My Master Is a God

Chapter 1788 As bait

You unfolded all his senses to feel the anomalies in the world around him. He knew that in such a situation where they could not see each other, perception was the key to victory or defeat, or it might be more appropriate to be sensitive to the nature of the world.

As long as he could sense a little fluctuation, he would have the confidence to severely damage Yang Yiyun at the first opportunity, or even kill him.

As for his keen perception of nature and everything in the world, You thought in his heart that there were few people in the world who could compare with him.

Because the subtlety of his magical power is his ability to perceive all things.

So after being surprised and shocked at first, Youyi calmed down and carefully sensed the changes in things around him, or in other words, looked for Yang Yiyun's hiding place.

For Yang Yiyun, it was quite painful for him to get up at this time.

Because he also couldn't feel any breath of You.

Likewise, he let go of all his senses to sense the existence of the other party, but there was no trace of it.

Yang Yiyun looked at the seven Loose Immortals in the distance. He actually wanted to go over and kill the few Loose Immortals who were out in the open.

But the invisible Sanxian felt to him like a ghost, a time bomb.

Yang Yiyun did not dare to make the slightest move, because he knew that under the same conditions, he would definitely be found by the Sanxian in the dark.

Although he was confident that he would not be discovered, after all, the opponent was a master of late rank six. From the beginning, Yang Yiyun was wary of the young-looking Sanxian, because his intuition told him that the opponent was very dangerous.

Coupled with the previous conversations between the loose immortals, Yang Yiyun could vaguely tell that the young loose immortal seemed to be the leader of these loose immortals. Hearing them talk to each other before, it seemed that other loose immortals called the young loose immortal— quiet.

A Sanxian named You is now putting a lot of pressure on him.

Yang Yiyun hid his body shape and did not move.

He believed that You at this moment had the same idea as him, and was looking for the opponent's flaw, and then it would definitely be a one-hit kill.

So Yang Yiyun actually didn't dare to act rashly.

When it comes down to it, he knows that the old man is right. You's invisibility is actually much more powerful and advanced than the invisibility of his colorful treasure clothes. In other words, the two are no longer on the same level.

What they have is magical power, what they practice is Dharma, it is flexible and changeable, it is said to be all-encompassing and all-encompassing.

In the final analysis, his colorful treasure clothing is actually at the level of a weapon, which is relatively rigid and inflexible in comparison.

At this time, he could only rely on the old man to find out where You was hiding.

"Has the old man found You's location?" Yang Yiyun asked in his heart.

Yun Tianxie said: "What are you so anxious about, brat? Do you think that the function of Wanxiang's magical power is just to make yourself invisible? It is a magical power that integrates all things. It is not so easy to find. Let's release a little breath, so that I can track him as a teacher. Just like the technological positioning of your earth back then, otherwise it would be really difficult to find him. As time goes by, he will find you first, and you will be in danger by then.

Now the two of you are in a state of invisibility, and your auras are extremely restrained. It is difficult to find each other. However, you are invisible with the help of magical weapons, which is too rigid, while the other party has magical powers, which are flexible and changeable. Over time, he will definitely be able to You kid found it, so time is precious, we can't sit still and wait for death, now you release a little breath..."

Yang Yiyun almost jumped when he heard the old man talking. Why didn't he understand that the old man wanted him to be used as bait?

He immediately cursed: "Damn old man, didn't you say you had a way to find the other party? Why did you let me be used as a bait? You is the leader of the Sanxian. He is very powerful. If he finds me, your hair will be in vain if I can't protect you." I’m sending someone with black hair as a gift, what do you think?”

"Are you that exaggerated as a bastard? If you have a good teacher, can you still die? At most, you will be injured, but you won't die. I've already said it. As time goes by, you will be the one who suffers if you drag it on. Do you want to be a bait for you? The kid can figure it out for himself, huh." Yun Tianxie cursed.

Yang Yiyun: " are cruel..."

Yang knew that what the old man said was right, and he really had to go with this bait.

It's okay not to go. The old man smashed the jar and rewarded him with an army.

What can be done?

Yang was also helpless.

Just do it.

But the key point is that what makes him depressed is that the bait the old man asked him to make cannot solve You in one go. It can only locate You who is invisible in the dark.

Therefore, Yang Yiyun was depressed because he would suffer more losses if he could not guarantee all the benefits.

Cursing the old man in his heart, Yang Yiyun was also ready.

"Old man, I'm about to start, so be prepared." Yang Yiyun warned in his heart.

"That's the beginning of the verbosity~" Yun Tianxie cursed.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun's heart moved and he released a trace of true energy...

While secretly looking for Yang Yi Yunyou, he immediately felt a trace of real energy wave turbulence more than ten meters away from him.

At this time, Zaiyou sneered in his heart: "The fox is hiding in the hole of the tree. The smell on his body still can't be concealed. You should die~"

You's keenness, or the advantage of his all-encompassing magical power, was fully revealed at this time. He could detect even a tiny trace of true energy.

To You, the land of more than ten meters is not far away at all, as if it is in front of you and within reach.

He was very well prepared.

When a trace of Yang Yiyun's true energy rippled out, You, who was ready to go, suddenly took action in that direction.

The power of the Sanxian in his hand has reached its peak, and with the blessing of the law, this attack on You is a full-force explosion.

I wish I could kill the invisible Yang Yiyun all at once.



No one could be seen, but there was a muffled groan.

In an instant, You saw a pool of blood scattered on the ground more than ten meters away, where the real energy wave was supposed to be turbulent. It was very vivid.

"Boom boom~"

You's eyes sharpened, and without hesitation, he struck out twice more. A large crater appeared more than ten meters away amid the roar, and the impact reached thirty or forty meters.

But there were no muffled screams, and there was no blood left.

"It's a pity... this kid really has some strength." You sighed secretly, and he himself moved his position in an instant, moving thirty meters away from the original place.

Even though he has the all-encompassing magical power to cover up his attacks, his position must always be revealed when he attacks, and it is impossible to leave no trace behind. The opponent can judge his position based on the direction of the attack.

So Youya also instantly switched to another place to prevent being discovered by the other party.

Although this time he failed to kill the invisible Yang Yiyun with one blow, it was obvious that Yang Yiyun was injured, which is also a good thing for You. As long as the opponent is injured, the aura in the body will definitely not be stable. As time goes by, naturally The position will be exposed.

Moreover, he uses his omnipotent supernatural powers to perceive things much more accurately.

To kill Yang Yiyun, in You's heart, it only takes one step.

Your boy is very capable, so what?

It's not like I have to give it up to you.

You, who succeeded with one blow, couldn't help but feel a little proud.

Of course, so far, he himself is still invisible, and his confidence has not been exposed. Even if he attacked just now and was noticed by Yang Yiyun, he had already returned his position. With Yang Yiyun's ability, You believed that he still could not find him. It is his confidence in all things and supernatural powers.

But you didn't know that just three meters away from him, Yang Yiyun was talking to the old man in his mind, and the master and the apprentice had already determined his position and were plotting against him.

Yang Yiyun was indeed injured, and the injury was not serious. Half of the bones in his chest collapsed, and his chest was almost pierced by You Yi's blow.

This happened when he had the defense of colorful treasure clothes on his body. It was hard for Yang Yiyun to believe that without the defense of colorful treasure clothes, what would happen to him?

He was also secretly surprised in his heart. This You was very powerful. Sure enough, he guessed correctly that he was the leader among several Sanxian, and he was the most powerful.

The colorful clothes made his chest collapse, and he couldn't help spitting out a large mouthful of blood.

A moment later, he endured a second mouthful of blood, swallowed it forcefully and changed places.

"Are you sure, old man?" He asked from the bottom of his heart at this moment, his soul was trembling, and he was seriously injured by You's blow.

"Nonsense, I said that I can determine the opponent's position. Of course I can. Don't worry, kid. It's time for you to fight back. Your blood will not be wasted. I have already determined You's position. , he is three meters to your left right now." Yun Tianxie said quietly.

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