My Master Is a God

Chapter 1768 Wan Ling Zhenren

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

Yang Yiyun appeared not far from the big tree, with his figure revealed. He looked at the person escaping in the distance and muttered: "He is a keen guy~"

Since the last time he used the invisibility function of the colorful treasure clothes and made a big splash in the Nine-tailed Immortal Mansion, Yang Yiyun thought that it would be easy to kill this guy hiding in the big tree. Who knew that he would not be able to deal with such a sharp sense of smell when he was invisible and took action? He ran away without hesitation.

And he didn't stop at all, he was very decisive.

This made him feel a little stunned, and he also became more vigilant. It seemed that the loose immortals in the Supreme Mountain were not all idiots like the dwarves.

He didn't chase because the opponent was very fast. Even if he chased, he might not be able to catch up. It would be a waste of time for him to chase, as long as it didn't prevent him from boarding.

Sister Mei flew over: "Don't chase?" She also immediately saw someone flying away from the big tree and escaping.

Yang Yiyun shook his head: "No more chasing, it's boring. It's important to enter the depths of the Supreme Mountain early to find Wangzai."

"That's right~ Let's go then."

Then several people continued to climb the mountain. In fact, the Seventy-Two Middle Peak was much higher than the small peak. They only climbed halfway up the mountain and were still far from the top of the mountain.

Only after reaching the top of the middle mountain can you step into the thirty-six peaks, which is the depth of the Supreme Mountain.

The entire Supreme Mountain is like a staircase. There are many peaks, but there is only one main road to the top. If you take other trails, you will only go further and further away. You will not be able to reach the top of the mountain or the depths of the Supreme Mountain.

Not to mention that Yang Yiyun and others continued to climb the mountain, Xiong Bai, who ran away frantically, reached the top of the mountain in one breath, but instead of returning to his cave, he went to another mountain.

There are two reasons why Xiong Bai did not go to his own dojo, but went to other people's dojos.

First, his dojo is on the main road to the top of the Supreme Mountain. He is afraid that Yang Yiyun will cause trouble for him, so he does not dare to go back to his dojo.

Secondly, Xiong Bai felt aggrieved and unwilling to give in. He was a dignified fifth-level Sanxian who had been practicing for thousands of years and was a member of a major sect. How had he ever been so embarrassed?

So he couldn't swallow this breath, but he also knew that he was no match for Yang Yiyun, so he wanted to find a good friend to help him vent his anger.

Not far from his dojo, there is a Taoist being, the dojo of Wanling Zhenren.

Before the liberation of Wanling Zhenren, he was a disciple of the Wanling Holy Land in the world of cultivation. He has been a high-level member of the Holy Land since he was born. After arriving at Sanxian Island, these disciples of the Holy Land have been connected for a long time. The rules of Sanxian Island do not allow the establishment of any sect, but For these Holy Land disciples, there is no doubt that there will still be contact.

The reason why Xiong Bai came to see Master Wan Ling was because they knew each other when they were in the world of cultivation. He once saved Master Wan Ling's life, so their relationship on Sanxian Island was even better than before.

Wan Ling Zhenren has a strong circle of contacts. The disciples of the Eight Holy Lands in the world of cultivation are still a small circle on Sanxian Island. Each has a unique magical power. They are also fifth-level Sanxian, but they are the best among them. They should deal with Yang Yiyun and others. There won't be any problems, so Xiong Bai comes.

A bamboo forest mountain, inside the purple bamboo forest.

Xiong Bai appeared outside the thatched courtyard in the purple bamboo forest.

It looks simple and artistic. The courtyard wall is very low and made of woven purple bamboo. You can see the three thatched houses in the courtyard at a glance. The middle thatched house is tall and flush with both sides, and the layout is reasonable.

Although the sparrow is small and has all the internal organs, it also has a gate. The above-mentioned plaque on the mountain says Zizhuju.

This is the dojo of Wanling Zhenren.

Each practitioner has a different state of mind during practice. Xiong Bai's own dojo is completely different from this one, and it can be said to be magnificent.

After arriving at the door, Xiong Bai did not rush in. Instead, he lingered outside the door for a while, thinking about how to prepare his speech.

But before I could think too much, the thatched door opened automatically, and a loud voice came out: "Brother Xiong, why don't you come in now? Please come in quickly. You haven't been here for some days. Come in, there are just a few of you." Old friends come over, I'll wait for a drink and talk."

Xiong Bai was startled when he heard the voice, his face was still a little pale, and the blood at the corner of his mouth was still wet...

In fact, he deliberately did not wipe away the injuries caused by Yang Yiyun's blow, just to make things worse for Wan Ling Zhenren.

At this moment, when he heard Master Wan Ling say that he still had a few old friends, Xiong Bai knew that they were loose immortals from several major holy places in the cultivation world of Eight and Nine Capitals. He was secretly happy in his heart. He just wanted to try and see if they could kill Yang Yiyun together. Several people felt bad breath in their hearts.

As soon as he rolled his eyes, Xiong Bai burst into tears and ran into the gate with swaying steps. When he entered the yard, he shouted: "Brother Wanling Dao, let me make the decision~"

By the time he finished speaking, Xiong Bai had already arrived at the hut hall.

At this moment, the first person in the hall is a middle-aged man wearing white clothes. There are two people on the left and right sides, some old and some young.

But after Xiong Bai entered, Master Wan Ling stood up and said in a deep voice: "Brother Xiong, who ate the ambitious leopard but dared to hurt you?"

Master Wan Ling and the other four people all looked at Xiong Bai at this moment. Everyone knew that Xiong Bai had been injured by looking at his appearance.

At this time, Xiong Bai said with a gloomy face: "It was a boy from the world of cultivation who claimed to be Yang Yiyun, the master of the Yunmen Fairyland. He killed one of my neighbors. The boy only stepped forward to ask the reason, and then he started fighting. The boy...'s all because of my poor academic skills. That kid was weird and got hurt by him. Why don't you ask Wanling Taoist Brother to make the decision for me~"

"Hmph~ You are so bold, you dare to come to the Supreme Mountain to act wild. Could it be that you are a rank-6 loose immortal?" Master Wan Ling said solemnly.

Xiong Bai: "No, that boy is a cultivator who has reached the Ascension Realm, not a sixth-level Sanxian."

"A cultivator in the Ascension Realm can actually hurt you?" Master Wan Ling asked in surprise.

Xiong Bai smiled bitterly and said: "Brother Wanling Dao doesn't know something. I don't know what kind of invisibility secret technique that kid has practiced. I can't detect any of his breath at all. That's why I got the Tao~ It's not that I have a higher level of cultivation than that kid."

At this moment, Xiong Bai spoke half-truths and half-false words in order to draw Wanling Master into the water and help him vent his anger, concealing the reason why he felt Yang Yiyun's aura was even stronger than his.

While the two were talking, one of the old men, who was about sixty years old, stood up, stared at Xiong Bai and asked, "Fellow Taoist Xiong, did you just say that this boy calls himself Yang Yiyun, the Lord of Yunmen Wonderland?"

Xiong Bai has never met the other four people except Master Wanling, but he can also guess that those who can hang out with Master Wanling must be those loose immortals who came from the Holy Land. He can obviously guess that, but he deliberately looks at them for that little friendship. Master Wan Ling asked: "You haven't asked these fellow Taoists yet?"

Master Wanling was stunned for a moment, then introduced Xiong Bai with a wry smile: "I forgot to introduce you to my brother. This is the fifth-level high-level Sanxian Niu Taoist from Bailian Villa, Ma Taoist from Ghost Holy Land, and Long Dao from Tianjian Mountain. Friends, four Taoist friends of Sanxianhou from the Shenfu Ling Sect, we were all good friends when we were in the world of cultivation, but a few of them who wandered around and retreated rarely came to my place..."

After giving a brief introduction to Xiong Bai, Master Wan Ling said to the four of them: "This is Xiong Bai, who is also my good friend. He saved his life."

"My younger brother Xiong Bai has met four Taoist brothers." Although they are all fifth-level loose immortals, they are also divided into high and low levels. Xiong Bai knows that he is a low-level fifth-level loose immortal, and he is different from these noble fifth-level loose immortals. Sanxian couldn't compare, so he lowered his attitude when speaking.

The four of them were very useful, and they also had a good impression of Xiong Bai.

"Fellow Taoist Xiong is polite~"

After the four people returned the gift, the old man from Bailian Villa asked again: "Fellow Taoist Xiong, you haven't answered my question yet~"

"Oh~ ah, I was so excited to see some fellow Taoists that I got distracted and forgot to atone for my sins. That's right, that guy claimed to be from the world of cultivation, Laoshizi Yunmen Fairyland, and his name was Yang Yiyun. I won't get it wrong." Xiong Bai Said with great certainty.

At this moment, the four people including the old man looked at each other.

Then the Sanxian named Long from Tianjian Mountain said gloomily: "Okay, I have been looking for opportunities to avenge my junior brother all these years, but because the laws of heaven have too many restrictions on me and other Sanxian, I have never gone. That kid came to my door by himself. Here we are, we can’t let him go this time.”

"That's right, when the demon clan broke out in the world of cultivation, I and other members of the family accompanied people to kill the demons. But who would have thought that he would be killed by that kid Yang Yiyun. This time, he must be skinned and cramped." Bai Lian Villa's Sanxian Niu spoke in a deep voice.

"Yes, you can't go around Yang Yiyun. There was a young disciple of me among the Sanxian who went there. He was a genius. Unfortunately, he was killed by Yang Yiyun. Today I gave him revenge as his disciple."

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