My Master Is a God

Chapter 1775 Only the supreme magical power is allowed to kill enemies

Yang Yiyun was filled with rage and murderous intent.

Facing fifty-six rank five Sanxian and one rank six Sanxin, he let go of all his available magical powers and talents.

The Eastern Emperor Bell, the Gate of Youdu, the Statue of the Life Star, the Body of Dharma, etc. all jumped out of their minds.

After activating the Dharma Appearance, he transformed into a thousand-meter-tall giant, standing tall on the sky and the earth. This magical power was the Dharma Appearance carried by the old man's twelve supreme magical powers. He had not used this magical power for a long time, but today he activated it and became an incarnation. To the extent of a thousand meters.

It can really be called majestic, and it has a bit of the charm of the old man who took revenge on the Xingchen Sect after hearing the tragic situation of the Xingchen Sect.

The Twelve Supreme Divine Powers are also rarely used. In Yang Yiyun's later practice, after he comprehended the power of the law, he always felt that the old man's Twelve Supreme Divine Powers were not as powerful as the Sky-Breaking Sword he had comprehended in the Enlightenment Forest.

But now that the old man lent him the power of the soul, Yang Yiyun felt that he must have underestimated the old man's supreme magical power.

In other words, he has not truly understood and penetrated the supreme magical power, let alone practiced it. Anyway, Yang Yiyun has not understood the supreme magical power taught by the old man for a long time.

But now that the old man borrowed the power of his soul to assist him, he felt the strongest change.

Yang Yiyun had an indescribable understanding of the supreme supernatural power. Although the old man did not teach the method, let alone occupy his body, he could feel the changes of the twelve supreme magical powers with just the power of the old man's soul.

It sounds really magical and mysterious.

The old man's twelve supreme magical powers were created by himself. There are twelve magical powers in total. He only reached the fifth level when he added the lotus root clone.

Starting from the first level of the supreme magical power of Vajra, to the supreme magical power of immortality, the supreme magical power of Douzhuan, the supreme magical power of Burning Heaven, and then to the fifth level of the supreme magical power of thunder, he has delved into this.

There are a total of seven supreme magical powers behind it. Ever since he realized the Sky-Breaking Magical Power, he has never comprehended it again. He also subconsciously believed that the twelve supreme magical powers taught by the old man are not as powerful as the Breaking Sword he realized. Because the latter is the power of law, the former is a simple magical power in his eyes.

Originally, he could have let the lotus root clone continue to comprehend, but after he merged the lotus root clone into the main body, he never released it, so the matter fell through.

The fusion of the lotus root clone is not a true absorption and fusion, it is just a simple merger. As long as he is willing, the lotus root clone can come out at any time after a thought.

Speaking of the Lotus Root clone, it actually has a close relationship with Tianhu.

Because when he entered the world of mountains and seas, he met Zheng Binbin in the desert. At that time, Zheng Binbin went to the Shahu tribe to keep an appointment to find the pure Yang clone left by her ancestors.

As a result, Yang Yiyun encountered the Lotus Root of Heaven and Earth, which was guarded by the soul of the Fox Clan, in the forbidden area of ​​​​the Shahu Clan, and got the lotus root after a fight.

However, according to the soul of the fox clan who was guarding the lotus root at that time, the treasure of the lotus root he guarded belonged to Tianhu. Yang Yiyun never mentioned this to Tianhu.

Now that I think about things in the world, it is really certain that the connection between him and Tianhu has never been broken.

Week after week, he and Tianhu still got together.

Although Yang Yiyun didn't understand, she had previously invited Fang Tianhu to go to Yunmen, but she refused. However, after meeting Tianhu at the Master's Nine-tailed Immortal Mansion, she took the initiative to follow him. Of course, the reason was to go to Yunmen to see Zeng Jin's apprentice. Zheng Binbin, but Yang Yiyun felt that the reason why Tianhu was following him was far-fetched.

Anyway, speaking of it, he got Tianhu's treasure of heaven and earth lotus root and refined it into a lotus root clone, which was because he owed Tianhu a favor.

Although Tianhu didn't know about this favor, the monks were all under the law of heaven, so it was always a favor.

Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly when he thought of this, thinking to himself that he should return Tianhu's favor in the future.

As for the lotus root clone, he decided to release the lotus root clone after the incident on Sanxian Island, so that the lotus root clone could continue to comprehend the old man's supreme magical power, which could also be regarded as improving his own strength.

Moreover, it is also necessary to let the Lotus Root clone continue to practice. The higher the Lotus Root clone's cultivation level, the stronger it will be after fusion, but it was later forgotten.

Now that I think about it, it really shouldn’t be the case.

At this time, he exerted all his strength, and he could clearly feel the unusualness of the Dharma Body. This was the first time since he reached a height of a thousand meters.

He was a little surprised.

At this time, Yun Tianxie's voice came to mind: "You brat, are you surprised that the Dharma Appearance's body can reach a thousand meters in size?"

Yang Yiyun replied in his heart: "Yes, it is indeed surprising. Thank you old man."

"Idiot, this is not formed after the power of my soul is injected into it. This is your own power. You bastard boy, tell me how long it has been since you have understood the magical powers taught to you by your master?

I taught you the magical power of "Twelve Supreme Beings" from my teacher, do you think it is really a show-off? Huh, that is the magical power that I have learned through my lifetime. I have practiced Taoism for a hundred thousand years for a whole era. In the end, my soul was trapped in the Qiankun Pot. I have reorganized the twelve supreme magical powers. None of the ones I taught to your senior brothers and sisters have been taught before. Give you finesse.

After being trapped in the Qiankun Pot for more than ten thousand years, I reorganized the supreme magical powers for my master, completed the final twelfth level of magical powers, and perfected the entire set of supreme magical powers to the pinnacle. Do you think it is that simple?

Now my teacher can tell you, you brat, the twelve supreme magical powers that my teacher has taught you, and if you have a thorough understanding of each level of magical powers, they will not be stronger than the Sky-Breaking Sword you cast. The power of law is just a kind of potential. Use it in any combat skill. Today, you can use the power of law to integrate it into the supreme magical power to see its power.

Let’s see if the supreme magical power taught to you by your master is really bad. Do you, a brat, have to give up the supreme magical power and have to rely on the Sky-Breaking Sword that you have only half-understood when fighting?

The master is telling me that if you use the power of law to penetrate the supreme magical power, according to the five levels of supreme magical power that your boy has learned so far, you can kill these scattered immortals today even without the help of the master.

You kid, slowly realize that you are not allowed to use the Sky-Breaking Sword to kill the enemy today. My master asks you to use the five supreme magical powers you have learned to fight. If you can't kill these immortals, let's see how your master handles you. "

Yun Tianxie's words became more and more arousing. Fortunately, no immortal body came out, otherwise he would definitely beat Yang Yiyun violently.

Yang Yiyun broke into a cold sweat while listening to the old man's curses. However, after hearing one of the old man's words, he became obsessive-compulsive and couldn't help asking: "Damn old man, didn't you say that the Sanxian catastrophe happens once every thousand years?" What? If you calculate it like this, you have survived twelve tribulations, which is twelve thousand years. Add in the cultivation time before the liberation of the army, and the extra five thousand years will be given to you, and then add the ten thousand years of being trapped in the Qiankun Pot. Years, you have been practicing for less than 30,000 years, but how can you say that you have practiced Taoism for 100,000 years? Isn’t this scientific? "

"How can you, a bastard, settle accounts like this? The Sanxian Heavenly Tribulation is indeed once in a thousand years, but you can still avoid it, you know? Just like these Sanxian who are hiding in Sanxian Island now, they are not sure to survive the Sanxian Tribulation, hiding in Sanxian It is normal for the island not to leave for thousands of years. Besides, after surviving the twelfth calamity for the master, there will never be another calamity of loose immortality.

After there is no catastrophe, is there any problem in living for tens of thousands of years for the master? The enemy is in front of you, you little bastard, what are you thinking about? Hurry up and meet the enemy, don't think nonsense. "Yun Tianxie cursed and almost shouted from behind.

Yang, on the other hand, had an expression of sudden realization.

"Oh oh oh, I know, I know, I'm just curious to ask." Only then did he realize that the old man was an old monster who had lived for more than 100,000 years, a person from the previous era.

Although he had to face fifty-six rank five loose immortals plus one rank six loose immortal, since the Dharma was activated and the power of the old man's soul entered his body, he no longer had to worry about dozens of loose immortals.

Now he came out in the form of a thousand-meter giant, looking down at more than fifty immortals, without any sense of tension like the enemy.

On the contrary, he felt very happy at this moment. The old man did not let him fight with the Sky-Breaking Sword, and only allowed him to use his supreme magical power to kill the enemy.

A moment ago, he would have cursed the old man, but after listening to the old man's story, after integrating the power of law into the supreme magical power, it was as if a door to a new world had opened in his mind.

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