My Master Is a God

Chapter 1771 A sword split in two

Wan Ling Zhenren's eyes flashed and he said, "You will know if it is true or not by trying it~"

While speaking, Master Wanling had already rushed towards the field.

When the other people saw this, they cursed the cunning Master Wanling in their hearts, and they also attacked one after another. Of course, their target at this time was no longer Yang Yiyun in the field, but Little Phoenix.

After all, these people, Yang Yiyun was in trouble and wanted to capture Yang Yiyun. To put it bluntly, they wanted to ask for credit in front of several Sanxian ancestors, and this request for credit was to get some from the Sanxian ancestors that could help them cross the Sanxian Heaven. The benefit of calamity is its essence.

But now a phoenix is ​​in front of them. This is a ready-made panacea that can help them survive the catastrophe of the scattered immortals. At this time, it is about their own interests. Naturally, they cannot suppress their ambitions and take action against the little phoenix.

Of course, only Xiong Bai did not move, but he had seen the terror of Little Phoenix's purple flames before, and Xiong Bai would not take action without being completely sure.

Moreover, at this time, Xiong Bai knew how many moves Master Wan Ling had made, and he couldn't intervene. He might as well wait for the opportunity to appear before it was too late to take action.

Compared to dealing with Little Phoenix at this time, Xiong Bai was actually more concerned about Yang Yiyun in the field.

After the Wanling Masters on this side moved, Sister Mei said in a deep voice on the other side: "Kill~"

After saying this, Sister Mei, Xiao Fenghuang, Tianhu and Diao'er also rushed over in an instant, facing the Wanling Master and several others.

As for the first wave of the battle between Yang Yiyun and Tianjian Mountain Sanxian, it finally broke out.

These things happen in a blink of an eye, but in fact everything happens in an instant.


Yang Yiyun and the Sanxian from Tianjian Mountain each struck out a sword, which erupted with a roar.

The powerful sword energy stirred up wind and sand in the field, and the vegetation within a hundred meters of the two of them was cut off.

After a sword strike, the two stood each other, looking at each other.

The corner of Yang Yiyun's mouth raised in an arc. This blow was head-on. His sword was far stronger than the opponent's. He thought he saw the opponent's sword-holding hand trembling.

This sword was not his full strength, it was just a sword driven by his true energy, which showed that his true energy was much stronger than the opponent's. Yang Yiyun knew that the perfect golden elixir foundation was gradually reflected after his cultivation reached this level.

The old man told him that his perfect ten-turn golden elixir foundation will become more and more obvious the further he cultivates, and now is the best explanation.

He thought that if he used the power of the water in his body, he would be able to kill the opponent with one sword.

After all, the opponent is a rank five loose immortal. He has even killed a rank six loose immortal, let alone a rank five loose immortal?

After the blow, Yang Yiyun also saw the remaining loose immortals moving. He originally thought that the other loose immortals were coming towards him, but who knew that they actually rushed towards Sister Mei, and from there? In the eyes of the Sanxian, Yang Yiyun saw that their eyes were basically staring at the little Phoenix.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun suddenly realized that these bastards were doing it for the little Phoenix. She was a divine bird. For these immortals, she was the best training cauldron and the panacea to overcome their calamities.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun became angry.

These bastards are high-ranking loose immortals. They seem to be no different from those in the Holy Land in the world of cultivation. They are all a group of hypocrites.

As expected, they are all the same bastards.

If you want to take advantage of Little Phoenix, you have to ask the sword in his hand if he agrees.

I can destroy your fellow sect in the world of cultivation and your holy land, and I can do the same on Sanxian Island.

Seeing several loose immortals rushing toward Little Phoenix, and Sister Mei, Tianhu, and Diao'er also started to move, Yang Yiyun was afraid that they would suffer a loss, so he immediately flipped the dragon-slaying sword in his hand and stopped staying behind.

Suddenly, the power of the water in the body was poured into the dragon-slaying sword, and merged with the true power.

The next moment he roared loudly: "Breaking the Origin of the Sky—Death."

The bright blue sword energy erupted from the dragon-slaying sword...

A three-foot-long sword energy suddenly flew out and headed directly towards the Sanxian of Tianjian Mountain.

At the same time, Yang Yiyun released his powerful spiritual consciousness to control the dragon-slaying sword, locking the sword's intention on Tianjian Mountain's Sanxian, not wanting to give him any chance to dodge or escape.

At this time, the Tianjian Mountain Loose Immortal's face became extremely solemn. From the first sword fight with Yang Yiyun, he knew that Yang Yiyun's sword skills, supernatural powers and strength were superior to his.

In the blink of an eye, Yang Yiyun fired a bright sword.

The breath of this sword made the Sanxian of Tianjian Mountain feel palpitations, his face changed drastically, and he even felt the breath of death.

The Sanxian of Tianjian Mountain felt extremely pressured. At this time, he knew that he could not hold back, otherwise he would die. He even knew that even if he tried his best, he might not be able to hit Yang Yiyun's sword.

The Sanxian of Tianjian Mountain thought to himself, but his hand did not pause at all. Facing Yang Yiyun's sword, he spurted a mouthful of blood on his sword.


Then he activated all his magic power and soul, his eyes turned red and he roared: "Sword of Heaven - Dragon Slaying~"

This is his highest combat skill in swordsmanship, and it is also the strongest sword before he achieves the highest power according to the rules of swordsmanship.

When the sword came out, the blade was filled with the scorching light of red flames. It evolved into a sword energy several feet long and struck Yang Yiyun with a sword.


The sword energy duel between the two erupted into an earth-shattering sound.

After the sword energy of the two clashed, the energy generated spread out for hundreds of meters centered on them in an instant.

Before, vegetation within a hundred meters was cut off, but this time everything was turned into powder.

At the same time, whether it was Yang Yiyun or the Sanxian from Tianjian Mountain, their figures were submerged in the dazzling halo.

There was so much dust in the field that it was impossible to see anything within a hundred meters.

The huge commotion caused by the confrontation between the two almost resounded throughout the entire Supreme Mountain...

Originally, Master Wanling and Sister Mei were about to fight, but due to the strong aura erupted by Yang Yiyun and Tianjian Mountain Sanxian, the two parties stopped at the same time and quickly retreated, avoiding the impact of the battle between Yang Yiyun and the two. .

At this moment, both sides stopped, and there was no earth-shattering sound in the field.

All that's left is the rolling thick dust.

Neither Yang Yiyun nor the Sanxian from Tianjian Mountain could see their figures. Even if they used their spiritual consciousness to check, their spiritual consciousness was blocked by the powerful auras generated by both parties, and they could not see anything clearly.

"elder brother……"


Little Phoenix and Diaoer looked at the dust billowing in the field, screamed in worry, and were about to rush in to see how Yang Yiyun was doing.

This attack burst was indeed powerful.

"Don't go there, he's fine." Sister Mei's eyes flashed.

Not to mention being husband and wife, Sister Mei and Yang Yiyun had a telepathic connection with Yang Yiyun because of the connection between Qiankun Pot. She felt that Yang Yiyun was fine.

The movement was indeed loud, but Sister Mei knew that Yang Yiyun's ability would not be defeated by a Rank 5 Sanxian. The situation was unclear in the dust and fog, so Sister Mei stopped Xiao Fenghuang and Diao'er from rushing over.

On the other side, Master Wanling looked a little gloomy and said: "Fellow Taoist Ma actually fought for his life. It seems that we have all underestimated that kid Yang Yiyun."

A few people were originally going to catch Little Phoenix, but they were disturbed by the noise made by Yang Yiyun and Tianjianshan's Sanxian Ma. They had to stop. At this time, they once again focused on Yang Yiyun and Tianjianshan. After Sanxian dodged, he discovered that Yang Yiyun, a little Ascension Realm monk, could actually have such power.

When I went up to feel the aura emanating from the field, I realized that Yang Yiyun's aura of strength was extremely powerful. It didn't make them weak at all, and it even made them stronger than everyone present.

This discovery made Wanling Zhenren and others feel a little chilly.

In an instant, all four people's eyes were fixed on Xiong Bai.

The Sanxian of Shenfu Lingzong said viciously: "You surnamed Xiong are you trying to trick us? This Yang Yiyun's strength is very likely to reach the sixth level. How can he be in the Ascension Realm?"

"Brother Xiong, you are being rude..."

For a while, several people looked at Xiong Bai unkindly.

"Stop arguing, the dust in the field has dispersed. We'll talk about anything later. It's only right to find a way to deal with the matter in front of you now." Master Wan Ling interrupted several people.

The next moment, several people looked towards the field. Sure enough, the dust in the field dispersed, revealing the figures of Yang Yiyun and Tianjian Mountain Sanxian.

However, immediately after, the expressions of Master Wanling changed drastically.

They saw Yang Yiyun and the Tianjian Mountain Loose Immortal confronting each other on the field. Yang Yiyun could not see any injuries on his body, but... the Tianjian Mountain Loose Immortal had an injury on his forehead, straight down, and it looked like he was struck by a sword from the center. It's open normally.


There was a dull sound in the field, and then the Sanxian of Tianjian Mountain really fell to the ground, and his body was broken into two halves, but his breath was gone.

Obviously, in this confrontation, the Sanxian of Tianjian Mountain lost his life, and his body was split in half by Yang Yiyun.

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