

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