My Master Is a God

Chapter 1767 Xiong Bai’s caution

The fairy stone in the dwarf's storage ring was an unexpected gain, but when Yang Yiyun took out one and looked at it, he found that the grade of the fairy in the dwarf's storage ring was much weaker than the one he got from Shi Niang Tianji's fairy mansion.

It is a low-grade fairy stone with the earth element among the five elements, and it is the weakest among the low-grade fairy stones.

But it is also understandable. According to what the old man said before, although Sanxian Island is part of the fairy world, its nature has changed after falling into the lower world.

For example, just like the power of heaven and earth, it is normal to lower the level a little like it has turned into fairy spiritual energy.

But for Yang Yiyun, it is also very good.

Although it is the lowest level of low-grade fairy stone, the power of heaven and earth contained within it has surpassed any spiritual stone.

Anyway, it was an unexpected gain.

After putting away the dwarf's storage ring, Yang Yiyun and others continued up the mountain. This is the lowest peak of the Supreme Mountain. Going further up, there are seventy-two middle peaks and thirty-six major peaks...

But the news they heard about Wangzai in Sanxian City said that Wangzai had entered the depths of the Supreme Mountain, but the depths of the Supreme Mountain should refer to the thirty-six peaks.

I didn’t dare to waste any more time and continued to move forward...

The Supreme Mountain is divided into three mountain peak groups: large, medium and small. According to Yang Yiyun's understanding, it is natural that the strength and cultivation of the loose immortals living on the major peaks in each area are also divided into high and low.

The dwarfs they encountered were only at level four. Now that they were about to enter the seventy-two medium-level mountains, they were afraid that they would encounter even more powerful rivals.

But Yang Yiyun didn't pay too much attention. He was here anyway. Whether it was for Wangzi or for the old man to reforge his immortal body, he would go there, even if there were mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead of him, he would not hesitate.

After more than a hundred meters, Yang Yiyun and others walked on a flat road, and in front of them was another taller mountain peak.

He knew that this was the range of the seventy-two peaks.

The peaks here already have a vague scene shrouded in clouds and mist, which shows that the Supreme Mountain is beginning to reach a higher level.

It was still a winding path, and a few of them boarded it.

But this time something unexpected happened.

When I was climbing the mountain, I found halfway there that there was no way to go.

A stone the size of a house appeared in front of them, blocking the way up the mountain.

Feeling carefully, Yang Yiyun discovered that there were flickering energy fluctuations. Without thinking too much, he could guess that someone must have done it deliberately.

Looking at the big stone blocking his eyes, Yang Yiyun frowned and took a deep breath to suppress the anger in his heart.

There are many Loose Immortals living in the Supreme Mountain. He doesn't want to cause more troubles, thinking that one less thing is worse than one more thing.

Then he clasped his fists and looked at the surrounding air and said: "Yang Yiyun, the master of the Yunmen Fairyland in the world of cultivation, is borrowing the passage. I also ask fellow Taoists from this mountain to come for your convenience. Thank you very much~"

No matter what, let's be polite first and then fight.

He doesn't want to cause trouble, but he's not afraid of it, and he's not a soft persimmon.

The dwarfs from before had taken the initiative to provoke him, and they had no conscience in killing them.

At this moment, I still thought, since we are on someone else’s territory, we should keep a low profile.

After speaking with his fists clasped, he waited for an answer. He knew that someone was definitely in the dark.

Sure enough, after he finished speaking, a sharp voice came to his mind and said: "Haha, I have such a great reputation, Lord of Fairyland? You are so arrogant, no wonder you dare to kill my old neighbor... If you don't give me the money in a few days, Just give me an explanation and forget about borrowing money."

Yang Yiyun listened to this person's voice resounding in all directions, and couldn't find it for a while, so he said to the little Phoenix people around him: "Look for someone, listen to the other person's tone, I'm afraid he won't be kind."

When Yang Yiyun heard what the other party said about his old neighbor, he knew he was a dwarf.

There is no one else.

Climbing the Supreme Mountain only killed one dwarf just now. The distance between the two is relatively close, and they can indeed be called neighbors.

After giving instructions to the little phoenix, Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and said: "The dwarf blocked the road and robbed us. He deserves to be killed. You are a rat. You moved rocks to block the way. It seems that the dwarf has a nest of snakes and rats." It’s not a good thing, it will come out if it is planted.”

While he was talking, Yang Yiyun suddenly took the dragon-slaying sword in his hand and slashed at the boulder blocking the path.


The boulder shattered with one strike of the sword.

Now that he knew that the other party was looking for trouble, Yang Yiyun was not polite.

Be polite first and then fight. After greeting you, damn it, if you don't give in, I won't be easy to mess with.

"Brother found him, on the big tree fifty meters to your left."

At this time, Little Phoenix's message reached Yang Yiyun's ears.

Yang Yiyun nodded calmly, indicating that he knew, and motioned to Little Phoenix not to move. This time he took action himself.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun activated the colorful treasure clothes and disappeared instantly...

At this moment, hiding on a big tree fifty meters away from the field, an old man was hiding among the dense leaves. He was the person who had just spoken to Yang Yiyun.

This man's name is Xiong Bai, and he is the master of the White Jade Peak, the seventy-two middle mountain peak. His cultivation level is at the fifth level. He is a neighbor of the dwarf, and their peaks are relatively close to each other.

Before practicing in the dojo, I felt the fluctuation of the energy of heaven and earth. When I released my spiritual consciousness to check, I found that the dwarf was killed and his body was broken into two halves.

Originally, Xiong Bai had never thought about revenge. He said they were neighbors, but in fact, everyone practiced their own ways and didn't have much communication.

Yang Yiyun and others were blocked from the road because Xiong Bai saw Yang Yiyun accepting Xiong Bai's storage ring and told him that there were ten fairy stones in it.

At this time, Xiong Bai became greedy. He knew that the dwarf was just acquaintance with everyone.

Of course, Xiong Baiqi was greedy and found a valid reason for himself. This reason was to have a fight with the dwarf neighbor. Now that he was killed, it was reasonable and reasonable for him as a neighbor to avenge him, so it was logical to rape him from Yang Yiyun. Come to the dwarf's storage ring.

Xiong Bai was not worried at all about the strength of Yang Yiyun and others. Although Yang Yiyun and others were able to kill the dwarf, it was because the dwarf was not strong enough. It could also be that the neighbor of the dwarf was too careless, and the fourth-level scattered immortal was killed. normal.

But Xiong Bai was different. He was a rank five Sanxian.

It sounds like the difference between the fourth-level loose immortal and the fifth-level loose immortal is only one level, but in fact, this level is completely different. This is a huge realm.

So Xiong Bai never thought that Yang Yiyun and the others would be able to get a good deal from him.

If you can kill your dwarf neighbor, it's because your old neighbor is incompetent.

As for him, he never thought about suffering a loss, and Xiong Bai was usually a very cautious person.

He plays the role of a yin and a yin, so he obviously feels that his cultivation level is much higher than that of Yang Yiyun and others, but he refuses to face him head-on, and hides in the dark to look for opportunities to play yin.

He has been hiding in the big tree waiting for the opportunity to appear, keeping an eye on the field at all times.

But he saw that Yang Yiyun broke the boulder he had deliberately moved to block the way with a sword, and then disappeared out of thin air. Xiong Bai's consciousness, which was paying attention to Yang Yiyun at all times, always shrouded the scene. He found that he could not feel any breath of Yang Yiyun at all.

The next moment, Xiong Bai felt a sudden rush of fur and bones, and without any hesitation, he swooped away from the big tree.

Xiong Bai's sixth sense is very strong, and his perception surpasses that of many immortals. This is related to the skills he practices. Because of this perception, he has escaped disaster time and time again during his long journey of cultivation.

Although Yang Yiyun was just an ascended monk in Xiong Bai's eyes, he still believed in his own perception.


The moment Xiong Bai fled from the big tree, there was a roar from the big tree, and the next moment the big tree collapsed completely.

The powerful attack force still affected Xiong Bai, causing him to spit out a large mouthful of blood.

Feeling the powerful aura in the air, and then thinking about the explosion of power in the silent tree, Xiong Bai's back felt chilly, and he was filled with fear.

He knew that the boy would definitely disappear.

Too scary~

There are many invisibility powers, and there are traces of powerful invisibility techniques. However, after Yang Yiyun disappeared just now, Xiong Bai didn't feel the slightest energy fluctuation.

This shows that Yang Yiyun’s invisibility magical power has no flaws. These people are freaks~

There is also the aura that emanates between heaven and earth after the big tree breaks. In Xiong Bai's opinion, it is actually stronger than the power of his fifth-level Sanxian.

Flying away from the big tree, Xiong Bai was hit by the powerful aftermath and vomited blood. At this time, he did not stop at all and went directly to the distance. He felt that this boy named Yang Yiyun was definitely capable of killing him.

Xiong Bai, who was frightened, ran away without stopping at all, and did not feel embarrassed. This was a spiritual relief for his character.

It would be bad if he stayed. After practicing for thousands of years, Xiong Bai understood the truth that only by being alive can one be strong at any time.

After death, it is just a pile of loess and disappears into thin air.

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