My Master Is a God

Chapter 1772 Blood-stained Supreme Mountain

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

The Sanxian of Tianjian Mountain was dead, but Yang Yiyun seemed to be unscathed, which made Master Wanling's eyes stunned.

A cultivator who reached the Dzogchen realm of Ascension killed a fifth-level loose immortal.

This is a power subversion.

A cross-level battle spanning two levels is rare in the entire world of cultivation.

For a time, the hearts of Master Wanling and others were in turmoil.

Yang Yiyun turned the sword in his hand and looked at Wan Ling Zhenren and others.

In the previous confrontation, he used only water essence and true essence to exert the power of law. He neutralized the attack of Tianjian Mountain Sanxian with one sword and split it in half with one sword.

Kill it with one sword.

At this time, Yang Yiyun set his sights on Wan Ling Zhenren and others, and said with a sullen face: "You have gone too far to bully others, and you should be killed."

In fact, in the eyes of ordinary people, or in the eyes of anyone, it is just too much bullying.

The six great masters of the fifth-level Sanxing Immortal, compared with Yang Yiyun, a cultivator in the Ascension Realm, are two big realms apart. If they are transformed into small realms, they will be eight small realms. What a gap is this?

If Yang Yiyun was not different from other monks, a hundred of them would have been killed by these people, so strictly speaking, it was too much bullying.

In the world of cultivation, people from these holy lands chased him and kept causing trouble for him. He came over step by step and became stronger to kill them...

When the demon clan broke out, it was the unscrupulous immortals who came out of these holy places who wanted to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of their disciples. They plotted against him, but he also took it.

Now, when he came to the world of cultivation, it was these loose immortal bastards who were born in the Holy Land, killing him with their asymmetrical strength.

This time Yang Yiyun was really angry at these so-called holy places.

This bastard keeps making trouble for him almost from one generation to the next. His uncle can't stand it, but his aunt can't. If that's the case, then kill all these old bastards.

Anyway, he is not afraid now.

After all, the entire Supreme Mountain is the territory of the old man, although the old man's current situation is relatively miserable, and he is in a state of soul and is in the Qiankun Pot.

But since the old man dared to let himself come to the Supreme Mountain, how could he not have any means of protection?

If he was really killed by these people before he even left the old man's real supreme palace, then the old man's reputation as the Supreme Heavenly Evil would be in vain.

So no matter how many people came today or what level of loose immortals they came, he had no scruples.

At this moment, the Wanling Masters were stared at by Yang Yiyun, but their hearts trembled for no reason.

He was obviously a cultivator in the Ascension Realm, but it made these fifth-level Sanxian Immortals tremble in their hearts. It was too incredible.

But at the same time, Wanling Zhenren also felt angry in his heart. He had been practicing for thousands of years and was scared by a junior, and he was very angry.

Although the death of Tianjian Mountain's Loose Immortal made them all very angry, they were not scared to death by Yang Yiyun's look.

After thinking of this, the leader of the group, Wan Ling Zhenren, said: "This boy is definitely not what he seems on the surface. With cultivation in the Ascension Realm, he can kill Taoist Ma in one fell swoop with his sword skills. None of us can do that." Really, even an ordinary Level 6 Loose Immortal would be hard-pressed to kill a master of swordsmanship like Daoyou Ma with one sword.

So don't hide it, send out a messenger to notify other people coming, and also notify the monks in the entire Supreme Mountain that there are crazy people disturbing the Supreme Mountain, and they should be punished. "

"What Brother Wanling Taoist said is absolutely true. This boy has ruined the luck of the Supreme Mountain and disrupted the Supreme Taoist temple. He should be killed..."

"She is already so evil at such a young age. There is no doubt that she is a demon. We should work together to kill him."

"We should summon the monks from the major peaks of the Supreme Mountain to kill the demons..."

For a while, several loose immortals were talking, and they all spoke righteously and put hats on Yang Yiyun. At the back, all the big hats of the devil were put on, and at the same time, they also sent out transmission messages.

The message sent out by the five loose immortals is a considerable amount of information. Once it is passed to ten, it will soon spread throughout the entire Supreme Mountain...

Yang Yiyun was a hundred meters away from them, but he heard clearly the words of the old immortals. He did not stop these old immortals from sending out summons to move reinforcements.

The shamelessness of a few old bastards made Yang Yiyun refresh his world view.

If you feel like you can't beat it, then you can't beat it.

He also insisted on putting on a big hat, rising from a junior to the level of a devil.

A summons was sent to summon all the monks from the Supreme Mountain.

Why are you here, to extinguish yourself?

Okay, I will wait today.

As many as you come, I will kill as many as you want today.

These hypocrites are indeed as good as Nalan Yufeng whom he met in Yunlei Mountains.

The latter did not hesitate to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of Yunmen disciples in order to collude with the demons. The former now looks even more shameless.

In Yang Yiyun's eyes, this so-called right path is not as good as the real villain Wu Mingquan, the big devil he met earlier, and these loose immortals in front of him made him feel sick.

Yang Yiyun swore in his heart at this moment that as long as he had the ability and strength, he would kill everyone who came.

Do you really think that I am easy to bully?

To tell the truth, Yang Yiyun carefully calculated that since arriving in the world of cultivators and facing several major holy places, he has never had a truly stable life for a few days.

The foundations of these major holy lands are deep, and their influence spreads almost throughout the cultivator world, including the current Sanxian Island.

There was a lingering feeling. Almost everywhere he went, he could meet several people from the Holy Land. The most important thing was that these bastards were actively looking for trouble for him in most cases.

Thinking about it carefully, he has never taken the initiative to provoke people from several major holy places. He often encounters people from several major forces. No matter whether they are strong or weak, they seem to be provoking him.

And he always kills him when he takes action, always thinking of killing himself.

The more Yang Yiyun thought about it, the angrier he became. He even held a big breath in his heart that he couldn't even breathe out.

Unknowingly, Yang Yiyun's eyes turned red...

At this time, Sister Mei, who felt that the aura emanating from Yang Yiyun's body was full of evil, hostility, and murderous intent, arrived in front of Yang Yiyun.

They were all a little worried about Yang Yiyun.

Sister Mei is Yang Yiyun's woman, and she quickly asked: "Yunzi...?" She is the closest to Yang Yiyun in mind, and she can clearly feel that Yang Yiyun's aura at this moment is unstable...

"I'm fine..." Yang Yiyun was on the verge of breaking out at this time, but not to the point of losing his mind.

At this time Tianhu came over and said: "What should we do? They sent a subpoena message?"

Tianhu and others naturally heard the words of Master Wanling and others. They were lying if they said they were not worried. At this time, they felt that Yang Yiyun's aura was unstable, and they were also worried.

After all, this is the Supreme Mountain, with one hundred and eight small peaks, seventy-two medium peaks, and thirty-six large peaks. Who knows how many masters of Sanxing Immortal are hidden among them?

After the Wan Ling Zhenren are summoned, how many will come?

Yang Yiyun is indeed powerful, but Tianhu still doesn't think that Yang Yiyun is invincible, or that he can deal with the few who come before him, or even a sixth-level Sanxian?

As long as you are a normal person, how can you not worry?

"Are you scared?" Yang Yiyun said with a grin when he heard Tianhu speak.

Tianhu glared at Yang Yiyun and said: "Of course I'm afraid. If there are ten, eight, five, or three or two sixes, we don't have enough people to fill other people's teeth... But what Tianhu is afraid of is losing friends. It can be regarded as two lives. I lost a lot of friends in my last life. I finally met you as an enemy in this life. Do I have to lose them again?

I, Tianhu, am not afraid of death, I am afraid of losing, so you, Yang Yiyun, don’t think wrongly. I am asking you now because I want to know what your plans are. It is best if we don’t die. If there is nothing we can do, the worst is that I, Tianhu, will accompany you, Yang Yiyun, to death. once. "

The charming Tianhu was more serious than ever at this moment, and she was more charming.

When she smiles, her smile will captivate the country, and when she smiles, it captivates the city.

When serious, it is holy, solemn and full of charm.

She can always exude a charming atmosphere anytime and anywhere.

Yang Yiyun glanced at Tianhu and quickly avoided her eyes. Although it was not as captivating as Master Tianji, she was not someone from the cultivator world who could resist her.

After listening to Tianhu's words, Yang Yiyun once again focused his attention on Wanling Zhenren and others, and slowly said to Tianhu: "Don't worry, I have everything to do with it. No one can overthrow the world in Supreme Mountain. Since these bastards are shameless, Then I don’t mind the blood-stained Supreme Mountain.”

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