My Master Is a God

Chapter 1761 Knocking on the door roughly

Before coming to Sanxian Island, Yang Yiyun imagined that Sanxian Island was actually a world similar to the Little Demon World.

But when he arrived at Sanxian Island, he discovered that it was completely different from what he had imagined. It could be said that it was completely different.

According to what the old man said before, Sanxian Island is the land of Yi Xiaojiao from the fairy world, or it can be said to be a small grain of sand that fell from the fairy world.

Now when he arrived at Sanxian, the scene he saw was a big mountain suspended in the clouds or deep space. It was so big... a mountain so big that Yang Yiyun could not predict it.

Rather than saying it is a big mountain, Yang Yiyun feels that it is more appropriate to call it a suspended continent.

And the place where he appeared was even more mysterious, suspended in mid-air, without using any magic power but without falling.

It just feels like standing on a glass bridge, with suspended clouds and mist beneath your feet.

Above your head you can see a sea of ​​twinkling stars.

In the distance, the fairy mountains are hidden in clouds and mist, floating in the starry sky without roots.

This is the Sanxian Island that Yang Yiyun saw.

Then he waved his hand and released Little Phoenix, Tianhu, Sister Mei, and Diao'er from the space of the Qiankun Pot. Now that they are here, let them experience a strange corner of the world of cultivation and see the legendary scattered world. Fairy Island.

In fact, strictly speaking, whether it is the Sanxian Island or the Little Demon Realm, or even the countless small worlds under the cultivation world, they are all cultivators' worlds, and they are all in the same space, but each has its own way of existence. It doesn't sound like that. Just together.

In fact, they are collectively called the world of cultivation.

It can even be called the human realm of the three realms.

The old man said before that the world we live in has three realms, namely heaven, earth and man.

Every session is all-encompassing.

For example, the human world includes the world of cultivators and countless small worlds, because they are the same world.

The earth realm among the three realms is the fairy world, and the inner realm naturally includes many interfaces, but the old man did not elaborate on them.

"This is Sanxian Island?" Sister Mei asked curiously.

"Well, it's Sanxian Island." Yang Yiyun replied.

"It looks really unique." Sister Mei looked at it curiously.


As soon as Diao Er came out, it squeaked, but Yang Yiyun understood Diao Er's words about whether there is anything delicious here and whether there are any treasures. Go and have a look...

"You are just a foodie and a money fan." Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly and touched Diao'er's head.

Little Phoenix was as calm as ever. It seemed that Sanxian Island could not arouse her interest. It also seemed that Little Phoenix had seen many similar existences, so it was not surprising.

Yang Yiyun knew that the little phoenix was a divine bird phoenix. As her blood returned to her ancestral place and she improved, she would get the inheritance from the depths of the soul of the Phoenix clan. The ancient, powerful and mysterious divine bird phoenix existed in ancient times, and her vision was naturally very high.

As for Tianhu, although he seemed to be looking at Sanxian Island, there was no great interest in his eyes...

"Let's go and explore this Immortal Island."

Yang Yiyun waved his hand and said boldly.

Then everyone walked through the void thinking about Sanxian Island a few hundred meters away.

But this time around, problems arise.

Originally, it seemed that Sanxian Island was only seven or eight hundred meters away from them, but Yang Yiyun realized something was wrong after just a few minutes of walking.

Because no matter how they walked, the distance from Sanxian Island was still 700 to 800 meters.

"I still don't believe it~"

Yang Yiyun didn't believe in evil, so he rushed out with a swish, reaching his peak speed...


He stopped half an hour later, and behind him, Sister Mei and others came panting.

But the distance between Sanxian Island and them is still seven to eight hundred meters.

"There is something weird in the space here in Yunzi. It seems that if we go to Sanxian Island like this, getting close will be a big problem." Sister Mei frowned and looked at her mouth.

Yang Yiyun nodded and said: "Yes, it is indeed strange, and I don't feel any power, but it is so evil. It seems that the way we boarded Sanxian Island is wrong. You guys wait, I will think of a solution."

After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, he closed his eyes and asked the old man in his mind.

"What's going on, old man? Why can't we get to Sanxian Island?"

"I told you before that Sanxian Island is a corner of the Immortal Realm, belonging to the earth realm among the three realms of heaven, earth and man. The rules and regulations are different from those of the cultivation world, so naturally it won't be that easy to visit.

Without a unique secret method, or without someone to help, it would be difficult for a cultivator to land on Sanxian Island. You kid, knock on the door. "Yuntianjie said.

"Uh~ Knock on the door? Aren't you a being like a god on Sanxian Island? Can't you just give me the secret method, or force it to open?" Yang Yiyun didn't understand the old man's words.

"You brat, if my master had an immortal body, there would be no need to talk nonsense with you. He would just force himself in. Besides, the secret method is still changing at any time. After so long, I don't know what it has become. It’s useless.” Yun Tianxie cursed.

Yang Yiyun couldn't help but asked: "Is the secret method man-made?"

Yun Tianxie said: "It is the law of the heaven and earth of Sanxian Island. It is not man-made. It cannot be mastered by anyone who wants to. It is in the hands of one person alone and is responsible for the method of entry. Sanxian Island becomes a private mansion and is not called Sanxian Island. .

Everyone who enters Sanxian Island will naturally get the secret method of entry and exit passed down independently by Sanxian Island. Knock on the door first, and someone will naturally come to take you to Sanxian Island. "

"You damn old man doesn't even have a door, why are you knocking on the door like this?" Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes and cursed.

"Beyond Sanxian Island, there are all gates. You brat, can't you just make some noise?" Yuntian Xie roared.

"Uh, okay, okay, I believe you for now." Yang Yiyun didn't expect that this was the knock on the door that the old man said.

Then Yang Yiyun opened his eyes and suddenly punched forward.

"Boom boom boom~"

A punch was punched through the air, and a deafening sound erupted.

The old man said just make some noise, so let's punch him a few times and see.

"Who is so presumptuous?"

A scolding resounded throughout the world.

"Hey, it really works~" Yang Yiyun suddenly became happy.

When they looked up, they saw a three-meter-wide white light coming quickly like a white blanket on Sanxian Island, and it was in front of them in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, a young man came from Sanxian Island on a white blanket.

As he got closer and closer, Yang Yiyun realized that this person was a second-level Sanxian, with triangular eyes and a sinister look, which was very wretched.

In an instant, he was in front of Yang Yiyun and the others, with an angry look on his face, and he opened his mouth to scold and curse: "I said, do you know how to follow the rules? Don't you know that you will be a general when you come to Sanxian Island to kowtow at the Gate Bridge?

Why is there such a big movement? It's going to be demolished..." The wretched young man cursed, his eyes rolling in his eyes, and he glanced at everyone.

At first, he was staring at Yang Yiyun and still cursing, but when his eyes fell on Sister Mei and Tianhu, and finally Tianhu, he couldn't move his eyes away anymore.

The tone that was about to continue scolding also stopped, and a smile appeared on his face, but it looked vulgar no matter how he looked at it.

Yang Yiyun was so drunk that he couldn't even dig out his eyes.


Sister Mei snorted coldly and said directly: "Hey, Fatty, this is our first time to Sanxian Island. We only know how to knock on the door. We don't know whether to kowtow or not. Please take us in."

A second-level Sanxian, who is only equivalent to a Mahayana level, dares to scold them?

Sister Mei will naturally not look good on her.

Yang Yiyun also looked at them coldly. If this fat man was staring at Sister Mei and Tianhu, he wouldn't mind poking out his eyeballs.

At this moment, both Sister Mei and Yang Yi Yuntianhu released their cultivation auras and enveloped the fat man.

The fat man was immediately frightened.

I originally thought that he was a person from the world of cultivation who came to Sanxian Island to visit, and his cultivation level was only at the Ascension level. Although he was a second-level Sanxian, he was proud and unafraid to have a powerful Sanxian behind him.

But when Yang Yiyun and the others released their coercive auras, the fat man knew that the three of them were definitely not to be trifled with. Judging from the coercive pressure, these people all exceeded rank three, and the aura of the white-haired young man among them was even stronger.

The world of cultivators always respects the strong. Even though this is Sanxian Island and there are fellow disciples behind Fatty, he is just a second-level Sanxian on Sanxian Island and cannot afford to offend the masters.

After reacting, his face changed, and he put on a smile instantly. He also looked away from Tianhu, and quickly said with a smile: "My friend Zhu Da, just call me Fatty. I am responsible for bringing monks from the world to Sanxian Island. , everyone, please quickly follow me and wait for the island."

The fat man who called himself Zhu Da suddenly changed his attitude. His face seemed to be blooming. It was not obvious at all. He was still aggressive just now, and it seemed that he was not the one who scolded Yang Yiyun and others just now.

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