My Master Is a God

Chapter 1774 Becoming a Killing God

Tianhu's eyes widened in the distance. She had thought that Yang Yiyun was powerful, but she didn't expect it to be so powerful. Among the five fifth-level loose immortals, only Xiong Bai escaped from his sword energy, but it was Xiong Bai who relied on him. Only after some trickery did Wanling Zhenren escape.

However, Xiong Bai couldn't escape in the end and was killed by Diao'er.

The remaining few were all killed by Yang Yiyun's sword energy.

Yang Yiyun did not see the battle with the sixth-level protector Tianhu in the Nine-tailed Immortal Mansion, nor did he see the battle with the sixth-level clan leader of the Sirius clan, so at this time Tianhu saw Yang Yiyun use four swords to kill four or five fifth-level scattered fairy queens. , the shock in my heart was very great.

Only Sister Mei and Xiao Fenghuang were not surprised. They had fought side by side with Yang Yiyun. It was normal to kill several rank five loose immortals. They had killed the leader of the Sirius clan at rank six level, not to mention several rank five loose immortals.

Yang Yiyun was still full of murderous intent while holding the dragon-slaying sword. He narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance...

"It came really fast, but it's too late." Yang said to himself.

At this time, Sister Mei and others came over after coming back to their senses.

"Another group of people came..." Sister Mei said calmly.

"It seems like more than ten breaths." Tianhu frowned.

Little Phoenix said nothing, but his purple pupils stared into the distance and flickered.

"Fifty-six auras are coming, you each take care of yourselves." Yang Yiyun said quietly. In his consciousness, he discovered that a total of fifty-six auras were coming, and they were already within a hundred meters.

After the explanation, Yang Yiyun shouted: "Xiangxiang is back~"


Diao'er turned into a golden light and fell on Yang Yiyun. At this moment, Diao'er's figure grew three times, as big as an adult golden retriever dog. She transformed.

The sharp nails on the small claws of the limbs shone with golden light, and the pair of wings flashing behind them doubled their speed. They squatted next to Yang Yiyun and stared at the front.

Everyone discovered that the enemy was coming.

The next moment, dozens of figures flashed over and surrounded Yang Yiyun and the others.

There are old and young, men and women, and their costumes are also different.

Yang Yiyun knew that these people were all Sanxian immortals practicing in Zhizun Mountain. They received a message from the Wanling Masters and several people arrived.

"Are you Yang Yiyun?"

These people stood thirty meters away and surrounded Yang Yiyun.

At this time, a woman in palace attire stepped forward and stared at Yang Yiyun with complicated eyes, asking questions.

"It's me." Yang Yiyun admitted it. Now he has nothing to deny. He doesn't need it, and I believe these people all know it.

"Hmph, you are a domineering village leader in the realm of cultivation, and now you come to the Supreme Mountain to act wild. Boy, do you think that the Supreme Mountain is your home?"

An old man in black robe spoke with a gloomy face.

"Haha, you are right, Supreme Mountain belongs to my family." Yang Yiyun was originally sullen, but when he heard the old man in black speaking, he couldn't help but feel happy.

The entire Supreme Mountain is the old man’s dojo territory. He is right now when he says that Supreme Mountain belongs to my family.

"Hahaha... I'm really a frog in the well, a junior who doesn't know how high the sky is. You kid, you have offended several of our Sanxian Immortals in the world of cultivation. The ancestors of Sanxian Island, if it weren't for us, there are many restrictions in the lower world. , do you think you can survive until now?

It’s fine now. I was worried about settling the score with you, but you came here on your own, come as you come, but you went to the Supreme Mountain to run wild, and even killed me and other immortals from several major holy places again. Did you think that the Supreme Mountain is one hundred and zero? Aren't the immortals practicing in the eight small peaks, the seventy-two middle peaks, and the thirty-six major peaks all clay sculptures?

This is the Supreme Mountain, the most sacred place on Sanxian Island, and the dojo of the Supreme Heavenly Evil. If you kill someone here, you are seeking death. I will give you a chance to fly out on your own and follow me to Sword Sanxian. Ancestor, otherwise if we take action, you will not be able to survive but die. "

As they were talking, the crowd of Sanxian dispersed and a young man riding a saber-toothed tiger demon appeared on the scene.

For a time, many loose immortals saluted the young man riding the saber-toothed tiger demon one by one.

"I've met Senior Wan..."

The fifty-six Loose Immortals that Yang Yiyun saw were all at the fifth-level level, but the young man riding the saber-toothed tiger was a sixth-level Loose Immortal. Judging from the aura, he looked similar to the Tianlang Clan of the Little Demon Realm.

At this time, a woman's voice reached his ears: "Yang Yiyun is a sixth-level Sanxian from the Thirty-Six Mountains. He is a senior Sanxian in the Holy Land of All Spirits. There is an ancestor of the Sanxian behind him. , you can’t afford to offend him.

Although he is an early-stage Loose Immortal of rank six, the strength of his mount Sabertooth Tiger is equivalent to that of a mid-stage Loose Immortal of rank six. The combined strength is very terrifying. You are too reckless today and should not kill people in the Supreme Mountain. This has already angered the Supreme Mountain. Most of the loose immortals gathered from all walks of life are from the seventy-two middle peaks. One Wan Taiji has come from the thirty-six major peaks. If there are a few more, you will be dead.

As for me, I am a Sanxian from Tongxian Palace. I have heard that you are Ziwei’s junior brother, so I don’t want to see you die. If you wait like this for a while, I will deal with you. You can take the opportunity to escape down the mountain. Don’t make any fearless resistance. "

After hearing this transmission, Yang Yiyun looked up and saw a pair of eyes looking at him at the moment.

There is no need to ask the person who sent the message. He just asked him before that he was Yang Yiyun, a beautiful woman dressed in palace.

It turned out to be someone from Tongxian Palace~

Yang Yiyun murmured in his heart. Last time in Yunmen, he also killed a loose immortal from Tongxian Palace, but spared Miaoxian, the master of Tongxian Palace.

He thought that the Sanxian of Tongxian Palace would seek revenge on him, but now it seems that not everyone is the same. The Sanxian of Tongxian Palace still cares about his little senior sister.

This beautiful woman also found out that she was in the same sect with the young senior sister. She meant well when she spoke, but Yang Yiyun answered her through a voice transmission: "Thank you."

He didn't say a single extra word, because he had his own ideas.

When he arrived at the Supreme Mountain and the old man's territory, it was not his character to let him escape. He also knew that the old man would not agree and he could not afford to embarrass that person.

Yang Yiyun didn't explain to the beautiful woman in Tongxian Palace. In fact, he had killed several loose immortals in his hands. He didn't regard Wan Taiji, the sixth-level loose immortal from Laoshizi All Spirits Holy Land, as a green onion at all. .

As for the other five-level loose immortals, there seemed to be many of them, but was he afraid?

the answer is negative.

Because he has the old man's backing.

At this time, Wan Taiji spoke again: "Boy, don't pretend to be deaf and dumb for me. Are you going to be captured without any help, or are you going to let me take action and make you live or die?"

Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes, stared at Wan Taiji and said: "Sure enough, all the immortals in the Holy Land of All Spirits are arrogant people with eyes and foreheads. Who gives you the confidence to talk to me like this?

Now I will tell you that you... and you so-called holy land immortals are not dogs in my eyes. If you want to kill me, it depends on whether you bastards have the ability. Oh no, who will kill me today? Who, haha... makes me unable to live or die? OK, let’s try it. "

After Yang Yiyun finished speaking in a cold voice, he said in his mind: "Old man, I want to be a killing god in your Supreme Mountain today, and now I need to borrow the power of your soul."

At this moment, Yang Yiyun's plain words were full of domineering, and even talking to his master was filled with an unquestionable taste.

"Haha, it's rare for you to be tough. Okay, I will support you today as my teacher. Let's go and kill. Sanxian Island does seem to be in a smog now, so I might as well kill him." Yun Tianxie responded to Yang Yiyun's tough words. Not angry at all, but encouraging.

Thinking about it, in his own territory, his own dojo, is now occupied by a kind of loose immortal. Not to mention, when he goes home, his disciples will be bullied, and Yun Tianxie is also angry.

The name of the Supreme Lord of Heavenly Evil is not called for nothing. Evil, it is not appropriate to play cards with common sense.

Yun Tianxie is not the so-called righteous gentleman. His nickname is Tianxie and he respects evil.

Kill a bunch of loose immortals, drizzle.

After waiting for the master's response, Yang Yiyun felt a heat in his left arm, and then an unparalleled spiritual power came from his whole body.

This made Yang Yiyun couldn't help but let out a long roar: "Ah..."

A head of white hair was floating up at this moment, and the bright red in his eyes was a little redder. He had been angry before, but now it exploded.

Since these bastards have gone too far in bullying others, what if I kill you all today?

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