My Master Is a God

Chapter 1762 Supreme Mountain

"A few fellow Taoists please~"

The fat man invited Yang Yiyun and others to step onto the white carpet, or it would be more appropriate to call them Jie Jie Yin Qiao.

Anyone who could enter Sanxian Island, well, it was a space outside Sanxian Island at that time, must have disciples of sects in the world of cultivation, and often these people would have masters on Sanxian Island.

The fat man's duty is to guide people to Sanxian Island, and he does not dare to refuse any monks. If they are people with backing, they will be unable to eat and walk around.

Coupled with the powerful auras of Yang Yiyun and others, they dare not do anything bad, that is, they can only bully ordinary monks.

Yang Yiyun and Tianhu didn't care about the snobbishness towards the fat man, and stepped onto the connecting bridge one after another. Moreover, when they first arrived at Sanxian Island, everyone had a blank look.

As the saying goes, the King of Hell is very difficult to deal with. Since the fat man gives in, there is no need to argue with him.

Besides, there are some things that need to be understood from Fatty’s mouth, such as the situation on Sanxian Island.

In the past, everything I knew was what others heard about it, but now when I encounter a living map, I naturally have to ask questions.

Now that everyone was standing on the bridge, the bridge flew slowly towards Sanxian Island.

Yang Yiyun asked the fat man: "Does the fat man only need to step on the approach bridge to reach Sanxian Island?"

"Theoretically, this is indeed true. Otherwise, you would be looking at Sanxian Island just a few hundred meters away. However, Sanxian Island is a corner of the real fairyland in the world of cultivation. Blessed by the power of the laws of the Immortal Family, it is simply impossible to run away from the mountain. You can't reach Sanxian Island.

Moreover, this connecting bridge has a meaning. It is said that there will be a guiding light when monks fly to the fairy world. The connecting bridge on Sanxian Island is a simulation. Going to Sanxian Island is also like stepping into the fairy world. Coming to Sanxian Island is a kind of realization. Let’s go to the fairy world. Anyway, Sanxian Island itself is part of the fairy world. "The fat man had many teachers at this time and answered everything.

Yang Yiyun nodded as he listened. It was the first time he heard about it and he found it very interesting.

Then he asked: "How big is the Sanxian Island, how many Sanxian there are, and how many masters are there?"

The fat man said with some embarrassment on his face: "Fellow Taoist asked these questions, but I really can't answer them. Everyone knows that Sanxian Island is not very big, but no one has really set foot on Sanxian Island. Because there are many dangerous places on Sanxian Island, it is impossible to measure the size of Sanxian Island.

There is also the question of how many loose immortals there are on Sanxian Island. The same is true. The loose immortals who come to Sanxian Island each have their own mountaintop dojo for cultivation, etc. Speaking of the countless hills on Sanxian Island, I am afraid that there are loose immortals practicing Taoism in every place. , so there is no way to count the number of people at all.

As for the masters, there should be many. The ones with the highest cultivation level are the three rank-6 Sanxian from Sanxian City. Oh, by the way, Sanxian Island is generally divided into two areas.

One area is operated by Sanxian monks, and there are powerful immortal beasts in the other area. It is occupied by the local fairy beasts of Sanxian Island. Ordinary Sanxian immortals dare not enter, and it is not suitable for practice.

No one knows whether there are any loose immortals above level six in these places, but I think there were some in the past, but they may not exist now. It’s just that there are no rumors of the existence of loose immortals of level seven in these places for at least ten thousand years.

Even if there are loose immortals of rank seven now, they will be forcibly summoned to the fairy world by the laws of heaven. After their cultivation exceeds rank seven, there is no way to stay in the lower world..."

I asked the fat man while walking, and before I knew it I had arrived and listened, but I finally landed on Sanxian Island.

Finally stepping on the ground, Yang Yiyun felt no different from the ground in the world of cultivation.

Of course, that's not to say there's nothing at all. The ground on Sanxian Island seems to be three to five times harder than the world of cultivators and other small worlds.

In addition, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here is very pure and is ten times more pure than ordinary spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Anyway, after setting foot on Sanxian Island, Yang Yiyun clearly felt that all the pores in his body were opened, and he was very pure.

This made him couldn't help but ask his master Yun Tianxie: "Is the aura here, old man, a fairy aura?"

The reason why I ask this is because Yang Yiyun has heard the Sanxian of the Xuanyuan Dynasty say before that there are immortal stone veins and immortal grasses on Sanxian Island, so it is normal for the aura of heaven and earth here to be immortal aura.

But I heard the old man reply: "The real power of the immortal world is called the power of immortality. It is unbearable for cultivators. The power of heaven and earth on Sanxian Island is a kind of power between spiritual energy and fairy power. What you call it There’s nothing wrong with fairy aura either.

This place itself comes from the fairy world, and it originally had the power of immortality. However, after falling into the world of cultivation, it was intertwined with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the world of cultivation, turning it into a power higher than the spiritual energy of the world of cultivation and resisting the power of the fairy power of the fairy world.

It's not really the power of the immortal world, but it's not bad. Anyway, it's the best power of heaven and earth cultivation for practitioners in the Mahayana stage and ascension stage, as well as all the immortals.

The term "immortal spiritual energy" is quite appropriate, but there is one more thing you guys need to remember. Real immortal creatures are very powerful. They are creatures that have been completely baptized and cultivated by pure immortal energy. They are not comparable to the creatures in the cultivation world.

The monks who appear in the world of cultivation, or those who appear in the Sanxian Island and the Little Demon Realm of level three or above, go to the fairy world and are completely compared with the same creatures in the fairy world. For example, the Grandma Shenfeng and the Heavenly Wolf Clan Chief you killed, their cultivation The realm is equivalent to a sixth-level loose immortal, and in the immortal world it is the golden immortal level.

Although their cultivation level is high, they have not been baptized by pure immortal energy. Their sixth-level cultivation level will take up a lot of water in the immortal world.

So don't be proud of being able to kill a rank-6 loose immortal. After you go to the fairy world and see a real golden immortal, run as far as you can, otherwise you will suffer a big loss.

In short, as far as Sanxian Island is concerned, with your current cultivation strength, it's pretty good. Don't worry too much for the time being. Well, there's nothing else important. Let's go directly to the Supreme Mountain now. I'll tell you if I can recast the immortal body this time. It's up to you to go as soon as possible. "

Later, Yang Yiyun heard that the old man was speaking very seriously. He thought that after the old man met with his wife Tianji, he might have known something, and he wanted to return to the fairy world in a hurry.

After cultivating Taoism for hundreds of years and growing up to this day, the old man has trained himself in order to help him rebuild his immortal body one day. As a disciple, he can only go all out to help the old man rebuild his immortal body.

It's time for him to step up.

Yang Yiyun always felt that the old man seemed to be easily emotional since he met the soul clone of his master Tianji. Although it was not obvious, he could still feel it.

I guess something big happened in the fairy world.

Then he was anxious to ask him to come to Sanxian Island. I remember that this was the third time he talked about rebuilding the immortal body.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun also felt nervous.

Now that you have landed on Sanxian Island, let’s go directly to the Supreme Mountain mentioned by the old man.

At this time, the fat man also asked: "Where are the fellow Taoists going to Sanxian Island? If you can help me, I am willing to do it. Of course... ahem, you only need to pay a small reward."

Yang Yiyun was very happy when he heard this. Although people who blatantly talk about conditions are a bit shameless, such people are also reliable in doing things and will do things naturally when given benefits.

Originally, there was an old man who didn't need a tour guide or anything like that in Yang Yiyun, but after all, the old man couldn't show up, so he needed someone to be a tour guide to show them the way, so as to avoid detours and leave a lot of trouble.

Facing the fat man with a smile on his face, Yang Yiyun waved his hand and threw a bottle of monkey wine to him and said: "Take us to the Supreme Mountain, and this jar of spiritual wine will be yours."

At first, the fat man felt a little disdainful when he heard that it was spiritual wine. He secretly muttered, what is the spiritual wine? Is it a treasure? Fatty, I drink it every day. But then I thought about it. These people have extraordinary cultivation and behavior. They don't know how to take action. Stingy, he skillfully caught the wine jar and opened the lid. The next moment, an extremely pure spiritual power came out, and the aroma of the wine was refreshing. His mouth widened immediately. He knew that this was the real good thing. .

He quickly closed the lid and put away the monkey wine with a flash of light in his hand. He grinned and said, "No problem. The Supreme Mountain is the holy land of the entire Sanxian Island. Many monks who come to Sanxian Island will go back." The Supreme Mountain is filled with immortal energy, so a few fellow Taoists can just follow me."

The fat man was so happy that he had a stall of Monkey Wine. He was afraid that Yang Yiyun would regret it. After saying this, he took the lead and took the lead in flying up, leading the way.

Yang Yiyun, Sister Mei and others flew up and followed the fat man.

About three hours later, the fat man said: "We have arrived at the Supreme Mountain~"

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